Group Plans Memorial Walkway For Caylee

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I've been to Suburban Drive and the area where Caylee was found. On the day I visited kids were riding their bikes down that road. I'd love to know if kids are allowed to ride/walk on Suburban to get to the school or if they are required to come in through the walkway seen on the map below.

Remember, KC and her friends used to hang out in these woods when they were young and I'm sure other kids do as well. I know around me kids have forts, ramps for bikes/skateboards, etc. in the woods near my home. I see kids back there all the time when I walk my dogs. Snakes can be expected in pretty much all areas of FL.

There are no sidewalks on this road so I'm assuming no child walks down this road to school because of the snakes, etc. RK found a rattlesnake right there on the side of the road. I would imagine the children are bussed in from the neighborhood, or parents walk them. No sidewalks means children would be required to walk in the street. jmo

Yeah wanted to walk Caylee to her first day of kindergarten ........guess that would have been this fall?
I've been to Suburban Drive and the area where Caylee was found. On the day I visited kids were riding their bikes down that road. I'd love to know if kids are allowed to ride/walk on Suburban to get to the school or if they are required to come in through the walkway seen on the map below.

Remember, KC and her friends used to hang out in these woods when they were young and I'm sure other kids do as well. I know around me kids have forts, ramps for bikes/skateboards, etc. in the woods near my home. I see kids back there all the time when I walk my dogs. Snakes can be expected in pretty much all areas of FL.,-81.260164&spn=0.003032,0.006539&t=f&z=18&ecpose=28.48793863,-81.26016411,470.56,0,11.309,0&lci=com.panoramio.all

In the area of the remains a Gadorade bottle was recovered with a needle in it. I would never, never want my children either walking near that area alone nor would I want them playing there. If this area were anything but a place for people to dump their trash it might not be a problem as long as it was not infested with snakes. jmo
Yeah wanted to walk Caylee to her first day of kindergarten ........guess that would have been this fall?

Nothing would have been wrong with that. As long as an adult was there to make sure they were not injured. When I was in Connecticut I'd walk or drive my granddaughters up a long dirt road from our home to the bus stop. Children fool around, run out into the road, sometimes into the path of a car and just do not think unless there is an adult there. In Connecticut, at least in rural areas, kindergarten children cannot walk to school because of their age and an adult has to be at the bus stop when they are dropped off, or they go back to school. Communities have the right to demand that their child can get to school in a safe manner.

My husband always drove our daughters to school (which was right down the street) when we lived in the city and there were sidewalks there. He'd stop and pick up their friends on the way and the teacher's affectionately referred to his car as the "clown" car. Those were the days before seat belts were mandatory. Today you could not do that. lol report includes short interview with Eddie Delvalle from July 14 2011
Group Plans Memorial Walkway For Caylee

'Bring Kids Home' Plans Walkway

"Each school day, hundreds of children pass by this location," representatives say in the release.
Bring Kids Home plans to build the walkway by selling engraved bricks available for public purchase.
"Caylee's Walkway will preserve her memory and become a positive step in highlighting the serious challenges and complexities of dealing with child abuse, neglect, and exploitation within our society," the group claims in the release.

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Since Caylee apparently drowned, why did they not include the challenges and complexities of children drowning?
Not that this is really comparable, but how is putting a memorial on suburban drive any different from say, putting a memorial at the site of ground zero in NYC or the memorial where the building in OKC was? It's still at the site of something tragic, many people lost their lives in that spot where they are putting the memorial.

I don't really have an opinion about this, was just curious about people's thoughts about comparisons with other memorials.
Not that this is really comparable, but how is putting a memorial on suburban drive any different from say, putting a memorial at the site of ground zero in NYC or the memorial where the building in OKC was? It's still at the site of something tragic, many people lost their lives in that spot where they are putting the memorial.

I don't really have an opinion about this, was just curious about people's thoughts about comparisons with other memorials.

I think the difference is who was responsible for their death and the sites are not there as an attraction for children. These sites were also not right smack dab in the middle of a neighborhood. They are in business districts. You don't have to expose your child to these memorials if you chose not to.

My question is: How will this help abused and missing children? Who will pay those property taxes? Who will maintain the property? With an annual income of less than $50,000 a year I do not think someone located in Washington State will be doing so and the taxpayers will get stuck paying the bill. This community has a right to know what the far reaching responsibilities will be because they have all suffered enough. jmo
Bring Kids Home is not listed as having a charitable solicitation license in FL ( I called this morning to confirm this and no, they do not have a license, so I filed a complaint. The lady I spoke with sent an e-mail to an investigator when I was on the phone with her. She asked if there was a FL address for them and I said, not one that I could find and all the contact us parts of their website go to a web form. I suggested that an investigator fill out a media or sponsor form and I'm sure they'd be contacted back pretty quickly!! :)

If any other Floridians want to file a complaint (about anything consumer-related), you can do so by calling 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352).
Not that this is really comparable, but how is putting a memorial on suburban drive any different from say, putting a memorial at the site of ground zero in NYC or the memorial where the building in OKC was? It's still at the site of something tragic, many people lost their lives in that spot where they are putting the memorial.

I don't really have an opinion about this, was just curious about people's thoughts about comparisons with other memorials.

I hope this comes across in the spirit I intend it. As beautiful and sweet as Caylee was, so were many other missing or murdered children. I think it's wrong for a national group to single Caylee out as deserving of a memorial, it makes it look like all those other children are unworthy of one. If I were the parent or relative of a murdered child I would be very hurt that my child's death went virtually unnoticed as if my child were not every bit as special as Caylee. The sad fact is that many children die having never known a time that they weren't hungry or abused or ill. At least Caylee did experience love and comfort in her short life time.
Bring Kids Home is not listed as having a charitable solicitation license in FL ( I called this morning to confirm this and no, they do not have a license, so I filed a complaint. The lady I spoke with sent an e-mail to an investigator when I was on the phone with her. She asked if there was a FL address for them and I said, not one that I could find and all the contact us parts of their website go to a web form. I suggested that an investigator fill out a media or sponsor form and I'm sure they'd be contacted back pretty quickly!! :)

If any other Floridians want to file a complaint (about anything consumer-related), you can do so by calling 1-800-HELP-FLA (435-7352).

The thank you button wasn't enough. :woohoo:

I will call in a few minutes and I hope others do too. :)
I hope this comes across in the spirit I intend it. As beautiful and sweet as Caylee was, so were many other missing or murdered children. I think it's wrong for a national group to single Caylee out as deserving of a memorial, it makes it look like all those other children are unworthy of one. If I were the parent or relative of a murdered child I would be very hurt that my child's death went virtually unnoticed as if my child were not every bit as special as Caylee. The sad fact is that many children die having never known a time that they weren't hungry or abused or ill. At least Caylee did experience love and comfort in her short life time.

Most of those parents do what would be viewed as normal. They contribute to a well-known and established charity in the name of their loved one. Their communities also collect and remember the child in the same manner. TM started TES for this very reason and has helped so many people find their loved ones because of his own personal tragedy. TES is well-known and already established and certainly if anyone deserves money donated to them in Caylee's name it would be them. The only one, only one who seemed concerned about the possibility of accidently crushing Caylee's little skull by searching where Caylee's remains were found was TM. jmo
Caylee deserves much better than some memorial on a suburban street in suburbia. She deserved to have the person who killed her come to justice. Sad to say that this will not be.
The neighborhood will not be happy with this memorial as their lives will have more disruption than ever before and they cannot be blamed for wanting their normal lives to go on. Caylee is gone.
Caylee was a light and her beacon will never be extinguished. Her memorial is within the hearts, minds and souls of people who cared.
Most of those parents do what would be viewed as normal. They contribute to a well-known and established charity in the name of their loved one. Their communities also collect and remember the child in the same manner. TM started TES for this very reason and has helped so many people find their loved ones because of his own personal tragedy. TES is well-known and already established and certainly if anyone deserves money donated to them in Caylee's name it would be them. The only one, only one who seemed concerned about the possibility of accidently crushing Caylee's little skull by searching where Caylee's remains were found was TM. jmo

I can't agree that no one other than Tim was concerned about accidentally crushing Caylee's skull but I do agree with the rest of your post. The ridiculous amount of money this group says they plan to spend creating this memorial to a child who is deceased would be better spent trying to save or find other children.
I really hate to talk about murt :)sick: )- but back in the day, these folks contacted me about funding murties mobile. So...........

Perhaps they stayed in contact after you left his site? I found this on his blog and found it interesting--how else would he know this?

"Bring Kids Home is a New Jersey Based Non Profit that receives funding, in part, from an anonymous trust from an estate. "

I saw a link to his blog on twitter and followed it, bet it can also be accessed thru google.

But why is he apparently still saying this org is based in NJ when it's supposedly based in Bellevue WA, yet he knows the org is partly funded by an anonymous trust. Ya know, I did find a trust filed by T. E. Segura but I paid it no attention. I'll search again but it's probably just a filing with no info. Nevermind, just searched and the trust filing was for property (deed, mtg, etc).

Tho the bringkidshome site does state that it's privately funded...

Is Bring Kids Home Connected to the Government?
Bring Kids Home is privately funded with no intra-connections to any government agency. We consider the government an important strategic partner who we can work along side with to achieve positive results in the community.
I remember when I was little they found a local high school girl on a side road not too far from where I lived. For years I was afraid to ride down that road and to this day I always think of her when I travel that road. I don't understand how drawing attention to this site shows respect for little Caylee. All I see is that another questionable foundation is jumping on the money train. As a grandmother I would find it disrespectful to memorialize the location where my grandchild was dumped. When I heard about this I was hoping that someone respectable would go in and clear the area out, put in some drainage tile, backfill and turn this location into a safe place ,maybe a clean park for the neighborhood to enjoy. Instead it seems this so called foundation expects to either have this land donated to them or paid for by donations and then put up some half baked memorial to remind this neighborhood of the tragic loss of an innocent little girl. If nothing else how does this benefit any of the missing children?
Caylee never got the chance to turn six and she was never missing.
I can't agree that no one other than Tim was concerned about accidentally crushing Caylee's skull but I do agree with the rest of your post. The ridiculous amount of money this group says they plan to spend creating this memorial to a child who is deceased would be better spent trying to save or find other children.

I should have been more specific. I was referring to the video of DC that JH took of DC probing the ground with a metal rod. I agree with your post 100%. You may mark that on your calendar if you wish. lol jmo
Things that make me go hmmmm.....

George Anthony also commented on the plans to turn the land where Caylee's remains were found into a memorial.

"I don't want her memorialized down the end of our street," George Anthony said. "It's hard for me to talk about that now. I haven't even been down there."

He said the family hopes to build a park where they and others can pay their respects to Caylee.

Cindy Anthony remained silent as her husband weighed in on the controversy surrounding what to do with the land along Suburban Drive. It's home to the Caylee memorial and currently up for sale.

"This is the kind of tribute I would rather see, not down at the end of the street. I think that's great, don't get me wrong," George Anthony said.

The couple's lawyer said the owner should not sell the land to bounty hunter Leonard Padilla who has talked about establishing a permanent memorial to Caylee.

"I think Mr. Padilla's motives are suspect and he's not the one to memorialize this little girl," George Anthony said.

The Anthonys also said they would like to see a park where children can play as the permanent memorial to Caylee.

Read more:
I remember when I was little they found a local high school girl on a side road not too far from where I lived. For years I was afraid to ride down that road and to this day I always think of her when I travel that road. I don't understand how drawing attention to this site shows respect for little Caylee. All I see is that another questionable foundation is jumping on the money train. As a grandmother I would find it disrespectful to memorialize the location where my grandchild was dumped. When I heard about this I was hoping that someone respectable would go in and clear the area out, put in some drainage tile, backfill and turn this location into a safe place ,maybe a clean park for the neighborhood to enjoy. Instead it seems this so called foundation expects to either have this land donated to them or paid for by donations and then put up some half baked memorial to remind this neighborhood of the tragic loss of an innocent little girl. If nothing else how does this benefit any of the missing children?
Caylee never got the chance to turn six and she was never missing.

Thank you for giving us a view from a child's perspective. Sometimes adults just let their emotions get the better of them. jmo
Thanks Lambchop for making a great point, it's all about the kids...
People have the right to their own opinion and as far as I'm concerned the A's behavior effects them far more than it will ever effect my life and FICA is the only one that knows what really happened and she is the one that has to live with it. She can put that memory someplace she thinks is safe but a doctor told me a long time ago that the brain controls the body so FICA might have a few surprises, not the nice ones either, down the road.
What has stood out to me through this whole trial is the fact this whole case centers around Hope Spring Drive...or Hope Springs!
I started watching this case at the beginning and searched for a place to land where intelligent people were discussing the case without attaching each other and I was thrilled when I found this place. It is such an emotional case that we all have become invested in and alot of us were heartbroken when the verdict was read. I still don't really understand my feelings at times because I don't know any of these people but I'm still heartbroken over it. I come here looking for answers from other members. The problem is there are no answers, none that we can find. I raised my kids to believe as a family united we stand and divided we fall. Despite the difference of opinions we have maybe we can all agree that it's all about the kids...
Most of those parents do what would be viewed as normal. They contribute to a well-known and established charity in the name of their loved one. Their communities also collect and remember the child in the same manner. TM started TES for this very reason and has helped so many people find their loved ones because of his own personal tragedy. TES is well-known and already established and certainly if anyone deserves money donated to them in Caylee's name it would be them. The only one, only one who seemed concerned about the possibility of accidently crushing Caylee's little skull by searching where Caylee's remains were found was TM. jmo

That's a good point. The Anthonys have no history or training or real ability to find missing kids. Why not give the money to people who know what they're doing? Let the experts handle it. They could start by paying Tim Miller the money FCA cost him.

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