Group Plans Memorial Walkway For Caylee

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I dont know many. In my family people were cremated but buried.
I think people keeping cremains in their homes is quite rare. From my experience anyways.
Well, one was scattered at Sea but he loved the water and it was his wish.
So saying: many, many.....well, that hasn't been my experience. Just my :twocents:

Mine either. Some people are cremated then still have a burial spot due to cost. My Dad chose that, and his ashes are buried at a Veteran's cemetary. It just bothers me to think of that swamp being considered a proper gravesite or a memorial for missing kids since Caylee wasn't exactly missing. If the area had been thoroughly scoured and searched those first ten days or so before the storm hit, Caylee would have been immediately found.
I'm sitting here stunned that the Anthonys are asking for money to build on land that hasn't even been purchased or may never be purchased.

When I think they can't go lower...I am forever certain they can..and will.

The As are rather um "unique" people but they have not asked for the $$...and they have not endorsed the organization either. They showed up at the memorial site to release balloons with the crowd.
That's a good point. The Anthonys have no history or training or real ability to find missing kids. Why not give the money to people who know what they're doing? Let the experts handle it. They could start by paying Tim Miller the money FCA cost him.

I might venture a guess that 99.99% of us here are more qualified than the A's to search for missing children. While Caylee was supposedly in the hands of a KIDNAPPER, in danger of being killed any minute or being molested, very likely scared, crying, traumatized, hungry, cold.... What did the A's do? Don't even get me started! When CA was asked in interviews why she (or her PI) didn't follow up on the supposed sightings, she said it wasn't HER responsibility. Well then, take that Caylee. The A's can't even FAKE being good at looking for a child... Sorry for the rant
OKC has a special area just for kids in remembrance of the children in the daycare who died. I specifically remember chalkboard walkways for kids to draw on etc.

I think the difference is who was responsible for their death and the sites are not there as an attraction for children. These sites were also not right smack dab in the middle of a neighborhood. They are in business districts. You don't have to expose your child to these memorials if you chose not to.

My question is: How will this help abused and missing children? Who will pay those property taxes? Who will maintain the property? With an annual income of less than $50,000 a year I do not think someone located in Washington State will be doing so and the taxpayers will get stuck paying the bill. This community has a right to know what the far reaching responsibilities will be because they have all suffered enough. jmo
Yet. :winko:

I'll give you that. Until then, I feel like they were just looking to grieve with the public yesterday. There's a clip up thread where a woman says to Cindy something to the effect of "I have wanted to give you a big hug for a long time now" and CA embraces her. No matter what you think about CA, the potential of something like that happening to me on that day would have made me bring balloons down too. Sometimes being alone with yourself is a horrible thing.
OKC has a special area just for kids in remembrance of the children in the daycare who died. I specifically remember chalkboard walkways for kids to draw on etc.

It's nice that they did that. Drawing is a distraction, it is also an excellent way to get your frustrations out. And for family members who lost loved ones in the bombing it's probably a healthy way for them to visit and also let their children have their own place. But the choice is always yours if you wish to go there. Suburban Drive will not be a choice if children have to ride a bus or walk past that site daily. A constant reminder that Caylee's mom just did not care. You can draw no other conclusion from her death than that one and we don't ever have to know what really happened to Caylee we just know KC did not care. jmo
I'll give you that. Until then, I feel like they were just looking to grieve with the public yesterday. There's a clip up thread where a woman says to Cindy something to the effect of "I have wanted to give you a big hug for a long time now" and CA embraces her. No matter what you think about CA, the potential of something like that happening to me on that day would have made me bring balloons down too. Sometimes being alone with yourself is a horrible thing.

Thank you. But what about the "My attorney will contact you" comments?

Btw, I can't even conceive of standing on (or near) the ground where my murdered grandchild was tossed like garbage. I simply don't understand where they got the courage. Or nerve, as the case may be.
I haven't been following the threads in the last couple of days, so pardon me if what I'm about to say has already been said. How does building a memorial on the site of a trash dump where this precious little girl was dumped and disposed of like trash, honor the memory of Caylee? If anything, a sign should be posted there as a reminder of what actually did happen on that site.....lest they forget.
Thank you. But what about the "My attorney will contact you" comments?

Btw, I can't even conceive of standing on (or near) the ground where my murdered grandchild was tossed like garbage. I simply don't understand where they got the courage. Or nerve, as the case may be.

What is the big deal over the A's saying their attorney would contact the memorial people? Maybe the A's want to donate toward it, maybe they want to officially give their stamp of approval, who knows? Why does anyone care?

It's possible that being near where Caylee was found made the A's feel closer to her on her birthday. I've actually heard that many people, when enough time has passed, go to see the spot where the person was murdered. Would you criticize family members who visit ground zero or OKC?
Thank you. But what about the "My attorney will contact you" comments?

Btw, I can't even conceive of standing on (or near) the ground where my murdered grandchild was tossed like garbage. I simply don't understand where they got the courage. Or nerve, as the case may be.

Darn, I must have been sleeping, again. When did the A's say that and do we know what it was in reference to?
Not taking into account the costs involved, can this area even be converted into a park-like setting?

My understanding is that it is very low lying with a forbidding topography.

It does not sound like a good choice for a lovely, natural memorial park for a little girl who died too young.
Mine either. Some people are cremated then still have a burial spot due to cost. My Dad chose that, and his ashes are buried at a Veteran's cemetary. It just bothers me to think of that swamp being considered a proper gravesite or a memorial for missing kids since Caylee wasn't exactly missing. If the area had been thoroughly scoured and searched those first ten days or so before the storm hit, Caylee would have been immediately found.

That is so true. I dont understand why SAR dogs werent brought in, she was so close:(
but casee had them all off with her Zanny story I guess.
Some Mother :sick:
My Dad will be buried at the VA cemetary too after being cremated:(
Im sorry about you losing your Dad.
I wish they'd just let the woods/swamp go back into a wooded swamp.
200K to make it into something inhabitable seems wasteful when you think of all the finding missing kids equiptment like the boat GA bought could buy.
In my opinion this circumstance is not on the scale of nor of the same nature of the Oklahoma City Bombing and probably shouldn't be compared to the memorial there.

My feeling is, we have cemeteries for a reason, and that is so that among other things, families can build monuments to themselves and to their loved ones. So, I say, save the monuments for the cemeteries. It is not appropriate in any way, shape, or form for anyone to build a Dead and Murdered Baby Monument, much less in the location where Caylee's dead body was callously dumped by her mother.

With that said, this group of people, the Bring the Kid Home and the Amway Pastor with 3 Doctorates, a Master's and a Bachelor's, is most likely, in my opinion, a scam. Plain and simple.

Those who followed the JonBenet Ramsey case closely, might remember the "Santa's Children Memorial Parks" project. This article was published June or July of 1997:

Ramsey Case Sideshow

"Texas Man Investigated For Possible Fraud For
Raising Funds in JonBenét's Name

Consumer fraud investigators asked sharp questions of a Round Rock, Texas man soliciting donations for what he said would be memorials to JonBenét Ramsey. Ricardo Gracia's announced plan is to erect memorial parks in Texas and three other states to honor the slain child beauty queen and other children who have died violently.

The parks, called "Santa's Children Memorial Parks," would be in Round Rock; Boulder; Kenosha, Wisconsin; and Marietta, Georgia, he said. "The amount of money it's going to take, you can pretty much picture it close to a million dollars," he told Austin television station KTBC for a story aired July 21, 1997.

Gracia was selling inscribed bricks and soliciting cash contributions outside central Texas stores. He also created an Internet Web page to ask for donations of land, building materials and cash contributions ranging from $50 to $1,000. KTBC reported that Gracia removed the Ramsey child's picture from his Web site and fund-raising literature after Ramsey family objected."

More recently, in 2009, there was an article in the Round Rock Leader:

Some scams amuse, others disgust
By Brad Stutzman, Editor


"While out making my rounds one day in June 1997, I came across a man selling key chains at the intersection of Interstate 35 and RM 620.

Later that same day, I saw someone else selling similar key chains outside Wal-Mart.

Figuring the two sales might be related - and wondering what was up - I stopped and read one of their flyers.

"Santa's Children Memorial Parks," it said. "Let the Children Play.""

The article goes on, in great detail actually. It was a family affair, they were selling bricks, etc, etc, and so forth.

In the end, local authorities and the Texas Attorney General's Office went after them, they were told to give back the money they had collected, and ultimately the family of five disappeared from Round Rock.

"Local and state law enforcement officials warned that there are two trademarks common among false fund-raisers: They might use a sympathetic-sounding name. And it might be a family-run operation."

Its a very good article, and well worth the read for those who might be inclined to want to throw their money at such capers and at such organizations as the Bring the Kid Home which is being talked about on this thread.
What is the big deal over the A's saying their attorney would contact the memorial people? Maybe the A's want to donate toward it, maybe they want to officially give their stamp of approval, who knows? Why does anyone care?

It's possible that being near where Caylee was found made the A's feel closer to her on her birthday. I've actually heard that many people, when enough time has passed, go to see the spot where the person was murdered. Would you criticize family members who visit ground zero or OKC?

Many have to go there, they have no choice, their loved ones bodies couldnt be found. That is ALL they have.
Not taking into account the costs involved, can this area even be converted into a park-like setting?

My understanding is that it is very low lying with a forbidding topography.

It does not sound like a good choice for a lovely, natural memorial park for a little girl who died too young.

It is possible. It would be costly. Getting a permit would require jumping through a lot of hoops. First would be the zoning. IF they got the approval to have it rezoned, not easy, they would then have to get approval from the EPa. Swamp land is important to the ecosystem. If somebody wanted to fill in a swamp, they would have a hard time convincing the panel.
Not taking into account the costs involved, can this area even be converted into a park-like setting?

My understanding is that it is very low lying with a forbidding topography.

It does not sound like a good choice for a lovely, natural memorial park for a little girl who died too young.
This project will never fly. The Chickasaw Oaks Homeowners Assoc will never allow it. They were up in arms just recently when the verdict came in and visitors were going to the site. They don't want their quiet street to be a never ending tourist attraction.
Not taking into account the costs involved, can this area even be converted into a park-like setting?

My understanding is that it is very low lying with a forbidding topography.

It does not sound like a good choice for a lovely, natural memorial park for a little girl who died too young.

Because the ground level is so low as you go back into the swamp it would have to be built up. Plus there is a large pond there already which is fenced in from the street side. If you look at the overhead view the land mass is far larger than a 2 acre lot so the rest of the land would stay undeveloped and a swamp.

Now KC has changed her story to Caylee drowned so with such a large body of water would anyone really want this made into a park where children would go to play unsupervised.

If this organization really wanted to do something for Caylee why not build a large playscape for children at the school that is also handicapped accessible. Far less money involved and the community could get involved by volunteering. This would have so much more of a healing effect than a brick walk that leads to the remains site.

When will people read the small print associated with these charities. You do not get your money back if this project does not get enough money. No one who is experienced in running a project like this is involved. This just blows my mind that people are not questioning more before writing a check. It's blind faith with someone who has not proven themselves as legitimate.

What is their track record? What have they done to stop abductions? Where are their testimonies from people who have benefited from their programs??? There's nothing there. jmo
It is possible. It would be costly. Getting a permit would require jumping through a lot of hoops. First would be the zoning. IF they got the approval to have it rezoned, not easy, they would then have to get approval from the EPa. Swamp land is important to the ecosystem. If somebody wanted to fill in a swamp, they would have a hard time convincing the panel.

And if all those requirements aren't met and the project is a bust? Where does all the money go that was collected from well meaning (and likely misguided) compassionate donars? I read that some--not all--donations would be partially refunded.

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