Haleigh's Bus Stop

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Okay, now I am really confused...I need help.

Since the PIC of the bus stop was posted on the left, how did rc almost hit the bus? The bus and people were on the opposite side of the road (left) he was turning right if he was heading towards san mateo where the school is.

....oh brother..
Is it the same locale for the bus stop at 3:30pm as it is at 8:00am?

Just listened to the Santos tape. He is convincing. He places Lindsy in a red car and misty in the blue van. Haleigh gets into the blue van...happy as usual. Lindsy's boys are in the blue van, why was Lindsy there if Misty had the boys and who's red car was she in, was she a passenger or was she driving?'

Once again, on the board I was just on, they are saying Timmy was in Satsuma the night of the 9th...wish I had proof because for now it is a rumor.
And this doesn't help clear up anything either.



looks to me like it is a U for the 9th,
I wish there was a way of placing each character in a spot. Heck, half of them, we don't even have a good addy. We have Lindsy's addy but not who lived with her. We have GMA's addy and rc's addy...after that I am lost.

We have three adults, two vehicles and five kids at the bus stop....not counting rc that would be four adults and three vehicles.

Four adults, three vehicles, five kids all from the same family arriving at the bus stop ...no wonder we are confused.
that was one of my questions way back, if he was rushing to get her to school, why drive her if the bus hadn't come yet????? makes no sense, he could have just dropped her off at the stop.

I know Bern, but to make matters worse, it looks like the bus stop is opposite from where he would turn. He would have had to be seriously wreckless to cross over to the left side of the street and turn right on the hwy...
BBM On the other hand the Croslins would not protect the Cummings family IMO.

Now grace, it is obvious to me that at least one Croslin, Misty, is doing just that, protecting Ron Cummings.
Looks like the computer generates a "U" unless it is given clearance from the teacher. After looking more closely, this report was picked up on Feb. 24 or mailed, fax, emailed. I can see why all the "U"s, just can't figure out the erasing of the "U" in the 9th, and it not changed to Tardy, if she was late.

When you match up misty's rendition of driving South to Welatka and JS's story of the near accident, one would conclude that rc was heading towards AS's because, otherwise, he could have placed Haleigh on the school bus and not drive her to school...I'm using logic again,,,could be a problem.

If they drove to Welatka, changed clothes....according to JS, it was about 8:00am and rc is rounding the corner, driving frantically. Now, was he driving to school or heading to GMAs? Why go all the way back to Green if he just drove to Welatka to get Haleigh/and or clothes.

Something is amiss here.....big time. What else is new?

One thing is certain, Haleigh was marked absent on the 9th and it was changed.

Does seem a little strange doesn't it?


  • Browning Pearce Elementary.jpg
    Browning Pearce Elementary.jpg
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Okay, after thinking a little more about the almost clipping of the bus. That may mean that rc was coming from the hwy and turning towards home on Green. That would be the only way the almost accident would have occurred, correct?

And, if that is correct that would mean he was going towards Green Lane NOT towards the school..
Off topic.

I just heard a NG commercial hawking her show and referring to Haleigh Cummings. Maybe tomorrow night?
Okay, after thinking a little more about the almost clipping of the bus. That may mean that rc was coming from the hwy and turning towards home on Green. That would be the only way the almost accident would have occurred, correct?

And, if that is correct that would mean he was going towards Green Lane NOT towards the school..

Without going back to look it up, I believe the guy that gave out that info said he was coming from home. I'll see if I can find it.
I just picked this up going over the school sheet but it is also rather INTERESTING if you look at the pattern of days & think about when Ron hooked up with Misty!!!!
Without going back to look it up, I believe the guy that gave out that info said he was coming from home. I'll see if I can find it.

That's what I recall also, and that is why I pictured the bus stop on the right.
Sounds like he was coming from home, but I don't know anything about this area, so I don't know. Santos gives a good description of the event, but unless you know the area, or are willing to research it, it's still vague.

I snipped the portion where Santos said "you live the other way, why didn't you turn around and go back home?" indicating RC was going AWAY from home at Green Drive.

Now grace, it is obvious to me that at least one Croslin, Misty, is doing just that, protecting Ron Cummings.

I agree with that one. I was thinking the Croslins that are not in jail. But that could change any day. My mind is always open but I'm thinking RC and MC have something on each other that could lead to much more than 25 yrs in jail unless one or the other cops a plea. And if one cops a plea it will mean people on both sides will be charged. If that happens the area may need the national guard to protect the citizens.
I snipped the portion where Santos said "you live the other way, why didn't you turn around and go back home?" indicating RC was going AWAY from home at Green Drive.

Papa..are we absolutely sure the bus stopped on the other side (left) of Tyler coming from Green Lane?

I would think Santos would walk to the bus stop...he lives so close..right? ?That would mean he was standing at the stop if he walked and rc had to cross tyler Diagnolly to almost clip them...and the veer right...my goodness that would be d#$n frightening..
Ok, so now we have rc driving to Welatka (24 miles round trip before school) and now we have him placed on Green by 8:00am. Good Grief.

At some point Haleigh spills something on her shirt and he has to drive home and change her; he decides not to put her on the bus but drive her to school himself after driving 24 miles, exhausted with no sleep. He then almost clips a group of people with his reckless driving...but still makes the decision to drive when there is a bus. okiedokiethen.

The way he drives the children need to be wearing burkhas to protect their clothing.
Papa..are we absolutely sure the bus stopped on the other side (left) of Tyler coming from Green Lane?

I would think Santos would walk to the bus stop...he lives so close..right? ?That would mean he was standing at the stop if he walked and rc had to cross tyler Diagnolly to almost clip them...and the veer right...my goodness that would be d#$n frightening..

Whisp, I think the bus would have stopped in the position of the picture on the map I posted earlier. IMO, to stop on the other side of Tyler would be dangerously close to the RR tracks.


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That is the lie that has haunted me the most. I think maybe because it showed Misty had access to a vehicle. In the beginning, Ron was adament that she didn't have access-which makes me wonder why .Because of what she used the vehicle for later, or because he didn't want that particular vehicle to be associated with them? or did something happen in that vehicle while Misty was driving? but what??? it makes no sense. I sure hope LE has enough information to figure this out.

Confused? I still don't know who did pick up Haleigh at the bus stop. Was it Ron or Misty or who?
If Ron was someone who went to work 45 minutes early, as his lawyer claims, did Ron have enough time to go to the bus stop, pick up his daughter, drive her home and drop her off and as he says "love on each other," then go to his place of employment and be 45 minutes early.
Or was Misty the one to pick her up.
And someone please let me know what TN had to say about who picked up Haleigh. Did she say it was Ron?
I used to know this stuff, I'm sure I did. But there seems to be so many stories out there about the bus stop pick up, I don't know what happened. Is anyone clear on any of this? Help!
Tn stated on NG that rc picked up Haleigh that day.

Santos sounds very convincing and told AH that he told the FBI and all agencies that Misty picked up Haleigh in the blue van.
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