Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation**

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That looks likely to be it - heavy tree coverage, unpaved/overgrown path.

Strange marking to the right of it - looks like someone mowed a turn-around area or something.

Does anyone else see anything strange in this photo? Is this the location?
I hope they have JM on suicide watch, I wouldn't want him to get off that easily.

Amen to that...if that garbage is responsible (and it sure seems he is) he needs to really feel this for all he took from this family and this poor girl..for nothing..makes me so sick I can't stand it
I feel exactly the same..I can only imagine it's because most people like us in our hearts care about the well being of our fellow people on this planet and when we get invested in these situations it hits even harder..no matter how much our logical brain might tell us over and over this is 99% likely the only probable conclusion to this story there is always the 1% deep down holding out hope somehow some way there's a different conclusion where she is still here..and the finite feeling of seeing that her body is actually found ends that small shred of hope we held and with it that positive feeling..and it just all feels empty..

I'm hurting too, and I was sure that this was going to be the outcome. You still hope that something else might have happened, and when the body is found, you know that hope is gone.

Why on earth did he kill these girls?
They have been asking people to check abandon stuctures since they impounded LJ's car. I believe one of the clues they might have is old lead paint chips or something very outdated to mordern building. JMO.

certainly possible.

Asking people to check abandoned structures is pretty par for the course though when LE believe they are no longer looking for a live victim and searches thus far have been unsuccessful. Could have just been that, kind of like its standard to ask the public to be aware of their friends coworkers and neighbors and note anyone suddenly taking a trip or acting differently after a murder.
Cause of death has to come first. If she died of alcohol poisoning (just as a remote possibility), and that would just be a death (with moving a body crime.)

Does anyone know what they need in order to test for drugs he may have given her? Would it have to be tissue?
While most of us here believed that Hannah wasn't going to be found alive, the actual statement that remains have been found that LE is all but confirming are hers, still stings just as much as if we had thought she would be found alive. She can at least be taken home now and laid to rest with dignity and surrounded by those who loved her, which I am sure we all are grateful for, and her family can hopefully begin to live again, in time, knowing that their daughter's killer, and very possibly the killer of several others, will never hurt another young woman again. My heartfelt prayer is that God's grace may comfort and sustain them. RIP, precious Hannah. You have touched more people in death than most of us will ever touch in life. JMO

Wonderful and poignant post, SteveP. I echo your sentiments and pray that the perpetrator will be brought to full justice, for Hannah, her family, and possibly Morgan and her family, and maybe even others. Sad day.
I said the exact same thing to my husband recently. Literally like a predatory animal that spots its prey and is on it in a flash.

Same thing my cat did when she saw a little bird got into our screened porch. I immediately though of JM and how he cut across to follow her
She said before the press conference that she had spoken to a searcher who said a body had been found, yadda yadda, she's repeating what a firsthand source told her, NOT what Longo said in the conference. Who knows if her source is right? But I bet it is.

I heard longo say structure or building specifically. I can't remember which word he used but it was one of the 2.
Some guy on CNN (sorry can't remember who, but think it was one of their "investigative" reporters) said that he's looking into a tie between JM and Alexis Murphy. Even went as far to say they somehow knew each other. Who knows what to believe on that program?

I heard that too...wasn't it Coy Barefoot? I was halfway listening while reading here.
Some guy on CNN (sorry can't remember who, but think it was one of their "investigative" reporters) said that he's looking into a tie between JM and Alexis Murphy. Even went as far to say they somehow knew each other. Who knows what to believe on that program?

The attorney for RAT, convicted killer of Alexis Murphey, has formally requested that JM's DNA to be run against what is on file in the AM case, and it is going to be done. As that DNA will be run against whatever LE has in unsolved cases and mystery DNA in solved cases such as the AM case. No word about that yet.
Might have been a place he took others that he did not kill. I had hoped that anyone who might have gone on such rides with JM reported it to LE. It would be interesting to find out how LE honed into this locale. Was it dogs, pings, someone giving info, sheer luck?

I have always thought he took them to places where teens might go to "park" or drink, etc. I thought Morgan was carried from the scene to Anchorage because he had more time---she was abducted much earlier in the night. I too wonder if people have survived the experience because they didn't fight whereas Morgan and Hannah (and maybe others) fought back and were killed. To me, this scenario fits in with him having "peaked" in high school, reliving his glory days, and having a simplistic outlook (not that I think he is stupid--I do not but I don't think this is a complex MO). It also fits in with the 2002 Liberty allegations where he claims the sex was consensual but she did not. I think he does have places staked out but for sex, not necessarily murder. Rejection, then rage, and then it becomes murder. All my personal theory, which if correct, should lead, or have led, to witnesses.
Makes one wonder if she got away and ran......was she taken to the same spot as Morgan and got away and just ran...
I'm just glad he wasn't that smart. No longer will this creep harm another young girl. He hadn't a clue there could be evidence in Morgan's death or the 2005 rape when he dumped Hannah out there (that's why they hold it close to the vest). He knows now.

Stick a fork in him, "he gone"...another trial I wouldn't miss for nothing.
Although we surmised that Hannah was gone, I still gasped at the news. I hope that this day has been well planned for as far as building an air-tight case with irrefutable evidence. No slip ups that can be disputed by a defense team.
She was not found in Walnut Creek park. She was found on an abandoned property off Old Lynchburg Rd. Those initial reports were false.
So sad that what we all expected had happened to Hannah is likely confirmed. I take some comfort knowing her body is no longer alone, left as someone's trash. Her parents will, at the very least, have some form of closure tonight. I cannot wrap my head around someone discarding this beautiful young girl like yesterday's newspaper. Humanity continues to surprise me.........
If the remains found are indeed those of Hannah, and IF it was an abandoned structure, I just pray that what happened to her was quick. I pray that she was not left there to suffer and I pray that he did not return to her on subsequent days. In regard to the abandoned property vs abandoned structure - Longo said "property", Jean C. said "structure". As with most cases, I am sure some reporters obtain off the record information from LE officers that is a bit more detailed than what is said at official press conferences. JMO
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