Hannah Graham: Body Recovered, 18 Oct, 2014 **Awaiting Forensic Confirmation**

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She was not found in Walnut Creek park. She was found on an abandoned property off Old Lynchburg Rd. Those initial reports were false.

Thank you for saying this, this is driving me crazy as well. Yes the scheduled searches today were going to be at the park, and yes the searchers were meeting there. But it wasn't the volunteer searchers who found "the body" (I hate to assume it's Hannah but I'm sure it is), it was the Chesterfield or ville or whatever police search team who found her on/in an abandoned property off Old Lynchburg road.
Walnut Creek Park (where Hannah was found) is about 5 miles away from Anchorage Farm. So yes, it's fairly close by.

Can someone do a map of where Hannah was presumably found vs where Morgan was found?
We could logically conclude what happened to Hannah. So can someone tell me why this news makes me cry? Why do I always gasp "Oh no." when news like this is given?

God bless this girl and her family with peace.

It's funny that all of us react differently. I'm always sadder when they can't find people, and the ones who are still missing just haunt me. So when they actually find somebody and I know they have possible evidence, it makes me feel better for the family and for the investigators. I always feel that those who are missing want to be found, and that's a peaceful thought to me.
I am not surprised Hannah was found in this area.He is all too familiar with North Garden and Red Hill.

<snipped for focus>

If this area is so well traversed by LJM, it seems like 5 weeks is a long time to find her. I think they would have homed in on that area heavily and right away.
WAVY TV (Norfolk Va) report that she was found in a shallow grave. Dogs hit on the area... Old Lynchburg road is in the area
that LJM used to live, on Ponderosa Trail, which connects to Old Lynchburg Road.


I wonder if this is correct or if it's just presumption... I say that because yes there were reports early today that dogs had hit a location, amnd that digging would be happening today in that location. But that doesn't automatically mean that's where she was FOUND. People are also presuming that because volunteer searchers were going to be searching the park today, that she must have been found THERE. Not so.
If the remains found are indeed those of Hannah, and IF it was an abandoned structure, I just pray that what happened to her was quick. I pray that she was not left there to suffer and I pray that he did not return to her on subsequent days. In regard to the abandoned property vs abandoned structure - Longo said "property", Jean C. said "structure". As with most cases, I am sure some reporters obtain off the record information from LE officers that is a bit more detailed than what is said at official press conferences. JMO

I'm hoping she was inside a structure because more evidence would be preserved, instead of the body being out in the elements for a month.
I heard that too...wasn't it Coy Barefoot? I was halfway listening while reading here.
I hope it's Coy. He's reputable IMO.
ALSO, I believe JM is connected to the case, and anxiously await the DNA to come back from that.
Does anyone know when it will be released? It can't take that long to run it to the DNA in the case since it's in the computer, so the silence on it makes me further suspect a connection. PLUS, AMs family,MHs family, and HGs family all went out to dinner on Friday with one of the Help Save the Next Girl people. Seems interesting that they would do that, just the three families and not other parents of missing girls...
Same thing my cat did when she saw a little bird got into our screened porch. I immediately though of JM and how he cut across to follow her

And just like the cat, brought the remains back near home.

I'm thankful a professional found the remains, versus a volunteer searcher, but I pray for those that found her as it must have been traumatic. I pray for the Graham's, the Harrington's, the Fairfax victim, each of the rape victims, and each of the searchers, the investigators, all involved.
Is this the location, I zoomed in and it looks very premeditated, how would anyone even know this place existed? JLM knows the area well, as one ws put it "he was in his comfort zone". How far is Anchorage Farm from this area? < 5 miles? Thank you for the map. So sad and in shock, I hope she did not suffer. :(

Then why didn't LE home in on it weeks ago?? I would think they would concentrate on areas it is believed LJM knows well....
Does anyone know what they need in order to test for drugs he may have given her? Would it have to be tissue?

They can test hair, blood, urine, soft tissue, bone marrow. To test for alcohol, they'll most likely need blood. For opiates (heroin, etc) they'll want urine.

For other substances, it really just depends on the drug. Certain tissues and bodily fluids are better for testing certain drugs, but I don't know which tissue is best for testing which drug.

My textbook has a chapter on forensic toxicology, and I have the textbook right here. But I haven't gotten to that chapter yet in my studies

ETA: The body was found in an abandoned building. That's good because that means the body will be in better condition than it would be if it were out in the open. So it's very, very possible that there's soft tissue in good enough shape to be tested.
I have always thought he took them to places where teens might go to "park" or drink, etc. I thought Morgan was carried from the scene to Anchorage because he had more time---she was abducted much earlier in the night. I too wonder if people have survived the experience because they didn't fight whereas Morgan and Hannah (and maybe others) fought back and were killed. To me, this scenario fits in with him having "peaked" in high school, reliving his glory days, and having a simplistic outlook (not that I think he is stupid--I do not but I don't think this is a complex MO). It also fits in with the 2002 Liberty allegations where he claims the sex was consensual but she did not. I think he does have places staked out but for sex, not necessarily murder. Rejection, then rage, and then it becomes murder. All my personal theory, which if correct, should lead, or have led, to witnesses.

I was thinking about the time factor, LJ was working the night he murdered Morgan, I wonder how long before he would have been dispatched to another call. IMO , He would have more time undisturbed with Hannah then with Morgan because he was supposed to be working.
Yeh, but "the guy was so nice"... no one thought is was really him.. but I'll bet you some smart taxit driver that drove with him and saw his reaction called LE. But they didn't have enough evidence to arrest him.

honestly, you never want to believe it could be someone you know because these things happen to "other" people... ask me how i know
Body found south of Walnut Creek Park off Old Lynchburg Rd. Per Coy Barefoot CNN
Traveling down Old Lynchburg Rd on Google Street View gives me the creeps.
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