Hannah Graham: Remains Identified

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On the other hand, and I should have thought of this earlier, the owner of the property at 3193 surely would have contacted LE once it was so widely publicized that JM was a POI, then fugitive, etc. and if that had happened, then you would assume that LE would have searched that property immediately. However, theory might still work regarding "why there" if there was a rental agreement with one of the "roomies" or another friend of JM's. Unlikely theory regarding "why there", but just wanted to put it out there.
What a terrible weekend for the Graham family. Heartbreaking that their daughter is gone.
I don't think JM drugged Hannah, I think she either knowingly or unknowingly had taken Molly or Ecstasy that Friday night. The kids do Molly to party all night, she appeared hyper on surveillance videos, and JM probably offered her something to drink when they met and a side effect of ecstasy is thirst and dehydration. She was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I just hope something is learned by all these college kids - that it is never ok to leave your friends or let them leave you. As for JM, LE is probably waiting to gather enough evidence to charge him with Morgan's death as well as Hannah's, abd they will be capital murder charges.

I really do not think she took any drugs. I think she was suppose to meet one or more people somewhere, got lost somehow and was walking fast trying to find the place. Its likely she was looking for a bar and I think her going to McGrady's could confirm that. She walks up a portion of Preston Ave. to McGrady's. Right when she gets there she walks right up to the patio and it looks like she is peeking into it looking for someone. She then walks around to the entrance of McGrady's where apparently the bouncer denied her entry. She walks away from McGrady's and after she crosses the street she stops momentarily for several seconds right in front of the street sign. I think she may have been checking the map on her phone or texting a friend saying where she is at. She then goes back on Preston Ave. walks in the opposite direction heading to the DTM.

I think HG likely made a mistake somewhere. The roads there could be a bit confusing. First off some of the main roads suddenly turn into a different name for example Preston Ave. turns into Market St. Secondly a lot of the street names are abbreviated with N, S, E, W, NW, SW etc. You could be walking down 2nd St. SW and it could suddenly turn into 2nd St. NW.
I don't think he needed to silence Hannah, sadly, if he did drug her. I think she'd have still been out of it by the time he got to that location, and he'd just have to pull her out of the seat, and take her where ever however he wanted to do so, drag carry, try to goose step her along. I think he just killed by strangulation or snapping her neck when he was done. I think this was an easy do for him.
MH, a whole other story. My guess would be she fell asleep in the cap or had her mind on other things as she was going "home", she told her friends, which is long way, and didn't pay much mind as to where the taxi was going. She was not fully capabel at the time anyways. My guess is that JM stopped, got out, and somehow got her out of his cab, whether with a well placed blow in the face that was unexpected. He's a big guy, and MH would have no chance against him. Once he punched her and dragged her out of the cab, he could just beat her into submission and drag her anywhere. When he killed her and how, we don't know but the autopsy report apparently has a COD according to Gil Harrington.

For Hannah, however, I don't think there was much screamining or running.

An ugly scenario on both accounts, but I believe that you are probably very close if the truth were known.
Searching I found that children under 14 may be an exception.

However. http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/files/article/chapter5.pdf

Was Hannah a naturalized citizen?

eta: probably not; you have to be 18 or older

:gaah: eta again: if her parents were naturalized before her 18th birthday then she is automatically a citizen.


I wanted to share-
I moved from UK to US when I was 5 y o- when my family applied for permanent residency (required if staying longer than visa), our fingerprints were required. If she eventually applied for citizenship, which people typically do after ~ seven years, she would have her fingerprints taken again.
IMO her fingerprints are on file with federal govt.
sounds like someone is trying to give him an alibi! What I read was he was spotted 2 days before it was reported. The report was on the 15th so that would have put him in Lexington on the 13th.
I wanted to share-
I moved from UK to US when I was 5 y o- when my family applied for permanent residency (required if staying longer than visa), our fingerprints were required. If she eventually applied for citizenship, which people typically do after ~ seven years, she would have her fingerprints taken again.
IMO her fingerprints are on file with federal govt.

Thank you so much for sharing this. Glad you're here and interested. Appreciate it.
sounds like someone is trying to give him an alibi! What I read was he was spotted 2 days before it was reported. The report was on the 15th so that would have put him in Lexington on the 13th.
Why would he want an alibi that connected him to another crime?
ALIBI..reported on the 15th. Said he was seen 2 days earlier which would have been the 13th. He was trying to give an Alibi. JMO
ALIBI..reported on the 15th. Said he was seen 2 days earlier which would have been the 13th. He was trying to give an Alibi. JMO

I don't understand this logic...he would be giving the Morgan Harrington suspect an alibi....he wasnt yet connected to the sketch.....so how old he etch be used as an alibi?

Also as far as the dates, its a litte confusing because it says Washington Lee was notified about this sighting on the 15th, nd announced it to students on the 16th....some have said it was reported two days, a few days, two weeks....all in articles people posted....and would that time line be from when WLU was informed, when thy informed the students?.....who reported it to Washington lee? LE? How long did LE sit on it before reporting it to Washington Lee? See its hard to discertain when it was actually reported originally, and to who!
See its hard to discertain when it was actually reported originally, and to who!
clipped, as just below

To whom? Why at does it all matter, at this point? These leads have been checked out? Why do your thoughts take you back there, clue me in, please?
I really do not think she took any drugs. I think she was suppose to meet one or more people somewhere, got lost somehow and was walking fast trying to find the place. Its likely she was looking for a bar and I think her going to McGrady's could confirm that. She walks up a portion of Preston Ave. to McGrady's. Right when she gets there she walks right up to the patio and it looks like she is peeking into it looking for someone. She then walks around to the entrance of McGrady's where apparently the bouncer denied her entry. She walks away from McGrady's and after she crosses the street she stops momentarily for several seconds right in front of the street sign. I think she may have been checking the map on her phone or texting a friend saying where she is at. She then goes back on Preston Ave. walks in the opposite direction heading to the DTM.

I think HG likely made a mistake somewhere. The roads there could be a bit confusing. First off some of the main roads suddenly turn into a different name for example Preston Ave. turns into Market St. Secondly a lot of the street names are abbreviated with N, S, E, W, NW, SW etc. You could be walking down 2nd St. SW and it could suddenly turn into 2nd St. NW.

Whatever she took, it's pretty much a given that Hannah was somewhat "out of it" when she left the Corner where she was partying and took the walk/run to the mall area. LE has said outright that she was "extremely intoxicated" and students have also said there was alcohol at the party and Hannah imbibed. What else she took, we don't know. From her texts and phone calls, LE seems to feel they have a good idea why Hannah was at the mall, and it seems to me that the idea is that she went the wrong way.

Where I suspect she was drugged is at the mall when she was with JM. Those drinks he bought are suspicious to me. He was on a pick up mission, found a willing victim in that she wanted to go with him (likely for a ride home), so why take the time and expense to stop at Tempo and buy two drinks? Unless he wanted to tip the odds for acquiesance further with a little something. She'd be thirsty after that brisk walk and from earlier drinking and that cold beer would have tasted so good. So no problem getting her to drink it. That Abby at Tempo's described as slumping and staggering which is not at all how she was moving prior to that drink; we can see her strides on the surveillance tapes, is suspicous to me. How can someone go from moving like that to needing support to stand and walk? So she was even easier pickings to take to the car, and the way some of those drugs work, she'd have been out of it shortly therafter. Why he had to kill, I don't understand. He could have just dropped her off somewhere alive.
If you want an idea what he did,read the articles that have been posted about the Fairfax victim. He literally beat her. Much too graphic to repost.
To whom? Why at does it all matter, at this point? These leads have been checked out? Why do your thoughts take you back there, clue me in, please?

Basically because we do not know where he was in the few days post Hannah's disappearance. So I was speculating that perhaps he kept going south on country roads to Lexington, after he was threw with Hannah. That perhaps he was familiar with the area or knew someone down there. Then I also began wondering if perhaps the "siting" could have been a victim of JLM's groping hands...or worse...perhaps she didn't want to report an assault (if it where a she), but the more and more she thought about it he reminded her of the sketch,so that nagged her, and she wanted to do something to protect someone else.

Who knows...but that was why I was thinking that way.
Whatever she took, it's pretty much a given that Hannah was somewhat "out of it" when she left the Corner where she was partying and took the walk/run to the mall area. LE has said outright that she was "extremely intoxicated" and students have also said there was alcohol at the party and Hannah imbibed. What else she took, we don't know. From her texts and phone calls, LE seems to feel they have a good idea why Hannah was at the mall, and it seems to me that the idea is that she went the wrong way.

Where I suspect she was drugged is at the mall when she was with JM. Those drinks he bought are suspicious to me. He was on a pick up mission, found a willing victim in that she wanted to go with him (likely for a ride home), so why take the time and expense to stop at Tempo and buy two drinks? Unless he wanted to tip the odds for acquiesance further with a little something. She'd be thirsty after that brisk walk and from earlier drinking and that cold beer would have tasted so good. So no problem getting her to drink it. That Abby at Tempo's described as slumping and staggering which is not at all how she was moving prior to that drink; we can see her strides on the surveillance tapes, is suspicous to me. How can someone go from moving like that to needing support to stand and walk? So she was even easier pickings to take to the car, and the way some of those drugs work, she'd have been out of it shortly therafter. Why he had to kill, I don't understand. He could have just dropped her off somewhere alive.

What time did he buy the drinks? And how long does it take something like that to kick in?
To whom? Why at does it all matter, at this point. These leads have been checked out? Why do your thoughts take you back there, clue me in, please?

I can't find the right link, but from what I remember the reported sighting at WLU was reported by media first on the 15th. It was said the sighting took place 2 weeks prior. So about 1st or 2nd. The tip was called in "several days later" (after the sighting). IMO, the tip went unreported by media until after HG went missing. My hinky meter goes off because I don't think anyone unknown to JM would recognize him as sketch guy. My opinion is either it was just a false sighting (which would be highly coincidental given there were no reported sighting in 5 yrs) or SOMEBODY knew JM was sketch guy and knew he was out in the prowl.
Side by side:



Driveway...red clay

Tires....looks like some dusty red clay on those caps to me....
ALIBI..reported on the 15th. Said he was seen 2 days earlier which would have been the 13th. He was trying to give an Alibi. JMO

All of the reports I've seen says that the report came several days after the possible sighting - I haven't seen a mention of "2" days.
"On September 15, 2014, the Department of Public Safety received information from the Lexington Police Department that they had received a report of the possible sighting of a male subject identified as a person of interest in the abduction and murder of a Virginia Tech student, several years ago, who was visiting the UVA campus. More information about the original case, including a sketch of the individual, can be found here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgan_Dana_Harrington.

According to the information received from Lexington PD, the report they received came several days after the sighting of the individual had occurred and they have not been in contact with any individuals matching that description or sketch."
What time did he buy the drinks? And how long does it take something like that to kick in?

"According to the records that were shared with me by Cunningham, LJ ordered two drinks at 1:09am and paid for them exactly one minute later. The bartender rang them up at $7 a piece. " http://insidecville.com/blog/ljs-timeline/

"Abby does remember quite well seeing LJ Matthew and Hannah Graham walking away outside about a half hour later. “A lot of people were outside then,” she says. “It was a typical, crowded Friday night. I guess it was about 1:40 or closer to 1:45. I remember because it was definitely after last call.”"

Rohypnol: "It is 7-10 times more potent than traditional sedatives such as Valium. Rohypnol has a rapid onset of action (15-20 minutes) and a 4-6 hour duration."

If ingested at 1:10-1:15, time of onset would have been 1:30-1:35.
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