Hannah Graham: The Search - #3

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Thanks. Was that info released in the press at some point, or is it from those close to Morgan and originally shared here?
Say what? Could you please elaborate? Morgan Harrington drove the night of the concert? Why did she leave the parking lot and end up hitchhiking. Her purse and cell phone were later found, so I cannot figure out how she would not have her keys. This is perplexing and seems to contradict what was reported back in 2009.

Morgan Harrington was locked out of a concert without a stub. She was trying to get home, she climbed into a cab, JM's. She wasn't seen again until a farmer found her on the edge of a field, months later. JM knew the place, had ties to it, fished and hiked there. http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...n-Fairfax-Rape-Victim-*Forensic-Link*-to-MH-2
Hamton Search volunteers

LE Reaches out to U of L fans, some of whom were in C Ville the night Hannah Graham vanished

Katie Love's Exclusive with the Harringtons

LE corrects press: JM never interview on Morgan Harrington Case:

Katie Brooks reports Capt. Pleasant says dive teams are searching multiple bodies of water

Dean Seal reports Mark Eggerman "has called the hunt for Graham “one of the greatest coordinated search efforts in the history of the commonwealth.”[/I]

Laura French reports on taxi and more: (please excuse repeat)

Roz Plater and Jeff Greenberg reports: JM never interviewed by LE @ 11:00pm
The problem with that pep talk, faith talk is that there is really nothing to offer him to mitigate what he will have to endure once he confesses. It would be a very rough go and you have to have the faith to endure it, which I doubt he has.

I totally agree. He didn't even have the moral fortitude to obey the law in smaller things (traffic violations). I can't see him having the strength to do the right thing with something this big. He also was carrying around that envelope 'with the words "tools to release God's power" written on the front' which tells me he's more interested in a Santa Clause type of god than putting on his big boy pants and facing things head on.

However, I hope I'm wrong and he fesses up. I honestly think it'll be like MH and someone will happen across HG. Hunting season is coming up (or has already started).
I guess it's the whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing that gets me. I imagine there's about a 99% chance he is the Fairfax rapist. But, I'm not comfortable stating that (or reading that) as fact until it is that - fact.

I think, too, it's the fact that we should be discussing fact, not rumor, and be able to source those facts.

A forensic link providing LE a new investigative avenue to pursue is potentially quite different than a DNA link to a victim.

If there was more than one perp involved in MH, perp #2 (not JM) could be the Fairfax rapist.

If JM gave MH and her friends a ride to the concert at JPJ, they might have found a forensic link between him and MH.

JLM did not give MH and her friends a ride to the concert. A friend drove the group in MH's car.
Say what? Could you please elaborate? Morgan Harrington drove the night of the concert? Why did she leave the parking lot and end up hitchhiking. Her purse and cell phone were later found, so I cannot figure out how she would not have her keys. This is perplexing and seems to contradict what was reported back in 2009.

A friend drove her car that night - VSP said that Morgan had been drinking that night, so I don't know if the person was serving as the DD or if they were driving because Morgan wasn't familiar with the Cville area? When she got separated from her friends, they called her and she said she couldn't get back in, but not to worry, she'd find a ride. Not sure where Morgan and her friends were staying that night or where Morgan was going to return to if she found a ride.
JM bought the cab from the cab company when he worked for them so in the long run they just din't care where it was
Are you saying they should have sweet talked him instead of seizing his car? I completelt disagree. I've never heard of a murderer, especially a serial one, being "sweet talked" into giving up a body. To risk losing forensic evidence on that slim chance does not make sense.

IMO, LE has lots of evidence

"Sweet talk" is not what I should have said as it gives the wrong implication. A VERY GOOD interviewer, should have been there IMO when the car was taken and some effort made to facilitate the search and seizure. Maybe there was. But I can tell you that IF someone like JM were innocent of harming Hannah, but did take her for her ride, dropped her off and had no evidence of it, and had a checkered past, as JM does, and LE shows up out of the blue with a warrent and swoops down on car, apt and things, without someone facilitating all of this very, very well, I can see where it would freak them out so that nothing is said, especally if a consult with an attorney resulted in that advice ADAMENTLY given.

I don't believe for an instant that JM is innocent, by the way. However, it's a huge problem, when LE does not go through certain courtesies and niceties when it investigates because then people clam up and refuse to cooperate. They feel the power play is dangerous and that they can be accused falsely of things, which does happen and fuels the fire of that belief. Particularly in the AA community, there is that resentment and studies have show it is too often justified.

Hopefully LE has a lot of good evidence usable in court. They will need alot more of it if they don't find Hannah.
LE corrects press: JM never interview on Morgan Harrington Case:

Thanks for posting the latest links! On this one, I think it says that the Virginia State Police (VSP) are denying that THEY interviewed JLM. This might mean that JLM actually was interviewed by CPD detectives. If I'm not mistaken, the VSP was voicing a bit of huffiness about subordinate jurisdictions mouthing off on a case that's under their jurisdiction. Interagency cooperation is a dicey thing, it seems, and feathers get ruffled pretty often.
LE corrects press:
in brief, with respect

Basically, it's hard for the press to keep a story going if they don't have a hook, or something new to report. This is a tough situation information wise.
It doesn't matter really, as it's seems a self-correcting process, as long 'as they spell the name right.' Anyone who knows anything about JM should be encouraged to share it. The press helps with that a lot, and Hannah Graham is still missing.

You have a handle on the area, Midlothian and Chesterfield County are about an hour and half away down 64. Lynchburg is about the same down 29 is that correct?

LE corrects press: JM never interview on Morgan Harrington Case:

Thanks for posting the latest links! On this one, I think it says that the Virginia State Police (VSP) are denying that THEY interviewed JLM. This might mean that JLM actually was interviewed by CPD detectives. If I'm not mistaken, the VSP was voicing a bit of huffiness about subordinate jurisdictions mouthing off on a case that's under their jurisdiction. Interagency cooperation is a dicey thing, it seems, and feathers get ruffled pretty often.

Or that JM weaseled out of being interviewed by VSP investigators<road trip>, which even shines a dimmer light on the MH investigation, imo. After the abduction/murder of Samantha Koenig(Anchorage, AK-2012), Serial Killer Israel Keyes went on a 7 day cruise. Although APD had SK and her abductor walking to IK's white pu truck on security camera footage and tracked it to his home. After inspecting the truck on two different occasions, clueless investigators ruled it out since it later had a ladder rack installed. Samantha Koenig's frozen body was in the utility shed only feet from the truck when it was inspected<both times>. --> http://murderpedia.org/male.K/k/keyes-israel.htm

Imo, the admission by the VSP PIO that Jesse L. Matthew Jr. was never interviewed in 2009 by state police in connection with the Morgan Harrington investigation is an admission that VSP dropped the ball in the MH investigation. I refer to many LEAs public relation units; PR, as propaganda and rumor units. jmo

According to Virginia State Police public relations director Corinne Geller, Jesse Matthew was "never interviewed in 2009 by state police in connection with the Morgan Harrington investigation."
<sniped - read more> - See below for VSP's full press release:
Inaccurate information was released today by certain media outlets citing unnamed "sources" regarding the Morgan Harrington investigation. Jesse L. Matthew Jr. was never interviewed in 2009 by state police in connection with the Morgan Harrington investigation.

Right now the disappearance and death of Morgan are the core focus of the Virginia State Police investigation. Release of information from anyone other than the Virginia State Police concerning this case is not official nor factually confirmed. The Harrington family and public deserve accurate representation of the facts of this case. State police will release new information at a time and in a manner that does not jeopardize the integrity of this ongoing, complex criminal investigation.
That's an excellent thought. I would think LE would have that information by now, but....worth considering calling in as a tip? I know not everyone who has been asked to is coming forward, some aren't even aware. Just like the searching your property. :(

I'll send them an email this morning.

I definitely think a farmer might might be too busy to even know much about the case, if at all.

They might not have the time or the means to do a thorough search of the land;maybe they remember him as a good boy and hard worker; maybe don't want to get involved; maybe they don't the police searching all over their property. Some people just have a general mistrust of the government, and some people probably don't want to tell the police if they've paid people off the books- especially if they've hired illegal immigrants.
FYI- http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/serial-murder
FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit-2
National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime
Critical Incident Response Group
Federal Bureau of Investigation

IX. Media Issues in Serial Murder Investigations

Serial murder cases are inherently newsworthy. Some investigations last for years. Many attract attention because of the type of victims involved, and in others the serial killers themselves are media-attractive. Media attention is exacerbated by the insatiable demands of the twenty-four-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week news reporting industry. The constant news attention on the investigation inevitably results in conflicts with law enforcement.

Often the relationship between law enforcement and the media is not a close one. In some law enforcement agencies, there is a long history of distrust and resentment underpinning this relationship. From the law enforcement perspective, the media publishes unauthorized information from investigations, hypothesizes on investigative progress, and uses talking heads to critique the investigative efforts. From the media&#8217;s standpoint, law enforcement withholds too much information and does not communicate adequately with the media. It is counterproductive for law enforcement to sustain contentious relationships with the media, while attempting to develop an overall strategy for a successful serial murder investigation. The only party who benefits from this negative relationship is the serial murderer, who may continue to avoid detection. A respectful, cooperative relationship between law enforcement and the media will serve the missions of both.

It becomes essential for law enforcement personnel involved in a serial murder investigation to design and implement an effective media plan. The plan should provide timely information on a regular basis, without compromising the investigative endeavors. It is essential for media releases to be closely coordinated with investigative strategies. This helps determine the best times to both educate and solicit information from the public concerning certain aspects of the investigation. Once a media plan is established, law enforcement can be more proactive than reactive in its media strategy.
<sniped - read more>
A friend drove her car that night - VSP said that Morgan had been drinking that night, so I don't know if the person was serving as the DD or if they were driving because Morgan wasn't familiar with the Cville area? When she got separated from her friends, they called her and she said she couldn't get back in, but not to worry, she'd find a ride. Not sure where Morgan and her friends were staying that night or where Morgan was going to return to if she found a ride.

There is a lot more detail shared on MH's case. Some similarities too beyond physical appearance too. Well, taking convo to appropriate thread now....
Ryan Smith GMA A possible new lead

Molly Greenberg reports Chief Longo says &#8220;If you have a well on your property, search it. If you have an abandoned structure or abandoned car on your property, search it,&#8221;

Search and Task Force updated 8:53

Column by Chris Graham AFP editor

Gov McAuliffe "mentioned the missing University of Virginia student" Hannah Graham, and "reinforces" the Campus Sexual Assault Task Force
I'll send them an email this morning.

I definitely think a farmer might might be too busy to even know much about the case, if at all.

They might not have the time or the means to do a thorough search of the land;maybe they remember him as a good boy and hard worker; maybe don't want to get involved; maybe they don't the police searching all over their property. Some people just have a general mistrust of the government, and some people probably don't want to tell the police if they've paid people off the books- especially if they've hired illegal immigrants.

There's an email add. too, and maybe the mods have ideas that may help you
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