Hannah Graham: The Search - #3

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I have a question, and sorry if it's a dumb one, but people intermittently mention construction sites when it comes to missing persons. As a kid, we had a girl go missing and it's been rumored forever that she was buried at a construction site. As an adult, I find that hard to fathom, yet people still suggest searching construction sites. Wouldn't it be awfully difficult to adequately bury a person in a construction site such that they would be unfound by construction workers in the coming hours/days? Or am I missing something there? There's tons of construction going on all around this area currently.
It may be because the ground is softer and harder to tell if the dirt has been disturbed..such as if the job calls for paving or concrete slab or there hauling dirt in to raise a low area they just back up and dump as long as the body is covered and low or no odor yet.
It may be because the ground is softer and harder to tell if the dirt has been disturbed..such as if the job calls for paving or concrete slab or there hauling dirt in to raise a low area they just back up and dump as long as the body is covered and low or no odor yet.

I think if they are paving they level it out and put in some kind of rebar or metal mesh for strength.

If they are raising an area, would he know that?

My hubby said a good operator can feel if soil is disturbed with the bucket of the equipment.

I am trying to picture construction and there are so many facets to it.
Every day I check in. As we all do. Where are you little Miss Hannah???!!! The fact that she has not been found yet certainly isn't due to a lack of trying. Sigh......
Tonight I came across the case of D.C. and the Houston Mass Murders.


It appears from the above link that this serial killer had a few main places where he dumped his victims' bodies. It makes me wonder if there is some single disposal site, or a few main areas somewhere where JM has left his victims...in other words, a collective location(s) containing miultiple victims? I also wonder this about RAT.
Im still hoping that they are going to find Hannah any day now.

With Autumn firmly established and the "peak of fall color" typically happening in Charlottesville and the Blue Ridge Parkway as well as many popular hiking destinations, during the middle of October to the first week of November, perhaps a keen eyed tourist or local will see something that will lead LE to her.

I hope Longo mentions this in a press conference soon as I think many of these area would have been known to and possibly even favored by JLM.

The more eyes and searchers we have out, even from unlikely or seldom employed sources, the sooner Hannah can come home.
I wonder how long the search efforts will go on for. Longo says they will not stop...but are they going to be doing searches every day for the next year, 2 years, 3 years, and so on? We have many long-term missing person cases. He says he doesn't care how many resources it takes, but that is not up to him. In the Kyron Horman case, the city of Portland stopped allocating LE money to search for him. It would cost Charlottesville tens of millions of dollars to continue the searches on a daily basis for years...It is just not realistic. Virginia is probably going to spend more money searching for Hannah, than they have spent searching for every other missing person in the history of the state combined x3, which does not seem right.

ETA: Are they desperate to find Hannah to ensure JM is convicted? But if he is a serial killer, does that mean they are nowhere close to charging him w/ any other murders? Do they need to find her to get evidence from her body? What happens in a few months when her body will have little to no evidence left? I have to wonder how strong their case is if they are ready to spend tens of millions of dollars to search for her. Is finding Hannah that vital to guaranteeing he isn't acquitted?
If they have evidence that puts Hannah Graham in his car, his DNA matches with Morgan Harrington's evidence and the Fairfax '05 attack on a woman, confirmation that he raped girls at two colleges, then a number of missing women in the vicinity, with a man who has been at this for a long time, then there's reason to think, though I have no way knowing, that the search may be justified. Thank you for your thoughts. There's a wide ranging discussion of
The Charges Against him
Please let today be the day Hannah is brought home!!!!

I'm not sure about Charlottesville, but we've had lots of rain lately, and more incoming this weekend. If Hannah is buried, it might be enough to uncover her, or show a dip in the ground. From history of killers, they usually don't bury very deep. Again though, we've had high winds, and the leaves are starting to change colors. Many have already fallen due to the rain and winds. Going to be difficult to see changes in the terrain, IMO.

I can't but keep thinking of Alexis Murphy....all this searching for Hannah, and I had hopes that Alexis would be found...but so far...nothing from either!!! Just too much land to cover. :(

Please come home Hannah and Alexis!! :please:
I swear I think he has a hidey-hole where he keeps victims alive for a while after he's abducted them. Think about it.

There is no way to say, in relation to any of these potential victims who have been killed, exactly when they died, since either they haven't been located at all, or if they have, it's been so long and the remains are so degraded, that the exact date and time of death can't be determined. There is no reason, in my mind, to think that he goes through (whatever his scenario is) quickly.

This is horrible to say, and I hope none of the victims' family members ever read it, but here goes: whereas most times the experts say that rape is about power rather than sex, I think with JM it's actually about power AND sex. I think he is a sex addict, among other aberrant things. And if that's true, why go through all the risk and turmoil of procuring a source for what you desperately want and need, only to throw it away again immediately?

Gil said that the authorities told her that MH had been in that field since shortly after she was abducted. I cannot for the life of me believe that they can know that MH wasn't kept alive for at least a few days after she was abducted, after that long a time.

I have felt from the beginning, or very nearly the beginning, that HG was located in more than one place over the days right after she disappeared. This first occurred to me when JM reacted so strongly to being followed by LE, after that Saturday he showed up at the PD. Trying to think that situation through, I think he freaked out because he had "things" to do yet, and he couldn't do them with LE following him every move he made. Further on that train of thought, I think that might be when he wound things up and actually disposed of HG as part of preparing to get the H*ll out of Dodge.

If there's any way this scenario could have happened, then he'd had to have had a location in which to keep captive a person who very much wanted to get loose and run. He'd also have had to have room to "maneuver." Omg.

Anyway, this is what my gut tells me. Feedback, anyone?
I have felt from the beginning, or very nearly the beginning, that HG was located in more than one place over the days right after she disappeared. This first occurred to me when JM reacted so strongly to being followed by LE, after that Saturday he showed up at the PD. Trying to think that situation through, I think he freaked out because he had "things" to do yet, and he couldn't do them with LE following him every move he made. Further on that train of thought, I think that might be when he wound things up and actually disposed of HG as part of preparing to get the H*ll out of Dodge.

If there's any way this scenario could have happened, then he'd had to have had a location in which to keep captive a person who very much wanted to get loose and run. He'd also have had to have room to "maneuver." Omg.

Anyway, this is what my gut tells me. Feedback, anyone?

BBM---I could see him having that reaction if he was in fact hiding her. It would have been so risky though to go to the PD and having them follow or detain him if he had her someplace temporary.
Tonight I came across the case of D.C. and the Houston Mass Murders.


It appears from the above link that this serial killer had a few main places where he dumped his victims' bodies. It makes me wonder if there is some single disposal site, or a few main areas somewhere where JM has left his victims...in other words, a collective location(s) containing miultiple victims? I also wonder this about RAT.

Wow, that's a fascinating story I hadn't explored before. And an interesting coincidence that one of his dump sites was the beach on the Bolivar peninsula, where JLM was captured.
I swear I think he has a hidey-hole where he keeps victims alive for a while after he's abducted them. Think about it.

There is no way to say, in relation to any of these potential victims who have been killed, exactly when they died, since either they haven't been located at all, or if they have, it's been so long and the remains are so degraded, that the exact date and time of death can't be determined. There is no reason, in my mind, to think that he goes through (whatever his scenario is) quickly.

This is horrible to say, and I hope none of the victims' family members ever read it, but here goes: whereas most times the experts say that rape is about power rather than sex, I think with JM it's actually about power AND sex. I think he is a sex addict, among other aberrant things. And if that's true, why go through all the risk and turmoil of procuring a source for what you desperately want and need, only to throw it away again immediately?

Gil said that the authorities told her that MH had been in that field since shortly after she was abducted. I cannot for the life of me believe that they can know that MH wasn't kept alive for at least a few days after she was abducted, after that long a time.

I have felt from the beginning, or very nearly the beginning, that HG was located in more than one place over the days right after she disappeared. This first occurred to me when JM reacted so strongly to being followed by LE, after that Saturday he showed up at the PD. Trying to think that situation through, I think he freaked out because he had "things" to do yet, and he couldn't do them with LE following him every move he made. Further on that train of thought, I think that might be when he wound things up and actually disposed of HG as part of preparing to get the H*ll out of Dodge.

If there's any way this scenario could have happened, then he'd had to have had a location in which to keep captive a person who very much wanted to get loose and run. He'd also have had to have room to "maneuver." Omg.

Anyway, this is what my gut tells me. Feedback, anyone?

you have an interesting gut
Sorry, did I do something wrong? Should I remove that post?

what's wrong? it's okay to think things through to get answers.

The women he may have raped and murdered, whose bodies were found, Morgan Harrington, the young woman near a university he attended [ will get the name, shortly], the woman he attacked in Fairfax '05, may possibly indicate up to now, that he moves on them pretty fast, knowingly and brutally. But I see where you're going, he may have progressed.

But if you're right, there may well be a well hidden place with evidence.
what's wrong?

I'm just wondering if my post is too far "out there," far-fetched, too imaginative and too little basis in what could be reality. Don't want to be silly about this matter with HG. I can only imagine how serious it is to her family.
"The search for missing University of Virginia student Hannah Graham is taking on a new approach.... Friday, those leading the effort to find Graham said they will no longer do blanket searches of property. Crews are now going to search based on the investigation into Jesse Matthew or leads that come in.... The rain didn't stop crews from checking land off Route 250 on Pantops Mountain Friday. At a media briefing Friday afternoon, search coordinator Mark Eggeman with the Virginia Department of Emergency Management said the plane used to take high-resolution images last week is producing promising leads....." NBC29
I swear I think he has a hidey-hole where he keeps victims alive for a while after he's abducted them. Think about it.

There is no way to say, in relation to any of these potential victims who have been killed, exactly when they died, since either they haven't been located at all, or if they have, it's been so long and the remains are so degraded, that the exact date and time of death can't be determined. There is no reason, in my mind, to think that he goes through (whatever his scenario is) quickly.

This is horrible to say, and I hope none of the victims' family members ever read it, but here goes: whereas most times the experts say that rape is about power rather than sex, I think with JM it's actually about power AND sex. I think he is a sex addict, among other aberrant things. And if that's true, why go through all the risk and turmoil of procuring a source for what you desperately want and need, only to throw it away again immediately?

Gil said that the authorities told her that MH had been in that field since shortly after she was abducted. I cannot for the life of me believe that they can know that MH wasn't kept alive for at least a few days after she was abducted, after that long a time.

I have felt from the beginning, or very nearly the beginning, that HG was located in more than one place over the days right after she disappeared. This first occurred to me when JM reacted so strongly to being followed by LE, after that Saturday he showed up at the PD. Trying to think that situation through, I think he freaked out because he had "things" to do yet, and he couldn't do them with LE following him every move he made. Further on that train of thought, I think that might be when he wound things up and actually disposed of HG as part of preparing to get the H*ll out of Dodge.

If there's any way this scenario could have happened, then he'd had to have had a location in which to keep captive a person who very much wanted to get loose and run. He'd also have had to have room to "maneuver." Omg.

Anyway, this is what my gut tells me. Feedback, anyone?

I have thought of this too. I can't tell if it's due to wishful thinking that she could possibly be alive or if the fact that Morgan was found in an open field is somehow a different scenario. I wonder if Morgan was able to escape from wherever he had her but wasn't strong enough to make it to safety. Of course if he did have her somewhere, 4 weeks is a long time. I don't know what kind of chamber he could have rigged up but certainly his friends from childhood and adult life would have a better idea. JMO obviously.
If a week or more went by before MH was put out onto AF, the 7MS wouldn't have been a consideration. In fact, if JM attended (or crashed), he could have used the opportunity to "pick a place."

ETA: In a crowd of 130, who would have noticed?

No, wouldn't have ever noticed that. But it makes some sense
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