Hannah Graham: The Search - #4

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from what I can gather from digging around, the "unicorns" may be a reference to a facebook post by MH concerning how she "gave away all her unicorns" which seems to refer to ecstasy drugs. The letter is a letter that Lt. Rader wrote to MH's killer and he repeated "Do the right thing!" several times in the letter. I have not been able to find anything about a double X or the "fat f*g" comment in regards to MH or HG. Would be nice if SlickyBoy actually said what he meant instead of trying to show off some potential "inside knowledge"...
I think I see now. X meaning drugs and unicorns. Excatasy. I don't see Hannah doing that unless forced. I do personally feel LE is trying their best. The topography around here is not exactly suburbia. There is so much ground to cover.
Thanks, Snoods, for this info! Now THIS makes sense to me as to how JM might know about Bolivar Peninsula. Perhaps he had gone to this wild party before and thought it would be a great out of the way spot where no one would be looking for him. And it is obscure enough to be a good possibility--with the caveat that he was much more noticeable there when it wasn't Beach Party Weekend!

It kind of makes sense, right? I definitely believe he had either heard about it or even been there before. And honestly he wouldn't really be more noticeable even when it wasn't Beach Party Weekend. It's racially diverse there, he should have blended in without any problem, just another Galveston beachnik. It's actually astounding that that lady recognized him and called police.

ETA: Gah, my apologies for bringing the thread off topic. Keep up the great work everyone!
The police are working with tunnel vision relevant to their "suspect"; the key to locating Hannah is to correlate the same topographical aberrations associated with MH's drop site. For example, the double ''x" pattern, the "Fat F*g" spelling (relevant to MH's 'Unicorns) and other oddities of the sites patterns. LE is looking but they still don't see the game pieces the killer left for them. This includes the MH "letter" to Let. Rader referencing DO THE RIGHT THANG... LE has a cultural tendency to discount information they subjectively deem useless when it is more relevant than they know. Sometimes, sources will trust reporters before they'll confide in police. Why? Because we listen to everything and make objective connections.

It kind of makes sense, right? I definitely believe he had either heard about it or even been there before. And honestly he wouldn't really be more noticeable even when it wasn't Beach Party Weekend. It's racially diverse there, he should have blended in without any problem, just another Galveston beachnik. It's actually astounding that that lady recognized him and called police.

RE: It's actually astounding that that lady recognized him and called police.

Oh, the power of msm combined with internet social media, Snoods.. You can run, but you cannot hide from an aware American public.. The 16 yr old Hannah Anderson abduction(San Diego, CA 2013) is prolly the best example of awareness utilized by LE in an abduction investigation, imo..

Hannah Anderson case: FBI agents cleared in accused kidnapper's death

<sniped - read more>

The search for Anderson began Aug. 4, when the bodies of her mother, Christina, and 8-year-old brother, Ethan, were found in DiMaggio's burning home in eastern San Diego County. Authorities said DiMaggio, a family friend, killed the two before kidnapping the girl.

The manhunt stretched across the western United States for days, until a group of horseback riders spotted DiMaggio and Anderson in a stretch of remote, rugged wilderness about 75 miles north of Boise<1,000 miles from abduction site>. DiMaggio's car was found nearby, hidden under logs and thick brush.

Federal, state and local authorities swarmed the area and, six days after the search began, a law enforcement plane identified DiMaggio and Anderson at their campsite near Morehead Lake. An FBI hostage rescue team was dropped in from a distance to avoid alerting DiMaggio, and hiked two hours in the steep terrain to reach the site.

The agents moved in when DiMaggio and Anderson separated.
So, I'm still working the angle of the outdoors areas he might be familiar with. I'm also working the angle of the connections I've been able poke around on social media. Using MH as a past reference for the way he works (assuming he is the perp, etc. etc), I can't help but think there will be SOME degree of similarity in where he placed HG. On one hand, he knows LE has "forensic evidence" from MH, so you'd think he'd do something totally different. On the other hand, I don't think he's that intelligent. I think he goes with what he knows from the little I've been able to learn about his personality.

I discovered earlier that he liked Bass fishing and had kind of a "group". Well, it appears several people part of that also were into ATV's (sorry, I can't post social media links). There are posts about an ATV park trip down to NC- does not appear JM was with them but it is in keeping with the country lifestyle of these friends IMO. They also talked of pitching tents at this location.

So there is apparently a place in Crozet that has been popular for ATV's and "illegal" exploring in recent years. It's been controversial b/c it's not public property. Here is an article: http://www.cvilletomorrow.org/news/article/14453-crozet-jeeps

Check it out: 38°05'56.2"N 78°42'22.4"W

If you go to the satellite view you'll see photos at the bottom of trucks/atv's/etc at the location. Seems crazy remote to me. Seems like a place he'd have been before. Looks to be about 30 minutes from Tempo.
Oh, the power of msm combined with internet social media, Snoods.. You can run, but you cannot hide from an aware American public.. The 16 yr old Hannah Anderson abduction(San Diego, CA 2013) is prolly the best example of awareness utilized by LE in an abduction investigation, imo..

Hannah Anderson case: FBI agents cleared in accused kidnapper's death

<sniped - read more>

The search for Anderson began Aug. 4, when the bodies of her mother, Christina, and 8-year-old brother, Ethan, were found in DiMaggio's burning home in eastern San Diego County. Authorities said DiMaggio, a family friend, killed the two before kidnapping the girl.

The manhunt stretched across the western United States for days, until a group of horseback riders spotted DiMaggio and Anderson in a stretch of remote, rugged wilderness about 75 miles north of Boise<1,000 miles from abduction site>. DiMaggio's car was found nearby, hidden under logs and thick brush.

Federal, state and local authorities swarmed the area and, six days after the search began, a law enforcement plane identified DiMaggio and Anderson at their campsite near Morehead Lake. An FBI hostage rescue team was dropped in from a distance to avoid alerting DiMaggio, and hiked two hours in the steep terrain to reach the site.

The agents moved in when DiMaggio and Anderson separated.

Wasn't that something her being found like that? Still gives me chills just thinking about it.
Omigosh, MJPeony - You just reminded me of something. This was 9/4-9/7/14 and its second year running. 45 minutes from Tempo. http://www.locknfestival.com/

You call yours in, and I'll call this one. Yes?
Just wanting to refresh the thread topic regarding the search. What is the status for tomorrow? Mark Eggeman is coming to Cville, and they are starting to search in the morning? Or are they following tips now and waiting on the searching? Sorry if this is common knowledge here! Been out of the loop a bit today.
So, I'm still working the angle of the outdoors areas he might be familiar with. I'm also working the angle of the connections I've been able poke around on social media. Using MH as a past reference for the way he works (assuming he is the perp, etc. etc), I can't help but think there will be SOME degree of similarity in where he placed HG. On one hand, he knows LE has "forensic evidence" from MH, so you'd think he'd do something totally different. On the other hand, I don't think he's that intelligent. I think he goes with what he knows from the little I've been able to learn about his personality.

I discovered earlier that he liked Bass fishing and had kind of a "group". Well, it appears several people part of that also were into ATV's (sorry, I can't post social media links). There are posts about an ATV park trip down to NC- does not appear JM was with them but it is in keeping with the country lifestyle of these friends IMO. They also talked of pitching tents at this location.

So there is apparently a place in Crozet that has been popular for ATV's and "illegal" exploring in recent years. It's been controversial b/c it's not public property. Here is an article: http://www.cvilletomorrow.org/news/article/14453-crozet-jeeps

Check it out: 38°05'56.2"N 78°42'22.4"W

If you go to the satellite view you'll see photos at the bottom of trucks/atv's/etc at the location. Seems crazy remote to me. Seems like a place he'd have been before. Looks to be about 30 minutes from Tempo.

Samantha Clark was a fan of a 4X4 club, this is really interesting. ..
Omigosh, MJPeony - You just reminded me of something. This was 9/4-9/7/14 and its second year running. 45 minutes from Tempo. http://www.locknfestival.com/

You call yours in, and I'll call this one. Yes?

Very interesting- never heard of that event. Shades of Metallica....

Yes, I think I will call in the ATV tip. I worry that I'm wasting their valuable time, but I know that's stupid :eek:

ETA: Ok, called it in
from what I can gather from digging around, the "unicorns" may be a reference to a facebook post by MH concerning how she "gave away all her unicorns" which seems to refer to ecstasy drugs. The letter is a letter that Lt. Rader wrote to MH's killer and he repeated "Do the right thing!" several times in the letter. I have not been able to find anything about a double X or the "fat f*g" comment in regards to MH or HG. Would be nice if SlickyBoy actually said what he meant instead of trying to show off some potential "inside knowledge"...

It is known that MH used at times and may have been night she went missing. They was speculation early on with HG given that students usually head to mall for that purpose. Will probably be banned, but I think this is why I have concern over how this might factor in. This really could make a difference in finding HG and why is this info not shared?
Maybe he was 'dissed' by a girl at one of these parties?

Or maybe he derived some sick pleasure at these parties by having sex or making out with drunk women near where his victims(s) were left. As if he were making them watch.

Disturbing thought I know but some serial killers have been known to "pay visits" to bodies for weeks and even months afterwards.

IMO LE should definitely find out the locations of these field parties and check them all very thoroughly.
It is known that MH used at times and may have been night she went missing. They was speculation early on with HG given that students usually head to mall for that purpose. Will probably be banned, but I think this is why I have concern over how this might factor in. This really could make a difference in finding HG and why is this info not shared?

Double X is apparently a slang for ecstasy, too. Can't find anything on the other term.

How, though, can knowing whether or not she was using or seeking help us find her?
Double X is apparently a slang for ecstasy, too. Can't find anything on the other term.

How, though, can knowing whether or not she was using or seeking help us find her?
Not that it matters but "if" she were refering to that it would most likey be the picture on the pill that gave it that name..
They have smiley and scoobies and superman..etc..

It really wouldnt matter if she were or not because JM walked off with her and now she is gone, way different then her walking off alone.
Double X is apparently a slang for ecstasy, too. Can't find anything on the other term.

How, though, can knowing whether or not she was using or seeking help us find her?

I don't know. Maybe LE have covered all this and nothing to it. But with a case that went cold pretty quickly like MH it seems they that if they shared more it might have generated new tips. Same with HG. The search seems to be slowing a bit and reported that tip line activity has dropped. New info that won't compromise investigation may trigger new leads .
Oops, in reply to soulmagnet

Maybe, several people offered to help MH before she even left the lot. There are two witness sightings of her one well after Copeley Road. This is the South. Young, white girls do not usually get into a car driven by a black male. Just does not add up me.

With HG, she seemed purposeful like she had a goal. She did not seem lost. Plus in her last text saying she was lost, her actual physical location did not jibe with where her text said she was. That could make a difference.
The police are working with tunnel vision relevant to their "suspect"; the key to locating Hannah is to correlate the same topographical aberrations associated with MH's drop site. For example, the double ''x" pattern, the "Fat F*g" spelling (relevant to MH's 'Unicorns) and other oddities of the sites patterns. LE is looking but they still don't see the game pieces the killer left for them. This includes the MH "letter" to Let. Rader referencing DO THE RIGHT THANG... LE has a cultural tendency to discount information they subjectively deem useless when it is more relevant than they know. Sometimes, sources will trust reporters before they'll confide in police. Why? Because we listen to everything and make objective connections.

Not if that reporter is Coy Barefoot...
If cab drivers are black. Then I figure a girl would get in
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