Hannah's Journey on 09/13

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I wonder if JM saw WG so he laid back some, and figured he'd lost him after he ducked into the doorway. (I'm now of the opinion that WG was a bouncer at Rapture and probably knew JM.) Once WG was out of the way, he could approach her.

The above contradicts everything Longo said about WG's statement. WG said he thought she had run into someone HG seemed to know and then he went on to misdescribe several things about JM. If he knew JM, wouldn't he have said that she ran into a man with dreads, named JM? Instead, he said, in essence, "she ran into man with a clean-shaven head and a goatee whom she seemed to know." Why would he say that if JM was someone he knew?
The more I watch this video (and I know we've all watched it countless times!), the more it's not making sense to me. I've said before that I'm not into conspiracy theories, so I'm trying to stay focused. Something is not adding up somehow.

It's now looking to me like he doesn't notice her so much in his first glance towards her (second 28). He notices her but it's so brief that I don't think there is any way he assessed her to the point he made the decision to turn around and follow her. He only glances over in her direction.

The other thing that I'm seeing now is that the woman closest to the camera is definitely holding something in her right hand (I saw that mentioned on here weeks ago by someone but I thought nothing of it if she was.) It has a glint to it as she walks along. Maybe a cell phone, not sure. But what I'm realizing now is that when he "high-fives" her- the one with something in her right hand- he cannot high five that hand which is holding something. That's not a high-five. No way IMO. Something isn't right.
I am SO frustrated the camera doesn't have a wider view! :banghead:

(landscape is just a straight street btw. problem is that there is stuff in the middle- kiosks, tables and chairs, light posts, etc.)

So are you thinking it was some sort of a handoff? I had that thought as well... Who knows but yes there is something off, and it's not just this video. There is something off with this entire case. IMO
So are you thinking it was some sort of a handoff? I had that thought as well... Who knows but yes there is something off, and it's not just this video. There is something off with this entire case. IMO

I did not think that for weeks, but honestly, after watching it again tonight, yes. That is what I think. It's the fact she is definitely holding something in her right hand and THAT is the hand they hit together that makes me believe it is not a high-five. I don't high-five someone with something in my hand.

I keep trying to see if I can see anything in JM's right hand afterwards. But the darn wind spots, or whatever those moving blurs are, are right in the way. Right at second 29 I feel like I maaabye can see something darker in his palm but I don't trust my eyes.

Not that I think us WS'ers can solve this case, but I have to admit I have little confidence in the LE that reviewed these videos after that whole "it's HG's reflection in the window across from Tuel's" That is weird. I'm assuming though that since the FBI has been involved, they've now picked through these with a fine toothed comb.
And themom, if you're reading, I am eating my words right now :) I still don't think they were part of human trafficking, but I'm thinking it is much more possible that they have something more curious to do with their interaction with JM. IMO, it would be possibly related to drugs. Whether JM was intending to pass them off to HG and she was aware, IDK (obviously). Maybe he was meeting up with her for that, maybe it was just a drug exchange between the women and JM. Maybe I need to go to bed :) But I've seen that video in a different light tonight.
I'm not at all following the logic in the above. She said she was going one direction on Main when she was going the opposite on Preston. To me, that means she was on Preston, heading toward the DM when she did not know she was doing so, when, in fact, she thought/intended to be heading back in the other direction.

But why was she intending to be on Main, rather than Preston? I don't remember anyone saying what her intended destination was supposed to be, or at what point it was that she got "lost"? I guess I'm thinking that if she was lost, she wasn't intending to leave the area of The Corner, since that's where all the parties supposedly were that night.

How could she be so specific in her messages about where she was, if she was lost? Why would she even say she was on Main Street if she was on Preston?
The above contradicts everything Longo said about WG's statement. WG said he thought she had run into someone HG seemed to know and then he went on to misdescribe several things about JM. If he knew JM, wouldn't he have said that she ran into a man with dreads, named JM? Instead, he said, in essence, "she ran into man with a clean-shaven head and a goatee whom she seemed to know." Why would he say that if JM was someone he knew?

Maybe for the same reason he gave a totally incorrect description of JM--close shaven, goatee, black pants and white t-shirt, slight beer belly?? Sounds like LE was playing all sorts of games with JM, and with everyone else.
But why was she intending to be on Main, rather than Preston? I don't remember anyone saying what her intended destination was supposed to be, or at what point it was that she got "lost"? I guess I'm thinking that if she was lost, she wasn't intending to leave the area of The Corner, since that's where all the parties supposedly were that night.

How could she be so specific in her messages about where she was, if she was lost? Why would she even say she was on Main Street if she was on Preston?

Yeah, you aren't lost if you are texting your cross streets from your iPhone. :thinking:
So are you thinking it was some sort of a handoff? I had that thought as well... Who knows but yes there is something off, and it's not just this video. There is something off with this entire case. IMO

I thought the woman was holding sunglasses in her hand. And I didn't see anything in JM's hand afterward. He kind of holds his right hand up a few seconds afterward and it appears empty to me.
The above contradicts everything Longo said about WG's statement. WG said he thought she had run into someone HG seemed to know and then he went on to misdescribe several things about JM. If he knew JM, wouldn't he have said that she ran into a man with dreads, named JM? Instead, he said, in essence, "she ran into man with a clean-shaven head and a goatee whom she seemed to know." Why would he say that if JM was someone he knew?

Here is what I know to be absolute fact from first hand knowledge. There is a bouncer who works at Rapture that IS familiar with JM.

Wether that is the same bouncer who was working that night? Unknown.
whether WG in the video is indeed a bouncer at Rapture? Unknown

My take: he either lied to LE because he knew JM or LE like every other carefully orchestrated thing they have said essentially lied to us, and downplayed what he knew. Perhaps because WG does know exactly who JM is, his eyewitness account is even stronger, and its something they want to protect for the integrity of the case.
So are you thinking it was some sort of a handoff? I had that thought as well... Who knows but yes there is something off, and it's not just this video. There is something off with this entire case. IMO
In the very beginning, I suspected that the high five was possibly a "hand off" of a date rape drug. But this only made sense to me if JM was "working" with a ring of some kind (human trafficking, for example). However, it could be that high five woman is a drug dealer who sells drugs used for date raping.
Horrific to imagine a woman selling a date rape drug, but more horrifying things have happened in this world, especially where money is concerned...
I did not think that for weeks, but honestly, after watching it again tonight, yes. That is what I think. It's the fact she is definitely holding something in her right hand and THAT is the hand they hit together that makes me believe it is not a high-five. I don't high-five someone with something in my hand.

I keep trying to see if I can see anything in JM's right hand afterwards. But the darn wind spots, or whatever those moving blurs are, are right in the way. Right at second 29 I feel like I maaabye can see something darker in his palm but I don't trust my eyes.

Not that I think us WS'ers can solve this case, but I have to admit I have little confidence in the LE that reviewed these videos after that whole "it's HG's reflection in the window across from Tuel's" That is weird. I'm assuming though that since the FBI has been involved, they've now picked through these with a fine toothed comb.

I'd think if it was a hand off....its might be more of a coincidence...and not be related to the case...more like he was giving the girl drugs, and she was giving him money...it would be awful hard to see an 8-ball on a video. So I can totally see that.

Perhaps he ran into Hannah coincidently, because he had left tempo to attend to that very deal...
And themom, if you're reading, I am eating my words right now :) I still don't think they were part of human trafficking, but I'm thinking it is much more possible that they have something more curious to do with their interaction with JM. IMO, it would be possibly related to drugs. Whether JM was intending to pass them off to HG and she was aware, IDK (obviously). Maybe he was meeting up with her for that, maybe it was just a drug exchange between the women and JM. Maybe I need to go to bed :) But I've seen that video in a different light tonight.
I definitely thought of you, and our previous convo, MJPeony! LOL

But yes...now I'm thinking she may be a drug dealer (I just posted this, above).

Makes a lot of sense. Except, why would her hand be glowing? It could be that she just bumped his hand instead of a high five, bc she was too lazy or tired or whatever.to switch it out of that hand so she could give creeper LJ from work (or wherever she knows him from) a proper high five...
I'm basing my opinion of WG on this:

"Cecilia Rodi, owner of Rapture restaurant and bar, said that a bouncer working the doors that night saw Graham walking down the mall. Rodi said that the bouncer later saw Graham speaking with a large man; Matthew is 6-foot-2 and weighs 270 pounds."

For what its worth I know a bouncer at rapture that fits WG description perfectly. As a matter of fact, the first time I watch the video I thought it was him...the arc of the shoulders, the head forward, large build, the way he moved a d walked...that was before I new anything about WG working at rapture.
I thought the woman was holding sunglasses in her hand. And I didn't see anything in JM's hand afterward. He kind of holds his right hand up a few seconds afterward and it appears empty to me.

Could you picture JM giving out "goodies" to cute girls for free like he did with cab rides?
For what its worth I know a bouncer at rapture that fits WG description perfectly. As a matter of fact, the first time I watch the video I thought it was him...the arc of the shoulders, the head forward, large build, the way he moved a d walked...that was before I new anything about WG working at rapture.

When it was suggested earlier on that WG may be a bouncer, I wondered if bouncers could open-carry and was told yes. Does your guy wear a holster?
Hahaha! Beat me to it! :)
Your information, coupled with the Rapture statement about their bouncer seeing HG fit perfectly together. It's probably him, and if that's the case he is used to "looking out" for drunk girls.

My only question with this scenerio is why would he have allowed the vulnerable woman to walk off with JM, whom he knows to be a "predator of drunk girls"? Maybe he didn't recognize JM? Or it appeared that they knew one another, and HG wasn't pushing him away or off her?
When it was suggested earlier on that WG may be a bouncer, I wondered if bouncers could open-carry and was told yes. Does your guy wear a holster?

Not that I'm aware of.

But it is legal as you said in VA to carry a gun, and he does have former military experience. If he carried one, he was secretive about it.
Your information, coupled with the Rapture statement about their bouncer seeing HG fit perfectly together. It's probably him, and if that's the case he is used to "looking out" for drunk girls.

My only question with this scenerio is why would he have allowed the vulnerable woman to walk off with JM, whom he knows to be a "predator of drunk girls"? Maybe he didn't recognize JM? Or it appeared that they knew one another, and HG wasn't pushing him away or off her?

I've also wondered if he thought HG was in trouble, why he let her go off with JM, but really, what was he supposed to do? He said she seemed comfortable with JM, and from the video, that seems apparent. Bet these are hard times for him.
Your information, coupled with the Rapture statement about their bouncer seeing HG fit perfectly together. It's probably him, and if that's the case he is used to "looking out" for drunk girls.

My only question with this scenerio is why would he have allowed the vulnerable woman to walk off with JM, whom he knows to be a "predator of drunk girls"? Maybe he didn't recognize JM? Or it appeared that they knew one another, and HG wasn't pushing him away or off her?

I cant say much...but perhaps you are over estimating his moral compass.

But yes makes me sick to think about too.

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