Has any doubt crept in to your 100% guilty belief?

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To me, we have to separate the actions that go to murder and exclude the actions that could also apply to a dysfunctional accident cover-up. For purposes of analysis only. I think this is exactly what the jury did. It also hit me that the only possibilities are:
1. murder 1, she planned it
2. manslaughter, she chloroformed her and she od'd
3. or a true accident are the only three likely possibilities.

The only real evidence of murder 1 was the duct tape and the chloroform searches, right? With Kronk moving the body, the LE not getting the body sooner, and GA's duct tape without her fingerprints...there's your doubt.

The searches are another story. She can claim the "chloroform" search related to Tony's my space. But the "neck-breaking" and "killing with household items" can not reasonably be explained in any way shape or form.

Right. Though then we also have to remember the jurors were not in a vaccuum absent common sense. The could have legally chosen to believe the state in the absense of having every single strand of DNA, every moment in the duct tape's travels...and connecting some random meter reader to manipulatng a skull is more plausible than KC having taped her and dumped her? No way. They navigated it in the Scott Peterson case with far greater ease. Heck, they navigated it in the OJ case and, IIRC, some of the jurors came forward years later basically admitting they knew he was guilty, but ah, the times called for the aqcuittal of a black celebrity.
The verdict doesn't change my thinking. I didn't believe it was proved that ICA used chloroform, but I did think it was proved she used that duct tape.

People were saying "It only takes one" to hang a jury, worried that if it was 11-1 to convict, ICA might walk.

Ha. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that twelve people (and apparently at least one alternate) could all decide this case this way. It completely defies logic and statistical probabilities that there would not be ONE person who would look at all that evidence and think she was guilty. I can't explain to myself how all 12 of those people - ALL of them!!! - could think there was any reasonable doubt here. I think they liked JB in a way they didn't like LDB and JA, and I think that influenced their decision. I think what commentators have said about the CSI effect replacing common sense played a part. I think the publicity affected them. In a high-profile case you worry about finding impartial jurors. I think on some level, because the public seemed so pro-prosecution, these jurors became pro-defense, thinking they were balancing the scales, when that wasn't their job. Being impartial and finding the facts was their sole purpose.

12 Stealth Jurors. Wow, just wow.
2) I don't ascribe to "All Defense Teams are Devils" theories. That affection by the defense team displayed to Casey after the verdict. It was genuine. They honesty believe she didn't murder Caylee. It's like they all know the real truth.

That is one of the traits of a sociopath. Charming and lovely and persuasive until they have no more use for their victim. I have read that even shrinks can often not discern who is a sociopath because of this. That's what is so sickening...she is working everyone.
I haven't followed this case in all its particulars, but it seems to me that bringing a DP case was a high-stakes risk that didn't pay off. There was so much public pressure that anything less than capital charges may have provoked riots -- perhaps that fed into the decision, as it has in other cases.

That said, my sense is that the jury, having decided that the defence had raised reasonable doubt about 1st-degree murder, extrapolated that doubt (wrongly) down to the lesser charges also, despite the differing burden of proof for manslaughter, child abuse and so forth. This I don't understand, and here I think a jury request for rereads or clarification/instruction would have been helpful. All in all, trial by judge here would have yielded a very different result here, I suspect. Complex cases require careful presentation and nuanced thinking from those who judge them. Perhaps the PT's presentation wasn't properly geared to this jury. How far can charm get you? Pretty far, it seems.

I can't add anything eloquent. So, I will stick with a simple NO!
No. But makes me wonder what the jurors thought a reasonable doubt is. Does there have to be a video/picture of the killing?

I would not be a good juror as I believed and still do that OJ was/is guilty and now I believe the same 'bout Casey.
I will never have a doubt in my mind that Caylee was murdered by Casey.
No doubt . She is 100% guilty of murdering her baby daughter Caylee Marie Anthony .What is up with the Jury letting a BABY KILLER GO FREE .
Casey proved herself guilty long before her trial. Sometimes what you don't say is much more believable than what you do - especially when you're a liar.
A baby is dead, somebody did it, if you have to lie about it, then there's something to hide (besides the body). There are more people who loved that baby than the one who didn't.

The only thing that has changed is the list she'll be added to -

List A:
Diane Downs
Susan Smith
Darlie Routier
(I believe she is a sister to these women, and should be included. I believe most people will send her down in history on this list.)

Instead, the jury has sentenced her to this list:

List B:
O.J. Simpson
Casey Anthony
Basically, she is rewarded for such effective lying and having parents who will lie for her. And...she is being rewarded BIG TIME for hiding the body so well!! Way to go, Casey!! Using the laundry bag and double bagging....smart girl!!

The jury is in awe of her, no doubt. And, her fans are waiting anxiously for a glimpse of their heroine!! OOOOH....Casey!! Can we have your autograph?? You just showed everyone how to kill a kid and get away with it!! YIPPEE!!!

God will sort it out.
No . None . Nada. She is guilty and I think the jury knows she is guilty
No. I have never had even one iota of doubt. A murderer just walked free, and not just any murderer, the murderer of a defenseless child, a child too young to even fight back.
Yesterday the score was Murderers 1, Justice and Little Children 0.

If we're lucky, law enforcement will follow Casey Anthony, knowing her kind, knowing that like OJ, there will be a next time, a next crime, and she will one day spend the rest of her life behind bars.

My opinion was formed by reading the actual documents, and watching the family videos, knowing something about how cunning psychopaths are, and the threats they pose to society and individual lives through psychology books on the subject and books by renowned criminal profilers. I don't watch TV at all. Casey is a classic psychopath.

In Texas, any murder of a child under six years old is a capital offense punishable by death.
I 100% believe that she killed her daughter, deliberately, no accident. I believe it was done in anger after the fight with her mother, probably the next day, and the shuffling after the fact was all just a mad dash to cover it up.
If the body was moved at all, I believe LA moved it.
I believe this case was lost because the State overreached with the murder1, DP charges and I thought that from the get go. The computer searches ad duct tape that they used to try to prove premeditation only confused the entire issue. Fact: Child is dead. Fact: Last seen with her mother. Fact: Mother lied about what happened to daughter. Fact: Mother lead LE on a wild goose chase to confuse and obstruct justice. Fact: Mother did not report any kidnapping, missing child to LE. Admitted Fact: Mother was aware child was dead and was unconcerned, did not tell police, did not tell anyone. Fact: Child was found in an area where Mother was known to go.
The car smell, computer searches, duct tape, hair in trunk - all arguable evidence, all confusing to the simple facts. The simple facts show murder.
I've said from the beginning of this case that a really good psychopath was getting everyone in the public and most of the media to believe that her family is dysfunctional. This seems to be what won her case according to the alternate juror who said that he felt he could speak for them all. I've wondered before if there was a plot to stage a carjacking or home invasion but something went wrong, but that's it, and it would still be felony murder. However, there is no evidence to prove that Casey intended for Caylee to be anywhere at all that night of the 16th and cell phone pings, conversations, and texting prove that there was not enough time for any accident to have happened. Someone did the 'how to make chloroform' and other searches back in March. There was no testimony of past lying in such extreme despite what the alternate juror said. To believe that Casey didn't do it , people would have to believe that the whole family knew and hid the body early that morning.
Oh, I agree, they are happy for themselves, their side won. What I was referring to was how they sincerely looked like they were happy for Casey, truly. And, they truly believed her side (whatever it was). i don't think you can fake that and I don't automatically believe they are all evil. I know plenty of defense attys and you can tell when they win (but still don't necessary think their clients are innocent.) compared to when they believe them. the display yesterday, to me was the latter.

Thank you so much for saying this. I started a thread about why does the DT love her??? I THINK my point was somewhat misunderstood.???? not sure.... Like you , I saw a genuine fondness (to put it mildly) for their client and I have to wonder......why?.......what is it about her that has created this seeming bond? Do they really sit there and hear all the PT has presented and believe her???? Has she so deceived them? Is she really THAT good of a liar??? I am perplexed.
None I believe she is guilty like I did in the beginning and her actions throughout the trial have confirmed it even more.
I do not agree with the verdict - I believe she is evil and should be put to death.

However, where do you get the notion the jury deliberated so quickly just to get back to their lives? They could have easily convicted her in a timely manner as well.

But then they would have had to stick around for the sentencing phase...too much to ask.
I'm so depressed by the verdict. I read through every document dump 2 yrs ago and believed she is 100% guilty and still do. I'm tired of hearing how she was tried in the media and that the media got it wrong. The media actually had it right! and I ddnt form my opinions because of the talking heads on HLN or NG said she was guilty. It was so obvious from the mountains of evidence against her.

This is such an important point. Those of us who have intensely followed the case--reading every document, listening to every audio recording, watching every video, which were available due to the very unusual Sunshine Law--are not going by "the media"; we formed our opinions on the basis of the information.

The jury didn't have access to that information once they were sequestered, and anyone who followed as closely as that was never allowed on the jury to begin with.
I have zero doubt. Despite all the other evidence, this sticks in my mind. Her 2 year old daughter was MISSING. She did not report her missing to LE, family or friends. She did not look for her.........she actually HINDERED those who were trying to look for her by LYING on multiple occasions. Period. These are not the actions of an innocent person and nothing in this world would ever convince me otherwise. How the jury righted this in their minds is beyond me. I don't care what she has to say at this point.....it's what she DIDN'T say during those 31 days that matters.
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