Has any doubt crept in to your 100% guilty belief?

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I have NO DOUBT in my mind she diliberately killed Caylee. Innocent people don't party for 31 days after their daughter has just died and refuse to help police with investigating her death. Ladies and gentlemen that is just sick and it is so sad that NOT one juror could see that. I hope they never have one good night of sleep. She got away with it but she won't when she screws up again and she will. It's only a matter of time.
I am afraid we might start seeing more children murdered by their mother since it was proved by casey's jury that you can kill your child and be found not guilty . That is sending a message to all mother's and father's that don't want their children to kill them and hide the body .I am inclined that jury needs to be investigated ... Something is not right .There was no Justice for Caylee Marie Anthony . None at all .
Thank you for an excellent post.

I have zero doubt. Despite all the other evidence, this sticks in my mind. Her 2 year old daughter was MISSING. She did not report her missing to LE, family or friends. She did not look for her.........she actually HINDERED those who were trying to look for her by LYING on multiple occasions. Period. These are not the actions of an innocent person and nothing in this world would ever convince me otherwise. How the jury righted this in their minds is beyond me. I don't care what she has to say at this point.....it's what she DIDN'T say during those 31 days that matters.
But then they would have had to stick around for the sentencing phase...too much to ask.

Exactly what my 16-year-old son said--that they wanted to go home and they knew that a guilty verdict would require them to go to the next phase. I cannot actually believe that 12 people would render a verdict on such a selfish basis.

Maybe in future they will have to have sequestered juries in a "Big Brother" type arrangement, with cameras and microphones everywhere, so they can be sure they aren't violating court orders?
Gonna say this again. I have no idea WHY people have been so quick to jump on it was an accident bandwagon. There is not one shred of proof caylee drowned. So why are some people, even on websleuths are saying this is beyond me. There is no proof caylee was murdered either, but I don't know why in gods name Casey gets the benefit of the doubt. I've read about hundreds of cases similar and most of the time people are ready to slap murderer on the convicted. Is it because she is pretty? Or white? Or young? I dunno, but people who have kids that accidentally drown call the police period. Casey Anthony murdered caylee.
Pretty, young, white, woman...yeah...that would probably be it. If she would have been a poor unattractive black woman? We never would have heard about it even in the news. THAT is a sad fact in this country. :sick:
I have no doubt she killed her. The way of the world...leaves me speechless..I told my dh up is down, in is out..... and wrong has become the new right... very sad indeed.

What I don't get.... is how they charged her with lying to the police, about the crime..yet... she was found to..... have nothing to do with the crime.....*shakes head*
I was never 100% positive of anything in this case, other than that little Caylee had died under suspicious circumstances. And that, yes, Casey was the most likely suspect to my mind. Still there was so much strangeness surrounding this case, to include the fact that GA, an ex-LE, did not bother to contact the police when he even claimed he smelled decomp in the car when he went to pick it up while at the same time telling the tow company attendant his daughter was missing, and the rather odd exchange between Casey & Cindy regarding the pool ladder, to the plethora of lies that seemed part and parcel of that familiy's dynamic, that I could not be 100% sure Casey was solely responsible for the death of her child, much less guilty murder in the first.

That said, I am reminded of something John Douglas mentioned in an interview regarding the JBR case. And that was, those investigating that case approached it as if they were investigating a drug case as opposed to a homicide case. The primary difference between these two types of investigations is that in the case of drugs, detectives identify a suspect and proceed to build a case, whereas homicide detectives identify multiple suspects and proceed to rule them out.

I, personally, think that is what occurred in this case. They identified Casey as the sole suspect and proceeded to build a case to support their theory, as opposed to ruling out *all* possible suspects. and I think this is what hurt them in the end.
I was 99% sure for 3 years until.... she placed herself with a dead Caylee.
I knew then that she had 100% murdered her baby.
The whole defence didn't make sense. He didn't even get the time right.
I don't know about you all, but I know the exact time every one of my loved ones passed.

Why are so many people blind to the truth these days?
I have no doubt whatsoever that Casey is indeed guilty. I will always believe it.

*Now watch the Anthonys band together for the 'money train'. There will be trouble between Cindy and Casey because they will argue over whose story it really is and how that story is told. I have my own version of little Caylees' story from the evidence and the discovery. I will not read the Anthonys' version, nor will I ever feel the least bit sorry for them!

I agree LaLaw except I don't think that Casey will ever return to her parents' home. Why should she? She has already used them to her benefit and now due to her celebrity status she doesn't need their monetary support anymore. She can have the "Beautiful Life" she wanted so much without any bosses and I think she will truly enjoy it to the hilt. I also don't believe that the public has heard the last version of what happened to Caylee. I'm certain that she will invent and build upon Jose's opening statement until even his ludicrous version will no longer be recognizable. Nope, Casey is through with her family.

Casey has a soul mate though in Joran Van der Sloot. These two were made for each other. Joran's lies set him free from accountability for taking Natalie Holloway's life and he went on to take another life. He may walk for this one too. I feel that Casey is just as dangerous as Joran Van der Sloot and we may see her again in the future, unfortunately. This jury took the easy and quick route and set a dangerous psychopath free to harm the public again.
I was 100% sure Casey was guilty of premeditated murder the day I found this site and read the excellent 31 day calendar.

But, a speck of doubt has entered my mind now, anyone else?
i believe she is guilty as charged. but i now doubt whether the evidence was there. what i hate about that is that her bad acts following caylee's death ended up serving kc well.
If anything, I went the other way. I will admit that I tend to really want to give people the benefit of the doubt and I don't like to believe that people are that terrible. I followed the case until December 2008 and didn't pick it back up until the trial started. I was on the fence back in 2008 but now I'm up to 100% that she was involved. I don't believe the chloroform theory but she was responsible, whether it was rage or even a horrible selfish split second decision not to save Caylee from drowning.
Pretty, young, white, woman...yeah...that would probably be it. If she would have been a poor unattractive black woman? We never would have heard about it even in the news. THAT is a sad fact in this country. :sick:

I agree with you. What does that say about us as a society? Sad. :(
Exactly what my 16-year-old son said--that they wanted to go home and they knew that a guilty verdict would require them to go to the next phase. I cannot actually believe that 12 people would render a verdict on such a selfish basis.

Maybe in future they will have to have sequestered juries in a "Big Brother" type arrangement, with cameras and microphones everywhere, so they can be sure they aren't violating court orders?

I don't necessarily believe that will solve the problem altogether, although it might help. It can't hurt to try, right?
I 100% believe that she is guilty of premeditated first degree murder.

One thing that the alternate juror said was that if the car smelled like a decomposed body why didn't GA call the police as soon as he smelled it. That has always bothered me too along with if the guy at the tow yard smelled it before GA got there and was sure of what it was why didn't he call the police as soon as he smelled it? The jurors didn't believe that there was ever a body in the back of the car is what he said although I don't know how and alternate knew what they other jurors thought.

I can understand why GA didn't call. Henpecked much? I can't understand why the guy at the tow yard didn't call even before GA got there. That makes his testimony suspicious to me.

I don't understand why the police didn't investigate the car that night. Cindy said in her call that the damn car smelled like it had a dead body it and a baby was missing. Why didn't the police take the car that night if it smelled that bad?

The question about how GA knew that the car had been at the Amscot for 3 days when he was at the tow lot was never answered in court. I knew that would come back to bite them on the butt. Although I do think that it was answered in my mind by Cindy saying that she called Amscot on the way to the tow yard. They should have directly addressed the three day comment.

I still don't see how they got a not guilty verdict though. To me it's still plain as day.
After visiting Caylee's memorial I became convinced that foul play was involved and my conviction in this has grown, the only doubts I have now are in our justice system.
Nope, not changed one iota the way I feel.

First the famous "twinkie defense" now the "snowball outta control defense"

I do respect the time citizens chosen for the jury put in and can't imagine the personal stress put on people who serve being sequestered for so long.

In the first interview I heard the alternate juror #14 give last night,
his first responses


1. He didn't think the prosecution fulfilled their duty which should be a correct statement
according to their verdict
2. It was "an accident that snowballed out of control".

The second statement got my attention. If the jury can speculate on the "snowball accident" effect could it not be as logical to speculate just the opposite and go with the prosecution's theory?

I wonder if all jurors feel the same and would like to hear their reasoning but am afraid once the see how the public is reacting, they may choose to stay anonymous.
Like some on here I was aware of Caylees disapperance and aware her remains had been found but really didn't follow this until the trial started. I went from really thinking this was an accident and Casey freaked out to firmly believing she planned and acted on the plans for her daughters death. I have other feelings concerning other things she may have planned on doing at some point as well based on the evidence presented in the court room.
no doubt at all.

no faith in the system anymore too.
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