Has the search been called off

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Thanks, darlin'!

Yep, Kimberly G was still at CourtTV back in the Peterson day, and was very vocal about how despicable the Peterson Family was.....
At this point, IMO, the The Anthony's have surpassed the Peterson's in despicableness--I know that's not a word, sorry, but my ire has taken over my brain....
Yep, Kimberly G was still at CourtTV back in the Peterson day, and was very vocal about how despicable the Peterson Family was.....
At this point, IMO, the The Anthony's have surpassed the Peterson's in despicableness--I know that's not a word, sorry, but my ire has taken over my brain....

Yeah, that Cindy is a piece of work. Would love to hear what a forensic psychiatrist has to say about her!
The newspeople are clamoring around the protesters. I'm pretty sure they lady had a doll as well.
Just wanted to mention, for those that follow that dreams site - they mentioned last night that today was the last day of thier search too.
For anyone who may be interested in praying to St. Anthony, patron saint of missing people and things, here is the prayer:

Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.

O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God
and Charity for His creatures made you worthy, when on
earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on
your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in
trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore
of you to obtain for us Caylee. The answer to my prayer
may require a miracle. Even so, you are the saint of

O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full
of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the
Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and
the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.

Amen. (Say 13 Paters, Aves, and Glorias)

I looked it up for myself, and thought I would post it for anyone who may be interested. I do not wish to offend anyone by this, only to help those who may wish to use prayer. :)

How ironic that it's St. Anthony.

I am posting a link to a video for all of you to listen to especially now that the search has been called of for NOW. This song was born for friends facing a difficult time, of which, all of us are feeling at this moment knowing the search has been called off.

I found this song in someone's blog. It is called "It's Going To Be Alright Now."



PLEASE take a moment, listen to the song, think of Caylee.

What a beautiful song, TY.

The first two lines alone choke you up.

Where did you find this? It's lovely.

And it made me choke up.
Thank you! Tim must be close and he must know something we dont. I hope he does find her soon.

Have been shining a light on Caylee all day so that she could be found.

When I watch Tim on the video .. had to do it more than once to make sure.. he was not sad to me..he looked a teenie weenie bit victorious..so did Mandy even though she was crying. The sheriff though looked angrier than usual. Mind you I do not know any of them personally, but the feelings I have had all day today solidified this afternoon with the news and even much more so after the press conference.

No facts all feelings....oh no gut feelings. Sorry

Thank you to everyone. Just have to wait and see now. And pray.

ETA: Thank you for reminding me of St. Anthony ..always great at finding things or people
For anyone who may be interested in praying to St. Anthony, patron saint of missing people and things, here is the prayer:

Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.

O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God
and Charity for His creatures made you worthy, when on
earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on
your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in
trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore
of you to obtain for us Caylee. The answer to my prayer
may require a miracle. Even so, you are the saint of

O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full
of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the
Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and
the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.

Amen. (Say 13 Paters, Aves, and Glorias)

I looked it up for myself, and thought I would post it for anyone who may be interested. I do not wish to offend anyone by this, only to help those who may wish to use prayer. :)

orrrr you can always say the quickie version: Dear St Anthony please come around something is lost and it cant be found... I prayed this all day as I searched exchangeing something for someone and it for they:rolleyes:
Maybe I'm hoping or seeing too much but if LE makes an arrest based on what information they have, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

:praying: I am praying tonight for resolution. It's so long overdue.
I am just much too emotionally wrapped into this case. And I know the majority of you here are also. I have followed several other cases, but Miss Caylee has grabbed my heart. Don't know if it's that I love children, always have. I'm a mother of 3 myself, I'm a nurse and take care of sick children in an ICU. I know what a Gift from God these little ones are. And they are given to us to be taken care of and cherished by us. I can't imagine making a choice of "being a party girl" over being a mommy!
This case has really "taken the wind out of my sails"!:crazy: My husband tells me to get away from it", and " don't read that stuff all the time". I can't. I honestly can't. I want to be down there... I told Hubby I may just take some time off and go down there and help out in the search. He looked at me like I was talking in a foreign language. But I have been seriously pondering going down there for a week or so to help. I would think there are still some organized searches even if Tim and his crew aren't there, aren't there?
I am hoping that sweet Caylee is found soon, she deserves to be found and prayerfully laid to rest.

And I'm sorry for the long winded rambling, just thought you Guys would understand.
And Tricia, Thank You to you for keeping us informed on everything. Your work and efforts are always appreciated!
For anyone who may be interested in praying to St. Anthony, patron saint of missing people and things, here is the prayer:

Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints.

O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God
and Charity for His creatures made you worthy, when on
earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on
your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in
trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore
of you to obtain for us Caylee. The answer to my prayer
may require a miracle. Even so, you are the saint of

O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full
of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the
Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and
the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.

Amen. (Say 13 Paters, Aves, and Glorias)

I looked it up for myself, and thought I would post it for anyone who may be interested. I do not wish to offend anyone by this, only to help those who may wish to use prayer. :)

As a Catholic, I thank you for posting this prayer!! Asking the saints to petition our Lord Jesus is the same as asking our family and friends to pray for special petitions. Everytime I lose something.. I pray to St Anthony!
I prayed for everyone at Mass today for Caylee, and everyone adversely affected by this case. I also imagined Mary the Mother of Jesus holding Caylee in her arms. There is no better Mother!! She is the most gracious and loving Mother.
That one searcher that posted on foxorlando seemed to think something went on today at the search and he also said they had a productive day. Maybe they did find evidence of Caylee today but they don't want to disturb anything when they can't see everything so they are waiting to come back when the water is gone to get more evidence. He seems to think there is something there. What a shame they couldn't get it today.
I got home from the search about an hour ago and I have been pondering what to post on here. I want to say something without saying too much, if you know what I mean. I've rewritten this several times to try to get it right.

It was very hot today, but no different than any other Florida summer day. We were encouraged to drink a lot of water. Our ATV driver had a cooler with him that was fully stocked.

The ground has dried significantly. We didn't encounter any substantial water today in any of my searches (other than ponds, lakes, etc). Yesterday was pretty much the same. Some muddy areas, but nothing major. There were areas with standing water that most likely had been dry in the past, but we're not talking about 3 feet of water...nothing that major. Are there swamps to deal with? Yes, but that will always be the case in Florida. I'm not saying that the conditions I had were the same for other searchers, but that was my experience yesterday and today.

Today’s search was eventful and productive. After leaving command center, I returned to my search location and it was blocked off with police tape. I will be watching the news closely over the next few days.

That's really all I can say. I would love to go into more details, but I just can't. I'm not trying to be mysterious and cryptic, but I would hate to jeopardize the investigation in any way.

Since Tim has said that the search was called off for environmental reasons, I guess we just have to take that at face value and trust that Tim knows what he is doing. I've only met him today and he seems like a top-notch guy.

Thank you for the update and for your search efforts. :blowkiss: I too, as well as the rest of us I suspect, will be watching the news in the next few days.
Have been shining a light on Caylee all day so that she could be found.

When I watch Tim on the video .. had to do it more than once to make sure.. he was not sad to me..he looked a teenie weenie bit victorious..so did Mandy even though she was crying. The sheriff though looked angrier than usual. Mind you I do not know any of them personally, but the feelings I have had all day today solidified this afternoon with the news and even much more so after the press conference.

No facts all feelings....oh no gut feelings. Sorry

Thank you to everyone. Just have to wait and see now. And pray.

ETA: Thank you for reminding me of St. Anthony ..always great at finding things or people

What a chain !
And, thank you for reminding ME about St. Anthony. Everything happens for a reason . Maybe we need to say a prayer, huh ?

Hail Mary !~
That one searcher that posted on foxorlando seemed to think something went on today at the search and he also said they had a productive day. Maybe they did find evidence of Caylee today but they don't want to disturb anything when they can't see everything so they are waiting to come back when the water is gone to get more evidence. He seems to think there is something there. What a shame they couldn't get it today.

On one of the other blogs they said that something was found, then the mounted policemen came, then the cadavar dogs, then everyone else came with their equipment.

Don't know what happened, but the person seemed to think it was OVER.
I am so sad today. I literally feel sucker punched, all my air has escaped, and like just there is no hope. Any hope I had that Caylee would be found is gone. I was hopeful that good man Tim would find her. He was my only hope and now he is leaving. He says a few weeks. A few weeks with KC sitting at home on the net and GMA and GPA laughing and smiling that ha ha, nobody found her, she must still be alive schpeel. The police are now protecting them which i find disgusting. She ran these good police man around on a wild goose chase, and now they are protecting this disgusting family. I HAVE NO HOPE. KC will be tried on neglect and convicted, but what is that 3 years, and we all have to wait until November to see her at least pay for that, all the while she plays on the net. I am beside myself in grief and sadness. I really do not know what to do with myself. I say walk away, stop reading all the news, stop watching NG, stop watching the web cam, but I can't. I feel so sad for Caylee. People who are supposed to love her do not care one bit about her. A few weeks gives the family time to go hide her again. I really am sick over this.
I also read on another blog about searchers being extra emotional & crying. My heart is in my stomach right now.
What blog was this on? PM me if you have to..:)
I'm confused. The search was called off for good?????
What blog was this on? PM me if you have to..:)

Ditto to that, please.

Also, is there a link to show the conference where some searchers were crying?

Thank you.

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