Haunting Evidence: JonBenet Ramsey

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I have no idea how these photo links or uploads work. At FFJ I have an upload option, but not here. Also, when I use the "insert image" button, I can see the photo with no problem when I post it. I see photos others post that people then say they can't see...?

Your post actually has two photos in it I see: mine and yours.

So I'm guessing there's something going on with the photos here I haven't figured out. Thanks for posting it, anyway, as I guess others can't see it in my post, as well. :waitasec:
The link that you provided is to a "registered members only" area of FFJ and, as such, you are able to see it. The link I provided is to a publicly available area of ACR, which everyone is able to see.
I think there's been a bit of a misunderstanding. We're not necessarily talking about a medical condition here. As Dr. John McCann, one of the panel members that ST mentions, said in his report to the DA's office, the labia of a child that age tend to remain closed unless manually separated.[/QUOTE

Yes that is true, closed but not FUSED. JBR had some issues that required Patsy to try and be extra diligent in her cleaning. She would have to separate her labia and clean around her urethra and the surrounding skin as the tendency to stay closed labia would trap bacteria and the higher than normal acid content of her urine would be irritating to her labia. Both sets. Did any of you ladies even know you have Labia major and Labia minor. The minor being closer to the opening of your vagina (where a hymen is located).

This reminds me of a fight I had with my mom over my "monthly". I wanted to use tampons and she said I would injure myself and insisted I consult our family doctor. He told her if I started to hurt myself I would stop as it would feel painful. I was 14. It takes more force than tampon insertion to break it and JBR's was still intact but erosion was at the 7 o'clock position.
If I were having to clean someone in that area I would most likely use a washcloth. The direction I would wipe would be towards the bottom and along the side of her labia. I see it is possible for Patsy to have caused further damage to an already irritated JBR's labia. JBR would have cried or complained IMO alerting her it was too rough. The autopsy report alludes to this healing and it is being used here as proof she was sexually assaulted prior to her death.

The erronous post about fused labia caused a firestorm of medical evidence we should not ignore, it also shows how severely labia can be damaged by infections and the very things listed as causes. Sexual abuse is not the only cause it is one and should not be ignored but the evidence supporting it is very small and has yet passed a "litmus test".

One of the things I noticed as I reread the post about the panel of doctors is 2 photos were shown. One was of a girl with a normal vaginal area. Same age as JBR. The other is a post mortem photo of JBR's area.

The photos cannot be compared as one is alive and the other dead. Post mortem lividity and a living person...... and the color is going to be off big time.

Where these experts informed of JBR's past medical history? Her bed wetting, bladder, vaginitis, her long standing (at least 6 months) history of these issues?

If not then the person showing the photos isn't very fair minded or intellectually gifted. In order to make a scientific comparison valid the small details must be paid attention to. A presentation to a group of doctors, they are going to assume the presenter did their homework and presented a fair case comparison. A living normal 6 year old isn't the criteria needed for comparison. JBR had some big issues that affect the evidence as presented.

You may not want to ever have to compare it to another dead child but at least compare it to a child with the same long term bed wetting, etc. issues where it is KNOWN no abuse has occurred and this is what irritation and even erosion looks like. Then account for the subjects being live and deceased. Then examine only the areas where it is suspected to be previous abuse.
Compare those two areas of the girls as it would be a fair comparison.

JBR was sexually assaulted and the injuries she received were bad enough to have caused her pain and not just a little of it. Looking for comparisons generally speaking only conclude what we already know. She WAS assaulted sexually before she died. The sexual assault left behind injuries that were easily detected at autopsy.

The swelling of the body also makes all parts of the body bigger. How many hours after death were the photos taken. Since JBR was laying on her back a great deal of blood pooled on her backside and could affect the coloring of her vaginal area too. It depends upon the time of death and when the ME did the photos. They may have been done as part of and after the autopsy itself.

After reading and reeading the post about the doctors viewing the photos I have more questions ( and I thought I had found answers).

No comment.
Yes, I wasn't speaking of the medical condition, but rather what was mentioned- that the labia at that age would need to be manually separated. And frankly, I see nothing about this case that would make me ROFL, especially at someone else's mis-statements. We are talking about the murder of a little girl, and while I speak only for myself, I don't think I see much to ROFL about. WWJD?

Don't take it personally. The thought that "fusion" was a normal condition of all women is what amused me. Remember the post telling us how "ignorant" we women are about our own bodies.

. If any woman has repeated infections as JBR suffered she is going to experience redness and irritation of her labia. In order to clean the area she is going to have to separate her labia and remove any mucous and urine related residues. A younger person would be much much more sensitive, as they are still underdeveloped, and the area much smaller with better closure than an adult female. The child's labia would trap more bacteria and moisture as a result.

I make mistakes about this case all the time so calm down being wrong or being in error is why we discuss things. So we can check it out and bounce our ideas around, and the info we have collected can be verified or not.
JB's body was not photographed naked at the house. When that occurred, it would have been at the autopsy, and photos would be taken of the dissection as well. Swelling and bloating are different and a coroner can tell the difference.
JB's body was not photographed naked at the house. When that occurred, it would have been at the autopsy, and photos would be taken of the dissection as well. Swelling and bloating are different and a coroner can tell the difference.

But can a doctor at a conference where they are not informed of the complete medical history of the two subjects shown tell the difference? They were only informed it was JBR. and another "normal" child. On this basis alone they were polled about sexual abuse and voted YES she appeared to have evidence of sexual abuse. I bet not many of those polled would vote the same if made aware of the complete history of JBR and her long term infections, etc.

The coroner does not state the injuries in question ( not the ones she sustained the night she was murdered) are clear and obviously signs of prior abuse. Only that they show signs of healing which means they were sustained days before she died.

Reading the posts about labia fusion made me aware just how severely a UTI can damage the sensitive skin. I can not imagine her having the issues she had and not have some irritation caused by it. That irritation is present and showing healing at her autopsy.

JR's lawyer, if he is ever charged and the subject brought up, would have a field day with this info. Her pedi whom we all agree did not exam her well would be asked to testify and his lack of info in her medical records would back up his claim no prior abuse (caused by the R's) was evident to her doctor. Only the signs and symptoms of UTI's, vaginitis, etc. That would include her labia irritation.

The fact that at her age she was bed wetting is a sign of abuse, but it is also a sign she was under tremendous psychological pressure. We are assuming that pressure was from sexual abuse but I believe it was more due to her pageant activities and the way Patsy worked her hard to prep her for competition. I don't like it and don't agree with parents that push their kids into these competitions. I have seen Toddlers and Tiaras and would like to have a word or two with some of the contestants mothers.

If it can be proven that sexual abuse had occurred to JBR prior to her attack and murder the evidence will have to be stronger and not so easily refutable.
If it occurred at the hands of Burke he may have told a friend or alluded to it at some point growing up. If JR did it he has a problem and wouldn't stop just find another victim. He would also have victims besides JBR as pedophilia doesn't happen overnight and no "cure" exists. His age and no previous history make it very difficult to prove he has pedophilia tendencies.

If the evidence I am looking for existed BPD would have made an arrest years ago. Sadly this case is more circumstantial than anything else and I would need more than that if I was a juror on a case like this.

I hope the BPD is able to make an arrest and have some really good proof that isn't circumstantial in nature. I am hoping what we don't know is actually "bombshell" information that will tie up the loose ends.
But can a doctor at a conference where they are not informed of the complete medical history of the two subjects shown tell the difference? They were only informed it was JBR. and another "normal" child. On this basis alone they were polled about sexual abuse and voted YES she appeared to have evidence of sexual abuse. I bet not many of those polled would vote the same if made aware of the complete history of JBR and her long term infections, etc.

The coroner does not state the injuries in question ( not the ones she sustained the night she was murdered) are clear and obviously signs of prior abuse. Only that they show signs of healing which means they were sustained days before she died.

Reading the posts about labia fusion made me aware just how severely a UTI can damage the sensitive skin. I can not imagine her having the issues she had and not have some irritation caused by it. That irritation is present and showing healing at her autopsy.

JR s lawyer, if he is ever charged and the subject brought up, would have a field day with this info. Her pedi whom we all agree did not exam her well would be asked to testify and his lack of info in her medical records would back up his claim no prior abuse (caused by the R's) was evident to her doctor. Only the signs and symptoms of UTIs, vaginitis, etc. That would include her labia irritation.

The fact that at her age she was bed wetting is a sign of abuse, but it is also a sign she was under tremendous psychological pressure. We are assuming that pressure was from sexual abuse but I believe it was more due to her pageant activities and the way Patsy worked her hard to prep her for competition. I don't like it and don't agree with parents that push their kids into these competitions. I have seen Toddlers and Tiaras and would like to have a word or two with some of the contestants mothers.

If it can be proven that sexual abuse had occurred to JBR prior to her attack and murder the evidence will have to be stronger and not so easily refutable.
If it occurred at the hands of Burke he may have told a friend or alluded to it at some point growing up. If JR did it he has a problem and wouldn't stop just find another victim. He would also have victims besides JBR as pedophilia doesn't happen overnight and no "cure" exists. His age and no previous history make it very difficult to prove he has pedophilia tendencies.

If the evidence I am looking for existed BPD would have made an arrest years ago. Sadly this case is more circumstantial than anything else and I would need more than that if I was a juror on a case like this.

I hope the BPD is able to make an arrest and have some really good proof that isn't circumstantial in nature. I am hoping what we don't know is actually "bombshell" information that will tie up the loose ends.

Burke would have discussed this with friends? Highly unlikely, close to impossible.

John can be a situational child sexual predator, oftentimes they don't go outside of the family. His "tendencies" could have died with JonBenet. Not every child molester is the same, you can't simply paint them all with the same brush. The only thing they all share, is a very twisted mind. imo
But can a doctor at a conference where they are not informed of the complete medical history of the two subjects shown tell the difference? They were only informed it was JBR. and another "normal" child. On this basis alone they were polled about sexual abuse and voted YES she appeared to have evidence of sexual abuse. I bet not many of those polled would vote the same if made aware of the complete history of JBR and her long term infections, etc.

The coroner does not state the injuries in question ( not the ones she sustained the night she was murdered) are clear and obviously signs of prior abuse. Only that they show signs of healing which means they were sustained days before she died.

Reading the posts about labia fusion made me aware just how severely a UTI can damage the sensitive skin. I can not imagine her having the issues she had and not have some irritation caused by it. That irritation is present and showing healing at her autopsy.

JR's lawyer, if he is ever charged and the subject brought up, would have a field day with this info. Her pedi whom we all agree did not exam her well would be asked to testify and his lack of info in her medical records would back up his claim no prior abuse (caused by the R's) was evident to her doctor. Only the signs and symptoms of UTI's, vaginitis, etc. That would include her labia irritation.

The fact that at her age she was bed wetting is a sign of abuse, but it is also a sign she was under tremendous psychological pressure. We are assuming that pressure was from sexual abuse but I believe it was more due to her pageant activities and the way Patsy worked her hard to prep her for competition. I don't like it and don't agree with parents that push their kids into these competitions. I have seen Toddlers and Tiaras and would like to have a word or two with some of the contestants mothers.

If it can be proven that sexual abuse had occurred to JBR prior to her attack and murder the evidence will have to be stronger and not so easily refutable.
If it occurred at the hands of Burke he may have told a friend or alluded to it at some point growing up. If JR did it he has a problem and wouldn't stop just find another victim. He would also have victims besides JBR as pedophilia doesn't happen overnight and no "cure" exists. His age and no previous history make it very difficult to prove he has pedophilia tendencies.

If the evidence I am looking for existed BPD would have made an arrest years ago. Sadly this case is more circumstantial than anything else and I would need more than that if I was a juror on a case like this.

I hope the BPD is able to make an arrest and have some really good proof that isn't circumstantial in nature. I am hoping what we don't know is actually "bombshell" information that will tie up the loose ends.


Unless JonBenet's photographs compared against that of another healthy 6-year old girl were simply the result of an acute sexual assault then this might explain the difference.

But it is not simply the attending investigators who viewed JonBenet's photographs it was also numerous other experts, who also cited prior molestation.

A comparison with a healthy girl is not circumstantial. Attribution of JonBenet's bedwetting to pageant stress may be correct but that does not rule out prior molestation, since her stress may have been multi-causal e.g. more than one person may have been molesting her.

There was no need for any intruder to hide that he had sexually assaulted JonBenet, never mind killed her. But he did and he hid her body in a wine-cellar, dressed her in size-12's, wiped her down, leaving some black cotton fibers on her skin, Then placed the longjohns on her and wrapped her in a white blanket, that appears to have no blood on it whilst the barbie nightgown does.

So why does the intruder bother hiding all this, since he knows JonBenet will eventually be discovered dead and subsequently an autopsy will reveal an acute sexual assault e.g. not a staged genital injury?

Detective Arndt told Your Affiant that she witnessed the autopsy of JonBenet Ramsey which was conducted by Dr. John Meyer on December 26, 1996. Detective Arndt told Your Affiant that she observed Dr. Meyer examine the vaginal area of the victim and heard him state that the victim had received an injury consistent with digital penetration of her vagina. Detective Arndt told Your Affiant that Dr. Meyer told her that is was his opinion that the victim had been subjected to sexual contact.
When Coroner Meyer cites digital penetration and sexual contact he may do so on the basis of similar evidence in other cases where sexual assault was predominant. That is Coroner Meyer might recognize chronic sexual abuse when he sees it! He was there, we were not, we have not seen the photographs, those that have cite prior molestation. I doubt they are all victims of peer pressure.

So rather than exhibiting circumstantial traits. The most you can claim about JonBenet's internal injuries is that they are coincidental. e.g. independent of her acute injuries and the result of pageant stress?

The link that you provided is to a "registered members only" area of FFJ and, as such, you are able to see it. The link I provided is to a publicly available area of ACR, which everyone is able to see.

Wow. Thanks for letting me know this, because I was under the impression that the case library section of FFJ is available to the public. I think the admin think so as well. We've added some photos and transcripts in the last year, at least I have, under that assumption, because they're now disappearing from other online sources. So I'll check it out.

Thanks again.

Unless JonBenet's photographs compared against that of another healthy 6-year old girl were simply the result of an acute sexual assault then this might explain the difference.


There should be some difference in a normal child who does not have a history of UTI's and one who does. It would be redness and even bleeding from the irritation that would be present on the child who was ill and not on the one who was healthy and normal.

But it is not simply the attending investigators who viewed JonBenet's photographs it was also numerous other experts, who also cited prior molestation.

It is those experts I'm speaking about and the manner the data was given to them to compare. Were they aware of JBR's long history with vaginitis and UTI's. Were they aware of the assault just prior to death?

A comparison with a healthy girl is not circumstantial. Attribution of JonBenet's bedwetting to pageant stress may be correct but that does not rule out prior molestation, since her stress may have been multi-causal e.g. more than one person may have been molesting her.

The psychological torture is what would cause the bed wetting. No where in the coroners report is it stated that JBR was molested prior to the murder.
He made a comment to someone who later quoted it. This might have been prior to him reading her medical history and then saying to himself, that explains the erosion and previous healing. He had not completed his report at the time he made the statement.
Just like the so called panel of experts he was UNAWARE of her medical history. He does not put it in his report just like the person presenting the data to the group of doctors does not make them aware of the differences between the two children in regards to medical history. They do reveal the one which is JBR and in a "blind study" this is not allowed. In order to get correct and unbiased opinions you must compare an apple to an apple. You cannot provide a green apple and a red one. They are two different things.

Comparison of a healthy child to one with a long history such as JonBenet's is not apples to apples in any sense. If this panel of experts want to testify I'm sure the Boulder DA would gladly accommodate them. I'm sure an expert in urological pediatric issues will supply JR all the ammo(other photos of female children suffering what JBR had) to counter this claim and give a fair comparison.

If this panel of experts were willing to proceed I'm sure the DA would have done so already. It isn't like they are not aware of this information. Whoever did convene the panel would have and should have informed the office as to the results and consent of the experts to back it up.

There was no need for any intruder to hide that he had sexually assaulted JonBenet, never mind killed her. But he did and he hid her body in a wine-cellar, dressed her in size-12's, wiped her down, leaving some black cotton fibers on her skin, Then placed the longjohns on her and wrapped her in a white blanket, that appears to have no blood on it whilst the barbie nightgown does.

So why does the intruder bother hiding all this, since he knows JonBenet will eventually be discovered dead and subsequently an autopsy will reveal an acute sexual assault e.g. not a staged genital injury?


Maybe dressing her in different clothes turned him on. She got to pretend she was Barbie and he got what he wanted without having to force her to do it. Change clothes that is. He might even have got her to allow him to put the duct tape on her mouth. It could be part of the lure he used to get her down to the basement.
Wiping her down would be an effort to clean up the crime scene. In any whodunit theory here no one wants to be caught by DNA so why do you think the intruder would be any less willing to be caught.

When Coroner Meyer cites digital penetration and sexual contact he may do so on the basis of similar evidence in other cases where sexual assault was predominant. That is Coroner Meyer might recognize chronic sexual abuse when he sees it! He was there, we were not, we have not seen the photographs, those that have cite prior molestation. I doubt they are all victims of peer pressure.

WHERE- WHERE does he officially cite this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hearsay evidence is not allowed in court. It does JBR no good to pursue it from that angle.

So rather than exhibiting circumstantial traits. The most you can claim about JonBenet's internal injuries is that they are coincidental. e.g. independent of her acute injuries and the result of pageant stress?


1. Her own Pageant Stress and the stress of being a kid who is pushed to perform at said pageants, school, church, society ( she attended parties and other social events frequently) caused her to have bed wetting issues.

2. Her bed wetting led to a long history ofUrinary Tract Infections, Bladder Infections, Vaginitis.

3. Because of the nature of her medical history it would not be far fetched for a doctor or even ME to come to the conclusion that she had been abused and the only possible way she could have been would be digitally as her hymen is still intact. No tears or other evidence exists.
Nothing larger than a finger could have been used. I haven't ever done an autopsy but I can see where he can come to that conclusion based on the fact that her hymen was intact and no tearing or scarring of past trauma was evident. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that part out. He could be new on the job and never seen another abuse case and he come come to the conclusion.
HE DID NOT COME TO THAT CONCLUSION. He read her files most likely in his office before he filled out his official report. That is the reason he did read them to make sure no underlying causes are in her medical records. To guarantee also that he had the same patient. If the body had an appendectomy scar but nothing is in her records he may have made inquiries to her Atlanta doctor and even ask her present one if he had ever seen the scar. That is the job of the ME to find a cause of death, record any "abnormalities" upon examination that may or may not have contributed to the death. Scars, tattoos, any previous injuries like broken bones etc all are noted at autopsy.
The ME found an UNDERLYING CAUSE for the labia being red and the hymen having erosion. He did not put it in his report because he didn't believe it was a result of prior abuse.
Wow. Thanks for letting me know this, because I was under the impression that the case library section of FFJ is available to the public. I think the admin think so as well. We've added some photos and transcripts in the last year, at least I have, under that assumption, because they're now disappearing from other online sources. So I'll check it out.

Thanks again.

No, it isn't and I really wish it was. FFJ was established so long ago and its a way for a really tight-knit group who have been around forever and know everything to discuss the case.

I didn't feel right joining. I felt like I would be barging in without an invite. I just want to view that case library.. maybe someone could make it public, maybe there are good reasons it's private.
I would like to know if bed wetting, uti's and vaginal infections are a common occurance for 6 year old pageant queens. Also if a child has continual on going issues with bubble bath, wouldn't it be advisable to discontinue bubble baths?

Don't buy it.

was her anus unsullied? anyone know?
JB's hymen was NOT intact. It was not torn, but rubbed away, and as the report says "represented by a rim of mucosal tissue". The vaginal rugae were visible, and that is something that is normally covered by an intact hymen.
A panel of doctors, including medical examiners, can tell swelling from bloating even from photos and from a written report as well. Several doctors concurred that JB suffered sexual abuse. Just as they were able to know what the coroner meant when he stated there was mild flattening and narrowing if the sulci and gyri in the brain. "Flattening and narrowning" = swelling, and the reason it was "mild" is that she did not live long enough after that head blow for more severe swelling to occur. Dead bodies don't "swell" They bloat. She was found too soon for bloating to have occurred.
I would like to know if bed wetting, uti's and vaginal infections are a common occurance for 6 year old pageant queens. Also if a child has continual on going issues with bubble bath, wouldn't it be advisable to discontinue bubble baths?

Don't buy it.

was her anus unsullied? anyone know?

Anus was unremarkable-means he found nothing to remark about.

Here is link to stats on childhood UTI's.

I would like to know if bed wetting, uti's and vaginal infections are a common occurance for 6 year old pageant queens. Also if a child has continual on going issues with bubble bath, wouldn't it be advisable to discontinue bubble baths?

Don't buy it.

was her anus unsullied? anyone know?

Hi minazoe. I don't know about vaginal infections, but uti's are very common in little girls (or grown women) who take frequent bubble baths. Also, the first thing the doctor will tell you is to STOP taking the bubble baths. I had the problem with my little girl and when her pediatrician said stop, I stopped. No more uti's. My question is, did PR not stop JB's bubble baths? I would think that if she had, it would be likely the uti's would have stopped unless they were being caused by something else. My opinion is the reason she kept taking JB to the doctor was because she knew it wasn't the baths. She was on a mission.
JB's hymen was NOT intact. It was not torn, but rubbed away, and as the report says "represented by a rim of mucosal tissue". The vaginal rugae were visible, and that is something that is normally covered by an intact hymen.
A panel of doctors, including medical examiners, can tell swelling from bloating even from photos and from a written report as well. Several doctors concurred that JB suffered sexual abuse. Just as they were able to know what the coroner meant when he stated there was mild flattening and narrowing if the sulci and gyri in the brain. "Flattening and narrowning" = swelling, and the reason it was "mild" is that she did not live long enough after that head blow for more severe swelling to occur. Dead bodies don't "swell" They bloat. She was found too soon for bloating to have occurred.

I will provide links as no where in her autopsy report does it say that. In fact it is measured to be 1x1 cm and it was damaged due to the assault but not torn.


My Bold.

On the anterior aspect of the perineum, along the edges of closure of the labia majora, is a small amount of dried blood. A similar small amount of dried and semifluid blood is present on the skin of the fourchette and in the vestibule. Inside the vestibule of the vagina and along the distal vaginal wall is reddish hyperemia. This hyperemia is circumferential and perhaps more noticeable on the right side and posteriorly. The hyperemia also appears to extend just inside the vaginal orifice. A 1 cm red-purple area of abrasion is located on the right posterolateral area of the 1 x 1 cm hymeneal orifice. tThe hymen itself is represented by a rim of mucosal tissue extending clockwise between the 2 and 10:00 positions. The area of abrasion is present at approximately the 7:00 position and appears to involve the hymen and distal right lateral vaginal wall and possibly the area anterior to he hymen. On the right labia majora is a very faint area of violent discoloration measuring approximately one inch by three-eighths of an inch. Incision into the underlying subcutaneous tissue discloses no hemorrhage. A minimal amount of semiliquid thin watery red fluid is present in the vaginal vault. No recent or remote anal or other perineal trauma is identified.
Here is a link that explains what a hymen is and it provides photos of abnormalities.
none of the terms used to describe these abnormalities or the absence of a hymen is used in the autopsy report. The actual report and not the "let me explain this for you version" that is available online. I can see where you are getting your misinformation, it is not your fault, whoever decided we were too dumb to understand the official report is to blame.

I posted a link about UTI's and one of the things it said was if a child suffers from repeated UTI's the Dr. should exam the child for certain abnormalities. Do we know if her Dr. did this? Since her medical records are private we may not know but if he didn't he should have.
tThe hymen itself is represented by a rim of mucosal tissue extending clockwise between the 2 and 10:00 positions. The area of abrasion is present at approximately the 7:00 position and appears to involve the hymen and distal right lateral vaginal wall and possibly the area anterior to he hymen.

From the angle of this injury, starting at 7 o'clock with abrasion resulting at the distal right lateral vaginal wall, might represent an injury caused by someone who is left handed.

I'm a newbie to this case, my apologies if this has been previously discussed.
Thanks, mcsmom. It may have been discussed but I have never read it. At least one family member was ambidextrious, I don't know whether the others were right handed, left handed, or also ambidextrious.

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