HCPD contacts Florida LE about skeletal remains that were found

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When the body was first discovered, my gut told me it was Heather. I've tried to convince myself of what a minute possibility that was, for months, but I just can't combat the overwhelming feeling I have. I think I'm still trying to poke holes in it, though.

Me too!! If it is HE, I think that TM freaked out and used what she had...Mickey sheets. She could have also been thinking,like many of us, that Florida has mucho Mickey stuff so the body could be anyone.
I agree with you and would also add that if TM was in a panic she might grab and use anything. I'm very conflicted also.
What if it wasn't TM in the panic, but SM when told to 'clean this mess you made up'? Men often don't pay attention to things like sheets. But those homemade Mickey sheets...wow. After hearing about her custom made stuff a long time ago, and knowing that she probably had a stack of linens in the camper (not for her bed but for when she made up the younger family members beds while camping), it just leans me even further into the belief that this really could be Heather. Tammy made those snarky comments on Valentine's day about SM being a chef...I think every thing she said had hidden meaning! It just makes me wonder if they did something to her body that keeps her from being identified.
Jumping off your post...

For some reason....I couldn't help but wonder if the robe belonged to TM?...

But.... In any event... Wouldn't DNA from robe, sheet, etc. Be able to indicate if there was a connection to Heather or the Morres?

This is why it bothers me that they can't or won't say that it isn't Heather.
Jumping off your post...

For some reason....I couldn't help but wonder if the robe belonged to TM?...

But.... In any event... Wouldn't DNA from robe, sheet, etc. Be able to indicate if there was a connection to Heather or the Morres?

BBM: I'm wondering the same, since I'm having trouble picturing her in anything, other than that pink hoodie and the orange jumpsuit. ;)
What if it wasn't TM in the panic, but SM when told to 'clean this mess you made up'? Men often don't pay attention to things like sheets. But those homemade Mickey sheets...wow. After hearing about her custom made stuff a long time ago, and knowing that she probably had a stack of linens in the camper (not for her bed but for when she made up the younger family members beds while camping), it just leans me even further into the belief that this really could be Heather. Tammy made those snarky comments on Valentine's day about SM being a chef...I think every thing she said had hidden meaning! It just makes me wonder if they did something to her body that keeps her from being identified.

Yes.....I can totally see SM in a panic and TM telling him to clean up the mess. I'm just wondering if TM,the control freak, would trust SM to clean it up and not screw it up?
This is why it bothers me that they can't or won't say that it isn't Heather.
I keep thinking that if it isn't Heather, they might rule her out. Wouldn't the gag order only apply if it IS Heather?
I keep thinking that if it isn't Heather, they might rule her out. Wouldn't the gag order only apply if it IS Heather?

Why would a gag order issued in South Carolina apply to authorities in Florida? Why would the gag order apply to a positive ID of remains when Heather is already presumed to be dead?

The stated purpose of the gag order, per the Horry County prosecutor, is to prevent a change of venue. In what way would confirmation of death, *IF* this is Heather, taint the jury pool? Why keep it a secret? It makes no sense.
I keep thinking that if it isn't Heather, they might rule her out. Wouldn't the gag order only apply if it IS Heather?

In the article, they said that they are not willing to say when they spoke with HCPD about the remains or what was said in that discussion. I don't think the gag order applies to Florida officials but I have no clue about that. I think it's possible that HCPD has asked them to not say anything regarding Heather until they are 100% certain either way and Florida is respectful of that. JMO
Why would a gag order issued in South Carolina apply to authorities in Florida? Why would the gag order apply to a positive ID of remains when Heather is already presumed to be dead?

The stated purpose of the gag order, per the Horry County prosecutor, is to prevent a change of venue. In what way would confirmation of death, *IF* this is Heather, taint the jury pool? Why keep it a secret? It makes no sense.

You are right. That is the stated purpose of the gag order but HCPD has said several times that tensions are running high in MB and we've all seen the craziness going on.It's calm right now and maybe they just want it to stay that way for as long as possible. I don't think they know for sure who it is but stating that it could in fact be Heather would probably put an end to the current calm and that is just what the defense would like. Angry people doing stupid things would help in their request for a change of venue. JMO
Why would a gag order issued in South Carolina apply to authorities in Florida? Why would the gag order apply to a positive ID of remains when Heather is already presumed to be dead?

The stated purpose of the gag order, per the Horry County prosecutor, is to prevent a change of venue. In what way would confirmation of death, *IF* this is Heather, taint the jury pool? Why keep it a secret? It makes no sense.

If this is Heather and is going to trial, wouldn't LE in Florida be called to testify? Just to be safe all expert witnesses keep the gag order. Just musing on this!
Another point here, until they have a positive ID the defense is unsure too.
If this is Heather and is going to trial, wouldn't LE in Florida be called to testify? Just to be safe all expert witnesses keep the gag order. Just musing on this!

Very good point!!
Why would a gag order issued in South Carolina apply to authorities in Florida? Why would the gag order apply to a positive ID of remains when Heather is already presumed to be dead?

The stated purpose of the gag order, per the Horry County prosecutor, is to prevent a change of venue. In what way would confirmation of death, *IF* this is Heather, taint the jury pool? Why keep it a secret? It makes no sense.
Well, when you put it like that, I have to agree with you. I'm no legal expert, and for the most part, Heather's is the only case I've followed here. What you're saying makes sense to me, though.

In the article, they said that they are not willing to say when they spoke with HCPD about the remains or what was said in that discussion. I don't think the gag order applies to Florida officials but I have no clue about that. I think it's possible that HCPD has asked them to not say anything regarding Heather until they are 100% certain either way and Florida is respectful of that. JMO
This, I can also see being the case.
You are right. That is the stated purpose of the gag order but HCPD has said several times that tensions are running high in MB and we've all seen the craziness going on.It's calm right now and maybe they just want it to stay that way for as long as possible. I don't think they know for sure who it is but stating that it could in fact be Heather would probably put an end to the current calm and that is just what the defense would like. Angry people doing stupid things would help in their request for a change of venue. JMO

Yeah, possibly. But I think part of the anger is that the location of Heather's remains is still a mystery and her family has been denied the right to lay her to rest properly. If this is Heather and if she could be brought home, there would be a collective sigh of relief in the community, IMO.
A few miscellaneous thoughts:

I agree that TM might have been glad to throw out the sheets and robe because she thought Heather had used them. We speculated early on that the camper was their assignation location. After several months in Florida heat and humidity, there might not be much DNA on them to find.

If the remains do turn out to be Heather's, they will have to address the issue of WHERE she is killed. Because whichever state that took place in becomes the state that has authority to prosecute. It could be anyplace between SC and FLA, and that could make it difficult or impossible to convict them.

I agree with whoever said FLA is probably honoring a request from Horry County LE to keep information confidential.

And yeah, despite the overwhelming unlikelihood, I too have been unable to shake this feeling this is her.
You are right. That is the stated purpose of the gag order but HCPD has said several times that tensions are running high in MB and we've all seen the craziness going on.It's calm right now and maybe they just want it to stay that way for as long as possible. I don't think they know for sure who it is but stating that it could in fact be Heather would probably put an end to the current calm and that is just what the defense would like. Angry people doing stupid things would help in their request for a change of venue. JMO

Great point!
Yeah, possibly. But I think part of the anger is that the location of Heather's remains is still a mystery and her family has been denied the right to lay her to rest properly. If this is Heather and if she could be brought home, there would be a collective sigh of relief in the community, IMO.

You and Motherof5 both make great points.

For me, personally, I would be glad that Heather couid be respectfully laid to rest and that her family would finally have her 'home'. But, it would stir up anger in me knowing that she was tossed like trash and her remains fed on by insects and critters.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I can see both things happening.

I just want her home for her family. I can't imagine the torture of not knowing. :tantrum:
A few miscellaneous thoughts:

I agree that TM might have been glad to throw out the sheets and robe because she thought Heather had used them. We speculated early on that the camper was their assignation location. After several months in Florida heat and humidity, there might not be much DNA on them to find.

If the remains do turn out to be Heather's, they will have to address the issue of WHERE she is killed. Because whichever state that took place in becomes the state that has authority to prosecute. It could be anyplace between SC and FLA, and that could make it difficult or impossible to convict them.

I agree with whoever said FLA is probably honoring a request from Horry County LE to keep information confidential.

And yeah, despite the overwhelming unlikelihood, I too have been unable to shake this feeling this is her.

There are reasons that I think this could be Heather but I also had reasons for thinking,twice before, that other remains could have been Heather. The M's have family in Florence but those remains weren't Heather. The M's traveled to Disney near another set of remains and those weren't Heather either. These remains have several "it could be Heather" reasons also. You are right...they could have put Heather anywhere in several different states. As I've said before, I won't be shocked if Heather is found 2 blocks or 2000 miles from the M's front door.
You and Motherof5 both make great points.

For me, personally, I would be glad that Heather couid be respectfully laid to rest and that her family would finally have her 'home'. But, it would stir up anger in me knowing that she was tossed like trash and her remains fed on by insects and critters.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I can see both things happening.

I just want her home for her family. I can't imagine the torture of not knowing. :tantrum:

I feel the same. I just want her home but I know that I will be angry too.
Heather was taken FROM PTL TO SOMEWHERE. I think the camper is as good a place as any. They wouldn't take her into the house because of the kids. Very plausible that they would put her in the camper and lay her on the bed. Then wrap her in the bed sheets she is laying on. Roll her in a curtains and then place her in a bag.

Question, did they take the camper with them to FL for SMs marathon? Although they were being watched it is very possible she was kept in the camper until they pulled over to the side of the road, took the bag out and left it there.

Do we know what time they left for that trip? If they were driving at night it would be easier to dispose of the bag.

Was the camper searched before the FL trip?

Would HCPD have taken pictures during any search of the residence and camper?
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