Health, Hygiene and Safety Tips for living under Coronavirus quarantine

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This hair has to got to go and if I snip off this ponytail, it won't end well. So I called my friend who's niece is a hairdresser. She told her niece I need help. LOL! So I am waiting for said hairdresser to return my call. It has been 2 weeks since my 2nd Covid shot so it's a safe as it's gonna get at this point. Stay tuned!
Fully vaccinated people can gather without masks, CDC says (

NEW YORK – Fully vaccinated Americans can gather with other vaccinated people indoors without wearing a mask or social distancing, according to long-awaited guidance from federal health officials.

The recommendations also say that vaccinated people can come together in the same way — in a single household — with people considered at low-risk for severe disease, such as in the case of vaccinated grandparents visiting healthy children and grandchildren.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced the guidance Monday...
As sick as my youngest has been with allergies and asthma over the years, nobody ever mentioned an air purifier to us either. She’s had allergy testing, shots, breathing treatments, etc.

When my A/C until was replaced last year, I had the UV light installed. Any mold or germ spores entering the unit are killed by the UV light. All my ductwork is new too. Of course, this solution only works if you’re replacing the duct work. The UV light will not destroy anything that has already entered the old duct work.

My daughter says she feel so much better at my place because the air is so clean. I’ve noticed I have less allergy issues also. But the fight against pollen never ends! I cannot open the doors on windy days. So far, I’ve had my little Luvoit Core 300 running continuously in my room for 2 days. I vacuumed the laminate flooring today. I do think it’s making a difference. A good $99 investment for me.
Yeah, opening windows with high pollen counts is a sure way to kick my allergies into high gear.
I’ve been treated for allergies since I was in first grade. Multiple skin tests, shots etc throughout the years.

Does your allergist recommend getting a “booster” shot for seasonal allergies?

Mine does and it always helps.
Plus Flonase ahead of the season.
I’ve been able to maintain that way for several years and still enjoy doing things outdoors.
Yeah, opening windows with high pollen counts is a sure way to kick my allergies into high gear.
I’ve been treated for allergies since I was in first grade. Multiple skin tests, shots etc throughout the years.

Does your allergist recommend getting a “booster” shot for seasonal allergies?

Mine does and it always helps.
Plus Flonase ahead of the season.
I’ve been able to maintain that way for several years and still enjoy doing things outdoors.
No, I don't see an allergist anymore. I've given up and just take an allergy tablet if I need it. They just put my youngest on Flonase and some nasal rinse.

During the bone marrow transplant process in 2017, the doctor explained that it will "reset my immune system" and asked me what questions I had. My very first question was "Will this make my allergies go away, especially my food allergies?" He look surprised but when he saw all 3 of our faces, he knew I was serious. His answer was, "No, it won't." I looked at my 2 kids and said ' Then what the hell is the point? Gee whiz, a $1M transplant and I still have to deal with allergies?" I was not a happy camper that day for obvious reasons but that was like the icing on the cake.

A month later, I see another doctor so I decide I'm going to ask her too. Same answer. She looks surprised and says "I think you're the first patient that hasn't asked me when their hair is going to fall out." My response "I don't care about my hair." My daughter's response to the doctor "Seriously, she doesn't give a about her hair."
This staying at home all the time means, even with a new A/C air filter, I am still breathing the same circulated air. I do open the doors and air out the house when I can. However, I am trying to get thru allergy season without such a struggle, constant meds, eye drops, etc. The oak trees blooming are killing me. Plus dog hair from my foster fur babies.

I researched air purifiers to see if that would help. I bought one and had it running during the day while I was in the living room. I thought it was making a difference. However, my daughter got sick with a sinus and ear infection that is now in her bronchial tubes. So I sent it home with her for a few days. She thinks it’s helping her. She is ordering one now too. My next test is to run it in my room at night to see if that helps. Anyone else use an air purifier to help stay healthy? It is probably a good idea even without the added risk of Covid.

Your house A/C does circulate in air from the outdoors, although it is undoubtedly still not enough air exchange. We have two $400 Rabbit-brand air filters we use in the house because my daughter has severe allergies.

For those who might not be familiar with the term "cough-variant asthma", this is a good article written in layman's terms.

Cough-Variant Asthma Symptoms, Treatments, Causes, and More (

Cough-variant asthma is a type of asthma in which the main symptom is a dry, non-productive cough. (A non-productive cough does not expel any mucus from the respiratory tract.) People with cough-variant asthma often have no other "classic" asthma symptoms, such as wheezing or shortness of breath...

The above-mentioned daughter did this cough for two years before we figured out it was asthma. She also clears her throat a lot, which is related. I thought she was faking the cough for attention. :(
...The above-mentioned daughter did this cough for two years before we figured out it was asthma. She also clears her throat a lot, which is related. I thought she was faking the cough for attention. :(

Cough-variant asthma is stressful on it's own but causes extreme anxiety in social situations. Despite precautions that one might take to minimize the cough - rescue inhaler, cough drops, water bottle - it can strike without warning and cause extreme social and emotional distress. It is embarrassing and humiliating when people tell you to stop coughing! I can't even recall how many embarrassing situations I've encountered when I had an asthma coughing attack. People looked at me like I was committing a major crime :eek: Perhaps they'd be more sympathetic towards more typical asthmatics who wheeze and, literally, can't catch their breath. Cough-variant asthma, it seems, is a curse and socially unacceptable.
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Cough-variant asthma is stressful on it's own but causes extreme anxiety in social situations. Despite precautions that one might take to minimize the cough - rescue inhaler, cough drops, water bottle - it can strike without warning and cause extreme social and emotional distress. It is embarrassing and humiliating when people tell you to stop coughing! I can't even recall how many embarrassing situations I've encountered when I had an asthma coughing attack. People looked at me like I was committing a major crime :eek: Perhaps they'd be more sympathetic towards more typical asthmatics who wheeze and, literally, can't catch their breath. Cough-variant asthma, it seems, is a curse and socially unacceptable.

You are so right about how continually coughing can be embarrassing and humiliating .I remember at the time when I had this horrible problem I was working as a claims adjuster- Since I was involved in investigating medical malpractice cases I had to meet with doctors all the time. I remember when I would meet with these doctors, they would say honey, you need to take care of that, are you all right, and all of that. I had to give up going to the movies - going anywhere in public was a nightmare. This was before I was properly diagnosed with cough variant asthma -- I saw several doctors: I even went to the U of M- I think the most common diagnosis was bronchitis and they prescribed lots of antibiotics and cough medicine. I finally found a good pulmonologist who did all the right testing and prescribed oral
steroids. I required the use of oral steroids to control the coughing off and on for two years. Finally, the doctor put me on inhaled steroids and my coughing finally stopped. It is a curse and what constant coughing does to your body is not a very good thing either. In 2001 my coughing recurred- I have no idea why. I went to a different pulmonologist -this was after coughing for at least two months in the summer. He switched me to a different steroid inhaler and within two days the coughing stopped. I think some doctors missed the proper diagnosis because I didn't have the wheezing and shortness of breath.

I hope your coughing is under control now. It really is an awful condition.
...I hope your coughing is under control now. It really is an awful condition.

Yes, coughing episode lasted about three weeks and is gone. Thanks for asking. I went through three bottles of Robitussin DM :D

OT: Did you see my Andiamo review on the Covid Food and Recipes forum?
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Yes, coughing episode lasted about three weeks and is gone. Thanks for asking. I went through three bottles of Robitussin DM :D

OT: Did you see my Andiamo review on the Covid Food and Recipes forum?

No, I didn't see it: I didn't even know there was a Covid food and recipes forum- is that the title? I am always looking for new recipes!!!!
First haircut in 14 months. A good 5” gone. Feels so much better. She straightened my ringlets so when I wash it, they’ll return.

The stylist is the niece of a very close friend. She has her own little closed off room in the salon. Masks are required. A great experience and very safe one too.


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First haircut in 14 months. A good 5” gone. Feels so much better. She straightened my ringlets so when I wash it, they’ll return.

The stylist is the niece of a very close friend. She has her own little closed off room in the salon. Masks are required. A great experience and very safe one too.

Yay for you--- great to be able to get your hair cut and styled after so long a time!!!!
First haircut in 14 months. A good 5” gone. Feels so much better. She straightened my ringlets so when I wash it, they’ll return.

The stylist is the niece of a very close friend. She has her own little closed off room in the salon. Masks are required. A great experience and very safe one too.

DAYUM, is that your glossy thick lucious hair? My hair... no coloring, no cuts since December 2019. I keep up in a clip So fine, and thin and straggly. Looking to the day I too can get shoulder length! First shot tomorrow.... then..... 5-7 weeks and will go for the cut!

I'm jealous of great hair... and green with envy of yours!
2 cents time on allergies, coughing, etc.

For the last 25 years, my allergies went into HIGH gear every spring, and every fall. On top of such, I have COPD. Nothing as to the one time skin tests as to defining.

For many years, I was hospitalized with pneumonia, I went in another time as it got to pleurisy. Every year was coughing and bronchitis it seemed. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad chit.

Then... I found my savior! The National Allergy Bureau who tracks pollen and molds. MOO.

I signed up for the allergy notifications as to pollen as my events 2x a year were ALWAYS in spring and fall. I thought... it must be pollen in spring, mold stuff in fall as I'm in my garden a lot. So I signed up for notifications for pollen counts which you can sign up for. And they send out when pollen/molds are high in your area. (Started getting this year's notifications 3 weeks ago) They even list which trees/plants/grasses are high so if you want to track.. you can.

I started taking Cetrizine (iirc equivalent to Zyrtec?) when I got the notifications. (Right now, $11.99/300 tablets )

Alas and alack.... I have never had a bronchitis, coughing etc etc since then.

For those who want to know/try... here is the site and put in your zip code in the upper left of landing page and they ONLY send when pollen/mold counts high in your area.

It's been a GODSEND to me MOO

NAB | National Allergy Bureau


Here is my report from 2 days ago

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DAYUM, is that your glossy thick lucious hair? My hair... no coloring, no cuts since December 2019. I keep up in a clip So fine, and thin and straggly. Looking to the day I too can get shoulder length! First shot tomorrow.... then..... 5-7 weeks and will go for the cut!

I'm jealous of great hair... and green with envy of yours!
I am so glad to hear you're getting your vaccinations soon! I am so relieved now just going to the grocery store. At least now I have a fighting chance whereas before, if I had caught it, certain death for me. No way my body could recover.

Yes there's a ton of hair! I always wondered why it came in so thick when I was pregnant with my youngest. I spoke the hair stylist about it. She told me when you get pregnant, your hair stops falling out. Normally you lose 200 hairs daily but not during pregnancy. Then after delivery, the hairs begin to fall out again. Except, mine never did. On top of that, my hair darkened considerably and the wave turned to ringlets. Everyone told me after my transplant that it would come in different. Nope. Just as thick, just as dark and just as curly. At 59, what you see for gray hair is it, not much at all. What I do have is just in the last 2 years. When I did my DNA I found out who my father was (deceased) but his family sends me photos all the time. Guess where I got my bushy eyebrows and thick dark hair???? LOL!!!
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