TX - Heidi Broussard, 33 Found Deceased, & Margo Carey, 2 weeks, Found Alive Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #8

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It started on some guy's Youtube channel. He was emailed by the guy suggesting he could be Margo's father and it took off from there. He even accused Shane of murder. Total soap opera and a rotten thing to do to Heidi's family.

Thank you. What a horrible thing to do. My prayers for SC, his son, and precious baby M. I wish nothing but eventual happiness for them all. This case has woken me up to just not trust everyone. So sad! Hopefully I can find SC's wish list. :(
If I'm not mistaken the baby was in Houston because that's where it was taken into their welfare. Once all the paperwork cleared earlier today, Shane along with Heidi's parents have had to drive 2.5 hours to Houston to get Margot and then return. The baby is being released directly to Shane. There is nothing mysterious about that.

I believe it this was simply logistics there would not have been a hearing scheduled for Friday.

It's really moot as baby is allegedly being reunited. CPS was satisfied.
IMO, the craziest/most sociopathic aspect of this is MF sitting there all week, with Margo in a baby swing, chatting away to friends about her missing BFF who's dead and rotting in the driveway.

Not even the kidnapping and alleged murder disturbs me as much.

MF was insinuating herself into the investigation by talking with Tim Miller and suggesting SC was the guilty one. It is so much like Jodi Arias in that respect.

I can't fathom the degree of selfish sickness. MF somehow managed to block out the years of friendship, a horrible ligature strangulation, the dead friend out in the trunk, the community and beyond in an uproar searching...she blocked it all out and was probably talking baby talk to Margo.
CPS obviously had some reservations that took until late evening for SC/family to overcome and/or meet certain criteria being used to delay placement. Details over minors/family court are typically not public record. I don't expect we will learn anymore. MOO
Is there a link regarding conditions? I was under the the impression that family was saying yesterday they were getting her today.
That reference is a personal opinion of Ms. Willey. As a matter of standard procedure CPS just has to ensure the home is adequately set up for the baby, they did that this morning if I'm not mistaken, there was absolutely no issue.

On another note in general. I feel some people felt CPS was keeping baby Margot away based on exaggerated claims from some people on social media. That is Not the case. The fact is in a unique case such as this, the suspect claimed the baby was hers. When the baby was removed from the residence, it is law to immediately have CPS take the child until all is straightened out. The DNA was more so to rule out that MF claims being the mother were False. Shane is the father. The Shane 'dissenters' twisted it (the DNA issue) to their advantage. The Broussard/Carey families are solid united with each other.
That reference re: Conditions wasn't part of the tweet. I believe it was an opinion by the poster. JMO
"Heidi Broussard: Mystery man claims HE is the father of newborn baby abducted by mother’s alleged ‘close friend’ [Report]

Heidi Broussard: Mystery man claims HE is the father of newborn baby abducted by mother’s alleged ‘close friend’ [Report]

"Ty Carey, the father of Broussard’s fiance, Shane Carey, said during a Monday night vigil that baby Margot is scheduled to return home to Shane Carey tonight. According to Ty Carey, hospital records confirmed the infant’s identity. DNA test results are still pending.

Children’s Protective Services is no longer seeking temporary custody of the infant, according to ABC 13."

Margot is going home to Shane, she has his last name, but paternity still has not been established because DNA test results are still pending. At least she will be with family over Christmas and not in foster care because even though foster care is necessary, Heidi's family deserves to spend Christmas all together with baby included.
That report that originated from NBC is so irresponsible and hurtful. At the last minute an unidentified person talks about some guy that says he's the father - that's it. What purpose does this serve as "news".

Then it is repeated by other reporters who feel a rumor is good enough for them as well.
I believe it this was simply logistics there would not have been a hearing scheduled for Friday.

It's really moot as baby is allegedly being reunited. CPS was satisfied.
Do we have information directly from the court website or from CPS that there was a hearing scheduled? The reporters have been pretty sloppy.
Good. I still hope he has someone that can step in and care for the children so he can get a break from time to time. Caring for a newborn is hard. Caring for a newborn when you’ve not been the primary caregiver is even harder. I don’t want him to get overwhelmed trying to do it all by himself to prove he can.

Does that make sense?
If it were the dad who died, no one would wonder how the mom would do as a single mom...
So you're not sure what conditions SC must have met to get Margo?

I'm wondering if it was a monetary requirement or a verbal promise or something else.

There was a court hearing scheduled for Friday which would not have been required if reunification was not questioned and a done deal.

Family court records are not public so we'll never know what conditions CPS specifically imposed on this family.

We do know that baby came to CPS not by a legal removal so I think it's likely that baby was reunified with her family pursuant to Child Protective Services Article 3 of 7: Family Based Safety Services Phase.

They will likely be a lifeline to SC for as long as he needs them.

I am finally on a thread I can reply to!

I can't stop thinking about the fact that M.F. was present for Margo's birth. It makes me wonder how she convinced H.B. to let her be there, as I have heard no reference of her being present for S**** birth.

The earlier mention of her facetiming her sister while holding up newborn Margo (passing her off as her own?) is so deliberately cunning. I believe she was building a 'story' and had an end-game in mind.

This woman did not just wake up one day and decide to murder her best friend and steal her baby.

By some accounts , she was broke, unemployed , and living rent-free off her landlord.

She planned and plotted and manipulated everyone around her to pull this off. After reading that she never mentioned wanting children, I think the game plan may not have been simply the desire for a baby that just happened to be her best friend's.

Was she pathological enough to want to keep the baby for a while , then once she established herself as 'Mommy Dearest', perhaps end Margo's life in an attempt at financial gain? Was she going to attempt a route of a G.F.M. to raise $ for the poor unemployed mommy who's best friend was missing and who just happened to have lost her baby due to an 'accident'?

I would really love to know what type of searches her internet history shows.

People murder for all types of things.

Love, hate....and money are three things that come immediately to mind. Since we have not heard of any love triangle, or any animosity between the two women... I am thinking that money may be the motivator.

This woman is diabolical, manipulative and the some of the worst kind of evil out there.

She didn't deserve to spend a single second in Heidi's world.

JMO and speculating out loud....
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There was a court hearing scheduled for Friday which would not have been required if reunification was not questioned and a done deal.

Family court records are not public so we'll never know what conditions CPS specifically imposed on this family.

We do know that baby came to CPS not by a legal removal so I think it's likely that baby was reunified with her family pursuant to Child Protective Services Article 3 of 7: Family Based Safety Services Phase.

They will likely be a lifeline to SC for as long as he needs them.


I was just curious about your comment regarding SC's dad playing a big part in this change of course by CPS.

In what way?
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