Holly Bobo found deceased, discussion thread *Arrests* #6

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I'd speed this up if I were TBI. If the TBI needs a better lab, well then speak up. Many are standing in line also.

Austin apparently killed himself in a motel room in Bartow, FL, Monday morning. Bartow police said they will have to wait six to eight weeks for an autopsy result to determine the cause of death.

Nevermind, toxicology...always the delay...young people take course in forensics & toxicology in college! jk

I'd speed this up if I were TBI. If the TBI needs a better lab, well then speak up. Many are standing in line also.

Austin apparently killed himself in a motel room in Bartow, FL, Monday morning. Bartow police said they will have to wait six to eight weeks for an autopsy result to determine the cause of death.

Good try, but this has nothing to do with TBI.
Good try, but this has nothing to do with TBI.

I honestly wasn't trying but why can't TBI speed it up? Are their labs that slow and overloaded? Shayne was a potential witness or criminal to them, I'd think they would be very interested in the facts of his death. jmo
I honestly wasn't trying but why can't TBI speed it up? Are their labs that slow and overloaded? Shayne was a potential witness or criminal to them, I'd think they would be very interested in the facts of his death. jmo

Simple, it happened in Florida and they don't have jurisdiction over the case.
IMO he possibly knew where Holly's body was originally at, but it was moved so it made him look like a liar when they found nothing where he said it would be.

If this is the case her body could not have been at the first location for very long at all...........they have pretty good forensics to determine when a cadaver has been at a certain location.I have followed many cases when they were able to determine that a dead body was in a certain spot for a very short amount of time.

A good possibility the location of her body was part of the deal .....and he did not deliver.
Maybe he didn't know or he lied....and possibly the location of her remains were never part of the deal......no way of knowing with what little info they have released.

I am not saying her body was never moved......just that if SA gave them a location where it was for a while .....they could easily prove that it was indeed at that location at some point....and this does not fit with the non cooperating- not being truthful version that LE gave for wanting to revoke his immunity.
I honestly wasn't trying but why can't TBI speed it up? Are their labs that slow and overloaded? Shayne was a potential witness or criminal to them, I'd think they would be very interested in the facts of his death. jmo

Because it's not a TN death to be investigated. Autopsies are local, tied into questions as to murder (or not) investigations. He died in Florida, so that's who will determine if a murder occurred in their town, county, state.
If this is the case her body could not have been at the first location for very long at all...........they have pretty good forensics to determine when a cadaver has been at a certain location.I have followed many cases when they were able to determine that a dead body was in a certain spot for a very short amount of time.

A good possibility the location of her body was part of the deal .....and he did not deliver.
Maybe he didn't know or he lied....and possibly the location of her remains were never part of the deal......no way of knowing with what little info they have released.

I am not saying her body was never moved......just that if SA gave them a location where it was for a while .....they could easily prove that it was indeed at that location at some point....and this does not fit with the non cooperating- not being truthful version that LE gave for wanting to revoke his immunity.

I disagree. I know it's possible, but it's also possible to tamper with the scene (fire, amongst other ways) to make it so it can't be detected.
IMO he possibly knew where Holly's body was originally at, but it was moved so it made him look like a liar when they found nothing where he said it would be.

It's certainly possible, but we also need to be careful not to shove round pegs into square holes. In other words, taking things that don't fit and explaining them away so they don't contradict your theory. There really is no evidence at this point that the body was moved (or at least not that has been released).
I disagree. I know it's possible, but it's also possible to tamper with the scene (fire, amongst other ways) to make it so it can't be detected.

Not sure I follow............when a body decomposes on the ground.A fire on the surface would not remove all the evidence....you would have to excavate and then try to conceal the excavation which is very hard to do.

The same if she had been buried,dug up and moved.......very easy to tell something went on there many years later.

If the body was stored in a building ......burning might do the trick of destroying evidence but then there is the problem of concealing the fire itself.

SA either not knowing the location of her body or lying about where it was is certainly an option........so is they uncovered something that he was more of an actor in her death and did not want to offer immunity ......ie Karla Homolka

You can be assured if SA said the body was in a certain spot ....they went over that area with a fine tooth comb.And if they found activity related to detroying or concealing evidence it would make SA seem to be reliable and somebody that would be helpful to their investigation.

Things have definitely gotten mishandled in this investigation but I don't think if SA told them her body was in a shed and once they got there it was burned down.... they would decide it was never there in the first place.he was lying and then try and revoke his immunity.........it just doesn't make any sense.

His immunity status was in jeopardy for some other reason then her body was not where he said it was because it had been moved.
BBM: I totally agree ... and IF we knew WHY Holly, then maybe things would start to make sense.

There is a "WHY HOLLY" Somewhere.

I know the connections have been bandied about - paid informant, or saw something, or said something. Or was stalked at the Coon hunt , why Mom was panicked toward CB - all worthy of exploration, but,,,
IMO This abduction, hostage, abuse, likely horrid death and subsequent handling and chatter about it in local media speaks to something larger. I am of the opinion that this murder was a step up in the criminal histories of these men. Larger than their petty criminal past. I am unable to dismiss the pearls, the meth, the drug trade in general, and the length of time this investigation has taken, all the while centering on these clowns.
I have not felt that random kidnapping, hostage, abuse and death was a natural progression in these suspects criminal lives. They would have been just as happy, cookin, stealin, doing and running drugs, getting arrested and etc,,, if not for this.

Something in someone either snapped or was otherwise inclined to target Holly.


ETA: Petty, it seems.

Yet "why Holly"
The TBI did suspect Austin enough to ask a judge for a tap on his phone as recently as March of last year -- that court request spelled out the TBI's interest.

It read: "Shayne has been interviewed several times... he admits being with Zack Adams the entire day of Holly Bobo's disappearance... Phone records indicate Austin was in contact with Adams several times the day of the abduction... Austin confessed to at least one person that he was involved in the crime."

Take a look here at News Channel 5 reporter Nick Beres FB post on the whole thing....

THIS OUT: The TBI had filed a request with the court last year for permission to tap Austin's phone. In that filing they explained why they had "probable cause" to ask for the tap. It is revealing. The TBI agent wrote: "Shayne has been interviewed several times ... he admits being with Zack Adams the entire day of Holly Bobo's disappearance ... Phone records indicate Austin was in contact with Adams several times the day of the abduction ... Austin confessed to at least one person that he was involved in the crime." Aside from that confession ... the big key here is Austin's contact with Adams. As we all know Adams -- along with Jason Autry -- is now charged with Holly's murder. If he was talking to Austin the day of the abduction that is telling. So, what does this all mean now? Not much since Austin is dead. He was never charged in the case so that make me think prosecutors may still have planned on using him as a witness.

On a side note, I think Nick prefers FB post's cause he can really say what he means and twitter is so lacking for that kind of response and he takes the time to talk with others.

NOTE: Did Austin really kill himself? His body was found in Florida where he was working. Police say the scene appeared to be that of a suicide. But they didn't say how he died or whether he left a suicide note. I did talk to a member of his family who isn't entirely convinced Austin killed himself. Could this be a murder? We'll have a better idea after the medical examiner finishes the autopsy in a few weeks. That is a lot to digest. The latest twist in this bizarre case.
I know Shayne was supposedly working in FL, but why that particular town/state? Did he have ties there?
O/T sorta...

This is what DA Stowe's office is doing:

WBBJ7News retweeted
Brittany Nicholson ‏@WBBJ7Brittany 14m14 minutes ago
NEW TODAY: DA Matt Stowe's office says more arrests possible in Wesley Conway murder case. More tonight at 6.
It's certainly possible, but we also need to be careful not to shove round pegs into square holes. In other words, taking things that don't fit and explaining them away so they don't contradict your theory. There really is no evidence at this point that the body was moved (or at least not that has been released).

Do I remember it right that some of her remains were found in a bucket just sitting there where the skull was found?

If so, I think that circumstantial evidence of some of the remains being reported to be in a bucket is pretty good circumstantial evidence that the remains were moved. At least to me it would be. A bucket is very portable and it kind of screams out it was carried in the bucket from a previous location.

If it was transported, it is strange the person did not go to more trouble to dump the bucket and take the bucket away. Kind of points to an amatuer or very Young person doing the transporting and maybe a car was approaching so they ran off and left it.

It sounded to me that the remains could not have been at that place very long without someone noticing that bucket and investigating. Im thinking 6 months to a year max they were there where found.
I agree with some that I think Shayne was murdered. I do kind of lean towards conspiracy theories though. :)
Wonder what makes them think the scene was looking like a suicide.

Sounds to me a gun was used and gun was near his hand. If that is what we learn, then I am definitely leaning towards a murder.

And I dont necessarily think it was the bad side of the law that killed him.
I agree with some that I think Shayne was murdered. I do kind of lean towards conspiracy theories though. :)
I've wondered this, too. It's a good thing his phone was tapped -- not only because TBI may have more evidence of who was involved in Holly's murder and their role, but if Shayne was indeed murdered to keep him from testifying, the TBI will have some suspects based upon who Shayne talked to in recent weeks and the content of their conversations.

The wire taps could explain how the DA knew Shayne was lying, if TBI shared this info with the DA, and why the immunity deal was withdrawn. Is this one of the issues Stowe had a problem with, maybe?
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