Holly Bobo, missing from TN 2014 discussion #5 ***ARRESTS***

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Amanda,shefer's post reminded me to thank-you for archiving important links for us. :takeabow:
I added the article and vid.
O/T Btw, help me get to 9M views today by clicking a case in my archives.

Thank you dog.gone.cute and AmandaReckonwith and others who have helped with linking articles today. I have not been here since we are in the process of moving to a new home. Can't wait to close on Friday and be done with it...its a lot of work....but also very exciting.

I check in as often as I can amidst the packing and such.

I, for one, am ready to see more arrests. We've been hearing about them for weeks and weeks....so they need to get with it.

Thanks to dog.gone.cute for links.:smile:

Oh,I have so many but,here's just one question I would like answered. Ready,OK,What happened that we never heard one thing about the scheduled hearing Monday in Decatur County Sessions Court for Mark Pearcy?

And shefner,I went through a sell home declutter-pack/buy home move/unpack major move 10 years ago. Congratulations on getting into your new home.
Amanda,shefer's post reminded me to thank-you for archiving important links for us. :takeabow:

Thanks to dog.gone.cute for links.:smile:

Oh,I have so many but,here's just one question I would like answered. Ready,OK,What happened that we never heard one thing about the scheduled hearing Monday in Decatur County Sessions Court for Mark Pearcy?

And shefner,I went through a sell home declutter-pack/buy home move/unpack major move 10 years ago. Congratulations on getting into your new home.
Thank you so much MizStery!
Hi All, im a newbie from the land of Oz! Ive been watching and reading websleuths for a long time and thought it was about time i finally signed up and joined in. I have been watching this thread for a long time and hoped a few people who have been around longer could answer some questions for me.
What ever happened to Michael Alexander whom i read was another member of the so called A Train.
I read on the 3 rd search of the Adams house that they are taking significant items to test for evidence. Why wasnt this done in previous searches?

Sorry if these questions have been asked before.

Also the evidence that the brother threw away and are looking for could it very likely be a recording device they are looking for? Ie. Phone, camcorder?
Hi All, im a newbie from the land of Oz! Ive been watching and reading websleuths for a long time and thought it was about time i finally signed up and joined in. I have been watching this thread for a long time and hoped a few people who have been around longer could answer some questions for me.
What ever happened to Michael Alexander whom i read was another member of the so called A Train.
I read on the 3 rd search of the Adams house that they are taking significant items to test for evidence. Why wasnt this done in previous searches?

Sorry if these questions have been asked before.

Also the evidence that the brother threw away and are looking for could it very likely be a recording device they are looking for? Ie. Phone, camcorder?

My opinions only, no facts here:

I will address two of your questions.

The first search was supposedly done shortly after the abduction. Just speculating here: maybe the search warrant at that time only applied to lands around the buildings. But as for the second search- at that time the authorities may have lacked the testimony of the main suspect's younger brother.

The evidence that supposedly was disposed of by the main suspect's younger brother could conceivably be any of the evidence (excepting the remains?) found over the past many years. My timeline at http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...mp-TiMeLiNe-only!-*NO-DISCUSSION*/page9page9]
Posts 215 to 216, provides details ad nauseam about the history of the Holly Bobo case, up to the first arrest.

Sleuth On!
My opinions only, no facts here:

According to http://www.wbir.com/story/news/crim...osed-of-evidence-in-holly-bobo-case/16147427/ a relative of the main suspect's younger brother states that the younger brother has an IQ in the low 70's and the mental ability of a ten year-old. Are any of his statements to authorities credible? I bring this up because in many ways he is the linchpin for this entire sequence of arrests. It sounds like this young man could be coerced or just be accidentally compelled to to make broad claims about the Holly Bobo case.

I am seeing on more than one news site that the arrest affidavit for the main suspect's younger brother claims: "On September 17, 2014, this agent heard Dylan Adams tell other agent with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation that on April 13, 2011, Dylan Adams disposed of item(s) he knew possessed evidentiary value relating to Holly Bobo". I am not arguing that this situation is improper in any way (for example, http://www.tncourts.gov/rules/rules-evidence/803), but is this all that the arrest affidavit says? Look, if the interview with the main suspect's younger brother was recorded, an affidavit of arrest should not require one agent to overhear what a suspect is telling another agent. The primary agent doing the interview would simply provide the recording and state that this recording is what he heard FIRST-hand from the interviewee.

Albert Einstein once said that "a good joke should not be repeated too often", so forgive me when I repeat myself from a recent post and say that I am trying to get my arms around this criminal case.

Two questions: has anybody here seen the entire arrest affidavit for the main suspect's younger brother? Secondly, does anybody here know factually if the interview(s) with the main suspect's younger brother were recorded?

Sleuth On!
My opinions only, no facts here:

According to http://www.wbir.com/story/news/crim...osed-of-evidence-in-holly-bobo-case/16147427/ a relative of the main suspect's younger brother states that the younger brother has an IQ in the low 70's and the mental ability of a ten year-old. Are any of his statements to authorities credible? I bring this up because in many ways he is the linchpin for this entire sequence of arrests. It sounds like this young man could be coerced or just be accidentally compelled to to make broad claims about the Holly Bobo case.

I am seeing on more than one news site that the arrest affidavit for the main suspect's younger brother claims: "On September 17, 2014, this agent heard Dylan Adams tell other agent with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation that on April 13, 2011, Dylan Adams disposed of item(s) he knew possessed evidentiary value relating to Holly Bobo". I am not arguing that this situation is improper in any way (for example, http://www.tncourts.gov/rules/rules-evidence/803), but is this all that the arrest affidavit says? Look, if the interview with the main suspect's younger brother was recorded, an affidavit of arrest should not require one agent to overhear what a suspect is telling another agent. The primary agent doing the interview would simply provide the recording and state that this recording is what he heard FIRST-hand from the interviewee.

Albert Einstein once said that "a good joke should not be repeated too often", so forgive me when I repeat myself from a recent post and say that I am trying to get my arms around this criminal case.

Two questions: has anybody here seen the entire arrest affidavit for the main suspect's younger brother? Secondly, does anybody here know factually if the interview(s) with the main suspect's younger brother were recorded?

Sleuth On!
I also wondered this in regards to the brothers mental capacity and low IQ. But if he has previous convictions its probably not considered an issue.
My opinions only, no facts here:

According to http://www.wbir.com/story/news/crim...osed-of-evidence-in-holly-bobo-case/16147427/ a relative of the main suspect's younger brother states that the younger brother has an IQ in the low 70's and the mental ability of a ten year-old. Are any of his statements to authorities credible? I bring this up because in many ways he is the linchpin for this entire sequence of arrests. It sounds like this young man could be coerced or just be accidentally compelled to to make broad claims about the Holly Bobo case.

I am seeing on more than one news site that the arrest affidavit for the main suspect's younger brother claims: "On September 17, 2014, this agent heard Dylan Adams tell other agent with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation that on April 13, 2011, Dylan Adams disposed of item(s) he knew possessed evidentiary value relating to Holly Bobo". I am not arguing that this situation is improper in any way (for example, http://www.tncourts.gov/rules/rules-evidence/803), but is this all that the arrest affidavit says? Look, if the interview with the main suspect's younger brother was recorded, an affidavit of arrest should not require one agent to overhear what a suspect is telling another agent. The primary agent doing the interview would simply provide the recording and state that this recording is what he heard FIRST-hand from the interviewee.

Albert Einstein once said that "a good joke should not be repeated too often", so forgive me when I repeat myself from a recent post and say that I am trying to get my arms around this criminal case.

Two questions: has anybody here seen the entire arrest affidavit for the main suspect's younger brother? Secondly, does anybody here know factually if the interview(s) with the main suspect's younger brother were recorded?

Sleuth On!

Here is a general google search with much info about IQ scores if interested. https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=iq+classifications+for+special+ed

Retired regular education teacher with experience with inclusion special education students here. Verifiable employment history if needed. Some observations on students with IQs in the 70s. This is my second year out of the classroom so some things may have changed
1. An IQ score is obtained after extensive multiple tests and tasks are given. Total score is derived from scores on the various tests.
2. An IQ score of 70 to 79 would place the child in the low normal range of intelligence, and thus, not eligible for special education services. This is in the state of GA and follows IDEA guidelines.
3. Students with IQs of 70-79 are sometimes characterized as "slow learners." They do learn at a much slower rate than students deemed "average."
4. With some of these students, it is evident from just observing their interaction with their peers that they are slower in development. With some of these students, slower development is only evident when academic work is observed. Some of these students show no difference in interpersonal and group interactions than students considered "average."
5. Easily led by peers depends on the individual child. Some are very easily led by others.
6. Truthfulness. I have found that, overall, my "slow learner" and special ed students tended to be truthful, more so than many regular ed students. Maybe because keeping up with a series of lies is hard for them to do.
7. I think keeping up with the "intrigue" of a sustained conspiracy and the attendant thought processes involved would be beyond most "slow learners." Truth would most likely out itself.

How does this apply to Dylan Adams? My thoughts on this. Until (and I don't see this happening) a verifiable IQ score is made public, we cannot actually say that Dylan is mentally challenged. If his IQ falls within 70 to 79, he would not have been placed in special education services while in public school. Was he easily led by his brother and the friends? Probably. Did he do this willingly? Depends on his relationship with ZA and friends. Was he bullied by ZA and friends? Don't know but would assume he was due to the descriptions of ZA and company. Prey on the weaker. Will the defense attorneys try to destroy him on the witness stand? Most certainly. If he is involved in some kind of conspiracy with LE, will he fold under pressure? Yes.
1 I am seeing on more than one news site that the arrest affidavit for the main suspect's younger brother claims: "On September 17, 2014, this agent heard Dylan Adams tell other agent with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation that on April 13, 2011, Dylan Adams disposed of item(s) he knew possessed evidentiary value relating to Holly Bobo". I am not arguing that this situation is improper in any way (for example, http://www.tncourts.gov/rules/rules-evidence/803), but is this all that the arrest affidavit says?
2 Look, if the interview with the main suspect's younger brother was recorded, an affidavit of arrest should not require one agent to overhear what a suspect is telling another agent. The primary agent doing the interview would simply provide the recording and state that this recording is what he heard FIRST-hand from the interviewee.

1 Yes, that is exact wording filed with the court. If it's not the entirety, it's most of it. The explanation was one hand-written paragraph.
2 I agree that "agent B overheard this when Dylan was talking with agent A" is incredibly odd wording and raises the question of why this arrest wasn't based on a statement by agent A. But, we simply don't know why.

As an aside, why don't you use names in your notes/comments/questions here, rather than long descriptive terms that need to be deciphered? It's extra work for you to go around the block to avoid using the actual names, it's extra work for the reader to decipher, using a description to identify rather than a simple name to identify doesn't add any extra meaning to the comments (and in fact can make them somewhat tedious to try to wade through), and using names (when known) rather than descriptions is the way we communicate in everyday life. When using those names was a website TOS issue, it made sense, but now that there have been arrests and the names are factually part of the landscape of LE's case, it doesn't. Just a suggestion.
What ever happened to Michael Alexander whom i read was another member of the so called A Train.

May have been arrested or detained when all the arrests came down 6 months ago. One unconfirmed rumor said he was at the house and took a swing at LE over the search warrants at that time, and per the data on vinelink he might currently be locked up in Benton Co, but don't take any of that as gospel.

At one point, another unconfirmed rumor (from the rumor mill that said these guys supposedly would get high and brag about HB crimes) said the talk included the info that he helped move HB body from point A to point B. However, we don't hear anything about an arrest, and if he had been arrested for that, I'm sure LE would have it in the news everywhere, given the way they've been using the media in this case. So it would seem that at this point, if he was really involved, they lack needed evidence to arrest him.

One possible exception: if he's a cooperating witness who is in protective custody and being kept out of sight.
Any knowledge of Michael Alexander? I cant remember where i read about him.

:seeya: Hello and Welcome !

You probably read about this individual at another site -- which site cannot be linked here at WS.

Also, he has NOT been named by LE in relation to Holly's case, and he has NOT been named in any MSM articles that are allowed here at WS.

I hope this helps.
Unconfirmed info, but it might answer lingering questions if true: the MP hearing, originally on the docket for Sept 22, was rescheduled to Sept 29.
Wow! Thanks for that! So why doesn't he give LE the access code? Oh, got to hope LE can finally get their hands on that video of Holly.

ETA - I copied your link over the news & media thread.

:seeya: Hi OS !

BBM: Yes ... WHY doesn't he just give LE the access code ...

And IMO, he has something to hide !

Unconfirmed info, but it might answer lingering questions if true:

I have read that the MP hearing, originally on the docket for Sept 22, was rescheduled to Sept 29.

:seeya: Hi SS,

Yes ... I read over there :facepalm: that it was re-scheduled for September 29 ...

But I cannot find a link in the MSM to confirm this.
Yes ... WHY doesn't he just give LE the access code ...

And IMO, he has something to hide !

That's certainly a reasonable question to ask. JP's continued insistence that he has nothing to hide doesn't square with the idea that LE is being forced to use extraordinary means to see what is on his phone.

However, one thing to consider....

I'm not going to argue that LE isn't trying to get into his phone, because I was just shown a MSM report that says that. However, my takeaway all along from the media had been that it was Mark's phone, not Jeff's, that was in question, and I point to this article as one that has some very explicit information related to JP's claim that he didn't have such a video:

It says, in talking about the perhaps-mythical video: "TBI special agent Brent Booth says that he is waiting for an access code from Apple so that he get into Mark Pearcy&#8217;s cell phone."

My point is this: while it's possible that TBI has phones for both that they are trying to access, it's also possible that one or the other MSM notes (about whose phone they are trying to access) had sloppy reporting. So while I wonder why JP doesn't just give them the code, if he's innocent, to be fair there is still a possible answer that it's not his phone/code.
:seeya: Hi OS !

BBM: Yes ... WHY doesn't he just give LE the access code ...

And IMO, he has something to hide !


Agree - perhaps he has other things on his phone that he doesn't want LE to see, and LE won't agree to giving immunity for anything unrelated to HB....
Agree - perhaps he has other things on his phone that he doesn't want LE to see, and LE won't agree to giving immunity for anything unrelated to HB....

^This was my thought too. I'm sure he has committed a number of unrelated felonies, but I remain unconvinced that said video exists.
Well I can't imagine them not willing to give him an immunity deal on any other evidence of crimes on his phone that didn't relate to Holly after the deal they offered SA....this case has a lot of things that make you go hmmm.
OT- Maybe Ginseng hunters should organize a SAR;

Human remains found at state border
Investigation under way - September 25. 2014

Human remains were found overnight on the Tennessee and Kentucky border, according to law enforcement officials.

According to officials, ginseng hunters found remains of a human body late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning.
<sniped - read more>
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