Hoover & D. Casey Depos in Gonzales Case

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I can't, for the life of me figure out who "DM" is.

Is he that guy with kidfinders? If he is then plain ole yuck.
Yes that is who DM is, Kid Finders, he gives me the creeps too. His truck almost looks like a police vehicle with the lights or whatever they are on top and the seal on the door. I believe he once, in the past, was charged with making one of his vehicles look like a LE vehicle, I would think he would want to stay away from that.
from deposition:
Pg: 100, ln: 20

"...take it with a grain of assault."

I love this...kind of reminds me of DM.
Yes that is who DM is, Kid Finders, he gives me the creeps too. His truck almost looks like a police vehicle with the lights or whatever they are on top and the seal on the door. I believe he once, in the past, was charged with making one of his vehicles look like a LE vehicle, I would think he would want to stay away from that.

Thats putting it lightly.

WFTV article, Nov '08: "Milstead's pickup truck had a "Gotcha" emblem on the side of it instead of the Kid Finders emblem he has now. West Palm Beach police say he flashed phony blue lights and claimed he was a law enforcement officer. He pled his felony down to a misdemeanor and seven months later another arrest for assault.

Eyewitness News has also learned that the president of Crime Stoppers in south Florida had a restraining order against Milstead after he allegedly tried to connive a 90-percent cut of any donations he solicited for the group. At the time, Milstead was operating a business called Gotcha Billboards, but he was reportedly representing himself as an employee of the non-profit Crime Stoppers."

Here's an article that includes a video and photos link with indications of what DM really is made up of:

Heh, page 103. After they all go and get fingerprinted and DC and CA sit together holding hands and rubbing arms, they take off together in DC's car and get "lost" for 15-20 minutes. Get lost going to a hotel they already been staying at and know where it is.

Hi SuziQ
I thought Hoover said Cindy and Dominic were missing a long time?
Did he actually say 15-20 minutes? I heard him say he tried calling Dominic several times and Dominic would not answer his phone, then he finally reached him and Dominic said he and Cindy got lost.
Hoover said it took HIM 15 - 20 minutes to drive back to the hotel, right?
Cindy and Dominic petting each other and hand holding right in front of George is disgusting........I can't imagine how GA contained his anger.
I have been a solid supporter of George and Cindy regarding thier knowledge or lack of, regarding the murder of Caylee. I just could not believe that parents would knowingly assist their daughter in covering up the murder of their granddaughter.

However, after partially reading the transcripts and a few lights going on in my head, I am sad to say, I now believe that G&C knew where Caylee's body was. I think the meet and greet was just a cover up, to make sure all the press was on them while the detective was out in the woods looking for Caylee...
I am finding some disturbing statements in Hoover's depo. Especially the part about the 15th being just another tip in hundreds of tips. Yet, earlier he described DCasey as being somber...very somber when telling Hoover about their destination and purpose. Just another tip, JH? I think not...
I think some are missing the point here. Why should he be concerned with whether or not Cindy had an affair with anybody? It has nothing to do with ZG and her defamation lawsuit.
Most of the questions he asked Lee were out of bounds as well. I'm surprised he is allowed to get away with it.
Pitiful excuse for an attorney.... he's trying to delve into the criminal case, which he is not qualified for, and certainly not involved in.
If by some miracle, the case should ever get to court, and a judge hears this line of questioning, he/she will probably throw it out in a heartbeat, because it has nothing to do with ZG, or anything he claims regarding her.
I wouldn't hire him to represent my dog. He is a joke.

IMO, Mr. Morgan is far from being a joke, he is an extremely intelligent and foxy attorney. He knows what he is doing and every question he asks is for a good reason. If Cindy and Dominic are involved this would be compelling as to why DC was searching the woods.
DC also is trying to weasel out of giving his depo to Morgan, and I doubt he is doing this because he thinks Morgan is a joke, it is out of fear.
Hoover did a fine job, he has opened many doors and provoked so many questions yet to be answered.
IMO, Mr. Morgan is far from being a joke, he is an extremely intelligent and foxy attorney. He knows what he is doing and every question he asks is for a good reason. If Cindy and Dominic are involved this would be compelling as to why DC was searching the woods.
DC also is trying to weasel out of giving his depo to Morgan, and I doubt he is doing this because he thinks Morgan is a joke, it is out of fear.
Hoover did a fine job, he has opened many doors and provoked so many questions yet to be answered.

I'm not so sure it was out of fear, that DC had his depo delayed. I think he just wanted to hear JH's first, so he would know what he said. If Morgan was smart he wouldn't have made JH's depo public before questioning DC don't ya think?
I have never understood why they did not set up DC deposition and then do hoovers but thats just me
I'm not so sure it was out of fear, that DC had his depo delayed. I think he just wanted to hear JH's first, so he would know what he said. If Morgan was smart he wouldn't have made JH's depo public before questioning DC don't ya think?

Dominic Casey has just retained a high profile Criminal Attorney,
Hoover gave his depo sans Attorney, speaks volumes to me.
I'm not so sure it was out of fear, that DC had his depo delayed. I think he just wanted to hear JH's first, so he would know what he said. If Morgan was smart he wouldn't have made JH's depo public before questioning DC don't ya think?

The depos were supposed to be with DC immediately following Hoover, that was the plan. DC cancelled at the last minute, could get him a contempt charge. DC was not supposed to have had time to see/hear Hoover's depo.
I'm not so sure it was out of fear, that DC had his depo delayed. I think he just wanted to hear JH's first, so he would know what he said. If Morgan was smart he wouldn't have made JH's depo public before questioning DC don't ya think?

I think Morgan is very smart. I suspect he just wanted DC to hear JH's depo first, so he would think he knows what he'll be asked, but think JM will have some other questions for him. Have to wait and see - interesting he hired himself a famous attny . . .
What on earth does anything that's rumored to have happened between Cindy and DC long AFTER Caylee's disappearance have to do with the ZFG suit? I don't understand why Morgan is getting away with this.

I understand how he's getting away with it (lax rules governing depositions), but for the life of me, I can't understand what difference it makes if Cindy did develop feelings for DC. After reading Shirley P's interview with LE, I've begun (very reluctantly:eek:) to feel some sympathy for Cindy about the life she's lived, particularly her marriage to George. According to SP, he evidently gambled away everything they had, then he secretly cashed in his retirement to cover his gambling losses without regard to the tax liabilities. And then, to add insult to injury, he let Cindy find out from IRS when they went after her and forced her to pay off the deliquent taxes.

When I add all that to what Casey was putting Cindy through at the same time, I think Cindy's life looks like a horrible nightmare. I still find her impossible to truly like, but I can certainly see how/why she became so strong, and I can respect her for that. My opinion of George has undergone a reverse transformation over the last couple of months.
Oh Wait <snap> I've just figured out why Morgan is asking about how close Cindy's relationship was with DC--Morgan wants to be able to show why DC could be willing to lie for her!

I'll bet that same conclusion is in the next dozen posts I haven't yet read, so forgive me if this is #13.
lancelot, what is up with the pavers?

Not sure,. Where are you going?
From what I can tell DC thought something would be found underneath three pavers in a row, both at Suburban and at the abandoned house.

I also found Hoover's reasoning for Lee being the one on the phone with DC coming from Lee's attorney. "Did I see the videotape? No. I didn't. Wait...did I?"
And Lee showing up at the M&G after they arrived. Hmmm.
LOL. Unless Hoover was there with his trusty video camera I doubt he would have any idea what, if any, pillow talk may have taken place between Cindy and DC. I think it was a totally irrelevant question and that Morgan was completely out of line in asking it. Morgan is still, IMO, playing for the Anthony hating audience.

I'm fairly appalled at some of the questions asked. Why would Hoover put his ex-wifes name/address/phone out there? Whatever happened to the right to privacy? Wow, IMO this badgering will surely deter people from getting involved to help families in need or even step forward with info on a crime. Look what's happened to so many innocent people involved in this case! Pictures, past work relationships...all being forced out in the open and reputations being ruined...often by folks going on rumors, and not even facts. The people he worked for have a right to privacy and not have their names brought into this...especially if he worked as a private body guard. My daughter worked for an agency that did such work and they had to sign non-disclosure agreements regarding everything they saw or heard regarding some of the high profile people they worked with. Do you know the impact of this info leaking out..even through a depo...for the agency Hoover worked for? I've worked in celebrity homes and had to sign a non-disclosure agreement that I wouldn't discuss the address, phone, furnishings, etc. of the home with anyone. People who have done nothing wrong should not have their lives spotlighted in this matter. Good for Hoover for not releasing private info. Welcome yet another tent to the circus! Sheesh.
That seems to me to be a complete violation of people's rights. :confused:

And you're just looking at it from a distance! Those of us who have ever had to answer interrogatories or give a deposition (including when we're the plaintiffs), would tell you that we feel not only violated but infuriated by the kind of prying, totally unrelated, questions we're legally required to answer!
I'm not so sure it was out of fear, that DC had his depo delayed. I think he just wanted to hear JH's first, so he would know what he said. If Morgan was smart he wouldn't have made JH's depo public before questioning DC don't ya think?

I'm not sure Morgan had the option of keeping his testimony private, I think once it's entered on the record, it's public record.

You may be right re him wanting to hear JH's first, but in my opinion, that would only be if he was scared! He's taken a big risk as he is now in contempt of court.
I have never understood why they did not set up DC deposition and then do hoovers but thats just me

Excellent point. I wonder if they are now thinking the same. It sounds like he backed out at the last minute. They probably thought doing them back to back on the same day was safe enough, and when they started with Hoover they still didn't know DC would fail to comply with the subpoena.
lancelot.........what i don't get is what did the house have to do with caylee? the pavers were markers for something.
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