How Will the ANTHONY FAMILY react?

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They will undoubtably use the proximity of the remains to their house as 'proof' of a conspiracy to 'frame' poor Casey.
Theres nothing else they can do short of just admiting the truth.
I dont know how they will dispose of the forensic results as far as the time frame the remains were there or whatever other evidence LE obtained linking the remains to that house but Im sure if anyone can they can.
Cindy will probably say something like...

"There was duct tape on Caylee's mouth so that proves that she was kidnapped because Casey would NEVER do anything to hurt that little girl"


"That area was already searched and cleared and Casey has been in jail so she could not have placed Caylee there. The kidnappers must have planted Caylee there to frame Casey."


"Casey has maintained from day one that she had nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance and all this does is reaffirm our faith in her"


" There is still no proof that Caylee is dead. Until LE shows me something concrete I'm still going to search for a LIVE Caylee. I owe her that much."

Excellent post. I vote "ALL OF THE ABOVE". LE needs to ramp up the heat on these ppl. They need to charge them as accessories...and put the DP back on the table (as a purely pysch tool to let her know they're not screwing around anymore)

Enough is enough. JMHO
The only thing holding the A's together was the hope that Caylee would be rescued from her evil captors. I doubt they will make it to trial without impolding. The family dynamic has been played out on a rope that has reached it's tensil limit. If it hasn't snapped already, it will very soon. I hope each and every member of the A family seeks counseling immediately.

the evil captor story will hold them together for the time's after the media leaves (if reality ever knocks on their door & they answer)---they are going to spin that story more and more....that is what they will do to hold it together....spin

"Zanny planted the bag"

Oh I can see them saying it.
I agree...I think accidental death is the ONLY way she will avoid spending the rest of her life in jail (or the DP). I don't think they can prove insanity as she obviously knew what she did was wrong since she tried to cover it up.

Duct tape was found on the mouth. Nothing accidental about that.
They are going to be on LKL tonight? :eek: Anyone know if this was pre recorded? I simply can not imagine them going back and doing it live.
They will undoubtably use the proximity of the remains to their house as 'proof' of a conspiracy to 'frame' poor Casey.
Theres nothing else they can do short of just admiting the truth.
I dont know how they will dispose of the forensic results as far as the time frame the remains were there or whatever other evidence LE obtained linking the remains to that house but Im sure if anyone can they can.

spin baby spin....the forensic results...uhhhh covered--remember that house key story (lie) that perhaps a nanny had.....

I want to know about the LETTERS they wrote back and forth...

They are going to be on LKL tonight? :eek: Anyone know if this was pre recorded? I simply can not imagine them going back and doing it live.

don't think its pre-recorded...its about the body being found and how they are handling it....I'm sure its spin at its best...I also believe the atty's will be there in full force this time----
I agree...the letters. I know I've watched the video's before. But rewatching them and knowing that Caylee was so puts a new scary spin on it.
<<I saw George state that he did not know how bad rotted food could smell.>>

I totally agree with this post. That really irritated me, too. I saw his FBI interview and he knew what that smell was. Did you notice he couldn't look Larry in the face while he was saying it?
spin baby spin....the forensic results...uhhhh covered--remember that house key story (lie) that perhaps a nanny had.....

I want to know about the LETTERS they wrote back and forth...

Sadly I dont think this latest development is even going to make them break stride.At least publicly...
At first I thought "Well the gig is up now." but actually Im sure were in for more increasingly implausible and shrill public denial.
<<KC broke down in tears (fake tears, IMO) and CA asked her one more time and KC said, "Just leave it at that Mom." >>

Didn't that just about make you gag? And CA was just eating it up with a spoon. I believe that it doesn't matter what they say or how they spin it, the evidence will speak for itself.
I hope to God someone is there for the great-grands at this horrendous time. And, too, I hope that the estranged family on both sides has plenty of support. Their estrangement did not result from a lack of love--it resulted from the frustration and pain caused by witnessing loved ones make the same mistakes over and over. At some point, they had to remove themselves to spare themselves the day-to-day agony. But now they have a new brand of pain, and need lots of loving support.
If the remains turn out to be Caylee I'll be so glad that she has come home. When Laci and Connor were discovered it was close to Easter, I think. Now, it's Christmas and we have been given a present of sorts - that Caylee has joined Connor.
Cindy will never admit that Casey killed Caylee. George knows the truth but is afraid of Cindy. Cindy runs the family, the house, and is a very power driven woman. Cindy and Casey have no doubt been fighting and verbally sparing for years, with the attention ultimately being given to Caylee at the expense of Casey. Casey needed attention, she need adoration and though she doesn't exhibit it, something tells me she is very insecure. Caylee paid the ultimate price of the dysfunction of Cindy and Casey.
Cindy can eventually join Scott Peterson's parents in believing forever that their kids are innocent.
<<I saw George state that he did not know how bad rotted food could smell.>>

I totally agree with this post. That really irritated me, too. I saw his FBI interview and he knew what that smell was. Did you notice he couldn't look Larry in the face while he was saying it?

I said this yesterday, I was so disgusted by that whole Larry King video that it almost sent me over the edge. I was screaming at the tv--my kids are semi-used to it, but it just made me furious. Haven't George and Cindy heard that there WAS NO FOOD found in the trunk??? I think that interview irritated poor little Caylee and she led the way for that man to find her yesterday.

I think George and Cindy will continue to lie, deny and spew the crap they have been. I know they loved Caylee, but they have let her down by believing and supporting KC. for a quick o/t, I was glued to the online broadcasts yesterday and was on here non-stop, more than my usual at work. I called in "under the weather" today. Anyone else taking the day for themselves?? God bless little Caylee. And thank you for leading them to her.
All I can say is . . .

"Zenaida" really has it in for Casey.

First -- She takes Caylee and lies about where she lives.
Then -- She she was so upset at Casey -- that it seems as if she killed Caylee
Finally -- She dumps the body close to Casey's house so Casey looks guilty.

Damn Zenaida is really ruthless.
I think George and Cindy will continue to lie, deny and spew the crap they have been. I know they loved Caylee, but they have let her down by believing and supporting KC.

IMO...they need to split this up. Charge GA and CA (if proof exists of their involvement) offer GA a plea deal to tell the truth. Let CA and perp start in on each other.

The OJ trial in Vegas was a textbook "rollover" case. Originally, ALL parties were charged equally. Slowly, as LE learned facts, they took the weakest links and used their testimony against the strongest. Eventually, there were 2 standing. I REALIZE THAT THIS IS MURDER AND THAT WAS STRONG ARMED ROBBERY...MY POINT IS...LE needs to divide and conquer.

I would round up LA as well...and send a clear message by rounding up AL, Annie, WW & crew, basically the "short list" of suspects...bring them in and question them...not take statements...see who starts to crack.
I heard that the Anthony's have already stated that they agree this could be Caylee. Don't ask me where I heard it, I've been watching 5 different shows on TV all day, and reading all over the place.

I have also heard they think this is Caylee and they are in seclusion

Interesting the reaction from Casey - when they were searching in the river and brought up the bag no reaction - this find and she goes into panic attacks

Okay so is she playing a part and will continue to blame the imaginary nanny? or is she panicking because she is caught (I'm thinking the latter but will still go through the nanny story)

And will the A's continue to proclaim Casey's innocence - even if the evidence gets too overwhelming with things from their house?

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