Huntington Contacted on Dec. 11/Will TH Ever Testify Again **Merged**

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Will Dr. Tim Huntington ever testify in another trial

  • YES, he did great

    Votes: 10 3.5%
  • NO, JA tore his credibility apart on the stand today and he won't put himself through that again!

    Votes: 110 38.2%
  • I don't know, but JA was picking on poor Dr. Huntington

    Votes: 8 2.8%
  • Yes, even though he didn't do so great

    Votes: 95 33.0%
  • Probably

    Votes: 53 18.4%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 12 4.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
She was setting up her parents.

I never thought about this scenario. I thought it odd that ICA told TL on the 10th of June that in 3 days he could come over whenever he wanted (text msg) when he was begging to make a night time booty call and that she had told Amy the house was going to be hers. I never thought of the possibility that she wanted to set up CA and GA. Interesting theory.

Probably not the right thread to ask, but didn't TL ask ICA what she meant when she said "3 days exact, the place is mine all mine. we can do what we want"? In 3 days when that didn't happen, what did she tell him? Did LE ask him about this?
Exactly! I have been saying all along that there is no way that a body was in the trunk.

First: Adiopocere only develops in cold, moist and oxygen deprived environments( such as being buried in lake or mud filled environment)...I don't think a trunk in July constitutes a oxygen deprived cold environment.

Respectfully snipped...

It is my understanding that adipocere can actually be promoted in warm, anaerobic conditions the trunk of a car in Florida in June.

Children are also more prone to developing adipocere more quickly due to a higher level of fat. (That came from Wiki though. If it's good enough for Baez... ;) )

Pages 33-34

ETA: Mountain Kat's own beloved Dr. Haskell is footnoted in the above study as well. :)
I think Ashton came across really badly while Huntington was on the stand. In fact, it was incredibly irritating the way he constantly interrupted, was so disrespectful and basically personally attacked the witness. I think he came across so unprofessional, petty and immature. He deserved being spoken to by the judge.

You mean he was acting like Baez usually does? :innocent:

I think the young doctor needs a trip to the Side Bar...for some tequila!
I'm so bad ;)

I agree, he really went through the Mill today. I hope someone was waiting outside with a beer!! :floorlaugh:
I don't think it is at all significant that the DT called Dr. H on December 11. LE called Dr. G on December 11 as well--does that mean law enforcement was involved in hiding Caylee's body? No.

The Padilla report of finding tiny bits of something quite a distance from the A home that might or might not have been bones (and weren't) was obviously not given as much credence by the DT or by the State as an official LE announcement that the skeleton of a toddler had been found around the corner from the A house. I don't find that suspicious at all.
Someone posted in the trial thread, can't remember who.
150 an hour for downtime (travel, hanging around, etc)

500 an hour for testimony.
He put in a lot of hours.

I think I have this right, please correct me if wrong, going from memory.

I think those are his listed rates, not what he's being paid in this case. IIRC he was pro bono ,but is most likely getting the FL JAC rates,now. Yes,the State of FL is now paying for Ms. Anthony's defense.
I don't think it's a big deal either. Seems like much ado about nothing to me. :dunno:
There was NO hurricane, it was a tropical storm, Tropical Storm Fay.

Sorry, that's my fault for saying it was a hurricane...I just remember it was some kind of act of God that included heavy amounts of rain. :innocent:
I voted Yes - he will definitely testify as an expert again. I think he did a fine job with what he had to work with. He is very accomplished for his age and I predict he has a long, successful career ahead of him. He will learn a lot from this case. He really held up surprisingly well to JA's brutal cross examination. I don't feel he lied or acted unethically as some have said.

Respectfully, I think you and I watched two completely different trials. I thought I was watching the Casey Anthony trial; my bad.
I think at some point Casey had Caylee in the freezer in the garage Adiopocere cold, damp, oxygen deprived environment. She was setting up her parents. Remember she disappeared. She wasn't seen for weeks. She wasn't at the crime scene. When Mother didn't open the freezer for a bag of fries and find Caylee she then went to the house and moved her to the woods. That is when the Adiopocere ended up in her car. She tried to clean it up with a paper towel she had in the trunk from Tony's house. Then dumped the car. Again, never intending to touch the car again until Mom and Dad are in jail for murdering her child.

I REALLY REALLY think Caylee was in the freezer The night of the 16th and all day the 17th until ICA backed into the garage on the 18th.
MOO~ and MANY disagree with me but we are hearing more and more that the decomp/flys etc isn't adding up and IMO that is THE ONLY valid reason.

And if she was partially frozen/thawing out in the trunk (SORRY) it would affect the amount of fluid released. She was probably still semi-cold when placed in the woods...
Also remember NO ONE reported smelling anyhting on ICA...
It's too bad CA commented on how bad GA smelled a day or two before the Cadaver dogs were brought in. ~ IMO again that tells me he meticulously detailed that trunk. srsly how could anyone clean it up thoroughly with out ending up with that smell all over them? He would have had to wear a hazmat suit and I think the neighbors wouldhave noticed that.

Through all the confusion he was still a good sport about things! I have to admit I felt for him...

Respectfully...I feel he obfuscated and circumvented any direct answer on cross, recross, rerecross.

When he wasn't changing his answer outright, of course. ;)
I think Ashton came across really badly while Huntington was on the stand. In fact, it was incredibly irritating the way he constantly interrupted, was so disrespectful and basically personally attacked the witness. I think he came across so unprofessional, petty and immature. He deserved being spoken to by the judge.

Ashton doesn't interrupt any more than Baez does. Ashton isn't any more disrespectful, unprofessional, petty and immature than Baez is. In fact, I'd say Mr. Baez has the market cornered on those traits. At least Ashton is honest and forth-right. Baez? Not so much.
He absolutely lost any credibility when he said that Dr. Vass was not an anthropologist from his understanding. I think he misspoke and meant to say Dr. Vass wasn't a Chemist per instruction by JB and he totally fudged it up...since JB has clarified numerous times that Dr V IS a forensic anthropologist and NOT a chemist.
I don't think it is at all significant that the DT called Dr. H on December 11. LE called Dr. G on December 11 as well--does that mean law enforcement was involved in hiding Caylee's body? No.

The Padilla report of finding tiny bits of something quite a distance from the A home that might or might not have been bones (and weren't) was obviously not given as much credence by the DT or by the State as an official LE announcement that the skeleton of a toddler had been found around the corner from the A house. I don't find that suspicious at all.

ITA - everybody pretty much knew it had to be Caylee. But what I thought was a little odd is that thought they would immediately need a forensic entomologist before the remains were formally identified and the crime scene even processed. Did JB really think he was going to have some forensic team on the ground before the evidence was even fully collected? It almost looks like they were anticipating the necessity of one (versus a botanist for instance) as something preemptive. Maybe because they were already nervous about the blow flies or had that even come out yet? Then to let the guy sit around for two years and not even asking for a report. It reminds me of when Dr. Lee came strolling through like it was for media purposes only. Dream Team PR.
I don't think it is at all significant that the DT called Dr. H on December 11. LE called Dr. G on December 11 as well--does that mean law enforcement was involved in hiding Caylee's body? No.

The Padilla report of finding tiny bits of something quite a distance from the A home that might or might not have been bones (and weren't) was obviously not given as much credence by the DT or by the State as an official LE announcement that the skeleton of a toddler had been found around the corner from the A house. I don't find that suspicious at all.
Isn't it SOP for LE to call the ME when a body is found?
Whenever I see casey in court rubbing her hands I think of the scene from Macbeth where Lady Macbeth was trying to get blood off herself:

'Yet here's a spot.... Out, damned spot! out, I say!.... Here's the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.'

IMO, casey had nothing but time on her hands to clean her trunk to the best of her ability. Hours and hours of time to work on it. She could do everything within her power, but the smell persisted.

THANK YOU! :bowdown: I've always wondered what that reminded me of. I couldn't put my finger on it.
Should he ever testify again? No probably not. Will he? Sadly yes because the niche market of bug experts willing to say whatever the defense attorney wants for money is probably fairly small and they will pay for whoever they can get.

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