Hurricane Irene barrels toward Puerto Rico, Possibly U.S.

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Hint--if your power goes out, turn off the main circuit breaker and unplug appliances.

If your ceiling starts to leak badly, take a little saw or screwdriver and make holes around the leak. Helps the water drain out instead of soaking all over. Of course, it'll still soak but maybe it won't be so bad and it might help keep the entire ceiling from falling in.

If you have water damage afterward, it's important to both get hold of your insurance company and call a water removal company such as ServiceMaster or ServicePro. There's lots of these companies out there. Our insurance company sent one but you can also call one yourself.

Remember if you have roof damage, call FEMA and register. Ask to be put on the Army Corp of Engineers list. They come out for free and put tarps on the house. Of course, you can put your own tarp on but their tarps last. And roofing materials might be in short supply after the storm. Took us 5 months to get a new roof and others in our area waited longer. Oh, yeah, call a roofer immediately because they'll have waiting lists. They'll put tarps on the house for a fee if you can't do it yourself--I think we paid $250 back in 2004. Then we had the Army Corp of Engineers do it too but it takes a couple/few weeks for them to get there. They did our entire neighborhood, free. In the meantime, tho, get a tarp somehow and do it yourself or your insurance company will crab if you later have more damage and didn't get a temp repair right away.

If you have damage and have to call insurance co and they lowball the amt of damage, fight it and ask for another adjuster. All adjusters are different in their opinions.

Been thru three direct hits and it's sure not fun. :(

What part of FL are you in?

Insurance companies are really annoying when it comes to paying for water damage. You'd think if you have hurricane coverage and have water damage inside from a roof being torn off, that they would pay for the water damage, right? But no, a lot of them will try and say you don't have flood insurance so it's not covered. Fight them tooth and nail on this.

I worry about the structural damage with this storm as the northern states don't have the strict hurricane-resistant building codes that we have here.

Also, if there is a huge need for the blue roofs, FEMA will distribute to you directly to put on. If they do that, please be careful in doing it. Also, please be extra safe when cleaning up downed trees, etc. after the storm!!!!
21merc7, Ya'll know how men are:D.

This is a fierce, longlasting storm! the condo is swaying so much that the toilet water is sloshing around! Stay safe everyone!


Sorry, I had to laugh imagining the toilet water sloshing. Can we call you HerricaneMatilda now? ;)
respectfully snipped...

Omg. I never heard of that--the toilet water sloshing around. Yikes.

I know right? I realize this building is designed to sway with the wind but I am downright dizzy! Irene is relentless.

Now the dog has hidden under the bed that Mr Hard Head is sleeping in and he won't come out. That's the worst place for him to hide with that creaky window behind the bed!

Is it too early to start drinking? Bf bought me a juice box (wine box) yesterday to ride out the storm and I am tempted to tap into it, lol!

I know right? I realize this building is designed to sway with the wind but I am downright dizzy! Irene is relentless.

Now the dog has hidden under the bed that Mr Hard Head is sleeping in and he won't come out. That's the worst place for him to hide with that creaky window behind the bed!

Is it too early to start drinking? Bf bought me a juice box (wine box) yesterday to ride out the storm and I am tempted to tap into it, lol!


I did, during hurricanes Charlie, Frances and Jeanne. No kidding, it helped. I was so stressed that I had to! Just don't drink too much in case you need all your faculties if something happens. :)
Drinking is most definitely allowed during hurricanes. If you think conditions will get worse, then you might want to wait. If you're pretty sure you've seen the worst of the storm, then by all means start sippin'. :toastred:

Sending love and prayers to the east coast. :prayer::heartbeat:
I know right? I realize this building is designed to sway with the wind but I am downright dizzy! Irene is relentless.

Now the dog has hidden under the bed that Mr Hard Head is sleeping in and he won't come out. That's the worst place for him to hide with that creaky window behind the bed!
Is it too early to start drinking? Bf bought me a juice box (wine box) yesterday to ride out the storm and I am tempted to tap into it, lol!


If you have blinds or shades on the window, pull them down, it will help keep shattered glass from flying into the room. I know this because one fine day a beep, beep, beep, weather warning came across my tv while I was playing online poker in the master bedroom. It was windy as 'ell and suddenly I felt I should get up and close the blind in the bathroom. I did, and not 2 minutes later a loose shutter tried to fly through that very window - 70 MPH gust. That blind saved a real big mess. Thing is, I woulda had a full house if I hadn't gotten up, and I lost $10.
waltzingmatilda, is that window still groaning? If I were you I'd get hubby's butt up and into another room and coax the dog out too. Remember, if it's bad out emergency workers won't be able to get to you for a while. :(
If you have blinds or shades on the window, pull them down, it will help keep shattered glass from flying into the room. I know this because one fine day a beep, beep, beep, weather warning came across my tv while I was playing online poker in the master bedroom. It was windy as 'ell and suddenly I felt I should get up and close the blind in the bathroom. I did, and not 2 minutes later a loose shutter tried to fly through that very window - 70 MPH gust. That blind saved a real big mess. Thing is, I woulda had a full house if I hadn't gotten up, and I lost $10.

LOl! That's the price you pay for having good sense!

Mr Hard Head is awake and took the dog outside for a wee wee as we have a break from the stinging rains right now. The first thing he said was "Are you drinking this early?" I said "Yes, I have permission from WS and I and nervous wreck about that window." LOL!

He looked at the window and said, "I don't think it would have made it if Irene had been a CAT 2 or 3.":banghead:


LOl! That's the price you pay for having good sense!

Mr Hard Head is awake and took the dog outside for a wee wee as we have a break from the stinging rains right now. The first thing he said was "Are you drinking this early?" I said "Yes, I have permission from WS and I and nervous wreck about that window." LOL!

He looked at the window and said, "I don't think it would have made it if Irene had been a CAT 2 or 3.":banghead:




I love it!! :great::great:

[Updated 10:14 a.m.] North Carolina Gov. Bev Perdue said Hurricane Irene "pounded the state all night," but the force isn't as great as originally forecast. She said there are high winds and flooding problems. More than 227,000 homes and businesses have lost power, she said. Irene has affected transportation in the eastern part of the state; 10 major roads have closed and airports have shut down. Perdue also said the eastern counties will see up to 9 inches of rain. "Please stay inside," she said to the people in the storm-affected region of the state.

More from other areas on the site...
LOl! That's the price you pay for having good sense!

Mr Hard Head is awake and took the dog outside for a wee wee as we have a break from the stinging rains right now. The first thing he said was "Are you drinking this early?" I said "Yes, I have permission from WS and I and nervous wreck about that window." LOL!

He looked at the window and said, "I don't think it would have made it if Irene had been a CAT 2 or 3.":banghead:


If it makes you feel any better, or Mr Hard Head, tell him you are not alone! The entire coastal line is on party feed now. Just talked with a friend that still works in the restaurant biz, says they are packed and out the door, wall to wall bloody maries, mimosas, and beers. Yes, people in this town go out right before and during natural disasters for some reason, I think it is so they can drink with others. You can drink here with us, until Mr Hard Head takes a glass. Lol! :crazy:
I'm in RI (Northern) and have literally cleaned up/placed *all* outside items in basement/garage. Have what I need (hopefully!), my own in other states have prepared, and hope all will remain safe.

Be safe.....

I am in Southern RI right by the coast (1 mile from the water). They aren't expected to evacuate us though as we are uphill from the water. You stay safe too!
Your husband sounds just like mine LOL. We are not going anywhere at this point unless they order mandatory evacuation. Nobody really is leaving. They do have shelters set up and they have ordered evacuation for a couple of areas on this island and told them to go to the shelters. If I had family somewhere other than here I just might go. All of my family still lives here, my 3 siblings and their spouses and kids and our parents. DH's mom and sister live nearby but off the island, they won't be in any better shape then us where they are. We are going to stay away from the SE part of the house where there are some trees that are questionable. Thank you so much for your hugs and concern!


Your husband is being foolish. If I were you I'd leave him there! Just pack up the car and go stay with a friend or relative, even if you have to drive a few hours to get there. Don't let him make you stay when you know better!

Do you have friends or a neighbor who haven't left yet? If you were my neighbor, I would insist that you ride along with my family to somewhere away from the storm.

Give him a sharpie and tell him to write his SS# on his arm and chest so they'll be able to identify his body if he isn't washed out to sea!

Maybe he'll give in and go with you if you get all packed up, but don't wait for him. He's a big boy, and he is definitely not taking care of you, so don't feel like you have to keep him company, just go!

I hope I haven't offended you by being so blunt. I have a hubby who sometimes tries to be a dictator even when he knows he is wrong. I just have to be firm and let him know that if he wants to make a foolish decision, count me out! God gave me good sense for a reason!

Take care and let us know that you are okay!

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