Hypnosis transcription

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I think the AC guy was there but Misty was not. That would explain why she doesn't know what time he arrived. I think the AC guy called Misty to tell her he was there which is when he talked to Ron.

If I'm right, that is why LE cleared him so quickly. His call log on his cell would back up what time he had to call them.

That makes sense to me. I said once before that maybe they were not there when the A/C guy arrived but you just made me think about the phone situation. I assume the A/C guy would only have RON number because he is the owner of the mh. So if the A/C guy only had RON number....that would mean that Misty answered that phone, realized it was the A/C man, then gave the phone to Ron.

What if Misty and Ron never showed up and because the A/C guy didn't have a key, he wasn't able to service the home. At that point LE knew that this was no stranger abduction and whoever did this to Haleigh had to have a key to the mh.

Maybe the A/C guy report shows that he was unable to access the inside of the home. Wouldn't they have to document that if no one was there to let them in?
That makes sense to me too....So Misty answered Ron's phone....and gave the phone to RON???? Then Ron HAD to have been HOME..at that time....IF she gave the phone to HIM...OR...neither of them were at the MH when the A/C man arrived, but on their way there...and arrived shortly after....I WISH I KNEW....Where they BOTH ...WERE...

ETA...To further suggest...Perhaps Misty and Ron were not at the MH, The A/C man arrives, calls Ron, Ron is driving back with Misty, his phone rings and Misty answers it, and hands the phone to Ron and they arrive shortly to the MH for the A/C man....Her answering his phone when he is busy driving more likely than him HOME and her answering his phone...JMO...
That makes sense to me too....So Misty answered Ron's phone....and gave the phone to RON???? Then Ron HAD to have been HOME..at that time....IF she gave the phone to HIM...OR...neither of them were at the MH when the A/C man arrived, but on their way there...and arrived shortly after....I WISH I KNEW....Where they BOTH ...WERE...

ETA...To further suggest...Perhaps Misty and Ron were not at the MH, The A/C man arrives, calls Ron, Ron is driving back with Misty, his phone rings and Misty answers it, and hands the phone to Ron and they arrive shortly to the MH for the A/C man....Her answering his phone when he is busy driving more likely than him HOME and her answering his phone...JMO...

Welcome Justus4all

i like the way you think...LOL You will fit in just nice...:innocent:
I'm so glad that elle bumped this thread yesterday because I hadn't read it previously. After watching/listening to the hypnosis video again and reading the transcript, I have a much better appreciation and understanding of the problems that LE has encountered in getting truthful answers from Misty. It would take a team of accomplished oral surgeons to extract logical and reasonable responses from the young woman :D jmo

LOL, or a proctologist!
I am new at this and am learning my way around on this board, so forgive me if this question has already been answered...

IF RON & MISTY...DID drive her all the way to Welatka...to get her clothes...Has it been confirmed BY THE SCHOOL, that Haleigh was present on that day, at the STARTING time of her class....????


Has it been confirmed BY THE SCHOOL that Haleigh WAS present at school that day...BUT LATE.

Does Misty say in the hypnosis..(yeah, right I don't believe she was) when Haleigh was dropped off at school, did Misty have to go to the office FIRST..before walking Haleigh to her class...??? The reason being for a TARDY slip???? Some schools have this policy if a student arrives late, the must FIRST go the office..THEN their class...

Anyone know these answers????..If so, thanks so much...AND IF I am incorrect of these facts, please correct me...

Hi, Just. IMO there is NO way Ron drove over to GGMS to get something that "Haleigh HAD to wear that day." Ron is just not that kind of person.
none of her recitation rings true. A witness saw Misty @ the bus stop looking worn out, talking about 'bad sh**' on the phone, & smacking Jr. There have also been reports that Ron was also there & driving fast. so...where did they go? & what time did they get back to the trailer? in time for the AC guy? maybe they were both still gone & the bro or wife called Misty & she passed the phone to Ron. If the AC guy wasn't familiar with Misty, he could've assumed one of the wives was her, & thought the bro's kids were Ron's. (it's been reported some of them may have been spotted @ the bus stop so they very well may have been in the area). because listen to this: 'I gave the phone to Ronald to talk to the AC guy & MY BROTHER WAS THERE & we just watched the kids... what a strange place to insert that about her brother. it seems almost like she is saying the bro was somewhere other than herself.
M had great difficulty answering the forensic hypnotist's questions concerning the time/hour ToC left the MH after his first visit. Specifically, M was very reluctant to be pinned down to the time/hour of ToC's departure. She wanted the hypnotist's questions to end at the response that ToC left "after the a/c guy left."

She builds up to a near non-stop head shaking from 37:17 forward as she answers the hypnotist's questions re ToC and time. M's face begins to grimace and her tone of voice changes when the hypnotist softly asks her if ToC left with the kids. In addition to shaking her head NO as she responds, she becomes a bit indignant? incredulous? lest the hypnotist dare to consider that ToC ever left the MH with any kid other than his own.



M: he stayed until the a/c guy left that's all; the a/c guy was there maybe an hour maybe less than an hour. i don't know it was probably an hour
Forensic H: that would make it about 5: 45 he left? pm?
M: no. i don't remember what time it was, i was outside, i didn't see no clock
FH: OK did he leave
M: he was there an hour that's
FH: did, did he leave with the kids?
M: did he leave with the kids? the a/c guy?
FH: nooo, your brother
M: ooh, yeah he left with his kids
FH: and what time did he leave?... with his kids?
M: he was there an hour as long as the a/c guy he left right after the a/c guy

M: um...so probably like, maybe 6 o'clock 5 o'clock i'm not sure of the times
there's something way off with the AC guy. When Misty was asked about that time, she said: 'MAYBE about 5:00, I DON'T KNOW, PROBABLY about 5, I DO BELIEVE.' (Could she have been anymore indecisive? That is a time that should most definantly be set.) she says 'then the AC guy, UM we were sitting on the porch...' (then the AC guy what? she just left us hanging). A little later she says, 'then I seen the AC guy was there. (he just magically appeared? she didn't see him drive or walk up? she & her bro WERE on the porch, afterall...) but then she says 'I walked out of THE HOUSE'. ( How is that possible, if she was on the porch?) & here is where things get really confusing.'I called Ronald & I said well, the AC guy is here' & he said yeah, & I gave the phone to Ronald'. (If Ronald was at work, how did she give him the phone to talk to the AC guy? was this a very poor choice of words, or a slip). Sooo, after reading this, and thinking about it, I don't think that AC guy was there. too many lies.
I have a totally different take on this part of Misty's story.

I don't find it strange that Misty wouldn't know the exact time the A/C man arrived. If she was hanging out on the porch with her brother and the kids, fixing the basketball thingy, maybe smoking a joint, why would she note the time? So, she's preoccupied with the basketball thingy and looks up to see the A/C man. That makes sense to me. The porch is screened which means she had to open the door to go outside. I can see Misty thinking of that as walking "out of the house".

I've been trying to follow this theory about the A/C man arriving at the house to find no one home, but it doesn't add up. As far as I can see, the only basis for it is Misty's statement that she handed the phone to Ronald instead of saying that she handed the phone to the A/C man. Again, I don't find anything unusual about that because I make mistakes like that all of the time, and I'm not alone.

So, is there more to this theory that I'm missing?
I have a totally different take on this part of Misty's story.

I don't find it strange that Misty wouldn't know the exact time the A/C man arrived. If she was hanging out on the porch with her brother and the kids, fixing the basketball thingy, maybe smoking a joint, why would she note the time? So, she's preoccupied with the basketball thingy and looks up to see the A/C man. That makes sense to me. The porch is screened which means she had to open the door to go outside. I can see Misty thinking of that as walking "out of the house".

I've been trying to follow this theory about the A/C man arriving at the house to find no one home, but it doesn't add up. As far as I can see, the only basis for it is Misty's statement that she handed the phone to Ronald instead of saying that she handed the phone to the A/C man. Again, I don't find anything unusual about that because I make mistakes like that all of the time, and I'm not alone.

So, is there more to this theory that I'm missing?
I've never been sure if I believe the smoking dope part. Just the fact that story got out, makes me suspicious. Why wouldn't they have kept that to themselves? It seems too pat. Kind of like 'see, this proves I was there because I'm admitting to something illegal'. She's obviously lieing so much, why not change that to 'we were visiting & drinking iced tea'.
Does anyone know...IF...this story that Misty is saying about the A/C man....."and she hands the phone to RON to talk to the A/C man...."

has she repeated this story...??? the same way???...handing the phone to Ron???

OR...Does somewhere she CHANGES the story...TO... SHE answers the phone, It is the A/C man ..she CALLS Ron..and gets him on the phone and she hands the phone to the A/C man to talk to Ron...???

BIG DIFFERENCE...Has she been CONSISTANT with this story all along..or did she change it??? It is not clear to me with the Hypnosis..Thanks for ANY clarification yo can help me with...
Does anyone know...IF...this story that Misty is saying about the A/C man....."and she hands the phone to RON to talk to the A/C man...."

has she repeated this story...??? the same way???...handing the phone to Ron???

OR...Does somewhere she CHANGES the story...TO... SHE answers the phone, It is the A/C man ..she CALLS Ron..and gets him on the phone and she hands the phone to the A/C man to talk to Ron...???

BIG DIFFERENCE...Has she been CONSISTANT with this story all along..or did she change it??? It is not clear to me with the Hypnosis..Thanks for ANY clarification yo can help me with...
At about 2:50 in this LVA video, she just says, "The A/C guy come...or..he come over and my brother come over to the house." The analyst doesn't ask her any further questions about him.
Hi, Just. IMO there is NO way Ron drove over to GGMS to get something that "Haleigh HAD to wear that day." Ron is just not that kind of person.

It sounded extremely unlikely to me too. It was said he is a strict disciplinarian and it doesn't strike me as something a strict disciplinarian would let his child dictate, especially if they're going to be tardy from school giving in to the child's tantrum. On the other hand it did seem to me that Misty was annoyed talking about this.. They had to drive all the way to Welaka and she had to walk her all the way to her classroom, and wasn't it a bit too much to ask of her? If she had genuine emotion there it would maybe suggest there is some truth to this story, or at least the reason for the morning joyride was somehow annoying to her, and maybe she blamed it on Haleigh.

OK.Um, _____ we got Haleigh ready for school and she didn't have anything that she wanted to wear, so Granny had some clothes that she wanted to wear, so we drove all the way over to Welatka to get the clothes she wanted to wear. Then we took her to school and I walked to her into school, walked her all the way to her classroom, then walked out back to, got in the car with Ronald and Jr.

I don't really understand why they all had to go to get Haleigh an outfit. Why couldn't Misty and Jr. have stayed home?
It sounded extremely unlikely to me too. It was said he is a strict disciplinarian and it doesn't strike me as something a strict disciplinarian would let his child dictate, especially if they're going to be tardy from school giving in to the child's tantrum. On the other hand it did seem to me that Misty was annoyed talking about this.. They had to drive all the way to Welaka and she had to walk her all the way to her classroom, and wasn't it a bit too much to ask of her? If she had genuine emotion there it would maybe suggest there is some truth to this story, or at least the reason for the morning joyride was somehow annoying to her, and maybe she blamed it on Haleigh.

OK.Um, _____ we got Haleigh ready for school and she didn't have anything that she wanted to wear, so Granny had some clothes that she wanted to wear, so we drove all the way over to Welatka to get the clothes she wanted to wear. Then we took her to school and I walked to her into school, walked her all the way to her classroom, then walked out back to, got in the car with Ronald and Jr.

I don't really understand why they all had to go to get Haleigh an outfit.
IMOO The reason RC raced Haleigh to GGMS was never about what she wanted to wear.. GBLHaleigh.........
If the reason for the Welaka trip was something else altogether I just wonder why they made up the had-to-get-Haleigh-something-to-wear story because it doesn't present them in good light, IMO. Either they're indifferent caretakers who have no idea of how to say no and set limits with their children, figuring it's just easier to give in when the kids have tantrums, or they're indifferent caretakers who let their children run out of clean clothing and don't even notice it in time to get some laundry done.
Misty was not hypnotized, imo. She was too animated. When people are hypnotized they are relaxed, their words flow more easily, and their arms stay in a relaxed position. The subconscious mind would have answers, such as the times, and the order of events. It's quite obvious Misty was coached. She begins by sounding like she is reciting, not casually talking, like a hypnotized person.

Did the person conducting the interview really think Misty would know who Bela Lugosi was? Really?

About her statement of giving the phone to Ronald to talk to the A/C guy, I think it was an error she didn't correct. She probably meant "gave the phone to the A/C guy to talk to Ronald". An hypnotized probably probably wouldn't have made that error, but since she wasn't hypnotized, the error occurred.

I do agree bad things were happening early in the evening. I'd say from the time Haleigh was picked up at the bus stop until 8 PM. She's rather scattered on all the details between those hours. Ronald had to rush off to work (to make sure he arrived 45 minutes early?), she began cooking dinner at 6 PM and the children were eating dinner on the porch (in the dark and the cold) when GGS (and the nurse) arrived after 7 PM. It took that look to get a can of Spaghetti-os ready? I can't see Misty cooking anything for over an hour in her exhausted state from the weekend.

Where is that basketball thing she was supposedly trying to assemble? Did anyone find it assembled or partially assembled?

So the kiddies were eating after 7 PM, they went bed at 8 PM (because that's her bedtime), she watched a movie until she fell asleep (she left out the part where Rjr watched a movie in the living room). Lots of hinky stuff about this bedtime business. Haleigh doesn't like to wear clothes, only likes to sleep in her underwear (911 call - she was in her pajamas). :waitasec: Misty put Haleigh in the bed, it took 30-45 minutes before she "went".

Okay, we could have some colloquialism going on here. My sister-in-law used to say "she went down" when referring to her daughter going to sleep. Maybe Misty was going to say that? But that part about Misty having to put Haleigh into bed (or on the mattress on the floor) sounds incredibly awkward also. I can see how everyone's hinky meter is screaming on these two points. Then we hear elsewhere Misty turned off her cellphone at 8:30.

(There was also talk of a co-worker overhearing Ron's telephone call with Misty around that time, Ron saying, "spank her" because Haleigh was supposedly misbehaving. Then Misty's phone is shut off. Can we say "cover-up"?) The part in parentheses was said to have taken place another night. I don't want to confuse anyone.

If I were LE, I'd go over that time period with a fine-toothed comb (after school until 8:30 PM). Something was amiss. Where's that A/C guy? What does he have to say they were doing while he was around? Did he see Haleigh? Did she look okay?

Like everything else Misty has said, her hypnotic trance begs for more questions, more investigation. She's definitely hiding something, as are many others.
What other reason....would Ron have...to go out of his way..from taking Haleigh right to school...and driving to GGMS....and THEN taking her to school...

WHAT OTHER REASON...would it be???????If not the clothes...(which I DO NOT believe that was the reason).....hmmmmm.....Another reason to HURRY to GGMS..before school..

Could it be a reason...Ron had.....and they ALL WENT...????? (Just my opinion it was something else..that COULD NOT wait...)

A thought just occured to me...I don't see Ron doing this for Haleigh...BUT FOR HIMSELF..He had a reason...for HIM...to go out of his way..before taking her to school...Something that DID NOT have to do with Haleigh's clothes....OR to have Haleigh checked by GGMS for ....WHAT...IF ONLY WE KNEW that reason he went there...before school...
Originally Posted by 4Jacy
Hi, Just. IMO there is NO way Ron drove over to GGMS to get something that "Haleigh HAD to wear that day." Ron is just not that kind of person.

It sounded extremely unlikely to me too. It was said he is a strict disciplinarian and it doesn't strike me as something a strict disciplinarian would let his child dictate, especially if they're going to be tardy from school giving in to the child's tantrum. On the other hand it did seem to me that Misty was annoyed talking about this.. They had to drive all the way to Welaka and she had to walk her all the way to her classroom, and wasn't it a bit too much to ask of her? If she had genuine emotion there it would maybe suggest there is some truth to this story, or at least the reason for the morning joyride was somehow annoying to her, and maybe she blamed it on Haleigh.

OK.Um, _____ we got Haleigh ready for school and she didn't have anything that she wanted to wear, so Granny had some clothes that she wanted to wear, so we drove all the way over to Welatka to get the clothes she wanted to wear. Then we took her to school and I walked to her into school, walked her all the way to her classroom, then walked out back to, got in the car with Ronald and Jr.

I don't really understand why they all had to go to get Haleigh an outfit. Why couldn't Misty and Jr. have stayed home?

I agree, this makes no sense. Ronald driving all the way to GGS' house just because Haleigh had nothing to wear or because she wanted a certain outfit? That can't be it. Not sending her to school wasn't an option either, because he was in trouble for allowing her to miss 30 days of school already.

Could he have injured Haleigh in some way? Shaking her, smacking her? Making her dizzy? They wanted GGS' opinion, or the nurse's opinion, the one that accompanied GGS that night? Could Haleigh have been injured, but still walking and talking, but later that evening, got sick and died? Like actress Natasha Richardson who had head injuries, thought she was fine, later became ill and died? That does happen. Could have happened to Haleigh? That would throw several people into the "knowledge of a crime" category.

Everything about Haleigh's last day is questionable and these people aren't shedding any light.

I wonder what Haleigh's teacher had to say about Haleigh's last day in school?
none of her recitation rings true. A witness saw Misty @ the bus stop looking worn out, talking about 'bad sh**' on the phone, & smacking Jr. There have also been reports that Ron was also there & driving fast. so...where did they go? & what time did they get back to the trailer? in time for the AC guy? maybe they were both still gone & the bro or wife called Misty & she passed the phone to Ron. If the AC guy wasn't familiar with Misty, he could've assumed one of the wives was her, & thought the bro's kids were Ron's. (it's been reported some of them may have been spotted @ the bus stop so they very well may have been in the area). because listen to this: 'I gave the phone to Ronald to talk to the AC guy & MY BROTHER WAS THERE & we just watched the kids... what a strange place to insert that about her brother. it seems almost like she is saying the bro was somewhere other than herself.
This theory seems like a real possibility. Misty telling the AC story sounds like she is reciting a script. Why would she need to do that if she were there? Maybe her bro told her what THEY did & she just inserted herself into the equation. I realize that people make honest mistakes when talking, but I feel like this is more than that. Also, earlier on the tape, when she is relating her day, she said 'I don't know what we did around the house, just laid around.' No way! This is the most important day of her life & every detail leading up to Haleigh, gone missing, would be crystal clear. & I presume they did go to Welatka, but for some other reason. Whatever it was, it must play a part in Haleigh's disapperance, or there would've been no reason to lie. Shoot, maybe they went somewhere besides GGS to get some drugs, & are lieing about their destination. But if they had gone to GGS, why didn't she give them all of the laundry then? Has GGS verified that yes, they went there for an outfit?
I agree with you AKSLEUTH...Perhaps Haleigh was injured/hurt somehow...and they wanted GGMS or the nurse to look at her....Misty saying she walked Haleigh all the way to her class room...and later saying Haleigh was doing fine....could be connected to an injury Haleigh received...JMO....but I agree with you also saying her last day is questionable...What/When.. happened to that child???? all in my own opinion

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