IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #15

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It must be in the eye of the beholder.

I see pictures or video of the family and they all look like they are suffering to me. Heather and Drew Collins look like they are barely dragging themselves through the day. Misty plasters on a smile that doesn't reach her eyes; her eyes always look worried. Dan seems like a beaten down man.

The two grandmas each look like they've aged 10 years in the last month.

They all look like they are suffering from chronic high stress levels to me.

For that matter, Heather Collins is supposed to have surgery for her pacemaker problem and the doctors have deferred it because of her high stress level. That seems to me to be a professional assessment: this woman is too stressed out to survive anesthesia for necessary surgery.
If she is going to have a pacemaker inserted similar to what we can see in her photos, only local anesthesia will be used. She won’t be given anything except numbing injections.
This has been lingering in my mind all day, so I'm just going to bring it up again. This CL guy who bikes everywhere and looks for random anonymous sex still bothers me. Things we know about him. . .he frequents the bike trails, he was living in the campground, he likes to fish and apparently have sex "in the woods."
He labeled himself as "desperate" in some of his CL ads. He had a puppy shortly before the girls vanished that he was trying to find a home for because he was going to have to move. I believe he is now posting similar looking for sex on bike trails ads, but around George Wyth Lake.

I know that he might not have anything to do with the girls disappearance and I would assume or hope that LE and FBI have already checked him out, but just so many factors seem to line up and appear so overwhelmingly convenient, KWIM?

My train of thought is that he could have been at the lake that day. . .fishing or just riding around, with the expectation that he was going to have a random encounter. When that didn't pan out, maybe taking the girls was an opportunity that presented itself. My only problem is that he apparently doesn't have a car. . BUT if he was planning on moving maybe someone loaned him one to move his stuff. He could have used the puppy as a lure.

Idk. . just MOO and I can't seem to shake how nicely all of these facts line up. Thoughts?

My gut reaction is that he didn't have anything to do with the girls disappearing but my gut feelings are often wrong.

I say call it into the tip line: 319/232- 6682

I think that's exactly what Sandy Breault from the FBI is talking about: call in even tips that seem too small or unlikely to be useful because you never know.
<snipped for space> Is there anyone who lets their children decide whether or not to do their chores? How does that work?

I always had a combo of both. Some were required chores like setting/clearing the table, cleaning my room, cleaning out the birdcage, etc. Then I had voluntary ones like cleaning the bathroom, watering plants, washing windows, or dusting that I got paid extra allowance for (we're talking maybe $.25 for watering plants so it wasn't a lot). So I guess you could say I got to decide whether or not to do certain chores, but it was clear which were optional and which weren't.

It looks like this has already been rehashed but for what it's worth, it was my impression that G'ma and Lyric went over to help HC with cleaning the Collins house (along with Elizabeth who lived there, and I assume probably her siblings too). I actually got the feeling the visits were for moral support and allowing HC a break as well as time for medical appointments, but also helping with household duties. I haven't seen their visits specifically described that way, but it's the feeling I got. It seems to me like G'ma and Lyric were there several hours every day as part of their normal routine. Cleaning or otherwise doing chores would make sense as part of that routine, as would the girls playing together, riding bikes, etc.

And darn it, I just finished catching up and see there's no new news. :( I knew it was a long shot but I was sure hoping.
I'll admit I never understood why Lyric would want to run away from her Grandma's house because her Dad was mad at her. He did not live with Grandma Cook, did he?And if he was mad because of chores not done at his mother's house, why would Lyric run away from her other Grandma?
I keep thinking of a woman who was a neighborhood of Hayley Dunn who swore she would find her. Her dedication in searching kept things moving and alive. I wish we had a clone of her in Evansdale.
Its raining outside and I keep thinking of these two little ones and where they may be. Heartbreaking isn't a strong enough word for this. I hope something comes to light soon. :(
Did you listen to the CNN interview? Unless I misunderstood, that seems like what the paternal grandmother was saying. I've gotta run so I can't check it myself ... here's the link: http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-816543

Vicki Weikert was sitting by Meyer's Lake in Evansdale when that interview was taped.

The interviewer asked something like "did she [Lyric] see her cousin [Elizabeth] every day?"

VW answers something like "oh yes, they came here to clean every day."

I believe she meant that Lyric and Elizabeth came to Evansdale every day to clean. The Collins live in Evansdale; VW lives in Waterloo.

I do not think she meant that Lyric was cleaning VW's house every day.

Am I interpreting the bolded correctly? That there are people who assign chores to children that are voluntary?

If so, my mind reels. My mama certainly did not raise me that way, my sisters have not raised their children that way and now that I'm finishing up the raising of my niece, her chores are not voluntary.

The very nature of chores makes them involuntary, in my eyes. Sure, I guess no one is forcing me to make sure the dishes are done but in order to remain habitable by humans, the dishes need to be kept clean.

I am completely sure that mean Auntie Grainne is cutting into her poor niece's time to loll around in bed watching music videos or shopping online but that's tough. My niece is stuck with me for an aunt and so long as she lives under my roof, she is going to do her share of chores. There is a largely unstated "or else" in there and my niece has already explored what happens when she leaves her dishes unwashed: the wi-fi mysteriously disappears and is not accessible by her laptop until the dishes are done.

Is there anyone who lets their children decide whether or not to do their chores? How does that work?

I don't have children, but right now my laundry is standing in front of the washing machine demanding to be let in leaving me no choice!!! :floorlaugh:
Sorry i don't know how to forward a quote from another thread. But i never saw this video the was this poster did with MCM in background just thought id repost it.

From poster: IAM

I haven't heard anyone here comment on Misti's sudden appearance in the later part of the interview with Dan's mother. She appears around 5:19 in a mini-dress. She cuts right through the middle of camera view and oddly sits with her back to the camera, then briefly plays with the kitten and appears to play or text on a cellphone or ipod. I find this behaviour extremly odd and just wanted others views on this. I am relatively new here (was on here some months ago and then forgot my user info so have just been reading). It is hard to sit silent on this case. Here is the link to the interview I am referring to.

I do think that is Misti, If not, I am sorry. It looks like her.

Thank you for posting this, I have not seen it before. I believe I see fear of someone or something. The red ears show lack of sleep, fatique. I think it is Misty texting.
Vicki Weikert was sitting by Meyer's Lake in Evansdale when that interview was taped.

The interviewer asked something like "did she [Lyric] see her cousin [Elizabeth] every day?"

VW answers something like "oh yes, they came here to clean every day."

I believe she meant that Lyric and Elizabeth came to Evansdale every day to clean. The Collins live in Evansdale; VW lives in Waterloo.

I do not think she meant that Lyric was cleaning VW's house every day.


The button just wasn't enough!!! :woohoo:
Vicki Weikert was sitting by Meyer's Lake in Evansdale when that interview was taped.

The interviewer asked something like "did she [Lyric] see her cousin [Elizabeth] every day?"

VW answers something like "oh yes, they came here to clean every day."

I believe she meant that Lyric and Elizabeth came to Evansdale every day to clean. The Collins live in Evansdale; VW lives in Waterloo.

I do not think she meant that Lyric was cleaning VW's house every day.

I heard that too, and am puzzled.
Oddly enough at the grocery store tonight I saw a girl who looked a lot like Lyric does in the hula-hooping pic that's in the current People magazine, but who didn't look like Lyric much at all in some of the other pics I've seen. The girl I saw wasn't Lyric of course, but it was really helpful in remembering that age and how quickly your body can change from day to day. The little girl I saw looked like she's ready to hit a growth spurt any day now (like Lyric does IMO) and her parents are going to be shaking their heads wondering when their "little girl" became a "young lady." It was a great reminder how much kids change at that age. I've been looking through a lot of the available pics of Lyric and she's definitely in that rapidly changing stage IMO. Elizabeth seems a little more consistent in how she looks over the past year or so.

This isn't anything negative against either child, just a reminder that the pics are only a loose guide on who/what to look for.

Who told the initial story about Lyric wanting to run away due to being mad at DC about having to do chores?

Who initially indicated that Lyric was late 9 days before L & E disappeared? The day she walked in just as Misty was calling the police.
If she is going to have a pacemaker inserted similar to what we can see in her photos, only local anesthesia will be used. She won’t be given anything except numbing injections.

The fact remains that Heather hasn't had the surgery yet because her doctors are waiting for her stress levels to go down.

As I understand it (from my brother-in-law who specialises in anesthesia for heart transplants), there are various things that can go wrong with pacemakers and some are easier to fix than others. Some only require a local but even with those, the vast majority of doctors want the patient to be in good enough shape to survive a general because if something goes wrong during the procedure, that's exactly where it will be headed.

If I understood him correctly, then cardiac surgeons prefer all their patients to be in good enough condition to survive a general anesthesia just in case it is needed.

Who told the initial story about Lyric wanting to run away due to being mad at DC about having to do chores?

Who initially indicated that Lyric was late 9 days before L & E disappeared? The day she walked in just as Misty was calling the police.

Both were grandma Cook, right? I'm not sure I follow.
I'll admit I never understood why Lyric would want to run away from her Grandma's house because her Dad was mad at her. He did not live with Grandma Cook, did he?And if he was mad because of chores not done at his mother's house, why would Lyric run away from her other Grandma?

She lives with grandma cook with mom, my best guess is she had some chores to do there, dad found out (and he wasnt even there!)-gave her a talking to, and she was frustrated. Pre-teen hormones and frustrating family situation combined with the it's summer, no time for chores kinda thing. :dunno:
I'll admit I never understood why Lyric would want to run away from her Grandma's house because her Dad was mad at her. He did not live with Grandma Cook, did he?And if he was mad because of chores not done at his mother's house, why would Lyric run away from her other Grandma?

Ten year olds have to make sense when they are making a big, dramatic gesture? Who knew? <LOL>

Seriously, even though no one in my family ever threatened to run away I understand it's a pretty common thing and not necessarily indicative of anything more than "I don't know how to make people understand how upset I am, so I will make this great big threat."

Sometimes it means more but most often, it's frustration that the child doesn't know how to express yet. It's not always a logical response because it's emotionally based.

I know when I am overwhelmed with emotion, my logic goes out the window.

Think anyone would be impressed if my 50something self threatened to run away? After all, it's never too late to have a happy childhood!
Both were grandma Cook, right? I'm not sure I follow.

I wasn't sure, that is why I was asking.

Typically we look at the last person with the missing person. I just realized (4 weeks later) that she was the last one to see the girls, she is the one who mentioned Lyric wanting to run away, she was the one who said Lyric was late getting home a week prior. Is it possible she was setting the stage to make it appear that Lyric ran away?
Just trying to catch up ...
First, thanks Coe for the great photos and the perspective. It looks so much more open than maps would lead you to believe.

Second, I noticed people chatting about the "revenge" angle to get Dan to keep quiet. I'd just like to add, in the drug world, unlike the mob world, families don't appear to be off limits. Also, did anyone consider that perhaps it's not just to keep Dan quiet, but all the people related to him who might know something. Maybe it's not to keep him quiet at all ... maybe he owes some higher-up in the drug world money so the girls were taken until the money is paid back? I know it's a stretch, but I do remember seeing a segment on ID (or one of those channels) in which a drug dealer owed money to his supplier and the supplier had the guy's brother kidnapped until the money was paid back. In that story, the brother was eventually murdered because the supplier was told by his attorney you get less time in prison for murder than kidnapping. I don't think this is what happened necessarily, but thought I'd throw it out there.

Third, dumb question ... we hear and see the grandmothers in this case, but where are the grandfathers?

Fourth, sorry for the rambling. It's hard to stay up on all of this with a crazy 2-year-old running around.

I asked about the grandfathers too earlier, and I think Misty and one of her sisters share a father who is deceased, and the other sister has a different father. Maybe Dan's father is deceased too? Maybe I am wrong about all these grandfathers? I never hear any mentioned. Praying for these 2 little girls.

Who told the initial story about Lyric wanting to run away due to being mad at DC about having to do chores?

Who initially indicated that Lyric was late 9 days before L & E disappeared? The day she walked in just as Misty was calling the police.

Not sure about intial, but 1 grandma cook, 2 mom and dad on jvm video, and iirc they said was 4days prior, but might be 5 wihout looking at vid again
I wasn't sure, that is why I was asking.

Typically we look at the last person with the missing person. I just realized (4 weeks later) that she was the last one to see the girls, she is the one who mentioned Lyric wanting to run away, she was the one who said Lyric was late getting home a week prior. Is it possible she was setting the stage to make it appear that Lyric ran away?

Hmm...now go run the timeline from the beginning and see what you get.
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