IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #20

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Bumping for Elizabeth and Lyric can't believe there is no news at all. I honestly thought law enforcement would have found some kind of evidence in this case by now.

The girls are in my prayers every day and will not be forgotten. This time last year they would have been at home looking forward to thanksgiving and Christmas with their families and friends. Never take your loved ones being here for granted.
I can't believe the moms and grandma aren't begging for news time.
The little ones need more exposure!
I had to take off the bracelet I said I wouldn't take off till the girls are found. I took it off for my mental health, because I noticed every time I would look down at that bracelet that read, " PRAYERS FOR ELIZABETH AND LYRIC", I felt so sad, that it affected my moods. I'm sorry but I'm losing hope.

I know how you feel. I made my sig line for Hailey Dunn, and promised
myself I would not change it until we brought Hailey home. :cry: I don't know now if that is ever going to happen.
I had to take off the bracelet I said I wouldn't take off till the girls are found. I took it off for my mental health, because I noticed every time I would look down at that bracelet that read, " PRAYERS FOR ELIZABETH AND LYRIC", I felt so sad, that it affected my moods. I'm sorry but I'm losing hope.

Bless you Cinder. It's been a long time since July 13th.
In related news..

CHARLES CITY, Iowa (AP) -- A man accused of killing an Iowa girl in 2005 is getting a new attorney.
A judge on Monday ordered that Casey Frederiksen be represented by the Waterloo public defender's office due to a conflict of interest by prior representation of potential witnesses by the Mason City public defender's office.
Because of the change, Frederiksen's arrangement is delayed until Nov. 19.
Frederiksen is charged with first-degree murder and first-degree sexual abuse in the death of Evelyn Miller"
Honest to goodness, can these people not keep their grubby hands off the kids?!..
Iowa City.
" At approximately 1:45 a.m., officers were dispatched to another
residence in the same neighborhood for a report of another burglary that
had just occurred. In this instance, it was reported that a person
forced entry into that residence, began stealing items, located a 14
year old female, and attempted to sexually assault her.."
O/T slightly, but here is an article that I found interesting. It's a little lengthy, but here's a snippet:

About 2,000 children are reported missing each day, according to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. The agency continues to search for Bianca and the Skelton brothers and points to cases like Dugard, Smart and Morin as examples of why it's important to stay vigilant.

"We face the same realities that everyone else does; the likelihood that the children are still alive is not always great, but it doesn't mean that we have to assume the worst has happened," said Robert Lowery, senior executive director of NCMEC's missing children's division. "Those cases remind us that we've got to continue searching very aggressively. We won't rest until the children have been physically found."

From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20121106/METRO/211060347#ixzz2BSws0DuL
O/T slightly, but here is an article that I found interesting. It's a little lengthy, but here's a snippet:

About 2,000 children are reported missing each day, according to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. The agency continues to search for Bianca and the Skelton brothers and points to cases like Dugard, Smart and Morin as examples of why it's important to stay vigilant.

"We face the same realities that everyone else does; the likelihood that the children are still alive is not always great, but it doesn't mean that we have to assume the worst has happened," said Robert Lowery, senior executive director of NCMEC's missing children's division. "Those cases remind us that we've got to continue searching very aggressively. We won't rest until the children have been physically found."

From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20121106/METRO/211060347#ixzz2BSws0DuL

Thanks for the good article, I found this bit hopeful..

"You never know. Sometimes when people think someone is gone forever, they turn up. I don't know if Tangena is still alive, but I'm keeping every possibility open. I've seen too many cases where people are found after months, or even years."

From The Detroit News: http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20121106/METRO/211060347#ixzz2BSyn3Ps1"
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but KWWL (local NBC affiliate) has been running teasers for a segment to air this Wednesday (11/7) highlighting human trafficking and featuring Heather and Drew Collins. I hope I've characterized this right. I believe the segment is to air on their 6pm and 10pm CST broadcasts, but cannot find any info on their website to confirm.

BBM - Ty, justamama... good to know that our little girls are getting this media exposure. Wish I could watch it... perhaps someone will kindly report back to the brd on Thurs. :)
Not sure if this has been posted or not..
http://www.press-citizen.com/articl...ser censored*?odyssey=nav|head&nclick_check=1

" The other loss of innocence few want to discuss happens when their child is trafficked. America now produces half of the world’s child *advertiser censored*. The volume, with a new demand for live streaming, requires a constant and voluminous supply of children.

Most parents remain blissfully ignorant until their own child has been targeted.

Child trafficking is America’s fastest growing crimes, expanding 150 percent per year. A criminal can earn $1,000 per night, tax free, molesting a child in front of a live webcam. Child *advertiser censored* snuff films are major money makers. The child *advertiser censored* industry is estimated to yield profits as high as $20 billion per year and is rapidly overtaking drugs as the preferred money-maker by organized crime syndicates.

Children are being trafficked in staggering numbers for use in America’s child *advertiser censored* industry "


"Thirty years later children still are being taken off Iowa streets. In July, 9-year-old Elizabeth Collins and her 11-year-old cousin Lyric Cook were abducted blocks from their house while riding their bikes. Drew and Heather Collins, Elizabeth’s parents, also spoke at Nassif’s conference. They wore matching pink t-shirts with the girls’ photos and begged, as any parent does, for their children back"
More on robbery turned assault on 14 yr old girl, includes video, perp description..
" Alfred says what he heard next is any parent's worst nightmare. "He pulled my daughter in the kitchen and was doing things to her, then came back to the living room and put the gun up to my boy's head, and told him if they tell anything about this he's going to shoot them," Alfred said.

Zaida says her children are having trouble sleeping, and her daughter is shaken up. "She says she feels dirty. She's not really talking. She's not eating; they're not sleeping; every noise they hear they jump up," Zaida said".
One of the lesser discussed results of meth use is Hypersexuality.

This is a very nasty condition which essentially robs you of inhibition and causes you to do things you would never dream of before you used.

It essentially destoys morality.

Lizzie and Lyric were surrounded by people affected by meth. It appears to be mult-generational too.

These girls were probably victims of their loved ones lifestyle choices, one way or another.

We must keep looking for them, but also looking for the other Lizzies and Lyrics out there who are still in this lifestyle, therefore still at risk.

There's just been too many kids gone missing lately, all with meth lurking somewhere in their background. I'm scared of a growing problem.


Together, these studies suggest that methamphetamine influences compulsive seeking of sex by acting in brain areas responsible for inhibitory control. We predict that not only are these neurons activated by methamphetamine, but are also being changed by the repeated methamphetamine exposure. This change in brain cells can then lead to the long term consequences of methamphetamine use on compulsive sex behavior and future studies will test this hypothesis.


What this boils down to is, as long as the meth labs are spreading, so is deviant behaviour including crime and child sexual abuse.

Something needs to be done.

This is a massive social problem causing untold tragedy and it's getting bigger daily.


ETA - my suggestions would be a combination of increased ACTIVE policing (not reactive as we have now), treating users as addicts not criminals and supplying them with appropriate treatment including a medically controlled weaning from a clean drug instead of shoving them all in prison and making them worse.

Provide ample rehab for those who want it.

Repeat, wilful users and those dealing can be watched by LE to help track the "big guys" with the aim to shrink supply drastically. Sentences need to be very, very heavy once the big guys are found, to deter the other cooks popping up left right and centre.

Combined these with increased education in the community generally but in the junior schools specifically. These little innocent kids are living the disaster, and need help realising it is not "normal" or legal or fun or safe, and to ask for help if they are seeing it at home.

In my dream world anyway.


Ironically if you add up all the societal costs of meth use, it would probably pay for all of the above twice or three times over.

I believe it will happen one day. We need a different approach. The "War on Drugs" is pretty much lost.

I have never understood why a missing child being held in a sex ring is considered some great alternative. So they will be raped every day by many different men, abused in other ways, this will go on for years until they murdered when they are useful anymore.

I also can't think of any child who was confirmed to be kidnapped by a sex ring. I'm pretty sure that most girls in sex rings are runaways. I don't think traffickers are kidnapping little girls off their bikes.
I have never understood why a missing child being held in a sex ring is considered some great alternative. So they will be raped every day by many different men, abused in other ways, this will go on for years until they murdered when they are useful anymore.

I also can't think of any child who was confirmed to be kidnapped by a sex ring. I'm pretty sure that most girls in sex rings are runaways. I don't think traffickers are kidnapping little girls off their bikes.

Completely agree, I was accused of "wishing a child dead" on another thread, even though the cadaver dogs alerted.

That poster too seemed to think abduction-to-order was an acceptable and non-offensive theory, while merely falling off a sofa while unattended, cracking her head, and being hidden by guilty parents was somehow the height of insult.


Originally Posted by Snowbunny View Post
Found this right below the article above:

Skeletal remains found in Sac City basement
November 06, 2012 19:46 GMT
I'd really love for these girls to be found alive and well, but if that can't happen, I hope their bodies/remains will be found soon. I'm way beyond thinking there's any chance of them being found unharmed, and I'm not far from being sure they'll never be found in reparable condition either. I hope they can identify these remains soon so someone can put a loved one to rest. If that turns out to be these families, I guess all there would be left to hope for is that they didn't suffer too much.
Found this right below the article above:

Skeletal remains found in Sac City basement
November 06, 2012 19:46 GMT

Wow. I used to live right across from one of the two duplexes in Iowa City that were broken into.

When I moved into that area in the mid-1980s, it was mostly young families starting out. It was a very nice, quiet neighbourhood. By the time I moved out (toward the end of the 1990s), gangstas (from Chicago) had moved in and pretty much taken over the south end of the street. It was getting kind of scary there.

Made me glad that I had the reputation of "that lady who owns 20 German Shepherds!" I didn't have anywhere close to even half that many dogs but I figured it didn't hurt if people thought I did. No one knew for sure because apparently all GSD look alike and because I only had two names that I used for them outside: Girls and Boys.

I haven't lived there in nearly 15 years, so I don't know if it is still close to or in gangsta territory.
I have never understood why a missing child being held in a sex ring is considered some great alternative. So they will be raped every day by many different men, abused in other ways, this will go on for years until they murdered when they are useful anymore.

I also can't think of any child who was confirmed to be kidnapped by a sex ring. I'm pretty sure that most girls in sex rings are runaways. I don't think traffickers are kidnapping little girls off their bikes.

I agree.

Kidnapping children who are much loved and well taken care of is not a viable business model, particularly in light of the fact that there are too many vulnerable runaway and throwaway kids to prey on.
KWWL just broke a story that they have developed several significant leads into the disappearance of the girls... these leads were found on a computer that the girls had access too.

They said it's not a smoking gun otherwise the case would be solved already, but that they are getting there.
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