IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #22

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I still don't understand why the hunters that located the bodies aren't getting the reward. Can someone explain that? Thanks!
I still don't understand why the hunters that located the bodies aren't getting the reward. Can someone explain that? Thanks!

Has it been said that they won't? I don't see why they shouldn't either, unless it was only for their safe return.
I still don't understand why the hunters that located the bodies aren't getting the reward. Can someone explain that? Thanks!
It would not surprise me if the hunters refused the reward.
I still don't understand why the hunters that located the bodies aren't getting the reward. Can someone explain that? Thanks!

Hey JaimeInLA. Long time no talk. I would think they should get some of the reward money. They didn't really do anything except be in the right place at the right time, but they should get some and some should be reserved for leads to finding and convicting the killer.

ps: I can't be here like I was in the beginning and it consumed my life, but I had to come back and check in.
Was the reward specifically for locating the girls or for info to help convict those responsible?
I believe the reward has been for the arrest and conviction of whoever took the girls.
Thought I'd bring this over from the previous thread.


Now that two bodies have been found that likely are those of Elizabeth and Lyric, the reward money from Cedar Valley Crime Stoppers will go towards an arrest.

More than $150,000 is available to the person who helps authorities find the person responsible.

Bumping up my post from earlier in this thread regarding the reward.
A $50,000 reward had been offered for information that led to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for the girls' disappearance.


Okay, so that is quite different from locating the bodies by chance. They are looking to pay a reward to a tipster, unless of course, the finding of the bodies ends up pointing to a suspect resulting in a conviction. Then they might qualify.
Can any of our locals say, when do people fish at the wildlife area? Would the site have been active in the afternoon and evening on the Friday the girls disappeared?

Does anyone remember what exactly the weather was like on that Friday? I seem to recall cooler, with rain in the morning?

The record drought conditions have been mentioned. But does anything else wonder how the heat last summer would have affected when and where the girls were killed?

I'm not local to the area (I live 90 miles away) but based on my knowledge of Iowa, I'm guessing there probably wasn't much fishing going on in that park in July. I read a news story that said that the Wapsipinicon River was at historic lows this summer, which makes for bad fishing. Someone linked an article in this thread that said a local innertube and canoe rental business had no business to speak of and had to stop rentals due to low water conditions. So I doubt that there was any traffic of any kind in the park that Friday during the day. Teens having a kegger later in the evening? Maybe.

There was a small amount of rain in the morning and then the temps went back up. For Saturday and Sunday, highs were in the 90s and humidity was just horrid.

I'm not sure what you mean by how the heat affected when and where the girls were killed. Statistically, there are more abductions in the summer but that's undoubtedly because no one is outside for long in the winter. Well, not in typical Iowa winters, anyway.
Just to throw it out there, I doubt the hunters would be hunting side-by-side. I would think there would be some distance between. So if one found one of the girls, the hunters wouldn't need to really actively search for the other. The other hunter could be right on top of her already or come across her as he joins his comrade.

It would have been shocking enough to come upon one body...then another? If me, I would have left my body for a moment and been scared to death to take another step thinking I had stepped beyond to the Twilight Zone....or wondered for a split second it I had found a killing field. OMG :what: those poor hunters.
Hello, I have been following this case as I moved from Waterloo about 5 months ago to West Des Moines. I have been following these forums about these missing girls and I have decided to create an account to share my thoughts.

Has anyone followed up at all about the creepy craigslist posting about the bridge? That seems like a smoking gun almost in regards to this case. Also, there is some very curious happenings on the Waterloo, Rants and Raves on Craigslist as well, seems as someone keeps posting poems and seems very troubled psychologically. This could also provide a large clue.

I feel that the perp or perps who has done this quite possibly is looking for their chance at "fame" and wants to be caught, but does not want to make it too obvious. I believe there is something more to the Craigslist activity, thoughts?
Unless the perp placed the bodies there only days before they were found and knew it wouldn't take long before they were found by hunters.

It was far from a sure thing, though. That quote from someone about how those two hunters would have missed the bodies if they'd walked five feet to the left or right makes it pretty clear that they weren't easily visible.

The weather is closing in, there's snow predicted for Saturday (first day of season two for shotguns). If those two hunters hadn't found the bodies Wednesday, I'm not sure they would have been found.

Of course, this is Iowa, so who knows? We may be doomed to have a mud winter this year. The only thing worse than snow and more snow is a mud winter.

I'm hoping if someone strongly urged his hunting friends to go hunting at 7 Bridges, those friends will remember that and report it to LE.

I suppose that if the bodies hadn't been discovered and the perp wanted them to be found, he could have figured out some way to anonymously tip off LE. Since that didn't happen, though, there isn't much point in speculating on it.

I have absolutely no basis for the following, it's just a feeling: I think it was immaterial to the perp whether the bodies were found or not. I think he placed them, got out of there without being spotted and that's all he cared about. By that time, all he wanted was to get away safely.
It would have been shocking enough to come upon one body...then another? If me, I would have left my body for a moment and been scared to death to take another step thinking I had stepped beyond to the Twilight Zone....or wondered for a split second it I had found a killing field. OMG :what: those poor hunters.

I think they probably knew at once and began to look for the other body. The girls' disappearance has been major news in Iowa for almost 5 months. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if many hunters were on the look out for anything unusual.
I still don't understand why the hunters that located the bodies aren't getting the reward. Can someone explain that? Thanks!

What were the terms of the reward?

For instance, if it includes "information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible" then that hasn't happened yet.
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