IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #23

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I am not having any luck clicking on the link to KWWL for Heather's extended interview, it seems the video won't load? :banghead: It shows it's there but when I click on it, nothing happens. I also went to KWWL's website and the same thing happpens. Has anybody else had this problem and/or any suggestions? Thanking you in advance!

I just now clicked on the link found here & then on the gray words describing the video & played right away for me. Maybe that's because I've already listened to it before though?
You did a lot of great work here and I don't want to discount it too quickly, but if you are that deep into the woods along a river bed, why go so far and take them to a spot that is easier to access via vehicle then anywhere else along the route?

I've been wondering about the point of entry and the possibility that perhaps an ATV might have been used to get to the clearing.

I compared several historical images when the water levels were low that are very similar in appearance to now. The clearing is generally the first area of significant water to be met when approaching from the south or west. Perhaps they drove an ATV as far as they could and went no further.

I have 3 alternate routes identified on the images (other than from the East/loop drive):

BLUE: approximately 815 feet from 270th Street (west)

RED: approximately 2,850 feet from 270th Street (east)

YELLOW: approximately 3,115 feet from the field (east)

The historical images are dated: 2011 wide overview (to show area), November 2003, October 2006, October 2008 and September 2009.
I am not having any luck clicking on the link to KWWL for Heather's extended interview, it seems the video won't load? :banghead: It shows it's there but when I click on it, nothing happens. I also went to KWWL's website and the same thing happpens. Has anybody else had this problem and/or any suggestions? Thanking you in advance!

I had to refresh the page a couple of times but then it worked. I hope that helps.

Did anyone else who has listened to this note these things as interesting (and the whole interview as heartbreaking, of course.)

1) Heather said that they (meaning she and Drew, as I took it) were going to do something (like a ceremony) for Lyric but Misty and Dan have decided to have her cremated and they can't do that until they have the body.

2) Heather said that she and Dan wanted something done now, a celebration, and that later when they bury the body they will probably do something small with maybe just the family - that it will just be bones that they are burying.

I understand that Elizabeth's soul, spirit is with God and whatever remains here, whether an intact body or skeletal remains are just that, and not her. And I also understand that it's possible there would be more decomposition as tests are done and they wait for the remains to be released, but I thought perhaps she was saying that there is not a very intact body as of now.

Her mentioning that they would have done something for Lyric makes me feel a little better with all that has been said about Lyric being kind of shoved back. I totally respect Lyric's parent's choice of cremation and of course that explains the time delay, so knowing this answered a few questions that have been posed.
Do you think he took the bikes with him & the girls, & then disposed of the bodies after staging the bikes? I think it would be very bold of him to kill the girls & then return since by then the families should have been in the area looking for them.

I don't know. Yes, it was risky, but some murderers thrive on the danger. And it's less risky than being caught with the bikes. I assume he had a pickup or van and just threw the bikes in the back, and listened to the scanner to figure out a good place to leave them when he was done.
I don't think Lizzy wore braces. IIRC, on one of the early threads, someone posted that it appeared that Lizzy wore braces, basing that information on a photograph. However, after enlarging the photograph, I believe it was determined that what had appeared to be braces was not. Also, LE never mentioned braces in their description of Lizzy.


Lol and Yes! I remember that discussion very well! The end decision was that Lizzie wasn't wearing braces and a few posters here decided that they might need to adjust their glasses. :)
I know Jon Lieberman is one of NG & JVM's "talking heads" but based on my personal knowledge/experience of him professionally and adding his AMW credits I wouldn't be so quick to discredit his reporting simply by the company he keeps on occasion. If he went on live television and stated his police sources told him something directly I'd tend to believe him. JMO, of course... I don't expect everyone to buy into it. :)

If you add Jon's statements last week from his police sources; not the primary crime scene, "eyeball identification very, very quickly" at the scene, bodies had not been there for 4 or 5 months, etc.... to the use of "bodies" vs. "remains" in every news report and quote from MSM including HC & LE.... the short amount of time LE spent at the scene (only two & half days)... and that the ground did not look disturbed except for grass being cut & a few tree trimmings (no sifting of dirt, digging, etc.)... Adding all of that together I think it is relatively easy to formulate a solid theory that the girl's bodies were placed there recently... which is HUGE.

As far as the clothing that was found with the girls - they may not have been wearing it. The killer(s) could have left that evidence there along with the girl's bodies. They may have been wearing entirely different clothing when they were found or none at all. Maybe the girls had been kept in a freezer in the clothing they were wearing.

Determining time frame of when they were killed will help identify possible locations of where they may have been for the past 4-5 months (alive or preserved) and then leading to who their murder may be.
I think they've had their suspect/s all along.

I hope now that they found the girls, they will be able to prove it and make an arrest.

Note even though the girls have been found murdered, there are still no LE warnings about a predator.

I agree 100%. I think they are watching their suspect. They just needed more evidence. As with Evelyn Miller - who has been mentioned here many times before - they purposely withheld information, waiting for the suspect to incriminate himself. I believe that they are doing the same thing here. We may not know until a suspect is arrested what the actual cause and time of death was.
Or my theory, C - not in custody (yet), but under the watchful eye of LE. I think he may have been identified by LE very early on, but as we have seen in other cases, LE's suspicions aren't enough for an arrest. Now that the bodies have been found, I'm hopeful LE gets enough evidence to make an arrest. JMO

And I know there are many posters, whose opinions I value greatly, who have theories totally different from mine.

ETA: In keeping with Nurse's reminder, let me say I am not pointing fingers at any family members.

We are on the same page.
Especially the part about trying to junk his car. Wow.

I'm not sure we're allowed to discuss specific comments on a FB page. Just letting you know, I don't want you to get a forced time out!
Police should look at men that live in the area and who had their cell phones turned off after 12:30 on July 13. I bet there's a connection there, especially if the phone was turned off until the late evening or the next morning.

Scott Peterson called people shortly after murdering his wife where he pretended, with friends, that everything was normal re their upcoming plans to have couples get togethers. The person that did this to Elizabeth and Lyric may have gone home for supper that day. He may have had the freedom to show up very late in the evening with no explanation. Either way, I suspect that his cell phone was turned off between noon on July 13 and July 14 for several continuous hours. That's two facts, enough to lead to the perp in Blackhawk County and possibly within 12 radial miles of Dunkerton, Iowa, in my opinion ... but it would take a lot of phone log searching ... probably a couple of months to find the person that didn't use his phone after the girls were missing, then acted weird, then got smug.


Maybe he intentionally left his cell phone at whatever location that he claimed to be. In that scenerio, he wouldn't need to turn it off and if LE became suspicious of him and checked his cell phone pings, it would appear that he was where he said he was. For example, perp has an interview with LE for some reason and tells LE that on July 13 between the hours of 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm, he was in Waterloo shopping at the Billionaire-Mart and the adjoining Doghouse Depot and when he finished shopping, he went next door to the Howdy-Doody Bar. When LE checks his cell phone pings, the pings show his cell phone as being right in the area that he claimed. Perp wasn't there, though. Instead, perp went into the Billionaire-Mart around 1:00 pm, put his phone on mute, hid it in a restroom, and then, left to drive to Seven Bridges Park. He returned to Billionaire-Mart to retrieve his phone around 4:00 p.m.
Maybe he intentionally left his cell phone at whatever location that he claimed to be. In that scenerio, he wouldn't need to turn it off and if LE became suspicious of him and checked his cell phone pings, it would appear that he was where he said he was. For example, perp has an interview with LE for some reason and tells LE that on July 13 between the hours of 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm, he was in Waterloo shopping at the Billionaire-Mart and the adjoining Doghouse Depot and when he finished shopping, he went next door to the Howdy-Doody Bar. When LE checks his cell phone pings, the pings show his cell phone as being right in the area that he claimed. Perp wasn't there, though. Instead, perp went into the Billionaire-Mart around 1:00 pm, put his phone on mute, hid it in a restroom, and then, left to drive to Seven Bridges Park. He returned to Billionaire-Mart to retrieve his phone around 4:00 p.m.

That is a very interesting idea, and one I haven't thought of before.
No, this wasn't an undercover police officer. It is someone that was in there with this person, and when she/he was released told her/his mom what this person told her/him. ( I live in the area, so of course I hear a lot)

What case is this? I'm from the area, too.
Otto, I zoomed in at 600% on the first little tree on the left...and there are several very fresh cuts where someone cut off the branches and not like the stumps.


My thinking is branches were cut and "snapped off" to conceal the bodies that were placed on the ground. Not sure how much greenery would be on each branch? We see piles of branches which I doubt would naturally fall in a pile.
I also wondered if some type of "leanto" was placed in this area; but so risky for the perp to spend any amount of time with the victims.
All's I really know for sure is the perp is one sick person! Urgh!!

Another thought: the girls could have been placed in this area "one at a time" as the perp only had reason to have one. Could not let the other free as she knew too much ... - did perp leave markers so he knew where to locate what he left? (cut branch as marker)
I don't know ... just wondering
at this point I am wondering about JVM leaked info about the bodies being frozen........
It just might be so.
1. I'D by eye quickly.
2. I feel the girls were murdered asap.
3. I just don't think they laid there for 5 months with activity there.
4. I could see a SO keeping 1 girl alive but 2 would be a handful,

I, too, know exactly what she means. I hope these dreams help her as she begins to move into life without Lizzie.

IMO, this is Elizabeth's way of communicating with her mother. I don't feel that she would have had these dreams if Lizzie had been alive...
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