IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #23

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Perp(s) are very dangerous to take the lives of 2 innocent little girls.
I have no compassion for perp(s) in this case at all.
Oh how I pray LE makes arrest(s) asap!

to locals are you afraid perp(s) will strike again??
or do you think this was just against this family?

Yes, I am afraid that it could happen again. My 12-year-old sticks a little closer to home anymore. But, she was always cautious to begin with. She was with friends on bikes when a car passed and made some remark. That was all it took to scare her. We have ridden our bikes along the trail - the same trail that links to the Meyer's lake trail. In fact, we had ridden that trail the night before they disappeared. Even if we let her, my daughter would be too scared to ride that trial without us with her, even with a friend. And now even more so.
I should have the transcript of the full length interview with Heather and Drew up later tonight. I have some errand running to do, and then I have to work around kids, but I should be done later tonight. Then we'll have hard copy form to refer to.

I think that Heather is in support of the death penalty, as well as Drew. That's just from her reaction to it being mentioned in the interview. If I recall correctly, as soon as the reporter mentioned it, she nodded her head yes, and I think she even says yes in response. Not a negative reaction at all. The way I see it, it is possible to believe in God's forgiveness, but still feel that someone is so dangerous that the only way to protect the public is to send the person back to their Maker. If your faith enables you to see God everywhere, like I think Heather's does, then that includes seeing Him in the actions of the justice system. Moo.
I don't want to get all sidetracked into a political debate (personally - everyone else go right ahead if you want and it's within TOS, of course). But I did want to share this because it surprised me:


Snippet: "Drew Collins, who supports the death penalty, said the experience with Elizabeth did not change his views. “I’ve always believed in it,” he said. "

Honestly, that surprised me to. As a couple, they don't seem to the vindictive types, but when you look at Drew's feelings separately, its very interesting. I'm sure that Heather does not possess this belief. Which would make for an interesting conversation with the governor on Monday....
Some prisoners that are given life in prison make "torturing' the victim's family their new occupation. I would hate for whoever killed the girls to be given life in prison and then torture/taunt/harass the Collins and Misty for the next 50 years.
I should have the transcript of the full length interview with Heather and Drew up later tonight. I have some errand running to do, and then I have to work around kids, but I should be done later tonight. Then we'll have hard copy form to refer to.

I think that Heather is in support of the death penalty, as well as Drew. That's just from her reaction to it being mentioned in the interview. If I recall correctly, as soon as the reporter mentioned it, she nodded her head yes, and I think she even says yes in response. Not a negative reaction at all. The way I see it, it is possible to believe in God's forgiveness, but still feel that someone is so dangerous that the only way to protect the public is to send the person back to their Maker. If your faith enables you to see God everywhere, like I think Heather's does, then that includes seeing Him in the actions of the justice system. Moo.
This^. Prisoners can harass their victims families from inside prison. They can also arrange for other "events" to happen to victim's families while they are in prison.
O/T - watching the news about the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. They are reporting 20 dead, including at least 10 children. I don't know if that is confirmed, a press conference is scheduled in a few minutes.

Prayers to the families of all involved. Seems our children face so many horrible dangers nowadays.
Perp(s) are very dangerous to take the lives of 2 innocent little girls.
I have no compassion for perp(s) in this case at all.
Oh how I pray LE makes arrest(s) asap!

to locals are you afraid perp(s) will strike again??
or do you think this was just against this family?

I am not as local as others (live closer to Cedar Rapids) but I am TERRIFIED the perp/perps are going to strike again! And chances are, this person isn't going to commit another heinous crime like this close to home...wayyyy too many chances of getting caught in such a small town whose eyes are peeled right now. No, I think he is going to lay low for quite awhile but maybe rear his ugly head again next summer if he's not caught before then.

Then again...if I'm being 100% honest, I'm just as worried about a woman at this point. I still believe that those girls were lured by someone they didn't fear...most likely a woman. AND given the fact that at least 1 attempted abduction in the Cedar Rapids area also noted a woman WITH a man in the vehicle at the time of the attempt.

But to say the least, I am thankful right now that winter is coming and my kids are outside less (very sad to think this way, but it's true). They get off the bus less than 50 yards from my door and I watch the bus stop every day. We live RIGHT off a back highway and it would be so easy for someone to stop in a van, snatch one up and be GONE before I'd ever even see anything.

I have said it before and I will say it again...I won't feel an ounce of safety until this person is caught.:furious:
Sorry if this has been cleared up but has Elizabeth's body been released? Lyric's? I read a few days ago on here that Elizabeth's body had not been released yet.

In the interview with Ron Steele a few days ago, Drew and Heather said neither body has been released yet.

They said they wanted to do a "Life and Love" party/worship service for Elizabeth now and then have a private service when it comes time to bury her.
I know many very devout Christians who hold the belief that God supports the idea that man should follow the laws of man and that the DP is an acceptable law of man. It seems like a contradiction but in their minds it makes total sense.

God is the one who instituted the Death Penalty (Genesis 9:6) and He has never withdrawn it.
I should have the transcript of the full length interview with Heather and Drew up later tonight. I have some errand running to do, and then I have to work around kids, but I should be done later tonight. Then we'll have hard copy form to refer to.

I think that Heather is in support of the death penalty, as well as Drew. That's just from her reaction to it being mentioned in the interview. If I recall correctly, as soon as the reporter mentioned it, she nodded her head yes, and I think she even says yes in response. Not a negative reaction at all. The way I see it, it is possible to believe in God's forgiveness, but still feel that someone is so dangerous that the only way to protect the public is to send the person back to their Maker. If your faith enables you to see God everywhere, like I think Heather's does, then that includes seeing Him in the actions of the justice system. Moo.

It is a matter of justice, not retribution, but justice. The murderer takes a life and should pay with theirs. IMHO

When my 16 year old cousin was shot in the head and murdered for his pick up truck, 4 of my 8 uncles, these 4 are ministers, felt that the death penalty was justice. Unfortunately, there was a plea bargain [something I despise] and the murderer is sitting in prison. It is my belief that the person who took my cousin's life should pay with their own. Groups like the Innocence Project have a purpose but when there is no doubt about the guilt of a person then the DP is appropriate. IMHO
Numbers 35:30-33 New Living Translation (NLT)
30 “All murderers must be put to death, but only if evidence is presented by more than one witness. No one may be put to death on the testimony of only one witness.

IMO some very solid evidence such as DNA or bloody handprints would serve as one "witness". If Biblical criteria were followed for the DP, then innocent people should not be on Death Row.
God is the one who instituted the Death Penalty (Genesis 9:6) and He has never withdrawn it.

thank you. Not terming myself a Christian, I hesitated to speak for them, but my mother is quite devout and I respect her tremendously. Thanks for explaining better than me.
There is so much random weirdness in the world, I know it's not likely to mean anything. I'm just throwing it out there, since there's so little right now.[/quote]

I totally agree. Hopfully it stopped on the shorelines of that park and hard
evidence will stop it.
O/T - watching the news about the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. They are reporting 20 dead, including at least 10 children. I don't know if that is confirmed, a press conference is scheduled in a few minutes.

Prayers to the families of all involved. Seems our children face so many horrible dangers nowadays.

Song22 just stated above:

"There is so much random weirdness in the world, I know it's not likely to mean anything. I'm just throwing it out there, since there's so little right now. "
Then again...if I'm being 100% honest, I'm just as worried about a woman at this point. I still believe that those girls were lured by someone they didn't fear...most likely a woman. AND given the fact that at least 1 attempted abduction in the Cedar Rapids area also noted a woman WITH a man in the vehicle at the time of the attempt.

I have said it before and I will say it again...I won't feel an ounce of safety until this person is caught.:furious:[/quote]

for a while there seemed to be white vans with strange behavior everywhere!! I talked to
KWWL about this. Everyone including LE is fully aware... what bothers me is there is so much
chaos, will the resolution of this particular case ever be found with certainty? Whoever did
this was brazen - abducted the girls in broad daylight and vanished with them rather quickly
with people looking for them!

The depravity of this may identify the person!
Random thoughts: Perp did return to the where the bodies were, not at first, but grew braver as he realized the search was focused on the lake and family dynamics. Drove to the area and circled under the cover of darkness. Wanted to relive. He thought it was a good place not only because it was very rural but because of the trailer park close by with other RSOs thinking it would throw off LE when and if the bodies were found. If bodies had not been found, he might have used site again. Feels very powerful and as if he has gotten away with it at this point. He might be familiar with 7-Bridges area because of association with other RSOs in the area. Someone talking about 7-Bridges on the 21st (?) on FB could have talked with actual perp. LE should definitely have talked to this person. 7-Bridges is likely to be the edge of his awareness space.
As far as the death penalty goes, as well as the perp taunting/harassing the family from inside prison- prisoners who commit crimes against women and children spend their life sentences in constant fear as other criminals make these individuals with very distinct scars on their faces (usually) and their "life sentence" does not last as long as say, a big time drug dealer. Just something to keep in mind.
Regarding the death penalty, very few westernized countries, if any, agree that people that murder should be murdered. The eye for an eye concept seems archaic but is still widely practiced in places like Iran, Iraq, Libya, and the United States. Given the leaps that have been made in the fields of neurology, psychiatry and psychology, surely someone has figured out how to rehabilitate people that are so damaged that they commit murder.

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