IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #4

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How is that helpful in finding the girls? It's out there. The public knows their criminal history. What would bad mouthing Dan achieve? Her focus is to find the girls. The family has said they're not in the lake but yet LE continues to put resources there (right or wrong IDK).

I understand their frustration if they feel the resources should be put elsewhere.

This is not the first family that has been at odds with LE, imo. There have been many. Even familieis that have no criminal background.

I realize the protocol is to rule out family members first but what happens when they don't have enough to do so? Do they continue that same path and the case goes cold (like so many others) or do they start looking outwards at other possibilities?

I can't believe they cleared 241 RSO in the area almost immediately but yet not the family. It doesn't make sense to me. God forbid anyone has a criminal record and their child goes missing.......it would be a huge hurdle to overcome being a potential suspect in their disappearance.

I presume the RSO's all have ankle bracelets that monitor their location, so it's possible that's how they cleared them so quickly by checking their whereabouts at the time the girls went missing.
Why would dad withhold information if he knew anything about his daughter's disappearance and risk his daughter's life (if she's still alive)? Why would he want the perp to get away with it if he knows who and why?

Thankfully I'm not well informed about street drugs and what these characters are capable of so I'm trying to understand why someone who is out to get the family would take their little girl and her cousin. Would they be holding the girls because Dan owes money? It just doesn't make any sense to me.

Frankly, that seems to be the recurring theme with some of these cases where family members can't be ruled out. "The family" knows something.

In the meantime, the bad guy is still out there. 241 registered sex offenders who were allegedly interviewed and cleared the next day. Really? I find that unbelievable.


I'm not that street savvy either, but because he may not have or never did have the character to put his daughter before himself. He may feel his life is in danger or there would be other charges forthcoming. Maybe because he snitched and put the feds onto a bigger mouse. This guy has been in and out of trouble for the past 15 years....his adult life.. and I would bet for the most part an addict. Why do some parents sell their own children? Some people just should not be parents. IMO
I have read almost every post ( on page 27 now) and no one has asked about Elizabeths' parents. I know her mom is ill and her dad has a business. I have not seen either of them do a media interview. It is almost like people forget there are 2 girls missing.
This occurred in Elizabeths' home town. People knew her, not Lyric. Someone could have stalked Elizabeth. Did daddy ever take Elizabeth with him when he was working? Did mommy ever take Elizabeth with her to her doctors appointments or shopping? Did Elizabeth only ride bikes or only play outside Lyric was there?
To me it is like Lyrics parents and Aunt talk so much to protect Elizabeths' parents from the media? Her mother has a bad heart so I can understand but what about her father?

To me, it's like everyone blamed Lyric for everything from the get go, and her parents, too. Even Aunt T seems to have it in for poor Lyric. :(

I think that's why we don't hear as much about Elizabeth and her parents.

I presume the RSO's all have ankle bracelets that monitor their location, so it's possible that's how they cleared them so quickly by checking their whereabouts at the time the girls went missing.

I don't think all RSOs are required to wear ankle bracelets, unless they are on parole or probation. It could be different in Iowa though, I am not sure.
But still, if they don't know where the girls disappeared from, and don't know where they are at now, would knowing where a RSO was that day help eliminate them?
Don't forget that the foster home parents are the worst. There are so many cases of abuse in foster homes. It is just a gamble.

There should a law that should not allow parents with (d) addiction to have children.

Respectfully, we have WS members who have selflessly served as foster parents to children at risk.

I am grateful for people like them and am saddened to read statements that paint foster families with such a broad stroke.
just jumping off this post

It is extremely difficult to take a swing at “bad mothers” without the blow landing on their children. If we really believe all the rhetoric about putting the needs of children first, then we need to put those needs ahead of everything – including how we may feel about their parents. That doesn’t mean we can simply leave children with addicts – it does mean that drug treatment for the parent almost always is a better first choice than foster care for the child.
Studies show just how bad foster care is for children, and why it should be used as a last resort

I hate to see any child go into foster care, but hoping there would be reliable family or an adoption into a good family. With this case, the mother has had 10 years of life with this child to turn her life around and she hasn't. She was clean after being away from her in prison for 4 years, yet again she blew it and had to return. How many chances and how many years does the child get for the parent to walk straight? Your not a child forever....and little Lyric is so badly damaged psychologically already. I just pray she not gone forever....nor little Elizabeth. JMO
Respectfully, we have WS members who have selflessly served as foster parents to children at risk.

I am grateful for people like them and am saddened to read statements that paint foster families with such a broad stroke.
Especially since statistically foster parents are often the least likely perpetrators of child abuse, neglect, and homicide.

I have seen far more tragedies brought about by family reunification or family placements than placing a child in foster care. In 2010 statistics show 14,604 cases of parent perpetrated abuse or neglect towards children compared to just 42 foster parents in Iowa alone. Of 1,155 child homicides the same year, nationally, parents were responsible for the child's death in 915 cases as opposed to 4 foster parents.

To me, it's like everyone blamed Lyric for everything from the get go, and her parents, too. Even Aunt T seems to have it in for poor Lyric. :(

I think that's why we don't hear as much about Elizabeth and her parents.


Unfortunately, this is what happens. The child/family with the problems gets the blame. Elizabeth was still so young and probably innocent. If Lyric's life was half of how I imagine it was, she probably was into more. She didn't have normal parental supervision. I think grams is awesome for stepping up to the plate, but grandparents sometimes don't realize this world is not where they raised their kids. They don't have the same knowledge of computers and social media. My gram has no idea how a sexual predator could get to a child through the internet or why the kids can't ride up and down the street or go to a park without me. Lyric was/ is definitely more grown up and not as innocent as she should/ could be because of the life she has led. There is no blame here, JMO. I feel horrible for this family. The choices they made took time from their family and now someone has taken that child and they won't be able to get any of that time back. It is horrific to not see your child, today marks a week. I hug my babies a little closer each night and i have shortened their already short rope of freedom a little more.
Respectfully, we have WS members who have selflessly served as foster parents to children at risk.

I am grateful for people like them and am saddened to read statements that paint foster families with such a broad stroke.

I know a ton of GREAT foster families. I have been involved in an organization that helps Foster families. It is the 1 or 2 bad that over power all the good! I have seen kids come from a bad foster home to a good one where they are now adopted and thriving!
I know this has probably been discussed before but I just find that Lyric's mom (Misty?) just look so cheerful and happy in the TV interviews. If you turned the sound down and asked someone to guess what she might be talking about, you would never guess that she was talking about her missing child. I'm not judging her at all, it's just odd to me.
First boats in this morning:


I know this has probably been discussed before but I just find that Lyric's mom (Misty?) just look so cheerful and happy in the TV interviews. If you turned the sound down and asked someone to guess what she might be talking about, you would never guess that she was talking about her missing child. I'm not judging her at all, it's just odd to me.

I have gotta tell you, that I INDEED had my tv volume muted night before last while they were interviewing her (I was on the phone) and was completely befuddled when later I saw the interview rerun and could actually listen to her speak. I kept thinking that either she is living outside of the situation in her mind or something is completely off-kilter there. Let me emphasize that I'm not placing blame anywhere but it sounded to me like she was already forgiving people. Honestly, it completely confused me..
DNR sonar has been used; stuff today is more high tech; only 3-4 sets in US #evansdalesearch
'I'm worried that so many days have gone by [and] we haven't found anything and no evidence has come up,' Misty Morrissey said. 'The more time that passes, the greater chances that they are not alive or the further away that they might be getting.'

Chief Deputy Rick Abben of the Black Hawk County Sheriff's Office said the case was still considered a missing persons investigation.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...cousins-vanished-bike-ride.html#ixzz21AYceNpC
Based on what little info is out there, I honestly do not believe that DM or MCM were directly involved with the disappearance of the girls. Could that change? Yes. I don't know what happened when they were interviewed. I don't know the results of their polys. I don't know if they gave conflicting statements to the police or if anything of significance was discovered throughout this investigation. We just don't know. But my gut is telling me that mom was at work and dad was at home in another town.

As for the demeanor of MCM, I feel that the best way to explain it is that she just didn't have the emotional bond with her child that most moms do. She was incarcerated and addicted to drugs for at least half of her daughters life. And probably the victim of Domestic Violence. We know of at least one occasion, but DV is usually a pattern, so it is most likely more than a one-time deal. Victims of DV suffer in silence for years. But...the DV coupled with drug addiction would also leave her emotionally void. I worked in a DV shelter for years. For many of these women who would come into the shelter, parenting was the least of their priorities. It is very sad, but unfortunately true. They didn't seem to be able to put the needs of their children over their own needs.

Was MCM mother of the year? No. Was she selfish? Yes!! Do I believe she had a knowing hand in her child's disappearance? Absolutely not!

But...these parents are being scrutinized for good reason. The cops are playing the statistics. If they don't believe the parents are involved, they most likely think it could be an acquaintance. These parents were no angels and most likely linked to many unsavory characters.

And I think people view Lyric as more the target for good reason as well. Children of parents who are/were incarcerated are more likely to be troubled, more rebellious...oft times leading to delinquency. Ive kind of gotten the vibe from the family interviews that Lyric may have been a bit of a trouble-maker/bad influence. She really only needed stability and love.

My sincerest hope is that these girls can come home.
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