IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #4

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Maybe they are suspicious of DM because he said he was napping, but yet his cell phone records indicated he was on the phone multiple times? Something like that would appear suspicious to the police.

Good point. If that's the case then they should be getting phone records and pings (if they haven't already).

If it pinged at the lake that would be enough to suspect him.
Maybe they are suspicious of DM because he said he was napping, but yet his cell phone records indicated he was on the phone multiple times? Something like that would appear suspicious to the police.

That was my point in asking where that cell phone "flurry" of calls info came from. DM does appear to be hiding something about his activities that day. They may be totally unrelated to the girl's disappearance and more about him and his drug issues but if he is not coming clean about everything then you can see why the pressure is on him.

New on this thread. Packing and trying to move, but I am wondering what is the relevance of the description of the flip flops. Have some flip flops been found? or ???? tia

No, it's just that the description of the clothing has changed so many times that everyone is getting confused as to what to be on the lookout for. I'm sure ANY flip flops found would be relevant, but it would be nice to know what to look for.
The same could be said about mom. My point is sometimes I wish LE would run parallel investigation (I'm not saying it's not being done in this case) but way too often the case goes cold because LE has tunnel vision and before we know it, the case goes cold.

Yes, I wouldn't nominate them parents for parents of the year award but a far fetch to suspect them of harming their children or hindering an investigation and protecting a perp (s) versus their own child. :moo:

I think they have been running a parallel investigation...mostly with the interviews/interrogations with the FBI and trying to find any evidence off of the bike, purse and the location. Can't understand why they stopped the dogs where they did if they wanted to go further. To the garage...to the road, etc. ??

I guess I'm jaded by the many cases I've seen here and you just have more faith and trust in more people than I do.

Agree totally, but the perp(s) could have been someone the girls felt comfortable with and just went along with them. No reason to not feel secure to drive by the police station.
Just to add....meth produces paranoia big time. DM may have felt just being asked so many times and extensively by LE about his whereabouts, connections, etc. may have been construed as "they accused me of killing". It would be a stressor on anyone, but anyone with a meth addiction....I would suspect it would be "crazy making". Keep in mind they confiscated his cell...and it prolly has his "contacts" for his supply now, and threatening his supply. Not a good thought for an addict. I'd still like to know if he completed his poly.

I don't think DM had anything directly to do with the girls missing, but it could be someone in his or MCM's circle of "friends"---past or present.

The court appearances the same week of his accomplices raises a red flag for me, but it may be just a coinkydink. We'll see.

In the Hailey Dunn case, there were drugs, dysfunction, and chaos in the family; many of the people in the circle of acquaintances included pedos. I can't help but wonder if the girls were taken for child *advertiser censored* or trafficking, and is why I feel they are alive and cabins or lake houses should be checked.


I agree. Crystal meth attracts the most disgusting type of druggie. On JVM last night, a former detective and a rehab therapist described their experience with meth users.

STEVE KARDIAN, FORMER POLICE DETECTIVE: Yes, Jane, they should be following other leads. They likely know something that we don`t know that is leading them to press the family, the husband and the wife, so severely. 

We know that people that are on meth in my 30 years of law enforcement this is the worst drug. It is the worst people on this drug that I have ever dealt with. They would prostitute their children. They would kill their family. They would sell their children for money for the drugs. 

So, yes, law enforcement likely has information that they`re not sharing with us at this moment in time.

HOWARD SAMUELS, HILLS TREATMENT CENTER: Well, I agree and I disagree. I mean, her drug use -- their drug use was, you know, just a few months ago. 

And you have to understand, the world of crystal meth is a very sick, dangerous world to be involved in. And if their parents -- if these girls` parents were distributing and dealing this drug at one particular time, along with being addicted to crystal meth -- I mean, crystal meth is a sick, dangerous drug, Jane. I mean, the paranoid delusions, the hallucinations. It`s prone to violence. I mean, these girls could have been in major, major environment of violence and trouble along with the people that were associating with these parents. I mean, I -- if I was the police, that would be the first thing I`d be looking at.

To mention the fact that you were asleep sounds odd...that sounds like an alibi.

The evidence the police have is probably cell phone location information. If his cell phone was making calls from a cell phone tower near the lake during his alleged nap, this would make us question the whole 'bedtime' story.

My theory is that the father FOUND the girls by the lake and killed his daughter in a fit of rage right there.

I agree that DM's cell phone could be helpful in proving if he was home or not.

But I don't believe he found the girls by the lake, killed both of them, and dumped their bodies well enough that they have yet to be found. And what would have made him so angry?
Does anyone remember where the information that DM was being questioned about a "flurry" of cell phone calls that day came from?
JVM said granny told her the police were investigating a series of numbers, not a flurry of calls.

I want to add a little bit more detail, too, about the investigation into possible drug connections. The authorities here took Daniel`s cell phone. And the grandmother, Wilma Cook, just told me that they returned the cell phone to him, and they wanted information on a series of numbers inside that phone. So clearly they want to know who was calling Daniel and who he was calling. 

They even have Iowa City police there! per the KCRG feed

I think all of those different agencies may be there just to observe this state of the art equipment. Didn't someone mention upthread somewhere that there are only like 5 or 6 of these things?

My opinion is that many of these agencies are just observing the cool new equipment.

What an enlightening article on meth! This stood out to me "They would sell their children for money for the drugs."

This is a theory that I don't recall being discussed here on WS .... omg would this be a possibility here?
To clarify the timeline on Friday because we've gotten a lot of questions on it: 12:15 p.m. Grandma says she last saw the kids in downtown Evansdale; 2 p.m. Mother comes home from appt. and discovers kids aren't there. She looks for them; around 2:30 p.m. She contacts police. Police and firefighters begin search; 4 p.m. firefighter finds bikes on trail by lake.

Also to clarify another question we've gotten a lot: Some of the missing posters have a clothing description for the girls. The sheriff's dept. does not.
by Chris Essig - Courier via mobile 5:55 PM


bumping this up from yesterday about the clothes
They even have Iowa City police there! per the KCRG feed
Maybe other LE agencies are there as a learning experience? The equipment being used is different than what is available locally and maybe they're taking this opportunity to see it in use in case they're ever involved in a situation like this. Just speculation on my part.

What an enlightening article on meth! This stood out to me "They would sell their children for money for the drugs."

This is a theory that I don't recall being discussed here on WS .... omg would this be a possibility here?

yep, anything is possible:banghead:
reminder: the parents have not been named as suspects. We are a victim friendly forum and the parents are victims. Please post responsibly.
When I worked at the women's shelter, we had a woman leave her two children with another woman, who had just come in. She left her two very young children with a stranger and didn't come back for them! The police found the mother two days later, high on meth. She didn't remember where her kids were. So, yeah, meth makes people do irrational things. It's a very dangerous drug and the police have every reason to keep hitting these two parents. But, I don't believe it is the only avenue that LE is looking into. They are searching the garbage, the lake, questioning RSO's, canvassing the area, questioning residents. But I would be more worried if the police weren't being hard on Lyric's parents. Heck, many of US found MCM's behavior disturbing. I imagine the police did. And it wasn't just her inappropriate smiles, it was the fact that she went ON n ON n ON about how fine her poly went. It was uncomfortable to watch! As if she were trying to convince herself and everyone else how well it went.

When you throw in that she kept reiterating what a God-centered family this was and her recent legal issues, the fact that she didn't have custody of her child, it's only reasonable that the police are interested. They would be remiss to ignore the elephant in the room!
Ok, this may be far fetched -

This just popped in my head and although I've read every thread/page here, I couldn't for the life of me remember if anything like this had been discussed..

I don't know the dynamics of the the sisters or how they interact with each other and I can't remember if Misty has custody of Lyric but is it possible that somehow this was not a stranger abduction but something along the lines of having an outsider help to stage this sort of situation (although by now it has spiraled way ouf of control) so as to get custody back or to show that she's not a bad parent because of her drug past.

This is so random and the more I just typed it out, the more I realized that it's probably not a possibility at all. I guess I ran with it in my head because it meant that the girls will be found safe. I really hope that they are.

Maybe the police did get a description of what the two girls were wearing but it was posted all over the internet before the police had a chance to get the information out? Therefore they are not releasing anything right now as to what they were wearing. Investigating how that might have happened maybe?
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