IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #8

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IMOO i feel the girls were taken from someone known to the family. I also don't believe these kids were on a tight leash. Parents just don't want to look bad. JMO Hope to hear some good news very soon as its been long enough. Things are not looking good other then the fact that LE are very quite about it.
I can't dispute that Misty's demeanor is really odd. Inappropriate response/affect, hotel room with DM, etc.

I remember thinking that Ed Smart seemed kind of "off" and his "choked up" voice/face seemed fake to me. And as it turned out, he was an innocent grieving parent.

On the other hand, I got major hink from Scott Peterson the first time I saw him on TV and he was guilty as sin.

And I think both Celis parents are at the very least hiding something besides themselves. I may be way off there.

So, ya know, ya just don't know until ya know. ;)
Drew Collins, Heather Collins, Wylma Cook, Tammy Brousseau and Misty Cook have all made appeals to the perp(s) via msm. I think Dan Morrissey has as well, but I cannot remember for sure. I think his mother, Vicky Weikart, has also made appeals.

HC and WC have gone so far as to say they have already forgiven the perp(s), just please drop the girls off somewhere they can get to a phone. That they're not interested in finding out who did it, they just want the girls back.

They've begged and pleaded to any reporter or msm show that would put them on the air.

I'm not sure what more they can do along those lines. My impression is that they are not the sort of incredibly wealthy people who could just buy TV advertising time. They have to try to get their pleas out via news shows.

WHO ? WHO says that when their child could be with a sexual predator or worse? :moo:
I don't know about her gut feeling, maybe Lyric and/or Elizabeth had confided to Tammy that they had ridden to the lake before? When my nephews were young, they would tell me stuff they wouldn't tell their mom. Nothing serious, just silly kid stuff for the most part.

If that is what happened, then it's logical for Tammy to believe they could be at the lake. IMO

And couple that with the fact she'd talked to them about what to do in case of an abduction. Hmm. You've gone and made me think and I appreciate that! :)
Olliepop has provided the thread with photos, eyewitness reports of goings on and much more. His posts have been quite valuable to many of us who do not live nearby and who do not place much value on social media and internet rumor. A lot of times that is all we have to go on in these cases.

As far as ongoing searches, it seems odd that they would drain the lake but not canvas the surrounding neighborhood thoroughly. I do think it seems sloppy that Olliepop did not have a visit from LE considering his proximity.

Unless, as it appears, there ARE no ongoing searches.

And I didn't hear about this hinky farting bird! Lol :)


Point me to where SS said O's post were invaluable . Tia
I'd thought the same, especially after discovering the whole Melody Lane thing. That it is on the Bing map, and seems to be a clear road, is still fascinating to me. I hope my pics demonstrate why.

The undergrowth on that path/lane is not so much that you couldn't ride down in there, but, honestly, it didn't look inviting to even walk thru, much less ride, until we got several yards in and it began to clear a bit. The real problem is that it simply dead-ends. It doesn't really go all the way to the lake, like to put a boat in, and it doesn't really go all the way to the trail. I took pics of the trail from there, and the fence keeps you away. If you followed that path back hoping to get on the trail, you'd be disappointed and forced to turn back or "bushwhack" through some serious undergrowth and woods to the east, along the fence until it ended and you could step out onto the trail. It would be difficult to walk from that path to the trail, especially if you had a bike. No way could you ride around the fence. Even tossing two bikes over the fence there would be difficult, I would think. The fence is like 8 ft tall.

OK, so it sounds like the girls did not bike to the end of Lake, turn onto S. Evans and cut through the wooded area to get to the trail either by riding or pushing their bikes. It just doesn't seem possible that the girls could be on Lake between the time that they were seen on the video and the time that TG saw two bikes if those bikes belonged to the girls. They would have had to be on Lake Ave. after TG saw the bikes. What do you think would be the least amount of time it could have taken them to ride their bikes from the end of Lake Ave. to where the bikes were found? What do you think would be the most logical and/or shortest way for them to have gone?
Ok I'm going with the locals. They are obviously doing a bit of their own quiet sleuthing and have come up with an 8 minute time frame.

8 minutes for the girls to get from the cctv, to their bikes being seen at the lake.

It is absolutely doable.

Pahl is the manager of Cornbelt Auctions, 3520 Lafayette Road, where a 24-hour camera captured the footage from its position behind the building. The time and date stamp — 12:11 p.m. July 13 — fits the police timeline of the case.
However, Pahl said the camera’s clock is eight minutes slower than his U.S. Cellular phone.
About 4 p.m. the youngsters’ bikes and Collins’ purse were found on the south side of Meyers Lake. Ted Gamerdinger of Waterloo, a bicyclist who said he often rides the Evansdale Nature Trail, has previously told The Courier he saw the two kids’ bikes on the trail at about 12:20 p.m., but no sign of the children.
“It’s pretty hard for girls to get a mile and a half away ... in eight minutes,” Pahl said. “I don’t even think I could ride a bike a mile in eight minutes.”
Pahl said FBI officials arrived within 20 minutes of learning about the video and “sat up here all Monday until about noon on Tuesday watching everything we had.”
“I think they marked every single car that went by,” he said. “I know they downloaded a ton of stuff off of this.”

I've lost the link...doh...

If the girls were intercepted by car shortly after the cctv picked them up, there's plenty of time to get the bikes dumped by 12.20.


If the clock on the camera is 8 minutes slow, then the actual time of the video would be 12:19. How could the bikes get to the lake in one minute to be seen laying on the trail at 12:20? Did I miss something?
The one thing that struck me as odd last Weds, when I went to Evansdale, is I was there for about two hrs and not once did I see a cop cruising the streets, not once.
IMOO i feel the girls were taken from someone known to the family. I also don't believe these kids were on a tight leash. Parents just don't want to look bad. JMO Hope to hear some good news very soon as its been long enough. Things are not looking good other then the fact that LE are very quite about it.

I agree Think.
WHO ? WHO says that when their child could be with a sexual predator or worse? :moo:

I would NEVER forgive, but I can absolutely see lying through my teeth about forgiveness if I thought it might persuade the abductor to release my child.

JMO, not saying that's what HC & WC are doing.
I'm not sure I know his address. For some reason I thought I read it once and saw that he lived at the other end of Lake (a block to the south).

At any rate, if you drove across Gilbert on Lake, you'd end up in the lawn of the Evansdale Community Center, home to the police and fire stations.

Thank you! I could be looking at it upside down for all I know! I get a little seasick google earthing. The reason I wondered what was across the street was because I thought I remembered RC saying the girls would come down the street and turn around by his house. To me, it looks like there is a drive through parking lot of some kind across the street from his driveway that looks like a logical place to turn around, but that must be the police and fire department? I am not sure it matters all that much, just trying to make sense of things in my head.
Regarding the video of MC where several people have said she is smiling the whole time: I think people are misreading her facial expressions. First of all she is squinting from having the sun in her direct line of vision, and is dealing with a time delay which forces her to wait an abnormally long time before hearing the question and responding to nancy, and the "smile" you are referring to looks more like a uncomfortable grimace.

After watching that video I am now convinced she has absolutely nothing to do with this abduction.

Everyone was jumping on Sierra LaMar's family too, suspecting things based on the statements made by her mother. Clearly we can learn from that mistake that people are not always right on with their assessments of "hinky" behavior.

I agree.

I've noticed that in the videos I have watched with MCM in them, even when she smiles, it's her lips only. Her eyes don't smile, at least, that's my impression. I think her eyes look worried.

I haven't seen every video out there. But the ones I have seen, she looks to me like she's trying to look confident and like she really believes the girls will come home safe.
If the clock on the camera is 8 minutes slow, then the actual time of the video would be 12:19. How could the bikes get to the lake in one minute to be seen laying on the trail at 12:20? Did I miss something?

I'm not very good with time, I'm always late or early, so I decided a while ago that the FBI have probably thought of everything in that regard, they're kinda smart like that.

So the FBI were at his shop, him there with his US phone (whatever that is) probably making coffee for the FBI guys and shooting the breeze, eating donuts together and eavesdropping like crazy, as LE were there for a day and a half...long enough to get friendly.

Also, being a small town, you can imagine his buddies happened in for a cup of joe as well and had their :twocents:. No doubt Mr Gamerdinger was one of them. :)

I have a lot of faith in the wisdom of older gentlemen, especially in packs, when they put their minds to something, so if they've decided it's eight minutes, and that if fits the FBI timeframe to boot, I'm willing to put my house on it.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall during that day and a half that's for sure.

It would be great if a poll could be done to see what our opinions are about what happened in this case.

I know the first 24 hours are critical but is there any data about how long abductions usually last before the abductees are released or found?

I just wondered how long an abductor is likely to hold on to the girls before it becomes too much of an inconvenience.

I am sorry if this upsets anyone there is nothing I want more than Lyric and Elizabeth to be found and alive.
I might find it funny too if either of you decide to let me know why you're laughing at me.

As far I know I didnt discuss anything from downstairs, if I did kindly advise what it was so I can remove it.

I'm sorry, I was both unclear and I misunderstood your post.

I'm not laughing at you at all.

I thought you asked me how I knew that further searches had gone on and I answered that my information came from the scanner thread.
If you look at the list of WS forums (at the bottom of each page, there's a dropdown list), there is a section that is called "Private Forums."

All the forums above that are often called the "upstairs" forums and the forums in the Private Forums area are often called the "basement" forums.

The scanner forum is located in the basement forums.

Yes I'm aware of the different areas, I've been here since 2008. But I dont understand why you're telling me I'm not suppose to discuss those things here. I didn't that I know of.

Oh man! If that isn't the truth! I'm not looking forward to the "teen years" with Lil Knot!!

My oldest son just turned 13. Oh my gosh! All of a sudden I know very little and make ridiculous demands and requests. How did I change so much?

(We're still very close and have a good time. But those ups and downs and possessions he experiences, teen indeed!)
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