IA - Jetseta Gage, 10, abducted & murdered, Cedar Rapids, 24 March 2005

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mysteriew said:
You would have thought that Mom would have thought to check out sex offenders, after she had run into the first one.
That's they way we all think, but not everyone is aware of the problem or have computer access to check it. Some people just struggle to get by day by day and the last thing on their mind is checking sex offender databases. It SHOULD be the first thing, but often it isn't. Very sad, but very true. And it's not just people who aren't well of. My daughter called her aunt one day after checking her zip code and asked her if she ever checked regularly for sex offenders in her neighborhood. Nope, she hasn't ever. And she has a young son and is upper middle class!!

This year has been unbelievable hasn't it.....

... Bentley is charged with first-degree murder and first-degree kidnapping...

... Bentley was sent to prison in 1994 for sexually abusing a 7-year-old Benton County girl ... a fact Jetseta’s family members have said they did not know ...

... Bentley’s brother, James Bentley, 33, of Vinton, is to stand trial in late May on charges that he molested Jetseta over a two-year period.

Prosecutors have said James Bentley abused the girl at his Vinton apartment in late October or November 2004 and in Linn County from January 2002 through November 2004.
press-citizen.com | Local News

Iowa Department of Human Resources officials expect an assessment into the death of 10-year-old Jetseta Gage last month to be completed next week.

However, DHS spokesmanm Roger Munns said he does not expect details of the assessment to be released anytime soon...
press-citizen.com | Local News

According to the trial information: Bentley "sexually abused and seriously injured" the girl, "bound her feet, tied a plastic bag over her head resulting in death by asphyxia." Bentley then hid Gage's body in a cabinet in an abandoned mobile home...

The tip that led to Bentley's arrest, within 11 hours of the abduction, came from an unnamed acquaintance. The unidentified "acquaintance" said she knew Bentley for about four or five years and showed him the land where the abandoned mobile home was located a "couple days" before the abduction, according to 911 call transcripts released Monday...
press-citizen.com | Local News

State social services now are involved in the case of 10-year-old Jetseta Gage...

He would not answer when the agency's assessment in Jetseta's case began but said it has 20 business days to complete it. The agency will work with police and prosecutors before releasing information...

Evidence shows Bentley molested and "seriously injured" Jetseta. He appeared to have blood on his clothing when arrested...
press-citizen.com | Local News

The House passed legislation Wednesday that would prohibit a convicted sex offender from living within 1,000 feet of a school or daycare center.

It was part of a larger measure that also would require convicted offenders to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet after their release, update their photographs annually and give DNA samples...

The swift action was prompted by the abduction and slaying of Jetseta Gage, 10, of Cedar Rapids last Thursday...

A measure in the Iowa Senate aimed at preventing cases like the sexual abuse and murder of 10-year-old Jetseta Gage last month would double the maximum prison term for people convicted of sexually abusing a child.

However, the promise by a Republican leader to propose making the sexual abuse and murder of a child a capital crime in Iowa revealed lingering tension over the death penalty in the evenly divided Senate...

Gronstal, who opposes the death penalty, said the financial costs of reinstating the death penalty would be greater than keeping offenders behind bars. Moreover, the support isn't there, the Council Bluffs leader said...
GazetteOnline - Lawmakers say they'll find $8 million for sex abuse law

Lawmakers vowed Thursday to find up to $8 million to pay for a crackdown on sex abusers, even as an acrimonious debate over reinstating the death penalty forced its way into the debate.

A bipartisan panel of Senators crafted a package toughening sex abuse laws in the wake of the slaying of a Cedar Rapids girl, but hard-liners insist that efforts to bring back the death sentence will be included next week...

Two-thirds of Iowans want to bring back the death penalty - an emotionally charged issue that has resurfaced at the Statehouse as lawmakers debate proposals to strengthen laws against child molesters...

... 67 percent of the state's adults favor re- instatement of capital punishment for certain crimes.

Iowa's death penalty law was repealed 40 years ago...
DHS report in girl's death due next week

... the 20-day time period the agency has to complete the investigation expires next week. He says because there is a pending court case, D-H-S will present the assessment to prosecutors who will then advise if the department should immediately release it to the public.

The proposal would have reinstated the death penalty in cases where a child was abducted, raped and killed. Republicans tried to attach the proposal to legislation that would enhance penalties for sex crimes against children...

But Senate Democratic Leader Michael Gronstal of Council Bluffs sought to block debate of the proposal, saying it did not meet legislative rules that require amendments to conform with the subject matter of the bill.

Senate Co-President Jack Kibbie, an Emmetsburg Democrat, who was presiding over the chamber this morning, ruled the amendment out of order...

Republican state senators pushing for a death penalty debate used an endorsement Tuesday from a relative of 10-year-old murder victim Jetseta Gage...

The Gage family endorsement came from Leo Williams, introduced by McKibben as a spokesman for the Cedar Rapids family at a Statehouse news conference.

"I think it would be an excellent deterrent. It won't bring Jetseta back. The family understands that," said Williams, whose wife is a first cousin of Jetseta Gage's mother.

"Jetseta was murdered brutally. She got punishment that no human possibly deserves," he said...

Opponents of the death penalty counter that Iowa already keeps its worst criminals behind bars for life, with no opportunity for parole. They question the deterrent value of the death penalty and say the punishment would be costly to administer...
press-citizen.com | Local News

Attorneys for alleged child abductor and killer Roger Bentley want a judge to dismiss the first-degree murder charge, saying prosecutors have not enabled Bentley to prepare a defense...


(Scroll below the first article)

Lawyers for a convicted sex offender charged in the kidnapping and slaying of a Cedar Rapids girl want prosecutors to give more details of the allegations or dismiss a charge of first-degree murder.

Roger Bentley, 37, of Brandon is charged with first-degree murder and kidnapping for the March 24 slaying of Jetseta Gage, 10...

Trial is scheduled for June 6.

GazetteOnline - Bentley attorneys ask for details of charges

... The motion for a "bill of particulars" asks the Johnson County Attorney's Office to clarify the exact provisions of Iowa law under which Bentley allegedly committed the murder and list the specific facts of the case upon which he will be tried...
GazetteOnline - Gage family lobbies for death penalty

A Cedar Rapids man speaking on behalf of murder victim Jetseta Gage's family today endorsed a Republican effort to reinstate a limited death penalty for predators who kidnap, sexually assault and kill a minor.

Gage family spokesman Leo Williams told a Statehouse news conference that a positive aftermath of Jetseta's tragic death would be protections to deter similar attacks in the future...

... seeking to reinstate a limited "child killer death penalty."

... Senate Democratic Leader Mike Gronstal of Council Bluffs said the effort is politically motivated and would bog down efforts to strike a budget compromise and address other pressing priorities this year.

Also, Gov. Tom Vilsack reiterated his opposition to reinstating the death penalty and pledged to veto the measure if it makes an unlikely journey to his desk.

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