IA IA - Johnny Gosch, 12, W Des Moines, 5 Sept 1982 - What happened? - #1

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Godzorphan, I apologize for asking what you do with this information... I missed one of your posts above which explains your involvement. Good for you for the work you're doing!
First, from one newbie to another, Welcome! Glad to have you here.

During the course of your research, did you ever come across anything that would put Gosch in Denver in the summer of 1986?

Thanks in advance
Welcome Godzorphan, will be reading your posts with lots of interest. i am "new' to this case but really keen to read all I can.
HeartofTexas said:
To this day, I don't have a clue what to do with any of the information I absorbed.
HeartofTexas said:
That's been part of my dilemma as well. Did some good in almost 20 years but the more I researched the more I realized how difficult it would be to make much of a dent. But had to try, right?

I was very confused about Gunderson before I finished my research. At times I thought he was a savior, and other times I was totally confused. Now I find myself skimming over his name when I read because I really don't know where to slot the information about him. Bottom line, though, is that I don't think I trust him.

I was so naive when I first got into this that I was just happy that someone with Gunderson's credentials thought I was on their team. It took me a long time to realize it's HIS team I needed to dissociate from. For a while he went around with another conspiracy "deprogrammer" who turned out to be a very dangerous man, not only spreading disinformation and soaking victims, but was dangerous to me personally. it's a long story. Suffice it to say my philosophy these days is "I trust God. Everybody else pull out your credentials."

And, to be real honest, in order to restore my crumbling foundation and sanity, and in the absence of knowing what to do with any of the info I read, I've pretty much walked away from it all. Occasionally, when I read a thread like this I'm drawn back in for a short while, but I find myself pushing away from it rather quickly, simply because the old feelings of confusion and disillusionment start gnawing at me again.

I totally understand that. In fact, since half of what I did involved occult crimes, (the other half crimes against children) I was a victim of the "satanic panic" backlash of the 1990's. So I'm not a fan of the "satanic conspiracists are all nuts and we should not listen" camp. But they did enough damage, and hurt enough good people and crack investigators that I worked with, that I kind of just thought, well, forget it. I'll teach when asked but you know what? We're done. Then I got the photo info Monday, looked at them, didn't sleep, and thought, ok, maybe it's time to get back to work on this stuff.

What do you do with the information? Are you involved in the pursuit of these people, or do you just to research, like me?

Let's just say I never stopped taking notes. I never stopped quietly pursuing every lead I could get. Got a large file from a runner from a child trade org. in another state, verified a lot of the info, and some of it dovetailed with the places Gosch/Franklin perps hung out. So, still doing it. Hopefully will put more energy into it now that it appears someone is bringing this case back out to the foray, for whatever reasons.

It's hard to care when it's about kids and it seems so helpless sometimes. Not sure if I could help unravel some of the confusion or separate fact from not but if it would help I'd be glad to try. Unfortunately only two voices were heard in the last decade or so: the loud, off-the-reservation rantings of Gunderson and Co., or the ridiculous denials of S/A Ken Lanning, etc. The truth is inbetween. But to deny it because the claims are extraordinary is to miss the law some of these people live by: "The gurantee of our tomorrow is today's perception that we do not exist."

Shadow205 said:

Totally off topic but I saw where you have done work with Cults. Have you ever done any research on Synanon? If you have time, read through another thread here on a missing girl named Rose Cole who disappeared after being sent to Synanon. Here are the threads:


Not specifically, only as it might touch on scientology - but thanks for the links, and I will check them out. Thanks to everyone BTW for kind words, I am sure it will help once the flaming starts! :furious: p.s. sorry if the type in my posts is too large, I'm new at this and besides the bigger type helps my eyes.
Trocaria said:
First, from one newbie to another, Welcome! Glad to have you here.

During the course of your research, did you ever come across anything that would put Gosch in Denver in the summer of 1986?

Thanks in advance
Thanks for the welcome! There had been some indication Gosch was in that general area around that time - I think I got it from the investigator on the Franklin case - more like Colorado Springs. But believe me, my ears always perk up when I hear Colorado - in fact, regarding child trade, Aryan groups and occult stuff, it seems like "all paths lead to Colorado."
Godzorphan, thanks for your answers. I admire what you're doing and would certainly be willing to help if there's any way you think I can. There are several of us on here that could do some research if you needed help. If you need me, just click on my name and it will offer you the option of PM'ing me... feel free to PM (Private Message) me any time.
Regarding a comment made earlier as to whether or not Noreen suspected her husband in her son's disappearance, according to her book she does. I read Why Johnny Can't Come Home, and in it she says that there were a couple of suspicious moments between Johnny and his father. One instance I remember reading about involved a time when Johnny's father took him to visit an air force base, and when they returned Johnny acted very strangely. I think the implication was that he (Johnny's father) was selling or giving his son away to the pedophile ring, and the visit to the air force base was just one part of the whole MK-Ultra conspiracy. I'm not sure I buy into all that, but that's what was implied in the book.

I still have the book and could cite the source, but I'll have to wait until it's not 11:00 on a work night, you know?
Hi Everyone. Thank you for letting me join this website. It is awesome! I have always been interested in missing childrens cases. so sad that some of these kids vanish into thin air and the sicko responsible for it might still be walking the streets.

I have Noreen Gosch's book "Why Johnny can't come home" and there is so much scandal, information, and cover up in that book I don't know what to believe. I have a hard time believing that Johnny visited her in 1997, and that there was a warning a second carrier was going to be kidnapped and yet nothing was done about it (Eugene Martin).

I am disturbed that if the child *advertiser censored* links to the Franklin Credit Union Scandal/Larry King is true, why isn't anyone in jail for the sex abuse? Many people still are not aware of the huge scandal associated with Franklin Credit Union and I am disturbed some real sickos that victimized children are on the streets.

In her book, there was some sort of link between some midnight phone calls Noreens husband was getting and Johnny's disappearance, can someone refresh my memory?

Great website! another one I will be addicted too lol.

Nocgirl said:
Hi Everyone. Thank you for letting me join this website. It is awesome! I have always been interested in missing childrens cases. so sad that some of these kids vanish into thin air and the sicko responsible for it might still be walking the streets.

I have Noreen Gosch's book "Why Johnny can't come home" and there is so much scandal, information, and cover up in that book I don't know what to believe. I have a hard time believing that Johnny visited her in 1997, and that there was a warning a second carrier was going to be kidnapped and yet nothing was done about it (Eugene Martin).

I am disturbed that if the child *advertiser censored* links to the Franklin Credit Union Scandal/Larry King is true, why isn't anyone in jail for the sex abuse? Many people still are not aware of the huge scandal associated with Franklin Credit Union and I am disturbed some real sickos that victimized children are on the streets.

In her book, there was some sort of link between some midnight phone calls Noreens husband was getting and Johnny's disappearance, can someone refresh my memory?

Great website! another one I will be addicted too lol.

If I recall, Johnny's father had received some phone calls, the last being, I think, early Sunday morning, shortly after Johnny was abducted. Noreen believes that Johnny's father was being informed that Johnny had been abducted; the deed was done. It's been awhile since I read the book, but that's what I recall.
I also got the impression from the sample I read of her book that she thought her husband was involved. If so, how sick. She points to the fact that mysterious phone calls had been coming in the middle of the night but nobody ever talked, then the morning Johnny went missing her husband spoke to someone briefly but said it was a wrong number. I'm sure there is more proof to her belief than this, but I haven't read the entire book. You certainly don't hear anything about Daddy Gosch in the news. I believe he still lives in the family home if I'm not mistaken. My curiousity also goes to the other siblings, what is their stand on this whole thing their mother believes? I haven't heard any family members support or criticize her.
Nocgirl said:
I am disturbed that if the child *advertiser censored* links to the Franklin Credit Union Scandal/Larry King is true, why isn't anyone in jail for the sex abuse? Many people still are not aware of the huge scandal associated with Franklin Credit Union and I am disturbed some real sickos that victimized children are on the streets.

Hi Kim,
Larry King, the head of the ring and manager of the Franklin Bank in Nebraska which he used as a front, went to jail for some time.

Unfortunately, Troy Boner, one of the street kids who originally testified about the pedo ring, showed up last year at a hospital in Albuquerque, hysterical and carrying a copy of The Franklin Cover-Up and telling them, "I'm the one in this book" and that they were going to kill him. I believe they kept him for observation overnight and he was found dead the next morning.
godzorphan, did you get my private message?
If you want, I can ask it here instead.
godzorphan said:
Hi Kim,
Larry King, the head of the ring and manager of the Franklin Bank in Nebraska which he used as a front, went to jail for some time.

Unfortunately, Troy Boner, one of the street kids who originally testified about the pedo ring, showed up last year at a hospital in Albuquerque, hysterical and carrying a copy of The Franklin Cover-Up and telling them, "I'm the one in this book" and that they were going to kill him. I believe they kept him for observation overnight and he was found dead the next morning.
Hi Godzorphan, I am an Aussie and had never heard of Johnny until a week ago when these photos turned up.Can you give me any links to catch up with all this franklin stuff. I do not normally like to ask because I do not like being a pain but would like to learn more. Thankyou in advance.Kazz.
HeartofTexas said:
I agree... and shaken to the core is a good way to put it. It was like everything I believed in all my life was taken away from me in just a few brief hours, and I was left with a crumbling foundation. To this day, I don't have a clue what to do with any of the information I absorbed.

David Icke has info on his website about pedo sex rings. I quoted your post because it totally describes how I felt/feel after reading his book "The Biggest Secret." Talk about everything you believed your whole life being taken away....after I read this book, I literally felt like I was walking around in a state of shock for a week....

Anyway, has anybody here read the book? Icke firmly believes that the child sex rings happen.....he believes alot of things that the general public would surely scoff at, Bohemian Grove, etc. Fascinating to me!
julianne said:

David Icke has info on his website about pedo sex rings. I quoted your post because it totally describes how I felt/feel after reading his book "The Biggest Secret." Talk about everything you believed your whole life being taken away....after I read this book, I literally felt like I was walking around in a state of shock for a week....

Anyway, has anybody here read the book? Icke firmly believes that the child sex rings happen.....he believes alot of things that the general public would surely scoff at, Bohemian Grove, etc. Fascinating to me!
Most notably, he believes that we're ruled by extraterrestrial lizards...
But, you know, that might just be a metaphor.

Anyway, I think people mostly scoff at him because of the lizard thing.
Hurry up and wait:

September 7, 2006

Police continue to look at Gosch photos

West Des Moines police say they continue to investigate photos that appear to show Johnny Gosch, the West Des Moines boy who disappeared at age 12 in 1982.

Noreen Gosch said she received the photos the last weekend of August. She told The Des Moines Register she believed at least two of the photos contained her son.

Gosch turned the photos over to West Des Moines police, who then sent them to the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation's crime lab. Lt. Jeff Miller said the department has not yet received information from the DCI regarding the legitimacy of the photos.

"It's a priority case in our opinion," Miller said on Wednesday
. --->> http://desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060907/NEWS08/609070389/1001/NEWS
LovelyPigeon said:
Hurry up and wait:

September 7, 2006

Police continue to look at Gosch photos

West Des Moines police say they continue to investigate photos that appear to show Johnny Gosch, the West Des Moines boy who disappeared at age 12 in 1982.

Noreen Gosch said she received the photos the last weekend of August. She told The Des Moines Register she believed at least two of the photos contained her son.

Gosch turned the photos over to West Des Moines police, who then sent them to the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation's crime lab. Lt. Jeff Miller said the department has not yet received information from the DCI regarding the legitimacy of the photos.

"It's a priority case in our opinion," Miller said on Wednesday. --->> http://desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060907/NEWS08/609070389/1001/NEWS
The way the above is written at least two of the photos contained her son. It sounds like there were more than the 2 photos that we have seen. If that is the case, I sure would like to see the rest of the photos.
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