Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #12

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Since the rumor about a red shirt is already out, why would it hurt LE to admit they found a shirt? Even if they don't expand upon what they found, the perp would know if it is 'the' shirt or not.
Honestly, I can't understand this case (LE behavior) one bit.

I got booted and lost this post (I thought). Then, it reappeared so I tried to delete it.
Now, I can't delete - so I'll post it afterall.

It would just open a can of worms. Where is mollie? Is it her shirt? How did it get there? Whose house is it near? It would probably jeopardize the investigation.
So what seems to be the overall consensus here? Not that our opinion matters in reality, but curious to see what people's thoughts are, especially those of individuals who are experienced sleuths.

JMO/Speculations/My own 2 cents.

If she is alive, it was a random stranger abduction/kidnapping or she voluntarily went missing on her own. Although her pre-disappearance behavior doesn't align with someone who would walk away from their life.

If she is deceased, foul play/abducted/murdered by a familiar person after she left the house in the early morning intending to pick-up the car and then go to work. She had obligations and was expected to be work, travel, + attend the wedding etc. Suicide; while taking into consideration her pre-disappearance behavior doesn't align with suicide, we will never know what she was going through or be thinking if the suicide was successful. But I am sure LE would have already found something about suicide in her google searches on her computer if this was the case.
Again... I have worn contacts for over 20 years and I am blind as a bat. Yes, I sleep with them and I cannot leave the house without my "eyes". Again, I stash disposable contacts all over the place (Purse, bathroom, car, my office desk, make-up case etc.) + I have a few pairs of glasses. The fact her contacts/glasses were found at the house, doesn't mean they were her only pair. I wear "dailies" and I have over 100 pairs of contacts. If she wore contacts, they sell them by the pack of 6 +, not just 1 pair. Hope this helps everyone who doesn't wear corrective lenses.
Totally agree about the contacts/glasses -- if her vision is really that poor, she would have several pairs of glasses/contacts in more than one place. No doubt. I was the same way before lens implants. Not a read flag, IMO.

Watch Live: News conference regarding the Mollie Tibbets search

More than 30 powerful, still photo's at link above...
So what seems to be the overall consensus here? Not that our opinion matters in reality, but curious to see what people's thoughts are, especially those of individuals who are experienced sleuths.

Great question, Pelican!

My theory has been that Mollie was taken while walking towards her Mom's very early in the morning. 6:15 to 6:30ish a.m. Maybe even earlier.

The abduction occurred before her brother contacted her cell to find out whether she needed the car they shared.

Mollie let the dogs out, fed them and then put the dogs in the basement

It was too early to text anyone - they would still all be asleep

I think she planned to have breakfast with her Mom then take the car to work

They didn't lock doors so no need to take keys

She didn't take her wallet because she tucked some cash inside a pocket or with her cell phone. She took her driver's license but no other I.D. or credit cards

*Mollie had extra sets of contact lenses -usually people do because the chance of losing or dropping one is pretty high

She was wearing her Fitbit as usual

She may have been listening to music with her earphones (her brother said she usually did this while running)

She left before the rain started

Someone had been watching her movements for quite sometime, waiting

He knew she was home alone because he was always watching

He knew she would soon be heading to the Dominican R. for the wedding (common knowledge in a small town)

This was his perfect opportunity he had been waiting for

The rain started

He had been waiting in his car and he pulled up and offered her a lift

She knew him, perhaps not well, but she knew him and had no reason not to trust him

There was no evidence of a scuffle on the road because she accepted the ride - his offer didn't seem out of the ordinary. Mollie grew up in Brooklyn and most people were friendly and helpful

He took a side road on the way to her Mom's house

The evidence is somewhere but the investigators have yet to find it

He is closely watching the investigation and possibly took part in a search for Mollie

He has planned this in his mind and fantasized for this for a very long time

He had a love/hate obsession for Mollie. Possibly for years

His behavior in this appears he is an "organized" perpetrator as per F.B.I. classifications.

There was nothing pointing to "random" in this abduction

It had been planned for sometime. He only needed the opportunity.

He took the opportunity

*the possibility of Mollie having an extra set of contact lenses has not been confirmed and is a belief I have that most contact lense users have multiple pairs.
Have you ever seen one of the big slurry ponds? I think it would take hundreds of tanker loads to empty it. And I'm just guessing here but I'd imagine that a body tossed into one of these cesspools would degrade to nothing faster than it could be recovered. I'm sure it could be attempted but I'm also sure there is a cost/benefit analysis that would have to bear out first before such an undertaking. It would be interesting to research and see if a body has ever been recovered from a hog slurry pit.

Couldnt they drag it with some sort of net?
Thank you Pelican95! I am now wondering if LE can retrieve snaps which were never made part of a story.
And I wonder if someone can use a tablet or computer and the snip tool to avoid notification sent to someone about screenshooting someone's image?
From what I've heard, Snapchats are still stored on the server for a period of time, even though they "delete" from the user's point of view. I am sure that LE has probably gotten some of these from Snapchat. As far as screenshotting, there are methods to screenshot without notifying the sender; I am not sure how well these methods work though, or if they even do at all. For example, I have heard that by timing a Snapchat and opening it up while your phone is on Airplane Mode allows you to take a quick screenshot without notifying the user, but I have never tried this and am unsure. I believe there are also applications that supposedly allow you to screenshot without notifications, too. As far as Snapchat on the computer, apparently it can be used there as well, but again I have never tried it before, nor do I know anyone who uses Snapchat in this manner.
Assuming the red shirt was, indeed, Mollie’s (and, unfortunately, it would appear that it was, considering the time & manpower — and W claiming to know nothing at all about it — allotted to searching after its alleged discovery), that lends much less credence to both suicide & voluntary disappearance theories.
my feeling is it is NOT like an SK to completely dispose of a body, from the ten million books i have read on this subject it is my opinion that they rather like to leave bodies lying around, either to revisit them fantasy purposes , or to hope they will be found so they can enjoy the shock and trauma that ensues once their quarry has been discovered.

those murdered by individuals known to the victim tend to be deep sixed, think Laci Peterson, think Susan extreme measures were taken to hide the crime.

I feel like she's out there in the woods, because I think she was abducted and possibly taken somewhere away from the house as part of a fantasy, as fantasy is what drives most
SK's .
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I'm hoping....

She took off and ran. She couldn't be the Mollie they expected, and saw no future in current romance. Mollie is a psych major and a poet - heady territory for reaching beyond.
Yes, police can lie to a suspect, but they rarely (I can't find any cases) lie to the public about clearing someone. Being "cleared" simply means that the police strongly believe that someone has no involvement in a crime.
It depends on the case. I think they cleared those people but are monitoring their activities/text messages/etc. They will just tell the media they cleared them to get the person responsible to mess up by trying to dump evidence, or send a revealing text message to someone else, etc.
Assuming the red shirt was, indeed, Mollie’s (and, unfortunately, it would appear that it was, considering the time & manpower — and W claiming to know nothing at all about it — allotted to searching after its alleged discovery), that lends much less credence to both suicide & voluntary disappearance theories.
Yes it certainly does. Although I would add that the rest of the details, as we know them, also push back against suicide/voluntary disappearance.
Question: Is it a known fact that Mollie was walking to her mom's house in the early morning hours for work or is this just speculation? I just want to make sure. Thanks!
Taking everything at face value and going only from what we know to be facts - IMHO Mollie was abducted. She had a family and boyfriend and was in regular contact with them. She was not depressed or suicidal; quite the opposite, she was looking foward to her trip to the DR. As to who abducted her, IMHO, it could be someone she met at college - a professor or fellow student - someone she knew who had a secret obsession. Or not. We really don't have enough information at this point. The fact that LE is searching in the opposite direction of where Mollie was running tells me that they have an idea of where she is/was.
Why was mollie going to the doctor? I had wondered when i heard this if she could possibly be pregnant.

Iowa officials are concerned about their reputation with regards to missing persons, so they used time in the PC to dispel the “myth”.
My sense is they attempted today to calm fears about juvi statistics in Iowa, but I'm not sure the effort was completely successful. I wish the press would/could jump on this report and start pulling apart what exactly has been going on in Iowa since this report was first generated as clearly there is both a runaway and abduction issue amongst the juvi population that is concerning (it doesn't seem these categories are differentiated for reporting purposes). I'm not sure that its as simple as a state official speaking in general terms at a PC on the topic and then thinking people will simply take the statement at face value. To also say that current stats are within historical ranges doesn't do much to provide comfort that the state is looking out for the welfare of the vulnerable parts of its population. It also seems that solving these many juvi cases is in the hands of local LE so I'm not sure what control/power that the State of Iowa has over the situation other than reporting statistics? I think the citizens deserve to hear more on this topic from someone that might have the ability to perhaps work on the situation such as the Governor or Head of State Police (just did a quick search and could not find the Governor speaking to this issue recently unfortunately). Hearing from the person that compiles the information does little in my mind to calm the issue and people are right to be concerned IMO.
If the red shirt find is true, and it is actually the shirt she wore to her job at the camp, it seems it could be she was abducted as she left the house in the morning.
Great question, Pelican!

My theory has been that Mollie was taken while walking towards her Mom's very early in the morning. 6:15 to 6:30ish a.m. Maybe even earlier.

The abduction occurred before her brother contacted her cell to find out whether she needed the car they shared.

Mollie let the dogs out, fed them and then put the dogs in the basement

It was too early to text anyone - they would still all be asleep

I think she planned to have breakfast with her Mom then take the car to work

They didn't lock doors so no need to take keys

She didn't take her wallet because she tucked some cash inside a pocket or with her cell phone. She took her driver's license but no other I.D. or credit cards

*Mollie had extra sets of contact lenses -usually people do because the chance of losing or dropping one is pretty high

She was wearing her Fitbit as usual

She may have been listening to music with her earphones (her brother said she usually did this while running)

She left before the rain started

Someone had been watching her movements for quite sometime, waiting

He knew she was home alone because he was always watching

He knew she would soon be heading to the Dominican R. for the wedding (common knowledge in a small town)

This was his perfect opportunity he had been waiting for

The rain started

He had been waiting in his car and he pulled up and offered her a lift

She knew him, perhaps not well, but she knew him and had no reason not to trust him

There was no evidence of a scuffle on the road because she accepted the ride - his offer didn't seem out of the ordinary. Mollie grew up in Brooklyn and most people were friendly and helpful

He took a side road on the way to her Mom's house

The evidence is somewhere but the investigators have yet to find it

He is closely watching the investigation and possibly took part in a search for Mollie

He has planned this in his mind and fantasized for this for a very long time

He had a love/hate obsession for Mollie. Possibly for years

His behavior in this appears he is an "organized" perpetrator as per F.B.I. classifications.

There was nothing pointing to "random" in this abduction

It had been planned for sometime. He only needed the opportunity.

He took the opportunity

*the possibility of Mollie having an extra set of contact lenses has not been confirmed and is a belief I have that most contact lense users have multiple pairs.

That makes sense... if the red shirt was found (here is a link, but not sure this is an allowable source: Red shirt tied to missing Iowa college student, 20, found near previously searched pig farm | Daily Mail Online) it reminds of the Holly Bobo case.

The reason I point that out, is if the red shirt was the work shirt she wore to her job at the camp, then it makes sense she was abducted leaving for work.

I may have missed it, but assume her car was still parked at the house?
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