Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #12

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Hello, I'm new here. I've been following this case & thread (as much as one can with 12 posts, 40+ pages each). Just something small that I thought of that I'm sure LE has thought of or looked at..did she use any run apps like Map My Run? Often times, people will post/share their routes on social media...I personally don't but if she did, it would show her start & end points as well as her route. If she regularly ran certain routes (which I believe I heard from media reports) then it would be easy to know exactly where she ran, even where she lived (if one didn't already know). Even if you were just friends with her on SM, this possibility along with other details mentioned about how much she shared publicly on SM, could make it easier for someone to get to know her, her patterns, routines, etc... If the perp was just acquaintance she doesn't interact with regularly, it gives them an "in" and a way to connect with her and she may not be as guarded with someone like that?
Offering a very 'unusual' scenario:

Something snapped in her. 'Ran away'. Sounds unusual I know. But it happens. People do go psychotic or manic under stress. Make poor decisions. Some not even psychotic. I knew a guy (although he was 40ish) who suddenly disappeared. Ten years later knocked on my door in a city 300 miles from his house, to ask about relatives. That is a true story and remains a bizarre memory even now 30 years later.

If she 'ran away' she smartly would throw away any tracking device.

I know that is just a crazy theory but it happens in a country with 320 million people. Things go on that are beyond what fiction writers put down in stories.
My morning thoughts after catching up a bit. Wednesday evening. Mollie prepares for her run. Puts dogs in basement, sends bf a snap and off she goes with the things she uses for a run.
On her run a car pulls up and Mollie gets into the car/truck for some reason. Stun gun is used and off they go. Mollie is now either with that person, examples of Dugard, Smart or Hernandez and now Mollie is no more.
I would guess LE is keeping it very tight to the vest in case she is still alive and somehow they can find and save her.
There was a post a few days ago, the day of the last hog farm search. The poster said he/she was part of that last search and mentioned that the findings, if any, would be discussed at the press conference yesterday. Wondering if that person has posted again since....
Good morning fellow sleuthers!

Thread #13 is open.

IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #13

This thread will close in 10 minutes.
Too bad one of her co-workers doesn't post here. The issue with the red shirt could be resolved quickly and easily. Mom did state that both Mollie's red shirts were in her room, but also stated that she couldn't rule out the existence of a 3rd red shirt. A co-worker could answer if new shirts had been given out for this specific field trip.

Dear Pixie Dust,

I believe that law enforcement have cautioned everyone to stay silent about what they know, co-workers, etc.

Otherwise, people who want to help by relaying what they know certainly would have by now. They have been advised that any information could be vital to this investigation and the best way they can help - is to keep facts to themselves.

There is such a tight lock on the information the authorities have.

I really think co-workers, etc. have been interviewed and heavily cautioned not to divulge anything.

That is the only reason I can think of as to why we are hearing statements from co-workers, etc.
As a mother, I would tear down every tree, rip up every barn and stop at nothing or anyone to find one of my kids or grandchildren.

After 2weeks no one short of a jail cell would stop me from speaking.

Sorry. I messed up placement.


Dear kkdj,

My thought is that Mollie's Mom reached the point of despair and has refused to stay there. She's turned from despair into "resilience" and her behavior has changed. That's why she gave the interview, in my opinion.

I think she will continue to be more vocal.

Just my opinion.
I in no way can reconcile that Mollie was just met with foul play by a random stranger that day while out jogging because it is way too coincidental that "wrong place at the wrong time" just so happened to be on a night when both her BF and the homeowners were all out of town. A stalker is the bare minimum scenario IMO, however a stalker whom is an acquaintance to someone she is close to at least because this person would have had to have fettered out that BF and BJ/AH were out of town and not just coming home late that night or out at the bar or whatever.
Dear Pixie Dust,

I believe that law enforcement have cautioned everyone to stay silent about what they know, co-workers, etc.

Otherwise, people who want to help by relaying what they know certainly would have by now. They have been advised that any information could be vital to this investigation and the best way they can help - is to keep facts to themselves.

There is such a tight lock on the information the authorities have.

I really think co-workers, etc. have been interviewed and heavily cautioned not to divulge anything.

That is the only reason I can think of as to why we are hearing statements from co-workers, etc.

There is a video interview of her boss by the news, easily found online. But that's it.
Happy Good Morning all!

I wanted to reply to you yesterday but the thread was locked.

When it comes to skill to force someone to comply it might only take a person with a gun in his/her hand pointed at you! That may have been the only thing necessary here AND when you factor in that they didn't routinely lock their doors AND even though the house or the street were her last geo points if a person jumped out of a row of corn with a gun, or came up beside her as she ran and pointed a gun. If she was knocked to the ground first by either a car or truck and then faced someone with a gun she would even have been more likely to comply.

When you say Masterful - do you mean imposing? Or were your driving home that the person was adept/proficient?

If a gun or weapon was not used, then I do believe the person responsible for her disappearance was most likely BIGGER- and hence, imposing to Mollie in that instance and afterwards.

All my opinion of course.
Thanks for responding. When I said skilled or masterful, I was thinking adept/ that they left the house unscathed by any sign of struggle. I do agree the presence of a gun could lead someone to comply in a way that didn't leave evidence of a struggle (tho I am sure we all like to hope she would still struggle and be somewhat aware that it'd be better to struggle against a gun then get into a vehicle and be taken elsewhere).

I also tend to think, if she was taken against her will, that it was more of a manipulation or ruse that got her to go (an acquaintance asked for help or "let's grab coffee, I need to talk to someone") and that it happened in a remote part of the community/neighborhood rather than on the bf's property. Because unless the person is one of her roommates, there'd be no guarantee that a camera in or on the house or in the neighborhood wouldn't capture something.

But you are right in raising the possibility of a surprise intruder with a gun.
Hello, I'm new here. I've been following this case & thread (as much as one can with 12 posts, 40+ pages each). Just something small that I thought of that I'm sure LE has thought of or looked at..did she use any run apps like Map My Run? Often times, people will post/share their routes on social media...I personally don't but if she did, it would show her start & end points as well as her route. If she regularly ran certain routes (which I believe I heard from media reports) then it would be easy to know exactly where she ran, even where she lived (if one didn't already know). Even if you were just friends with her on SM, this possibility along with other details mentioned about how much she shared publicly on SM, could make it easier for someone to get to know her, her patterns, routines, etc... If the perp was just acquaintance she doesn't interact with regularly, it gives them an "in" and a way to connect with her and she may not be as guarded with someone like that?
I remember early on somebody checked on Strava and I looked at Map My Run and didn't see easily findable (real/ full name) profiles for her on either of those. Not to say she didn't have one and it was private or under a different username or something, but her social media is all under her actual name so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't know if other similar apps were checked, but I also find it a little odd that she would only use a Fitbit for run tracking (and it seems likely her Fitbit didn't have GPS) given how much she ran and the post about maybe doing a half marathon. I tend to think that she must have used SOMETHING else besides just the Fitbit to track her running...
Dear Pixie Dust,

I believe that law enforcement have cautioned everyone to stay silent about what they know, co-workers, etc.

Otherwise, people who want to help by relaying what they know certainly would have by now. They have been advised that any information could be vital to this investigation and the best way they can help - is to keep facts to themselves.

There is such a tight lock on the information the authorities have.

I really think co-workers, etc. have been interviewed and heavily cautioned not to divulge anything.

That is the only reason I can think of as to why we are hearing statements from co-workers, etc.

The other possibility is that there simply is no information. One would think 'leaks' would start appearing. Leaks from the White House occur within seconds of an incident. With this many people involved I would have expected someone leaking information.
Going over just who LE has probably looked into or interviewed. Mollie's, mom, brothers, cousins. Residents of the home she is staying in plus their brothers, sisters, family. Neighbors. Electric Workers next door. Workers at the bf's brothers const. company. Town friends. College friends. FB friends. People she worked with. Anybody else you can think of?
- Anyone she is known to have communicated with recently, whether by text, Snapchat, phone call, email, etc.
- family’s friends
Related to this topic is the commentary from the first PC where the spokesman made numerous references to the fact the team was attempting to answer the question of , 'who was MT?'. There are obviously many levels to answering this question but I wonder if the public facade of MT was somehow different from the 'real MT' in a way that baffled LE? or if the public and private MT profiles are one in the same? Analyzing the MT digital footprint no doubt has largely answered this question for LE (we can just see the VSCO, Twitter and FB public info) but maybe things were found in the digital search that didn't add up to the earlier assumptions? Inconsistencies found after doing analysis always bear further consideration and maybe MT was more complex than the earlier characterizations? My sense is that we know more about MT today than when this event happened, but I am absolutely convinced there is sooo much more to this story that we are not privy to at this point. I don't want to run afoul of TOS issues but I keep trying to think about what LE might have found in their forensic digital analysis that confounded them.
Right. Again, I know we both agree that it's unlikely, but if we're trying to imagine a scenario where an otherwise responsible girl with a normal history of behavior might choose to "no call, no show" or stay out late, it's possible she wanted to avoid someone at work too.

This doesn't mean that person had anything to do with it, but it's possible she had a conflict of some sort (or was planning on quitting soon to go back to school anyways) and just did something out of character for her.

I'll keep repeating I think she was abducted or manipulated by an acquaintance, most probably while walking/jogging in a more remote area, but I'm trying to explore other avenues simply bc the family and police seem to be talking to if they have reason to hope she's with someone who might control her but not kill her.

I just had a thought - I wonder if there would have been a reason she did NOT want to go to the fair with the kids the next day? This is bouncing of what you're suggesting, @BessDrew - maybe there was something about that she didn't want and that would encourage her to make an otherwise out-of-character decision to skip out on work that day?

Again again (lol) I think it's highly unlikely, but I think something like that could have led her to make an impulsive choice like going for a ride with someone the night before that she could have even regretted right away but by then it would have been too late. Like, I'll go out and it doesn't matter if it's late because I really don't want to go to the fair anyway.

Which makes me wonder about people she knew would be at the fair who she wouldn't have wanted to encounter.

Another stretch, I know...
Living in this rural town where crime is extremely low would make one feel very at ease about doing almost anything. It does leave one vulnerable and is an easier place to commit an act against another unsuspecting person.
Much as I think this "crime" (we really don't know for sure yet) was more than likely committed by someone Mollie knows, it could be a random out of towner just seeing an opportunity. My first thought was this was a stalker who seized the moment. My first thought could have been this was an argument gone bad but with no known crime scene or known struggle I can't say that at this time.
More than not crimes against another are committed by someone they know. For now, I'm going with that. I suspect if we stay close to her circle the perp will be discovered.
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