Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #15

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The burglary on her street from two days earlier is interesting to me. I mapped it and it is .4 miles from MT's BF's house where she was staying.
I wonder if anyone more local can get additional details of the incident for us. Was there a domestic element at all? Was anyone arrested? What if anything was taken? Was it forced entry? Etc.
I believe WC was cooperating with the search of the property so it could just be to clarify some things or follow up on the search of the hog farm. They may be planning further searches of the farm and wanted some information that would help make those searches more efficient. Maybe they asked if he would re-consider the polygraph? Maybe they want him to know they are keeping an eye on him? Maybe they are actually looking at someone else but want to keep the attention off the other person? Could be a lot of things.
LE does this frequently in cases where they think a person could be involved but don't know for sure. So you keep going back to them, keep trying to confuse them and see if they slip up. This is why it pays for LE to keep specific case details private because if someone (not just WC - anyone) starts talking about them, that's obviously a giveaway. It seems like a fishing trip.
I haven't followed the case for a few days. Probably missed a few updates. Not feeling particularly welcome here today - scared to comment on something you talked about this morning while I was eating breakfast.


Don’t feel outcast. If approved most make it a point to extend the utmost courtesy. Everyone is welcome it’s the kind way to interact.
My first post, so hopefully I'm not posting something I shouldn't. I have been a lurker since the day after Lindsey Baum disappeared. I didn't feel the need to post on that thread, as I shared the same suspicions as many other people.

The rules of what can and can't be posted seem a little different on this thread as compared to Lindsey's thread. That being said....

I'm leaning towards (please delete if I'm posting something I shouldn't) thinking that whoever was supposed to pick MT up for work in the morning has her. There have been no statements as far as I can see from LE or the media that *insert name* arrived at the boyfriend's home to pick up MT and she was missing. Certainly one of her coworkers or brother had to have knowledge of how she was getting to work in the morning. Why is LE keeping this information close to the chest regardless of whether she disappeared the night before or that morning?
Hi Veracity - Yes, I drove that gravel road north to 6; then came back south as well on the same road to get that perspective as well.

DJ's house is quite visible and a strange car in the driveway would be very noticeable - IMHO.

There's one house about twenty yards away to the NW and another one to the West - across the gravel road - maybe 100 yards away?

Yes - went over the creek - small to medium size.

Hope that helps!?

Wow -- thanks for the tour, Mr Obvious! You made the area out there come alive! I would assume that there are no street lights or farm lights out there (?), and things would be very dark at night, especially with neighbors so far away. SMH.

Oh, where is our sweet Mollie?
I don't know....

Is it just something a dad would say while holding on to hope?

Or is this a viable theory?

I think it's more than hope based on the way the pressers have been, it's as if they've been talking to someone. Now that they've cancelled tomorrow it makes me wonder if they have been communicating in some way with the perp.
I had a very wise friend who once said:

What appear to be coordinated events are likely random
And what appears to be coincidence is often very much related.

Yeah he was a contrarian, but his nostrum has proven true many times.
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Re the fitbit heart monitor...I have an Apple Watch and I pay a lot of attention to my heart rate on it due to being on a small beta blocker. I don’t know if FitBits are similar, but it really only takes readings every 4-7 minutes or so. There have been times I have run up stairs, but if the watch chooses not to grab a reading, it won’t catch my spike. If it does, though, I’ll see the spike. So if they are looking for a specific spike in HR, it’s kind of a luck thing, unless her HR stayed elevated long enough for the FitBit to naturally catch the reading.

Fitbit's record your heart rate every 5 seconds in normal mode, however if you start an activity e.g. running (either manually or by auto-detection), it will record your heart rate every 1 second.

You can clearly see spikes in your heart rate during exercise, but of course your heart rate doesn't leap instantly from 80 bpm to 160bpm, and it tends to take longer to drop back to normal.

LE will only have the data up to the point it was synced with the fitbit servers, which may be some time before any event...
Mention of this creek really stands out to me.
Does Big Bear Creek stand out to you because it's a large, fast moving body of water in Brooklyn where Mollie could have been hidden and/or carried downstream to a location outside of town?

With 'the world' of possibilities still on the table for why Mollie went missing, 1) is still that she fell/was pushed into the water and carried away, either near the HS or on one of her regular routines, or being dropped off somewhere along the creek, and 2) Travelers on I 80 and Hwy 6 are visually able to see flag displays in Brooklyn, so a passerby on those roads could have stopped in town to check them out, thus a stranger coming into the community and spotting Mollie on a run or walk more of a possibility - this website that talks about Brooklyn's history mentions big flags placed on a rise above town so they could be seen from nearby highways: [partial quote from website]:

"Brooklyn is known as the Community of Flags. In 1991 Brooklyn put up an avenue of flags to welcome RAGBRAI riders into Brooklyn. That gave Alexander Wehrle an idea. He hoped to raise enough money to build a flag display in Brooklyn. One flagpole was to be so tall that motorists could see it from parts of Interstate 80 and Highway 6. He hoped to turn Brooklyn into the Community of Flags.

That idea is now a reality with a large Flag Display sitting up on a hill next to the Brooklyn Museum. '

About Brooklyn | Brooklyn Iowa
So it continues to appear that Mollie didn't make it home after her run. I've been on the map site and it doesn't seem there is a route for her run that day. I haven't read anywhere where they specifically gave her route, did anyone else read anything?

Fitbit monitors a persons "VITALS" via electronic (voltage) signals. We are the Body Electric!

A stun gun introduces a higher (and much 'noisier') voltage than than what our bodies normally create within.

Fitbit is designed to detect normal, body-level voltages. Voltages many times greater than what the Fitbit expects would cause the device to read off the chart and possibly be destroyed (depending on how close the stun gun electrodes contact point is to the attached Fitbit).

Also note that Fitbit monitoring is not medical grade monitoring. There are a few factors involved, such as contact integrity and stability: is the Fitbit making good, conductive, non-moving contact to the person's skin or is contact loose and moving? This affects not only signal levels but signal 'shape' and level variance. This discussion could become more complicated, but it isn't necessary at this point.

All we need to know is if a stun gun is close enough (contacts the same limb on which the Fitbit makes electrical sensing contact, within guessing 15-20 inches) to the Fitbit it will affect its detection and the data would indicate data not possible for a human body to generate on its own.

If the stun gun makes contact on a different limb, such as a leg or maybe on the neck the Fitbit likely would detect normally and record the person's physial reactions to the stun gun jolt: increased/spiked heart rate and a change in altitude (fall down) if the Fitbit has that capability (feature to count ascending/descending steps/elevation).

Fitbit devices don't measure heart rate with voltages, instead they use a technology they call PurePulse LED's which use coloured LED's to reflect onto the skin to detect blood volume changes.
More details can be found at their website.
Maybe (likely ) this is nothing. But....

Mr WC, won't talk about his chats with LE, can't remember the questions, denies knowing MT, and says he never goes to Brooklyn. Then he offers (something like) "Some guy has got her".

WTH? Be like I said "I don't know the UK, I have no idea who the Prime Minster is, I would never take a vacation there.....but they need to go on with BREXIT" If you are so noncommittal and know nothing they why even venture a theory?
Do we know the context his statement was made in? (I have not personally watched the interview, if that's what it is from)
Like in your example, yes, you sound "crazy" (for lack of a better term) in giving advice on Brexit when you know nothing about it. But what if you tell me you know nothing about the UK, but then I still push and ask, "Well what do you think they should do regarding Brexit?" So in your mind, you answer they could go forward with it because you've heard a snippet of gossip about it, and know that it seems people want that to happen, so rather than lack an answer to a specific question because I won't stop asking, you just throw an idea out.
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Very interesting timing that they canceled the news conference. To me it means there's nothing new to report at the moment but they are close to a breakthrough so buying time to have (as Winker likes to say) "the investigative team aggressively pursue the lead".

I also think it's smart to cancel if they were just going to do a rehash of the last two press conferences which told us nothing. They have to know that the next one needs to lead to something of substance if they are going to keep the MSM and general public interested and looking, calling in tips, etc. Not saying that's right, it's just how it is.
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