Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #23

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What would cameras being down at the utility coop have to do with telling people to pay their bills in person?

I was thinking that the camera would be focused on an after hours drop box that could be tampered with. So, if you want to be sure your bill payment is received, pay it in person because they have no way of viewing if anyone messed with the drop box
This one is my first look through town. If you view this before youtube finishes trimming it, note that the hardware store I see is not the hardware store that was vandalized. This one gives you a good feel for the town, next one will be a closer look at the residential streets.

This video starts as we leave Casey's and continue west down Historic US 6 to 385th Ave just west of town. I had never been down this road before and now I can see why - it's gravel turning to dirt before it turns into West Des Moines St. I really don't think Historic US 6 or that stretch of 385th are relevant as potential routes, but maybe they should be noted.

(3:15) As I enter West Des Moines St and continue East you'll see the house where Mollie was dog sitting and the Electric Co-Op to my left. You can get plenty of close up via google street view if you're interested.

(5:10) W Des Moines meets Jackson St and I turn left (N) towards the high school. To get to Mom's house one would turn right at the 6:30 mark. I'm not going over to those houses. I continue North to Hwy 6 (not the same as Historic US 6), then turn around and go back South.

(9:30) Heading South on Jackson, I turn left (E) on Pershing. This is likely a street Mollie would have jogged along regularly. 10:45 I turn right (S) on Mills St and follow that south to 2nd street (11:35).

(12:35) I'm stopped on the corner of 2nd and Clay St getting ready to turn North. Note the view from here, you can see Casey's up ahead from the that intersection. I turn and follow Clay St north until it ends at E Des Moines St (14:35). Here I turn left (W) back to Jackson, then turn south and head towards the Business District. Notice Casey's again off to my right at 15:50.

(16:00) The Business District in Brooklyn is really just the one block of Jackson St south of Casey's. It's a one-way (south only) street.

Very helpful video. Some things I noted, heart wrenching to see the neighborhood missing signs out on the lawns. I feel bad for the community. Sadly, after seeing this I am only leaning towards foul play now. I think the only vague scenario I now imagine is that for sure Mollie did not show up for dinner at her mom's. She went somewhere with someone willingly, and was not allowed to return of her own free will. And that's where it's at.
I can’t really hitch my wagon to any theory until LE shares what they know about a timeline. All it takes is one piece of information to turn a theory from implausible to likely. Pending further info I tend to think she got in a car with somebody willingly and it became involuntary at some point after that.
At this point I think this seems the most logical. Or that someone bumped her with their car and gained control like n the Mickey Shunick case.
So tomorrow is a press conference. Sort of. Maybe. I'm wondering if there is some info to released that might give someone a moment to pause and think back on something that wasn't quite right. How many times in the past have we been given information on a person or situation and then sat back and said, "You know, now that I think back I should have seen that, but it wasn't glaringly obvious at the time."
When you see something like “population 1500” in these rural towns it always includes a radius that’s not in city limits. It’s a very small community. My circle of friends doesn’t include many 20somethings, but I’d be pretty sure that Grinnell is going to be the destination of choice for young people looking for something to do.

You're amazing to help like this, SharonNeedles. It makes such a big difference to the thread to have some ground truth and a clear-eyed well informed take on the area. You're contribution is amazing.
No way to thank you enough.
I think the only other physical vitals it measures is "movement" ie steps. It tracks calories burned but I believe that is calculated from heartrate and movement plus information it is "told" such as weight and gender. Even sleep data is AFAIK calculated from the same base data.

The poster who just posted about getting an alert when their heartrate randomly spiked during the night makes me think the data couldn't be used as conclusive evidence of anything specific happening, but it could certainly provide leads and once something is known about what did happen, the fitbit data could presumably be considered important for determining when & maybe where it happened. MOO.
My Alta is the HR version which specifically monitors heart rate. There is the regular Alta which doesn’t do so or if it does, it uses the parameters you just mentioned.
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Thank you for taking the time with your daughter to film. You did a great job! Your footage is so clear and your narration is great. Very nice of you. I live in Southern CA, I’ve been jogging last 30 years and there is no way I would jog those desolate roads alone and especially at night. No way! Not even if Mollie went missing. Too creepy for me. If I screamed nobody would hear. There are so many places Mollie could be hidden I saw many thick cornstalks, ditches, dense bushes and trees like at those animal parks. There are so many places and I’m sure they weren’t all searched. Now I’m feeling worse because if she was killed her body could be hidden anywhere along that route. Geez what’s the population like 500? Where do people go to buy cars and shop around there? Are there movie theaters? malls? For young folks doesn’t seem like much to do in a small sleepy town like that. It’s like everyone in that town could be a suspect cuz I’m sure everyone knows everyone’s business. Maybe Mollie did want to get out of dodge where there is more action for a gal her age and more opportunity. Im sorry not to hurt anyone’s feelings but I would be bored living there.

I respect your thoughts, and I suppose it is all a matter of perspective, but I live in a pretty large metro area, and I think Brooklyn is a beautiful little town, and I see nothing in the residential area, once you get past that gravel/dirt road that leads to the house and co-op, that would give me any reason to feel unsafe while taking an evening jog or walk. Quite the contrary, it looks like Norman Rockwell America to me. Now, we know that something bad has most likely happened, but I seriously dont think it was while she was jogging. I do have one question about the co-op though. How big an area does it serve? Asking to try to determine from how far away someone may drive there to use the dropbox.
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I can’t really hitch my wagon to any theory until LE shares what they know about a timeline. All it takes is one piece of information to turn a theory from implausible to likely. Pending further info I tend to think she got in a car with somebody willingly and it became involuntary at some point after that.
I think she meant (or maybe it’s more my own curiosity) what’s the deal with the trash can fires? What’s your theory on that? Is hat something normal around those parts because it’s not typical where I’m from!
I mentioned in the post that it has been opined here that her bf may have been advised by LE NOT to describe the SC from MT to the press. That makes sense especially if it timeline related. They can find out what time it was sent through subpoena to SC.

I agree that one way a person in dire peril would react would be looking for an exit point but it is not the only way one may react. Not being in that situation myself thank God but being in an assault situation where the perp was armed with a knife and at that second there was no way out for me and my bf, the first thing that came to my mind was my mom and how to reach out to her. This was in the 70's so cell phones weren't even invented yet. Today under the same circumstance I may react the same way and wish to find a way to contact my hubby so he knows what is happening to me and to if not save me, know what happened to me. I know it is not the BEST reaction one might have because quick thinking and attempting to get out of the situation is the best way to focus where you actually might come out alive, but that's just it. We don't all think logically when we are attacked or confronted. I would HOPE at my age (I was 19 then) I would have enough smarts to do what you suggest and possibly live another day. But in the heat of the moment and being a young girl with minimal or no experience how to best get out of the situation, you sometimes aren't thinking logically. I would imagine there are many females that are no longer among us today who didn't think clear enough in a seconds time to save themselves. It's just reality imo.

As far as the dogs go I am not convinced they would have to be downstairs already although that scenario makes it far easier for her to be taken. In order for that to be though she would have to be just returning home and before she released the dogs. Very possible indeed. Or she was heading out a second time, dogs already secured. I don't find this scenario as likely because she would be heading out closer to if not dark. It's been stated by her bf she didn't jog at night therefore safe to say she would not walk at night alone either assuming her intent was to get to her mom's and secure the car.
Regarding the SC, logic says if there was anything unusual about it he would not have just gone to sleep. Therefore, common sense says it was nothing he wouldn’t otherwise expect to say goodnight. Only other possibility in my mind is it was an invitation to chat sent earlier, but he opened it too late in the night to snap back so didn’t take any action. (Which supports another possibility I will post elsewhere.)

Regarding the dogs, all statements and released info point to the fact she was not taken from the house. Again, common sense says if she was there the dogs were out, if she was gone the dogs were in the basement. IMO it is a real stretch to imagine forced dog handling and emergency SC (which was so routine it made DJ fall asleep), all leaving nothing amiss at the house.
  • This was the second night that Mollie was alone in the house
  • There were no vehicles in the driveway (as there usually would be) The above from page one. I had wondered how long she had been staying there before her disappearance.. Now i read it was her second night alone. I would bet that on her first night their she went for a walk/run around the same time. As far as the condition of the house. This was not a robbery. I am not surprised that nothing seemed admist or messed up.
Even that is not clear to me. In this podcast posted just this morning, Cristina Corbin says she believes that DJ and BJ left the morning of the 18th. It's right around the 5:18 mark.

Tracking the Mollie Tibbetts Story
My Alta is the HR version which specifically monitors heart rate. There is the regular Alta which doesn’t do so or if it does it uses the parameters you just mentioned.

Right, agreed. I'm not actually sure how the ones without heartrate can still calculate things like calories burned with any accuracy. Not doubting it can, just I don't understand hoe.
This one is my first look through town. If you view this before youtube finishes trimming it, note that the hardware store I see is not the hardware store that was vandalized. This one gives you a good feel for the town, next one will be a closer look at the residential streets.

This video starts as we leave Casey's and continue west down Historic US 6 to 385th Ave just west of town. I had never been down this road before and now I can see why - it's gravel turning to dirt before it turns into West Des Moines St. I really don't think Historic US 6 or that stretch of 385th are relevant as potential routes, but maybe they should be noted.

(3:15) As I enter West Des Moines St and continue East you'll see the house where Mollie was dog sitting and the Electric Co-Op to my left. You can get plenty of close up via google street view if you're interested.

(5:10) W Des Moines meets Jackson St and I turn left (N) towards the high school. To get to Mom's house one would turn right at the 6:30 mark. I'm not going over to those houses. I continue North to Hwy 6 (not the same as Historic US 6), then turn around and go back South.

(9:30) Heading South on Jackson, I turn left (E) on Pershing. This is likely a street Mollie would have jogged along regularly. 10:45 I turn right (S) on Mills St and follow that south to 2nd street (11:35).

(12:35) I'm stopped on the corner of 2nd and Clay St getting ready to turn North. Note the view from here, you can see Casey's up ahead from the that intersection. I turn and follow Clay St north until it ends at E Des Moines St (14:35). Here I turn left (W) back to Jackson, then turn south and head towards the Business District. Notice Casey's again off to my right at 15:50.

(16:00) The Business District in Brooklyn is really just the one block of Jackson St south of Casey's. It's a one-way (south only) street.
Thank you for the video! Seems like a beautiful, quiet little town. I definitely don't see anyone being abducted on a jog. It just doesn't seem possible without someone seeing something. I am surprised more people didn't see her on her run. Although maybe more did, and have been interviewed, and we just don't know it. I can see why people wouldn't want to talk to the press, if they were. It's a close community, if I lived there, I certainly wouldn't talk to them about talking to FBI. Especially after learning what happened with a couple of people they questioned. If she were abducted, I would think it possible from her own home. Although it's not in your video, from other pictures I have seen it looks quite secluded. Thanks again for doing these, I expect you may be a little shaken after seeing Mollies dad. I wonder where we we see that interview.
  • This was the second night that Mollie was alone in the house
  • There were no vehicles in the driveway (as there usually would be) The above from page one. I had wondered how long she had been staying there before her disappearance.. Now i read it was her second night alone. I would bet that on her first night their she went for a walk/run around the same time. As far as the condition of the house. This was not a robbery. I am not surprised that nothing seemed admist or messed up.
She probaly took the same path on her first day there. If we knew that for sure, i was say she was seen by someone on that first walk/run. This was a quick abduction, in two days of her being there. Probably pre planed now on the second day of her being there. And followed her back to the house on that first day. Something about her attracting him. a look piece of clothing she was wearing, hair style etc. Something he liked that attracted him too her. A stranger abduction for sure. He had probably 24 hours from her first day there, to plan what too do. And may had been waiting on her to return from her walk run on the second day. Perhaps she had no time to change into anything, Hench stuff she rain walked with is missing. And the dogs already in the basement when she left and he arrived. The security cameras they say they have from the business next door maybe they do. But i dont think that business had any working security cameras facing the house, or lot of business across the street whatever that would have shown a vehicle around the house. Person is local, and would have known about the business and any security outside simple by looking for them the day before she vanished. or when he came by that night she had not change from her walk / run and was still wearing things. Or taken for souvenirs to re live the event. Yes, I am one of those that believe she made it back to the house before disappearing, and until the LEOs say differently. That is what i am going with based on nothing more than what i read and have watched and listen. ALL MOO AND SPECULATION, NOTHING POSTED AS BEING FACT UNLESS OTHERWISE KNOWN TO BE.
I think she meant (or maybe it’s more my own curiosity) what’s the deal with the trash can fires? What’s your theory on that? Is hat something normal around those parts because it’s not typical where I’m from!
The trash fires? Maybe just a rural thing. A lot of us have burn barrels. I’ll be burning a bunch of branches and such in mine later today.
A town of 1500 people, a 20 year old female with a social media presence 'just disappears' and the FBI and local Law Enforcement can't solve this case in 3 and a half weeks..!! Really??? This is a shame and an embarrassment for LE . Makes one question their efforts, their focus, or their abilities. Where is Liam Neeson!!!

The town is not sealed. People from all over the county, the state, the country and even the world can enter Brooklyn.
i know that these things the would not be made public , but.....

1. was her bed made?
2.which of her shoes are still in the house, its likely a runner would have some specific running shoes? there a sewer system or a septic tank at the house? i know this is weird but if there is a septic tank there could be some sort of evidence in it?
4. does mt have any chronic injuries that could have flared up and caused her to want a ride?
5. how often where the dogs outside of the house?
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