Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #30

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Hey all, new poster here, and since Ive been reading all the threads for awhile I fully expect to get my head bit off, but here goes... I completely agree with this. I believe LE has someone in mind, but have insufficient evidence to do anything. Without Mollie thats holding this case up. I believe while they havent seemingly provided much publicly, they provided enough to attract potential witnesses to tighten their case on their suspect. The statement I cant get past is from MTs dad, "....probably someone who cares about her. But that relationship was misguided, misinterpreted and went wrong...." Its almost as if he also has an idea of who may have taken her. As if maybe she had trouble with a person in the past? I strongly believe it was someone she knew, and who knew her. Not a random stranger. Along these lines, I also mostly believe MT was the suspects target, due to LE not putting the small town on alert.

Wow, first post: welcome KLM6.:):)
Mollie's Dad's comments would be important, and I agree: 'someone who cares about her'!!!!
If this is the case, LE may also have someone in mind.o_Oo_O

If LE wanted to make it appear the case was ramping down a bit, and some relevant folks returning to 'live their lives' as it were, might a perp perceive that as he's getting away with it and as a result inadvertently drop his guard?
I truly believe that. Dad didnt appear to want to leave....."Rob Tibbetts said he feels ambivalent, but it wasn't his choice. He said law enforcement authorities have been encouraging the Tibbetts family to return to their day-to-day lives as they continue to investigate the case." <modsnipped against TOS>
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There is a lot of truth in this post - especially the second paragraph. Check out Sylvia Browne’s “visions” of Amanda Berry and Shawn Hornbeck.

Some PI’s are attention/money seekers but there are some good ones.

PI's can side step legalities that the FBI must follow. Mr Tibbetts lives in the Bay Area, known for genius computer techs. Hire someone who was in special ops in the military. Google hired Chris Rackow, former Navy Seal, as head of their security.

Security500 - Chris Rackow- Bio
I'm a little surprised about all the back and forth discussion concerning the farms and the cornfields in the adjacent 10 to 30 miles north and east and south of Brooklyn. I know LE is eager to learn something significant to these areas, but, only a handful of farmers out there in the boondocks would/could have any useful information to share. The real questions for sleuthing should be: who did it? Once the perp is positively identified, the case should be solved. The perp will lead us to MT. All the discussion about the various farms and cornfields surrounding Brooklyn misses the point of the mystery. What happened to Mollie? It doesn't make much sense to me to try to guess why LE is asking for any info about these outlying areas. As the uninformed sleuths that we are, we can only working with the facts as we know them and suggest possible/probable theories as to what really happened. Tomorrow may bring a new clue which will crack the case wide open. LE's job is twofold: 1) find MT; 2) figure out what happened. The answer to either one of these questions will probably lead to the answer of the other.
That’s interesting. I am guessing LE knows a little more about whether this sentiment is something she expressed to friends repeatedly or with any seriousness. If it turns out she has been contemplating some big life changes recently, discussing them or filing papers etc., that would slightly shift the odds toward a willing disappearance. I only say slightly bc most people who go to school or work naturally feel like those choices cost them some fun sometimes. And even if they decide to make a significant left then, most wouldn’t willingly put their families through this kind of horror.

A related question worth asking though is, *if* Mollie happened to be re-considering her lifestyle and was going to shift away from college, what would she have moved toward? What was her Plan B or desired alternative? And then, follow-up questions would be, is there anyone who had a stake in her keeping things the same? Is there anyone who wouldn’t have liked that specific Plan B? And is there anyone that would stand to gain from her choosing Plan B?
Yikes! I wasn't even thinking of all that. I said the same thing to friends when I was in school and working. And that was nothing compared to now. Anyway, although I may fantasize about running off, I highly doubt Mollie would have gone off and left everyone devastated, especially after this length of time. By all accounts, she was very responsible and happy about her life.
On completely different note, wasn't there a spate of tornadoes cutting through there the night of July 19th?
Hey all, new poster here, and since Ive been reading all the threads for awhile I fully expect to get my head bit off, but here goes... I completely agree with this. I believe LE has someone in mind, but have insufficient evidence to do anything. Without Mollie thats holding this case up. I believe while they havent seemingly provided much publicly, they provided enough to attract potential witnesses to tighten their case on their suspect. The statement I cant get past is from MTs dad, "....probably someone who cares about her. But that relationship was misguided, misinterpreted and went wrong...." Its almost as if he also has an idea of who may have taken her. As if maybe she had trouble with a person in the past? I strongly believe it was someone she knew, and who knew her. Not a random stranger. Along these lines, I also mostly believe MT was the suspects target, due to LE not putting the small town on alert.
No head biting here I hope!

Just as soon as I think it’s someone who knew her and targeted her I tell myself that is my/his coping mechanism because if it is a random crime of opportunity that means it could happen to someone I know and/or she’s likely deceased.

As soon as I tell myself that it’s a random crime of opportunity I get wrapped around the axle because *how lucky for the perp* that she was alone that night, so maybe it was someone she knew who took advantage of that.

In the next breathe I think: accidentally hit her while running but then I know statistically the perp would be more likely to leave.

I’m glad for all the theories. In comparison to some corners of the internet it makes me feel like this place is filled with some smart and critical thinkers.

Welcome and thanks for posting.
If one hammers, a phone, fitbit to bits, surely the parts can no longer be traced.
Hope this would be correct, as seems logical to me (but I am not an IT expert at all).
Therefore, the last signals are when the apparatus was intact, I would think!o_Oo_O
So Mollie, may be kilometers away from last fitbit signal, if fitbit was destroyed immediately 'taking' Mollie.
So Culprit knew to destroy fitbit?????
So Culprit perhaps not an oldie, as perhaps has little knowledge about fitbit signals!
So Culprit young!

My Edit/addition:
If fitbit not moving, and is intact (just left, tossed), could it be located, through signals?
Have LE indicated, whether fitbit found!!!
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Graphic alert. The following speculation is unpleasant, and will invoke a disturbing scenario. Please roll and scroll if you are an abuse survivor, or sensitive.
The following is all amateur speculation and opinion. Emphasis on amateur.

The Perp most likely raped Mollie, but this isn’t about sex, it’s about control, inflicting pain and enjoying observing the terror and suffering. A sadist.

It would be interesting for LE to review records of any prostitutes in the surrounding area who had the guts to report an attack that fit the above profile. Or hospital reports suspecting this type of an attack on a suspected prostitute. A John who is particularly sadistic and enjoys the display of terror in his paid partners.

I would explore this avenue.

What you said, as is with most all rape.

I'm sure that LE has been talking to Lot Lizzards (prostitutes) at both truck stops, and likely up and down I-80 (If not, then they should should be doing so). Those women with kids of their own might be eager to speak with LE. However, maybe talks with the working girls is why one of the two truck stops at Brooklyn is an area of interest. Sex workers know a lot, and see even more.

As an aside, during WW II Ian Flemming (the author of the James Bond books), while working for British Intelligence, recruited and developed a very successful group of women spies who were placed as prostitutes to the German High Command. You're right, women in the sex trade can tell LE a lot, if they care to.
fyi, this is the topic and similar commentary that was deleted yesterday, I hope this is alright and doesn't get deleted as well.
Sorry I missed the philosophical discussion last night on Schroedinger’s cat. I think it is useful as a comparison on what is the actual truth of what is not understood nor seen.

I am more of a studier of how humans behave. There needs to an observable behavior, first. I think the behavior in this case is an unknown perpetrator took MT, although it was not observable, but based on the fact she is missing.

The behavior is “took.” We have know way of defining it any further than that at this point.

That behavior has either a discrete stimulus (what triggered it) or a reinforcement (what the gain of the behavior would serve). Sometimes, it could be complicated and involve both.

There are a few cases I have followed as intently as this one, although I can’t say why some pull me in, but it may be the amount of information available to think about, organize, reorganize, and develop theories.

So looking at this from a purely behavioral standpoint, I tend to lean toward the unknown perpetrator engaging in the targeted behavior with a clear trigger and thoughts about the reinforcement from the behavior.

Understanding that is basically the same as understanding means, motive, and opportunity, I guess.

I still think there is something about her running route, and someone along the way being triggered, and thinking about the reinforcement (pay off) for the behavior.

Hope that makes sense!
It might not have mattered one wit that MT was to be 'alone' in the J house that evening. If MT was abducted during her run, what would it have mattered that she was to be 'home alone', other than buying some time for a perp to get away? Did the perp also know MT was asked by her mother to stop by for dinner? Would that have affected his plans to gain time for a get-away?
I’m sorry. If it was my child missing, I’d ask everyone & everybody! The devil himself if I had to. Just an option. Wow . Sorry if I offended anyone.
You certainly did not offend me, Mau. I was attempting to inject a bit (just a tiny bit) of levity by saying I "knew" someone would mention psychics, as if I were one myself.
And if it were my child, I too would try every possible method, including psychics, to find my young 'un.
Luckily it is a thought experiment.

Schrödinger's cat: a cat, a flask of poison, and a radioactive source are placed in a sealed box. If an internal monitor (e.g. Geiger counter) detects radioactivity (i.e. a single atom decaying), the flask is shattered, releasing the poison, which kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when one looks in the box, one sees the cat either alive or dead not both alive and dead. This poses the question of when exactly quantum superposition ends and reality collapses into one possibility or the other.
sounds like a nazi experiment. I'd rather consider the tree in the middle of the forest and having not heard it fall. maybe it fell. maybe it didn't. no way to know until we hike to it. we really don't know what happened to Mollie. Maybe someone that knows isn't coming forward because her return wouldn't be safe, and they fear the person who is responsible or the responsible person has something on them.
Graphic alert. The following speculation is unpleasant, and will invoke a disturbing scenario. Please roll and scroll if you are an abuse survivor, or sensitive.
The following is all amateur speculation and opinion. Emphasis on amateur.

The Perp most likely raped Mollie, but this isn’t about sex, it’s about control, inflicting pain and enjoying observing the terror and suffering. A sadist.

It would be interesting for LE to review records of any prostitutes in the surrounding area who had the guts to report an attack that fit the above profile. Or hospital reports suspecting this type of an attack on a suspected prostitute. A John who is particularly sadistic and enjoys the display of terror in his paid partners.

I would explore this avenue.
They would have to cover their bases here, but killers who target prostitutes, tend to stick to prostitutes. Picking up a prostitute, under the guise of a normal sexual encounter, and then attacking and killing them, is very different than snatching a young woman off the street, in a rural (low crime) area. You have two completely different victimologies in this scenario, and two completely different methods of abduction. It’s possible, it’s happened, but it would be unusual.
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