Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #30

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I'm a little surprised about all the back and forth discussion concerning the farms and the cornfields in the adjacent 10 to 30 miles north and east and south of Brooklyn. I know LE is eager to learn something significant to these areas, but, only a handful of farmers out there in the boondocks would/could have any useful information to share. The real questions for sleuthing should be: who did it? Once the perp is positively identified, the case should be solved. The perp will lead us to MT. All the discussion about the various farms and cornfields surrounding Brooklyn misses the point of the mystery. What happened to Mollie? It doesn't make much sense to me to try to guess why LE is asking for any info about these outlying areas. As the uninformed sleuths that we are, we can only working with the facts as we know them and suggest possible/probable theories as to what really happened. Tomorrow may bring a new clue which will crack the case wide open. LE's job is twofold: 1) find MT; 2) figure out what happened. The answer to either one of these questions will probably lead to the answer of the other.

Respectfully, I think the only reason people are asking “Why is LE asking about these dots?” IS bc they hope it could lead to a new line of thinking that could help identify a perp.

For example (all of these are fictional hypotheticals), if when searching the general area of the truck stop, someone notices that a nearby piece of property is owned by a guy who Mollie went to high school with...

Or if someone unearths that a person who works in lawn maintenance at the car wash is a sex offender...

Or if I’m looking at the farm, it turns out Mollie’s second cousin owns it...

Or if the route is consistent with a particular delivery route of someone who delivers newspapers or Swan truck food or pizza and so on...

And so on.
And maybe it's a person or a situation that MT's dad had been aware of prior or somehow intervened in--in other words, a perp who would be reluctant to run into MT's dad due to previous interactions. A male who might be a bit frightened of Dad.
In the Lucas Hernandez case local to me there was such a push for locals within and 30 mile radius to search private property and to call the tip line if they noticed anything out of character. That’s something that hasn’t been done in this case from what I have heard/read. After watching the local videos it’s apparent that there’s a ton of wide open spaces. Much more than here. I know they’ve had a ton of searchers but IMO it would be very difficult to search such an open area like that. You’d have to have planned grid searches. We had some amazing WS doing planning behind scenes and searching. We had to take the search areas off of the main thread in fear he was going to be moved. We were extremely close when Emily led David Marshburn to Lucas. This personally makes me believe that they do have some good solid evidence that they don’t want the public to know about. That’s the focus on the areas that they released on the website. Even though it has been a month my gut is telling me they’ve got some solid leads that Mollie is truly alive. I pray that is the case. I think by telling dad it’s best for him to go home they’re wanting someone to slip up. I know statistically speaking after this time period it’s a recovery. I’m personally not there yet. I’ve been wrong many times before in life but until something is loud and clear, concrete evidence, I’m staying here for a minute.

Going back to the facts that we have and keeping it simple. What is right in front of us that is missing?
On completely different note, wasn't there a spate of tornadoes cutting through there the night of July 19th?
Yes! There were 3 I think but 30-50ish miles from Brooklyn. My Reps in IA had clients calling like crazy. I mentally went there in the beginning but after looking into it I’m not sure how the dots could connect. I think the spells plant got hit and had damage. I’d have to look again.
Mollie Tibbets FB is permitted. I didn’t post any comments from her social media. Just mentioned I felt some comments there were interesting. I’ve seen this same thing done on other WS topics.
New members could misunderstand your post thinking it's ok to discuss comments left on allowed social media.

I simply made the rules clear so that the thread doesn't get shut down. You can direct people to read the comment just don't discuss those comments here.
Thank you. That completely clears up the " ping rumor" I've been asking for an explanation since I saw the initial post, stating the areas were based on cell phone pings. I was asking for a definitive answer, or proof of that statement and you provided it.

Yes, but LE has only confirmed one cell phone "ping" for the southernmost area of interest, down V21. The rest are areas of interest for, presumably, other reasons, or maybe there are other "pings" that LE has not told us about. DJ's house for obvious reasons. The car wash is of interest perhaps for its cameras and what they showed, and maybe for many other reasons. The truck stop perhaps because of what was seen on its cameras, or maybe because of what a Lot Lizzard told LE. As for the easternmost red dot out in the boonies, your guess is as good as mine!
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this, If you believe that this was an abduction by someone MT knew. Who would it be that would stop over at her house and she wouldn't have texted those closest to her about specific plans? So to me either someone showed up unexpected? By this I mean, it wasn't somebody she recently ran into and made plans with. In my mind from hearing friends and family, MT was solely focused on her own goals and not in a secret social life. So i'm either wondering about maybe a possible work associate or somebody in her inter circle? 20 yr olds now a days can't go 30 min without texting a friend or whoever about their plans thoughts etc. Just so odd that there wouldn't be some kind of contact attempt if it was someone that she previously knew? Or maybe LE knows somebody texted MT that they were going to stop by and the person claims they never did and LE can't prove that they did? Unless it was some crazy obsessed stalker that she didn't know about until they showed up unannounced? Which is so frustrating bc it almost makes one think that it was some total random interaction which are the types that turn into cold cases or are never solved.......:( I guess what i'm trying to say, I don't think its seems that MT was expecting any company that night or LE would have a lead by now. I'm just trying to come up with clues of who she would interact with in her daily routine......

ps please excuse my rambling, just trying to walk in MT shoes
So I wonder if there were tornado warnings in Brooklyn? Or the weather turned suddenly? Just trying to think of reasons for her to have altered her plans or route.
I think this question is valid. As I have mentioned, I grew up in a small rural town of 1,200 and live in a different rural town around the same size to this day. As a child, my friend and I often played in the creek and woods near her house, and we frequently walked through cornfields in the process. On another occasion when I was older, I remember walking with friends through a cornfield for a shortcut. At another, I remember hiding from friends in a cornfield during capture the flag. In another, I remember walking after a drunk classmate who I was afraid would fall and get hurt or lost in a cornfield. I say all this to say that if you grow up around farmland, you wouldn’t necessarily consider it out of the ordinary to take a shortcut through 1 if you needed to get somewhere fast to beat a storm etc. Especially if you know many of the people who live nearby and possibly even know the property owners, as is often the case in small towns.
They would have to cover their bases here, but killers who target prostitutes, tend to stick to prostitutes. Picking up a prostitute, under the guise of a normal sexual encounter, and then attacking and killing them, is very different than snatching a young woman off the street, in a rural (low crime) area. You have two completely different victimologies in this scenario, and two completely different methods of abduction. It’s possible, it’s happened, but it would be unusual.
I’m suggesting the prostitutes are a not completely satisfying substitution until they can build up for the kill. This guy probably loves to hunt too, and enjoys watching animals suffer. Maybe even mutilates them.

Sorry for those of you who find this upsetting. It is. But my little amateur profiling is developing a more clear amateur pic of who I think this is.

Amateur opinion and speculation, as always.
For sure, the initial information released to the public was the most solid that we have. As the case developed and the FBI entered the picture, the information disseminated to the public has been designed to solicit specific bits and pieces that the feds are interested in fill in the gaps. I suspect some info released by authorities may not even be true in the first place.
How should we interpret this police statement that we must consider foul play as the reason that Mollie is a missing person? What does "foul play" mean in relation to a missing person?

"Although we have not ruled out any scenario that could explain Mollie’s disappearance, we must consider the possibility that foul play is involved."

I don't see anything on the website about the locations beyond police asking people who were in those areas to speak to police.
I think 'foul play', which is a purposely vague term often used by LE (in contrast to their use of the word suicide or homicide which are quite legally specific), would include anything involving an intentionally violent act or even a possibly intentional deception of the victim or some other suspicious behavior perpetrated on a victim with the intent to harm or otherwise hurt (e.g., unlawful behavior not elsewhere defined!). My recollection is that the concept of 'foul play' is quite old going back to the 1500's and deals with most anything that is deemed 'unfair' or 'deceptive' to the victim. A possible example of foul play might be someone offers MT a ride to Mom's house but instead of going to Mom's house they take a sharp turn away from the direction of Mom's house at high speed and speed out of town. The ride was offered with no intention of taking MT to Mom's house but was simply designed to trick her into the vehicle. Foul play could also include something more physically violent such as grabbing MT and tossing her into a truck or back of a van or truck. This quasi-definition is just my opinion as use of this term covers so many different scenarios.

Maybe one of the atty's following this thread could jump in to add some color to this definition as I just 'winged it' in order to get across the idea of what I think about when someone talks about something involving 'foul play'!
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Agree RMT. Amazing work on the Lucas case. I agree on the search. A grid search. Area is so vast. There have been cases where a victim/evidence was missed during 1st search. I still have the cornfield/s stuck in my brain. Not where a crime happened but a disposable ground. IMO
I'm not sure which original post you're asking about.

I put together a map using the police dots and adding numbers based on the order in which I think they matter. Point 5 is of particular interest because it coincides with the same area that police identify as the ping associated with the search area.
It actually was a couple of posts but you answered my question. You probably didn't see it as you were so busy with the maps and scenarios you were presented which I found to be valuable. As I have stated before I think everyone should go back and read last night's thread. It's just that sometimes information is presented as fact and for me I would rather hear a definitive answer rather than "I assume". I made the statement about wishing i saw your post earlier because I dont think you were around this morning when i asked the question. If you were I would have known earlier. That's all. I'm not confused about the points on the map. I just wanted clarification that they were not JUST cell phone pings. I have read different assumptions. It's not so important that I would have to go back and find the posts. I have the answer now and yours is the one I find the most credible. That's all I need. Thanks!
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I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this, If you believe that this was an abduction by someone MT knew. Who would it be that would stop over at her house and she wouldn't have texted those closest to her about specific plans? So to me either someone showed up unexpected? By this I mean, it wasn't somebody she recently ran into and made plans with. In my mind from hearing friends and family, MT was solely focused on her own goals and not in a secret social life. So i'm either wondering about maybe a possible work associate or somebody in her inter circle? 20 yr olds now a days can't go 30 min without texting a friend or whoever about their plans thoughts etc. Just so odd that there wouldn't be some kind of contact attempt if it was someone that she previously knew? Or maybe LE knows somebody texted MT that they were going to stop by and the person claims they never did and LE can't prove that they did? Unless it was some crazy obsessed stalker that she didn't know about until they showed up unannounced? Which is so frustrating bc it almost makes one think that it was some total random interaction which are the types that turn into cold cases or are never solved.......:( I guess what i'm trying to say, I don't think its seems that MT was expecting any company that night or LE would have a lead by now. I'm just trying to come up with clues of who she would interact with in her daily routine......

ps please excuse my rambling, just trying to walk in MT shoes
Your questions are great! Here’s the thing. I don’t think we have any way of knowing if a person involved in her disappearance contacted her earlier. The police may indeed have a list of 10 people who texted her or interacted with her on social media throughout the week, even 3 or 4 who messaged about possible or pending plans, but until they have evidence, they can’t narrow down the list and they can’t arrest and convict.
Anyone know when a case gets its own forum on WS?
I'm sure it's a lot of work to set that up. Websleuths is still adjusting to the new format and the volunteer staff seems pretty stretched right now.

Are there even enough separate subjects of interest to warrant a topical forum for this case?
snipped respectfully for space
Going back to the facts that we have and keeping it simple. What is right in front of us that is missing?

Well, there are several obvious things we are not allowed to mention on the thread that are glaringly missing, IMO. To be vague:

Several parties who can't be named who may have had crushes on Mollie(possibly inappropriately).
Several festival events that may or may not have occurred and/or had connections.
Several trolls who could be actual culprits.

It's really hard to come up with some new theory when we are so limited to what is known. Kind of culls the herd so to speak.
Longtime follower/ Firt time poster - At the end of the day I think we are all over thinking this case.

The odds that someone just happened to abduct her on a night she was going to home alone is slim to none. Somebody within her inner circle knew she was going to be home alone. Similarly to when people on Facebook post pictures while they are on vacation!

I am interested to know more about the daycare workers. A father or boy friend at that facility could have easily known more about her private life. I have a gut feeling this is somebody she knew and willing left with and not expecting the outcome that occurred.

Additionally, don’t you find it odd that three other people have died fairly close by recently? The 14 year old autistic kid, the girl they found on the side of the road.
sounds like a nazi experiment. I'd rather consider the tree in the middle of the forest and having not heard it fall. maybe it fell. maybe it didn't. no way to know until we hike to it. we really don't know what happened to Mollie. Maybe someone that knows isn't coming forward because her return wouldn't be safe, and they fear the person who is responsible or the responsible person has something on them.

And I would call Godwin's Law to put an end to the whole topic, except someone might be irritated by that too. But Godwin's law.
Agree RMT. Amazing work on the Lucas case. I agree on the search. A grid search. Area is so vast. There have been cases where a victim/evidence was missed during 1st search. I still have the cornfield/s stuck in my brain. Not where a crime happened but a disposable ground. IMO
Bravo that’s where I keep going too. The first days they were heavily searching the cornfields and then it just stopped. I know they had a large amount of people willing to search, private drones, etc. I took a little trip on Google Earth today and sadly there’s just SO much space. Then I look at the points of interest and taking traffic cams into consideration. Is this person really that smart to be able to pull an abduction off without a trace? Maybe so but chances are LE knows way more than we do. Clearly I’m in my own head today and finally had time yesterday to dig in. Lol
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