Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #30

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I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this, If you believe that this was an abduction by someone MT knew. Who would it be that would stop over at her house and she wouldn't have texted those closest to her about specific plans? So to me either someone showed up unexpected? By this I mean, it wasn't somebody she recently ran into and made plans with. In my mind from hearing friends and family, MT was solely focused on her own goals and not in a secret social life. So i'm either wondering about maybe a possible work associate or somebody in her inter circle? 20 yr olds now a days can't go 30 min without texting a friend or whoever about their plans thoughts etc. Just so odd that there wouldn't be some kind of contact attempt if it was someone that she previously knew? Or maybe LE knows somebody texted MT that they were going to stop by and the person claims they never did and LE can't prove that they did? Unless it was some crazy obsessed stalker that she didn't know about until they showed up unannounced? Which is so frustrating bc it almost makes one think that it was some total random interaction which are the types that turn into cold cases or are never solved.......:( I guess what i'm trying to say, I don't think its seems that MT was expecting any company that night or LE would have a lead by now. I'm just trying to come up with clues of who she would interact with in her daily routine......

ab01, I was thinking the same thing. If it was someone she knew they would have most likely caught them by now or they already know who it COULD be and they are waiting for more evidence to convict them. There IS the possibility that this person could have been a friend of a friend or something (someone that she didn't know really well but well enough that she trusted them) and maybe they had a burner phone. Maybe they go from burner phone to burner phone or something to keep from being traced. I would think a friend would be suspicious of that, but then no telling what lie they COULD have told friends as to WHY their cell phone number kept changing. I was thinking it could be someone that told Mollie they were in trouble and needed her help and they didn't want her to tell someone. I also assume if it is a burner phone LE could STILL track it. But not sure on that. I don't know much about burner phones.

But I am still leaning more toward a stranger abduction, especially since it looks like LE has not found anything and Mollie has not been found. Or at least we ASSUME they have found nothing. It is possible that they have evidence, but STILL don't know who did this (like for instance DNA, but when they put the DNA into their database it brings up no one because this perp has never been caught before). I am also leaning toward the fact that I truly think this person has done this before, and that's why they have not found Mollie yet (very well planned out in advance).

There is also the possibility (which is what I am starting to think) is that someone was maybe at the car wash (may have even been a stranger) and they called Mollie over. Maybe they acted like they were having an emergency or something and Mollie went to help and they abducted her right there at the car wash. They could have threw her in their vehicle and cleaned all the evidence off their vehicle right there. Then of course they could have done something like threw her in their trunk when no one was looking (someone else mentioned the trunk on here a while back in the threads--I can't remember who it was) and then they could have went to the truck stop to wash off. Then later after taking Mollie to wherever they took her, they could have had their car detailed inside to wash away all evidence (and no one would know if they lived in a completely different town from Brooklyn or had it done in a completely different town miles away). I got the idea of someone calling Mollie from another thread way back (I can't remember who posted it). But they mentioned that someone in the area could have called her to their house and that would leave no trace on her cell phone or anything. I would THINK LE would have already investigated EVERYONE though living in the area. So it leads me to THINK that maybe someone was at the car wash (someone she didn't know) and they called her from there or something and that's when things turned ugly. JMO.
Yes! There were 3 I think but 30-50ish miles from Brooklyn. My Reps in IA had clients calling like crazy. I mentally went there in the beginning but after looking into it I’m not sure how the dots could connect. I think the spells plant got hit and had damage. I’d have to look again.
Do any of the technical posters know what this might do to cellular transmission, etc? How were the signals that night? Do we know?
Longtime follower/ Firt time poster - At the end of the day I think we are all over thinking this case.

The odds that someone just happened to abduct her on a night she was going to home alone is slim to none. Somebody within her inner circle knew she was going to be home alone. Similarly to when people on Facebook post pictures while they are on vacation!

I am interested to know more about the daycare workers. A father or boy friend at that facility could have easily known more about her private life. I have a gut feeling this is somebody she knew and willing left with and not expecting the outcome that occurred.

Additionally, don’t you find it odd that three other people have died fairly close by recently? The 14 year old autistic kid, the girl they found on the side of the road.

I agree that someone in Mollie’s age category might easily have unintentionally mentioned house sitting to many people in passing. Someone says “what are you doing tonight?” and she says “house sitting.” Or she complains off the cuff that she is trying to exercise regularly and wants to fit in a run and get some homework done, but she also has to walk the dogs bc she’s housesitting...

We all probably drop information like this to friends and acquaintances at times, not for a second thinking they might use the info to a criminal advantage.
Longtime follower/ Firt time poster - At the end of the day I think we are all over thinking this case.

The odds that someone just happened to abduct her on a night she was going to home alone is slim to none. Somebody within her inner circle knew she was going to be home alone. Similarly to when people on Facebook post pictures while they are on vacation!

I am interested to know more about the daycare workers. A father or boy friend at that facility could have easily known more about her private life. I have a gut feeling this is somebody she knew and willing left with and not expecting the outcome that occurred.

Additionally, don’t you find it odd that three other people have died fairly close by recently? The 14 year old autistic kid, the girl they found on the side of the road.
As to your last point, you are talking about two cases that are unrelated. The autistic boy appears to have wandered off and drowned. The second involves a young woman who was either pushed from a car by her boyfriend, or jumped. No matter what happened in that case, it appears to be domestic. Just a coincidence IMO.
I'm sure it's a lot of work to set that up. Websleuths is still adjusting to the new format and the volunteer staff seems pretty stretched right now.

Are there even enough separate subjects of interest to warrant a topical forum for this case?
Every topic covered on page one of each thread seems to be a topic that is debated in each daily thread. Each could have their own thread in the forum.
snipped respectfully for space

Well, there are several obvious things we are not allowed to mention on the thread that are glaringly missing, IMO. To be vague:

Several parties who can't be named who may have had crushes on Mollie(possibly inappropriately).
Several festival events that may or may not have occurred and/or had connections.
Several trolls who could be actual culprits.

It's really hard to come up with some new theory when we are so limited to what is known. Kind of culls the herd so to speak.
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this, If you believe that this was an abduction by someone MT knew. Who would it be that would stop over at her house and she wouldn't have texted those closest to her about specific plans? So to me either someone showed up unexpected? By this I mean, it wasn't somebody she recently ran into and made plans with. In my mind from hearing friends and family, MT was solely focused on her own goals and not in a secret social life. So i'm either wondering about maybe a possible work associate or somebody in her inter circle? 20 yr olds now a days can't go 30 min without texting a friend or whoever about their plans thoughts etc. Just so odd that there wouldn't be some kind of contact attempt if it was someone that she previously knew? Or maybe LE knows somebody texted MT that they were going to stop by and the person claims they never did and LE can't prove that they did? Unless it was some crazy obsessed stalker that she didn't know about until they showed up unannounced? Which is so frustrating bc it almost makes one think that it was some total random interaction which are the types that turn into cold cases or are never solved.......:( I guess what i'm trying to say, I don't think its seems that MT was expecting any company that night or LE would have a lead by now. I'm just trying to come up with clues of who she would interact with in her daily routine......

ps please excuse my rambling, just trying to walk in MT shoes

You have a good idea about walking in MT's shoes. Perhaps it was someone who knew her plans for the evening and didn't need to text her. So no digital connection.
It's actually just a philosophical experiment, I am not even sure there was ever a cat or a box. It's a theory, that if the only information we have is that the cat is in the box, and no other information, there is no way to know if it's alive or not. That is what we have in this case. Until we know if she is alive or not, there is no way to know. Some people think this long of a disappearance means she is likely dead. Some think the opposite, because it hasn't been years, there is no evidence one way or another. So I compared it to the cat in the box.
And Dr. S., a Nobel prize-winner (in physics) and a close friend of Einstein's, called it a "thought experiment." It's similar in ways to many brain-teaser puzzles where a person is assumed to be in a room with no doors or windows. No one is proposing to actually put a person into such a room, or a cat into a sound-proof metal box. These conceits are meant to hypothetically explain a problem in simpler terms. No harm meant to humans or animals. Like "killing" 2 birds with one stone, as an expression, is not an example of animal cruelty. It's just a shorthand way of expressing a concept.
Final factoid: Dr. Schrodinger owned, and presumably dearly loved, his long-time pet cat named Milton. (He also loved the 2 women with whom he lived, a wife and "second wife"). That was likely a different kind of experiment.
Yes, I agree. Also not very nice. BUT, I will have to research that experiment. Seems to me a cat in a box will make an awful lot of noise. Must be alive. That would be my assessment.

Ah, but not Schrodinger's Cat. There is a device in the box which could kill the cat, and which is triggered by a random event like nuclear decay. The cat is neither alive or dead until you open the box and look in to determine and fix its quantum state. This was a thought experiment to try and explain the behaviour of super small, pesky, quantum particles that can change what they are, or what they do when you simply look at them and identify their nature or behavior. The imaginary quantum kitty can't make a sound or have an odor of decay, until you open the box.
No cats were harmed in the forming of this thought experiment!
I know there’s some locals here on the thread. Does anyone know how many kids graduated in Mollie’s class and what % went away (in state or out of state) to college? With the time frame and classes getting ready to start it would be easy for someone to just continue on with life. Can’t imagine it’s a large amount and I’m sure LE/FBI have looked at this.
Ah, but not Schrodinger's Cat. There is a device in the box which could kill the cat, and which is triggered by a random event like nuclear decay. The cat is neither alive or dead until you open the box and look in to determine and fix its quantum state. This was a thought experiment to try and explain the behaviour of super small, pesky, quantum particles that can change what they are, or what they do when you simply look at them and identify their nature or behavior. The imaginary quantum kitty can't make a sound or have an odor of decay, until you open the box.
No cats were harmed in the forming of this thought experiment!
I think we have enough 'spooky action at a distance' right here, lol.
Exactly. Privacy is obviously a major concern. Sites like Ancestry and 23 and me, don’t generally allow their databases to be used by LE. Golden State and several other cases have been solved by using a public database, where users upload their own DNA that has been downloaded from other DNA testing sites (like Ancestry). What LE has done, is uploaded suspect DNA to this open site, and used geneology to solve cases.

This particular site, GedMatch, makes it clear that your DNA can be used by other parties. The issue is, particular individuals have no control over what members of their families contribute, hence the privacy concerns, as you have no say in your own privacy when your DNA is out there, courtesy of someone related to you.

When you’re taking a killer off the streets, I think this is a small price to pay. The danger however, is a slippery slope.
I agree I think this is an awesome technique! If my DNA helped to find a serial killer I would be thrilled! I think. And if one is at all concerned about privacy issues, don't put it on the public websites.
Everything topic covered on page one of each thread seems to be a topic that is debated in each daily thread. Each could have their own thread in the forum.
How many topics do you think should have there own thread?

If you make a list maybe we can present that to Tricia and she can see if it's warranted and or possible to do.
For sure, the initial information released to the public was the most solid that we have. As the case developed and the FBI entered the picture, the information disseminated to the public has been designed to solicit specific bits and pieces that the feds are interested in fill in the gaps. I suspect some info released by authorities may not even be true in the first place.

rainbowman, or MAYBE some of the information was leaked and when the FBI stepped in they didn't want it to be leaked. So they decided to keep the Snapchat and red shirt all hush hush because it could compromise the investigation for some reason. Maybe they found DNA on the red shirt. Maybe Mollie did send a Snapchat at an unknown location and they don't want to mention it because the perp will know they are on to him because it is his house she was in. Maybe Mollie did make it home after running and did homework. Maybe there are reasons they don't want any of this released to the public. But then again maybe we did get misinformation in the beginning and there never was a Snapchat later. Maybe there Mollie never did make it home. Maybe the shirt wasn't Mollie's red shirt after all. JMO.
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this, If you believe that this was an abduction by someone MT knew. Who would it be that would stop over at her house and she wouldn't have texted those closest to her about specific plans? So to me either someone showed up unexpected? By this I mean, it wasn't somebody she recently ran into and made plans with. In my mind from hearing friends and family, MT was solely focused on her own goals and not in a secret social life. So i'm either wondering about maybe a possible work associate or somebody in her inter circle? 20 yr olds now a days can't go 30 min without texting a friend or whoever about their plans thoughts etc. Just so odd that there wouldn't be some kind of contact attempt if it was someone that she previously knew? Or maybe LE knows somebody texted MT that they were going to stop by and the person claims they never did and LE can't prove that they did? Unless it was some crazy obsessed stalker that she didn't know about until they showed up unannounced? Which is so frustrating bc it almost makes one think that it was some total random interaction which are the types that turn into cold cases or are never solved.......:( I guess what i'm trying to say, I don't think its seems that MT was expecting any company that night or LE would have a lead by now. I'm just trying to come up with clues of who she would interact with in her daily routine......

ps please excuse my rambling, just trying to walk in MT shoes

All of what you wrote, IMO, is so important to think about.

Here is a graphic:

The middle inner circle would represent Mollie, and the rings around the middle circle would represent her circle of family and friends. The outer circles to each side represent those known to her inner circle, but not necessary directly a person Mollie would consider in her circle of family and friends.

There are probably other much better visual models of a person’s life space.

So, what I am getting at is someone in her circle of family and friends could be acquainted with the unknown suspect.
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I apologize that I couldn’t make the trip to Brooklyn today. My grandson went to er last nite. He has pneumonia. Planning on Tuesday if all goes well. I worry she won’t be found before winter hits. And l I’m going to do everything in my power to search until then, I promise. I’ll be Checking on 2 areas of interest. Electric Co cameras & distance between noted dots of interest. Anything else please let me know.

It was in the local paper that the cameras at coop were non operational if that helps.
And maybe it's a person or a situation that MT's dad had been aware of prior or somehow intervened in--in other words, a perp who would be reluctant to run into MT's dad due to previous interactions. A male who might be a bit frightened of Dad.
Along these lines, if Mollie’s dad did talk to her frequently, it’s definitely possible she has mentioned guy troubles on more than 1 occasion. I’m a little afraid she might just say “this guy at college is pestering me to go on a date” (knowing her dad doesn’t know him anyways, so no need to use his name). So he may sadly know of a possible issue or two but doesn’t have the exact information to pinpoint who the potential perps could be.
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Anyone want to speculate about whether LE has those red dots (especially dot 4 and 5) under surveillance? Have any of our locals noticed an overt presence by LE or others? Any drones or game cams in the area now that might suggest a covert attempt? Obviously, "covert" implies no one should notice, but ya never know! IMO MOO
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