Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #4

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I’m still a bunch of pages behind, so ignore me if it’s been addressed. Has there been any mention of any search dogs having been used?
Yes. Dogs have been used. Specifically, they were used at one of the farms. Dogs may have been used in other searches but that is the only one that I know of being reported by the media.
Well, there is one 'good thing' about him using that screen name. It will assure him that undercover officers will be chatting to him online, trying to set up a 'date' with a 'youngster.' I hope he takes them up on the offer...

Hey KD123.

I haven't seen your posts since the new site started. I can't even find my friends list. Anyways. Glad to see you up and at it.
Only the newer, most expensive fitbits have GPS independent of a cell phone. Mollie may not have had these fit bits, but an older model.

A few threads ago, someone said that she had a Fitbit Alta, not the Alta HR (which tracks heart rate). Both Alta versions need the Fitbit app on your cell phone to enable GPS when tracking an activity (GPS needs to be manually enabled).
I feel like if it were a crazed meth head or similar they would have to get VERY lucky to not leave any trace.

I’m still a bunch of pages behind, so ignore me if it’s been addressed. Has there been any mention of any search dogs having been used?
I believe there was mention of dogs very early, in the first day or two when they were doing large scale searches. I remember somebody in the first thread commenting along the lines of if/when they'd need to switch to cadaver dogs.
It is a half a mile from where this witness saw Mollie to where Mollie was staying.
The witness said Mollie was walking. Few long-term runners like Mollie need to stop and walk after only half a mile. I wonder if she pulled a muscle and had to walk. This may have signaled someone watching her that she was easy prey. She couldn't run at this time to escape him.

This also could have been her second lap around and she was cooling down while walking, but I'd think she would have planned her run to cool down near her mom's house.
This is speculation of course but it keeps coming to my mind... I wonder if there was a young man who started having more than a crush on her over this summer and was messaging with her as she possibly walked to her mothers house. He came by and picked her up and she rejected him at some point during the night and by that point be became enraged.
I'll jump in and add that this is the first thread I have been back on since the change over! The faces may be a little different but many of the names are the same!
(I see you're still up to your normal shenanigans Dexter) Sometimes a light hearted twist of humor is needed.

Anyways, this case has me trying to keep up! Let's get Mollie home.
Welcome all newbies and I am really impressed with the younger and local minds who have joined in here. Great to have so many perspectives.
Some questions:

What was different in her life now as opposed to 2-3 months earlier? She had lived in town for many of her formative years. She knew lots of people and they knew her. She was a fixture running through town - and nothing had happened. She was in an established long term relationship. She would have (obviously) known her BF's family. She was articulate and intelligent. Is or was there a change in her routine that would have put her in social contact with different people? Like her summer job? Or her summer living arrangements? As far as I know and have been able to read, there is not a history of local crime waves spawned by touring carneys nor the annual detasseling event. Is there someone who would have been introduced to her recently? Any newer SM adds or had she made any new friends? Was she hanging out with anyone new this summer, had someone displayed new or renewed interest socially? Could even be a friend of a friend.

I have a hard time getting my hands around a theory of a local deranged bubba somehow emerging from the corn and being irresistibly drawn to her this summer, when he would likely have seen her over the years.

It is always easy to point a finger at the traveling construction worker. Truth be told, the guys I know are highly skilled and regularly drug tested. While they may trade a lick or two in a bar fight, most of them will not do anything to endanger their jobs, which can pay the skilled trades upwards of $30-$40 an hour plus benefits.
It is a half a mile from where this witness saw Mollie to where Mollie was staying.

Thanks for the info.

A half mile is longer than people may realize. So walking that far up makes me believe she headed towards her mom's home (unless that direction isn't heading to her mom's?).

But the possibility of a cool down walk after her run is still there or stopping during her run to adjust her music, etc. Hell, sometimes I take a few mins to walk before I run so I can get "in the zone."

It would be an interesting question to ask the family/friends, what was a typical run for her before and after? Does she like to stretch, cool down, etc.? Where, how, etc.?
Here's a thought: We know Mollie's BF, his brothers, and her brothers have been cleared, but what about an EX-boyfriend? Maybe someone she dated before Dalton. Maybe she broke it off and he didn't take it well at all. Then he sees her home from college, her BF is out of town, and he asks to meet just to "talk." Then things get out of hand and in a rage he kills her. Just another scenario to throw into the mix!
MSM said they were
I’m still a bunch of pages behind, so ignore me if it’s been addressed. Has there been any mention of any search dogs having been used?
MSM has said LE used search dogs, at both hog farms, specifically. I think it was in articles on MSM last Wednesday.
This is all worthwhile advice and I thank you for sharing.
As LE in UK, another piece of advice I give is that if you are unable to fight sufficiently and find yourself bundled into the boot/trunk of the car then if possible, get your legs and feet in a position so that you can kick out at one of the rear light/brake light units on either the near side or offside of the car. The reason for doing so is that in the event that you are able to kick it sufficiently that the light is dislodged from its housing then you will be able to poke your foot/leg out of the car and hopefully if a car is behind the car that you have been bundled into, they will see your foot/leg sticking out and it will cause them sufficient concern to report it immediately to LE or at the very least, make a note of the vehicle identification plate number for recall later if needed.

This is such good advice.....thank u for posting it. I never would have thought to do this....and pray I never need to.
She was known for being extremely kind and helpful to others, with their problems and such. I wonder if one person took it as her liking them romantically.


What was different in her life now as opposed to 2-3 months earlier? She had lived in town for many of her formative years. She knew lots of people and they knew her. She was a fixture running through town - and nothing had happened. She was in an established long term relationship. She would have (obviously) known her BF's family. She was articulate and intelligent. Is or was there a change in her routine that would have put her in social contact with different people? Like her summer job? Or her summer living arrangements? As far as I know and have been able to read, there is not a history of local crime waves spawned by touring carneys nor the annual detasseling event. Is there someone who would have been introduced to her recently? Any newer SM adds or had she made any new friends? Was she hanging out with anyone new this summer, had someone displayed new or renewed interest socially? Could even be a friend of a friend.

I have a hard time getting my hands around a theory of a local deranged bubba somehow emerging from the corn and being irresistibly drawn to her this summer, when he would likely have seen her over the years.

It is always easy to point a finger at the traveling construction worker. Truth be told, the guys I know are highly skilled and regularly drug tested. While they may trade a lick or two in a bar fight, most of them will not do anything to endanger their jobs, which can pay the skilled trades upwards of $30-$40 an hour plus benefits.

<mod repaired broken quote>
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I have been thinking of this scenario. Especially lately. <modsnipped- against TOS> The interview was posted earlier in this thread.

This is speculation of course but it keeps coming to my mind... I wonder if there was a young man who started having more than a crush on her over this summer and was messaging with her as she possibly walked to her mothers house. He came by and picked her up and she rejected him at some point during the night and by that point be became enraged.
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