Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #4

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Here's a thought: We know Mollie's BF, his brothers, and her brothers have been cleared, but what about an EX-boyfriend? Maybe someone she dated before Dalton. Maybe she broke it off and he didn't take it well at all. Then he sees her home from college, her BF is out of town, and he asks to meet just to "talk." Then things get out of hand and in a rage he kills her. Just another scenario to throw into the mix!
even if you buried and put it in the ground. Why would it be in the open
Vultures have a better sense of smell for carrion than dogs. They can smell carrion even when it's buried. Vultures watch each other and raptors for miles in the sky. When one of them goes to the ground, it's like a dinner bell for all the others. They all fly to the site where the one raptor or vulture went to the ground.
Also, there's that list online of all the missing persons in the past 2 weeks in Iowa. I proceeded to sleuth a couple of the girls, and both of them happened to have been active on Facebook since they supposedly disappeared. So, it makes me wonder just how accurate that list is, FWIW.
Right, but Mollie didn’t live with any transient windmill workers or carnival workers. She did live with, at least part of the time, her mom and the brother’s fiancée. I can understand it takes time to clear the rest of the town, but the ones she lives with?

I’m not saying I think they did anything or know anything, but I do think it is strange that they would publicly clear the males in Mollie’s life (even the brother that doesn’t live with the boyfriend), but not the females. Did they not need clearing because they are women and it’s assumed a male did the crime (if there was one)?
LE was probably responding to clear up rumors that were about one or more of the men in her life, and that's as far as they felt they needed to go. LE did say they "didn't feel anyone in her family was involved", which was umbrella coverage of everyone IMO (females included).
Right, but Mollie didn’t live with any transient windmill workers or carnival workers. She did live with, at least part of the time, her mom and the brother’s fiancée. I can understand it takes time to clear the rest of the town, but the ones she lives with?

I’m not saying I think they did anything or know anything, but I do think it is strange that they would publicly clear the males in Mollie’s life (even the brother that doesn’t live with the boyfriend), but not the females. Did they not need clearing because they are women and it’s assumed a male did the crime (if there was one)?

I'm betting that your last sentence is correct. LE knew that people were suspicious of boyfriend and brothers, so they said that they were cleared.

But, speaking to people that in general don't think like the population of Websleuths, saying explicitly, out of the blue, that they have cleared Mollie's mother would cause more trouble and speculation than it laid to rest, I think.
My interpretation of when he said she was "just walking by nonchalantly" was that he meant she wasn't running or running in fear for her life (not being chased or harassed), that she was just walking along, presumably on the way to her mom's for dinner less than a mile away. This could actually be helpful info for LE so they know at that place and time he indicates, Mollie passed by and had not yet run into trouble so to speak & acted like a 'normal' person walking down the street, and it was sometime/somewhere between that house & her mom's house that she disappeared. He also probably feels bad about everything and maybe being the last one to see her, hence his statement that she seemed fine when he saw her.

This is how I took it as well.

Also, I would like to add I'm a runner myself. It is possible she started walking before she officially started her run. I know a lot of people do this, they try to set up the right song/playlist before they start their run.

It may also be possible she took a short walk around after her run to cool down.

How close was this neighbor's home from Mollie's boyfriend's house again?
I’m glad the FBI is working on this. It makes me feel more confident that they are digging deep into the social circles around Mollie. Friends of her family, friends of her boyfriends family. Did the mom have a boyfriend or date anyone recently, if so what about his friends? That sort of thing. I don’t have a lot of confidence in the state and local LE right now because of all of the mixed up messages, but I do believe in the FBI.
With the lack of information coming from any LE agency I wonder if it's some kind of "investigative psychology". Usually we at least have a public announcement of all agencies involved. Saying they are doing all possible. But we've only had a couple of brief mentions. Especially with the multiple FBI special agents on scene.

Also, along with this "investigative psychology" I wonder if they can tell if this has an organized or disorganized intent. Like Dexter mentioned above, a crazed meth head. Or is it more of planned out scenario.
LE was probably responding to clear up rumors that were about one or more of the men in her life, and that's as far as they felt they needed to go. LE did say they "didn't feel anyone in her family was involved", which was umbrella coverage of everyone IMO (females included).

Ah, thanks for that! I didn’t know they said that. Yes, I think the women would be included in a statement like that. Thanks!
I'm betting that your last sentence is correct. LE knew that people were suspicious of boyfriend and brothers, so they said that they were cleared.

But, speaking to people that in general don't think like the population of Websleuths, saying explicitly, out of the blue, that they have cleared Mollie's mother would cause more trouble and speculation than it laid to rest, I think.

Yes, very good point! I forget that not everyone scrutinizes every detail like we do here!
I think what is being alluded to is who had visitors that night, son (Jr.) stopped by but isn’t living in the town of 1400, adding to the potential suspect pool. Someone who has violent or drug tendencies. Police need to ask about friends and relatives in the area that left around the designated time frame that keeps changing unfortunately.
Thats exactly what I meant.

Thank you.


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This is how I took it as well.

Also, I would like to add I'm a runner myself. It is possible she started walking before she officially started her run. I know a lot of people do this, they try to set up the right song/playlist before they start their run.

It may also be possible she took a short walk around after her run to cool down.

How close was this neighbor's home from Mollie's boyfriend's house again?
It is a half a mile from where this witness saw Mollie to where Mollie was staying.
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