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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Yes. When my son's computer crashed, he came over to use my desk top, to take a test in his online History class.

When he tried to take the test, a red flag appeared onscreen, because he was on a different device, with a different IP. I am sure it was to make sure that someone wasn't taking the test for him. But he had to answer a bunch of personal questions and send a picture of himself, at the computer, to be able to take the test.

So those online courses have a bunch of stored data, it seems.
Yes. Also plagarism programs commonly used by professors check writing style as well as content. So with keystoke biometrics & programs like Turnitin, LE could figure out if someone else was typing her work.
It would give off the location. I was hacked on Facebook, and it told me the location (city) of the hacker. Facebook would be able to get the hackers IP address if they don't use one of those IP re-routing things. You can actually steal other people's IP addresses.
I wasn't implying a hacker, in that fashion. I was thinking of a person accessing her Facebook, school account, etc using her device.
I was with you until you had to add the snide remark about not understanding speculation. Please don’t insult our intelligence. We understand TOS of WS and the admins and mods have been repeatedly having to clean up the threads. It’s absolutely necessary to be sure your posts are clearly indicating speculation as opposed to facts.[/QUOTE

Was not talking about you personally. Sorry if I offended you. This is why I never post on here. After 7 threads of people repeating the same things over and over again I kind of lose patience. Asking the same questions. Not reading up on this case. But to reiterate, I was not talking about you so don't know why you thought I was being snide. I will continue to follow and hope for the best. It's all about Mollie and bringing her home.
I’d love to know why those farms were searched. Seems there are lots of farms around her, what made them target those specific farms? I’d think it would need to be based on evidence or a very solid tip. I hope they tell us tomorrow in the presser.

Since they appear to be searching multiple pig farms, there may be a tip or forensics that ties MT to a pig farm but not a specific pig farm.
I think of two factor authentication as the specific technology where you have to verify a login for a single application via text or phone call or security code. Not multiple layers of login but verification for a single login. Maybe that’s just me, but that’s how I’ve always encountered it from my web development days forward.

Schools don't typically have two-factor authentication. They give you a school username/number and then you create a password. If MT lost her student ID, someone would have her username. My school puts our usernames on our cards. :confused:

Two-factor authentication is typically used for social media accounts, Google, emails, and banks... Probably other sites, I just can't think of any at the moment.
Would you feel differently in the event that key evidence in the case is later found to have originated at the farm? I am convinced there is some significance to these farm searches that we the public just don't understand yet. Also, what if the farm owners or their workers do have some knowledge about MT and chose to not share it with LE, could that change your opinion on sleuthing the farm owners? LE said she wasn't there when they searched the farms. So far as I can tell LE didn't say she was never there.

Not at all. Police are searching for Mollie. If they searched every house on the street where she was last seen, we would not suggest that any of those homeowners were guilty after they were cleared by police. The same applies to farm properties and acreages. If they are cleared, my understanding is that police are saying they are out of bounds regarding sleuthing names and addresses - but I may be wrong. Police may not have released much information, but there's no reason to assume that what they have released is false, is there?
A previous poster had speculated that the fitbit had somehow been placed on a pig, at the pig farm. This was so utterly strange to me that I had to read up on pigs. According to what I read : the heart rate of a "weaned pig" is 90-100 beats a minute. The heartbeat of a "growing pig" is 80-90 beats a minute. I think both of those ranges could fit with a young female (human). It is mind blowing to think someone actually did place the fitbit on a pig, to deceive the LE searching for M. ? This is turning out to be one of the most bizarre cases I've followed here. And that's saying a lot.
Well, to me, it certainly seemed as though a poster was suggesting that the fitbit was placed ON a pig. I could possibly have misinterpreted the post. IMHO, it's a stretch to think that a perpetrator would do such a thing. I wear a Fitbit Flex 2. Most people don't even recognize it as a fitness device. The one that Mollie appeared to be wearing in one of her pics is similar to mine. I doubt if a perpetrator would be focused on that or go to extreme lengths to use it to fool LE. And I think putting it on a pig qualifies as extreme lengths. I've only been around pigs once, and they did not strike me as particularly friendly creatures.
Schools don't typically have two-factor authentication. They give you a school username/number and then you create a password. If MT lost her student ID, someone would have her username. My school puts our usernames on our cards. :confused:

Two-factor authentication is typically used for social media accounts, Google, emails, and banks... Probably other sites, I just can't think of any at the moment.
Lol I know. The original conversation started when somebody asked something about a login and somebody else asked if they meant two factor authorization. I was only trying to clarify that I think they were talking about whether the computer had a login to access any programs, like when you first open or turn on the computer, not 2FA. But here we are ;)
I’d love to know why those farms were searched. Seems there are lots of farms around her, what made them target those specific farms? I’d think it would need to be based on evidence or a very solid tip. I hope they tell us tomorrow in the presser.

Probably smart tech transmission. I think the data must have triangulated to that general area. What are other possibilities for investigators to be searching an area 15 miles South of where she was supposed to be?
I posted about my granddaughter running in our small Iowa town yesterday. Her cross country coach met with the runners today and told them that he was aware of Mollies disappearance and they needed to be especially diligent as they ran. Stay together and stay on the planned route so coaches can quickly verify runners location. It is scary to think about, but did make me feel better knowing others are taking this seriously and watching out for these young people.

My local news KGAN says there will be a report on a jogger fighting off an attack at 10pm newscast. No more details.
I posted about my granddaughter running in our small Iowa town yesterday. Her cross country coach met with the runners today and told them that he was aware of Mollies disappearance and they needed to be especially diligent as they ran. Stay together and stay on the planned route so coaches can quickly verify runners location. It is scary to think about, but did make me feel better knowing others are taking this seriously and watching out for these young people.

My local news KGAN says there will be a report on a jogger fighting off an attack at 10pm newscast. No more details.
I’d love to know why those farms were searched. Seems there are lots of farms around her, what made them target those specific farms? I’d think it would need to be based on evidence or a very solid tip. I hope they tell us tomorrow in the presser.

My mind immediately went to pig poop or something else found in the carpet or on the floor in the house, lol. But, I thought I remembered it being said that the pig farm was searched based on a tip. Does anyone else remember that?
That's the problem. Investigators state that nothing was found, and people think that means that something was found but they are not sharing. Reality is that nothing was found and so they moved to another farm. At the same time they announced that they were looking at several farms in the area 15 miles South of Brooklyn.

Hes said shes not there but wouldnt comment on what if anything else was. I feel theres more he cant tell us yet.
Schools don't typically have two-factor authentication. They give you a school username/number and then you create a password. If MT lost her student ID, someone would have her username. My school puts our usernames on our cards. :confused:

Two-factor authentication is typically used for social media accounts, Google, emails, and banks... Probably other sites, I just can't think of any at the moment.
It may have changed since my college days, but our user name was also our email address. So if you used your school issued email, everyone would also know your user name.
True, but do they identify what type of device was used to access the data?

It wouldn't surprise me.

If you use Gmail, scroll down to the bottom of the screen (on a computer) and click the link in the lower right that says "Details." That will bring up a list of the last 10 or so logins for that account. It shows the IP and some general location info, as well as what browser was used. I'm able to tell if access was from my phone app, Firefox, Chrome, etc., and what time I logged in. Also, if someone tries to log in and it's suspicious, I get an email telling me where the suspicious login came from and what device they were on (kind of... it will say something like that it was an iPhone in Kansas City).

Since Chrome is a Google product I assume Chrome knows all that stuff, gmail or not.
My mind immediately went to pig poop or something else found in the carpet or on the floor in the house, lol. But, I thought I remembered it being said that the pig farm was searched based on a tip. Does anyone else remember that?

I remember reading that the pig farm was searched due to speculation on SM
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