Found Deceased IA - Mollie Tibbetts, 20, Poweshiek County, 19 Jul 2018 #9

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I dunno, I still think not being able to see where she was isn't particularly notable. She has a bunch of selfies on Instagram that are too close up to see where they were taken at all, and with filters and everything even the color of the wall if you can see it could be changed.
So we have heard she wore headphones and used phone all while jogging with seemingly poor vision...if true, she could not possibly been any more aware of her surroundings than the middle schoolers who cross the streets near me, never looking up from their phones. Anyone so inclined could have stopped behind her and put her into a vehicle. It would take less than a minute.

Yet somehow I still don’t think this is what happened. Oh what a long 48 hrs ahead as we wait for info that probably won’t come...unless something happens.
I was thinking the same thing - about his ability to recognize his own house - and maybe even a few other places they frequented. Probably not a lot of options of places to go in a small town. So it's strange that the statement about the Snapchat is that, "She was indoors/inside" (I don't remember which word it was). Was that actually what was said, I wonder? That gives me the impression she was in a building, but not one he recognized.

The report I read , whether it is accurate or not, said the snapchap appeared to be taken indoors
The boyfriend did say he assumed it was a goodnight Snapchat message to him. He doesn't remember all of the snap's content other than it was inside a house, and she was in it?

Something to know about Snapchat, the message you send could last as quick as 1 second. It depends on the user's preferences in their settings.

It's possible the message only lasted a few short seconds, and it being 10 pm after a long day working construction, it's understandable the boyfriend doesn't remember the exact details of the snap.

I know when I used to use Snapchat, I would forget what my friend(s) sent me as little as 5 minutes later. My friends used to feel the same way at times too. So the next day trying to remember one snap isn't as easy as it seems.

Lastly, I mentioned this before but there used to be a feature on Snapchat where you could view a snap AGAIN even if you saw it once already. No idea if this still exists.
I think she may have left voluntarily with a person and then that trip or visit became sinister. Someone asked upthread if there was ever crime scene tape around the house. I haven't heard of that being the case--I would assume between locals and all the reporters on this case that we would have gotten photos if that happened. So maybe no struggle at the house.

I could see it being someone she knew and had no reason not to trust. Goes for a drive with them or goes somewhere with them in general and that person had nefarious motives and it turned bad. If there was no sign of struggle (which they won't say), that would make sense. It could also make sense why she didn't bring anything with her. Maybe it was going to just be a chat with this person. Or a drive into town real quick or over to somebody's house or who knows what.

The more this goes on and the more I think of what they said at the PC and her dad's pleas for people to think hard about people you know who may be acting weird, etc., I am more strongly believing this was not a stranger abduction and instead is someone she knows. And that LE knows who and that her dad may have a good idea who (not necessarily that LE told him, but that by being close with Mollie, he would know this person and details about her life that makes him suspect them).
If they need people to report an oddball family member or neighbor acting strangely...they need to say so, specifically. I cannot stress enough how the average person is NOT aware of what might be important to LE in these cases. We at WS think one way...most of the public another way, if they think about details at all. I don’t even know anyone who has ever followed a particular case, other than casual interest in the “huge” ones i.e Lacy Peterson.
I dunno, I still think not being able to see where she was isn't particularly notable. She has a bunch of selfies on Instagram that are too close up to see where they were taken at all, and with filters and everything even the color of the wall if you can see it could be changed.

I agree that it isn't particularly notable and also don't think DJ took time to study it if this was something she did as a matter of routine. I think if he knew she was going to disappear, he would have saved it and studied it closely.
I think she may have left voluntarily with a person and then that trip or visit became sinister.


I could see it being someone she knew and had no reason not to trust. Goes for a drive with them or goes somewhere with them in general and that person had nefarious motives and it turned bad. If there was no sign of struggle (which they won't say), that would make sense. It could also make sense why she didn't bring anything with her. Maybe it was going to just be a chat with this person. Or a drive into town real quick or over to somebody's house or who knows what.

RSBM. This theory makes a lot of sense to me ever since somebody (can't remember who, sorry) mentioned a few threads back something similar.

I can imagine her getting ready for bed or just having gotten up, no glasses or contacts in, and somebody knocks on the door.

Maybe she puts the dogs away to answer (a number of posters have indicated they do this with their dogs when somebody comes to the door due to barking/ jumping/ etc.) and speaks to somebody who says they just need her to look at something or help with something or whatever really quick. I don't know if it would even have to be someone known to her, just nonthreatening.

I can see her going out with them to do whatever and then that gives them opportunity to grab her and go. Especially because she's described as being so kind and caring and helpful to others.

Or if she wouldn't have put the dogs up before answering the door, maybe real quick before going to "help" the person or whatever, just to not leave them out and about.

This is all speculation but I think it's the closest I've seen to accounting for all the various bits and pieces that don't fit well together.
Agreed. One minute I think they know exactly who took her and the next I think they are bluffing and this is headed in the same direction as Libby & Abby case. I’m getting the same vibes that I got from that one two weeks in. I hope I’m dead wrong.

I cant recall any case where LE appears to be using the family, neighbors, others close to her by proxy to disseminate the type of information we really need to understand what happened.

Never seen it. Usually LE themselves will try to clear things up and state some facts even if they are basic without giving away anything to help a perp.

This case is so bizarre in that LE is basically telling the public nothing but they appear to be sharing stuff with others and allowing others in the public to share it more globally. Its really bizarre
I know statistically it’s not as likely, but has anyone considered that a female could be the cause of this? Most theories I’ve read suggest male, but I wonder if she had any issues with females in her life.
An adult female (18+) is my only consideration at this point and has been since they cleared her boyfriend and his brother.
Wow thanks everyone for the great info.... hard to keep up but "sharing" her flyers and info everywhere. Continuing to "network" thru the local farmers' trucking locales, etc etc. And no I do not think a trucker or anyone like that took Mollie. Unfortunately I tend to believe the answer lies right there in Brooklyn....
Mollie is indeed beautiful, but that doesn't matter to me. She is beautiful for the life she has been living. For the things she has been giving of herself to the community. Every missing person should receive the attention she is getting, but we know that isn't how it works.
Super glad she IS getting all of the attention.
Continued shades of Holly Bobo and so many others. :(
ETA after reading the post above, I do consider a female to be an option in this case. Unlikely sure. But possible. (thanks lost the quote @Jethro4WS )
Chi -off for a while-
I was thinking the same thing - about his ability to recognize his own house - and maybe even a few other places they frequented. Probably not a lot of options of places to go in a small town. So it's strange that the statement about the Snapchat is that, "She was indoors/inside" (I don't remember which word it was). Was that actually what was said, I wonder? That gives me the impression she was in a building, but not one he recognized.
Have you ever used Snapchat? I haven’t, but I have seen my teenagers use it. Often, the pics are just quick selfies, not posed or arranged in any way. If they happen to be holding their phone down in front of them (typical), the pic will likely just show the ceiling if anything in the background. So, it’s not surprising to me that he couldn’t tell if it was in his house or somewhere else. Just may have not been much that was identifiable in the background.
Someone up thread suggested her BF may have noticed what she was wearing in the snapchat.
Also, surely he would recognize his own house

I'm not sure how familiar you are with snapchat, but the picture only shows up for 3-10 seconds. (Depends on the setting of the person sending it.) If she only has it set to show up for 3-5 seconds he may not have been able to tell exactly where she was even if it was his own house. As far as recognizing what she is wearing it would depend on the amount of her that was in the picture. Sometimes people send snapchat selfies of their face only so all you'd be able to see is maybe the very upper part of their shirt.

And again, assuming he only got to look at it for five seconds or so it isn't surprising to me that 18 hours later he wouldn't have a very good recollection of the details in the background, her clothes, or exactly what the caption said.

I'd also add that while snapchat claims that the photos are deleted immediately after they are viewed, many technology experts have found ways to restore them after they have been viewed. Though it is supposedly a pretty extensive process.
I dunno, I still think not being able to see where she was isn't particularly notable. She has a bunch of selfies on Instagram that are too close up to see where they were taken at all, and with filters and everything even the color of the wall if you can see it could be changed.

And with a pic that only lasts a few seconds, one that you don't know may be the last you'll ever get, you're probably not trying to see where she is.

ETA @El Mago & lots of others already said pretty much the same thing right above me, oops :)
The boyfriend did say he assumed it was a goodnight Snapchat message to him. He doesn't remember all of the snap's content other than it was inside a house, and she was in it?

Something to know about Snapchat, the message you send could last as quick as 1 second. It depends on the user's preferences in their settings.

It's possible the message only lasted a few short seconds, and it being 10 pm after a long day working construction, it's understandable the boyfriend doesn't remember the exact details of the snap.

I know when I used to use Snapchat, I would forget what my friend(s) sent me as little as 5 minutes later. My friends used to feel the same way at times too. So the next day trying to remember one snap isn't as easy as it seems.

Lastly, I mentioned this before but there used to be a feature on Snapchat where you could view a snap AGAIN even if you saw it once already. No idea if this still exists.

Yes, the replay option still exists but if it was an old picture taken from the camera roll, I appears in the message as a tile and would disappear (unless saved) when you come out of the message.
I am surprised they stated there would be another presser Friday. I wonder if they plan to release something/anything? Otherwise it will only serve to keep Mollies name out there. Again.
I think they will release something of significance either directly or in response to a question from a reporter. Law enforcement will target some piece of information that law enforcement knows with certainty that they want whoever is responsible to stew on over the weekend. Every press briefing going forward will be law enforcement in one way or another "speaking" to whoever is responsible. Much depends on how much involvement the FBI has in deciding what to release as they tend to guard every last piece of information as if they are protecting the Ark of the Covenant.

Of course, I could always be wrong.
An adult female (18+) is my only consideration at this point and has been since they cleared her boyfriend and his brother.
I don't think we should count out other males, maybe her age. As others have mentioned, it may have been someone she knew, and it turned sinister. Similarities to Christina Morris' case in Plano, TX. She walked to her car with a high school acquaintance, and he kidnapped her; years later, her body has been located in an area near where both their phones had pinged. In Mollie's case, Brooklyn is small, she likely knew every single person in her high school. So basically any male within a few years age of her in either direction could approach her, and she'd probably feel relatively comfortable interacting with that person.
Details on How to Contribute to Mollie Tibbetts Reward Fund to be Released Thursday

Greg Willey with Crime Stoppers of Central Iowa says the organization will announce Thursday how contributions can be made to a reward fund for information about Tibbetts that leads to her discovery or an arrest in the case. Willey says several details still need to be worked out before the announcement can be made. A time for the news conference has not been set yet.

Mollie’s family is expected to take part in the announcement Wednesday.

The current reward in the case is $2,000.
From Twitter it looks like she’s gotten surprise visitors before so maybe this feeds in to The Who was in town pleas for info. LE knows but just needs proof. What cars were close by there that should not have been there?
Article in Dubuque paper about the jogger attacker being identified and asking the public to wait until all the facts are known before jumping to conclusions.

Dubuque police: Man involved in jogger incident ID'd, but public should wait for facts

Dubuque police announced this morning that they identified the man involved in a reported attack on a jogger Sunday, but they urged the public to wait until all the facts are known before jumping to conclusions.


Police issued another social media post this morning, saying they have identified the man "involved in the incident with the jogger on Grandview" and that more information would be released later.

It continued, "People voiced a lot of opinions on this case and were rightfully worried. That being said ... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE wait until you know the facts before you 'fill in the blanks.'"

Here's another article about the Dubuque Police Department's statement (and this one isn't behind a paywall): UPDATE: Man identified in attack on Dubuque jogger
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