ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 50

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Brian Entin made it to Idaho and is at the Pullman airport doing a livestream. I think he just said cameras would be allowed in the courtroom but doesn’t expect BK to be in court until tomorrow. It looks freezing cold there.

Well geez, Brian Entin should have just had LE cuff BK to his wrist, and they could have sat side by side on a much faster commercial flight back, and we wouldn't have been sitting here watching a PC-12 creep across the sky all day. Besides, Brian could get a great interview for us. JMO
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Mr Smarty Pants did not have to register his vehicle in Washington state, but being just shy of a full deck he must have done it out of legitimate concern, if not increasing paranoia IMO
First paragraph details out of state student exemption:

I wonder if the PA registration was going to expire before his departure to PA for the holidays. WA license tabs are expensive, but if you replace them with those from another state during the license period, I believe you can get a refund of the unexpired pro-rata share of at least some of the fees/taxes.
I am signing off for awhile. I think that the discussion has become off target with issues regarding the flight. i fear we will soon be talking about Murphy, HVAC systems, vegan jail diet, etc. will rejoin after following affidavit disclosure. Good night all❤️
So what's everyone's guess how he came into contact with the victims?He sure doesn't seem the type to hang with their type of group.
It's anyone's guess, IMO. I've personally been wondering if he connected with one of them while he lived in PA and moved to WA to be closer to her. Again, as out-of-left-field as this entire case has been, just about anything is possible.
I wouldn't put him on a bus. I was talking about a commercial flight. No need to be snarky. I'm giving my opinion as we are all allowed to do.

Commercial flights are a lot like buses, is what Alethea is trying to say (danger to the traveling public to put a guy with these alleged crimes on a regular commercial flight).

And for those who haven't followed the entire, very long conversation about flying to Idaho, Boise is a six hour drive not counting rest stops from Moscow.

The closest airport is Pullman-Moscow, but the only commercial airline that flies there is Alaska and the only place it flies from is Seattle. So stops, delays, airport connections, dealing with the public - really not a good idea.

More prisoners escape during ground travel than air travel. Just saying. Having LE/pubilc owned, LE-controlled air transport is the best way and they also did it the cheapest way.

If they had flown commercial from, say, Philadelphia to Boise, it would have been a longish flight with 2 hours on either end for processing, luggage, etc. And then, a 6 hour drive plus rest stops from Boise. I can't imagine any good logistics person in LE thinking that's the way to do it.
As they descend into Rapid City, there are 2 other aircraft that are piquing my interest—
There’s a U.S. Army Blackhawk helicopter that’s been holding its position for well over 10 minutes SE of the airport, and a Learjet 45XR that also appears to be descending into Rapid City simultaneously, currently at 3,800 feet. It originated at McKellar-Sipes regional in Jackson, TN.
It is curious. Although, I will say, my friend’s son is training to be a military helicopter pilot (i think blackhawk?) in that same area. So, could be a coincidence, but I was already expecting that the plane had a security escort- probably to keep someone from killing him before he stands trial.
Actually, those of us who do interview bad guys might welcome the chance - I would have, when I was younger. I love flying, that plane looks comfortable and if there were nice LEO all around, I'd love to sit and chat with Bryan. Even now. Building rapport time, etc. My curiosity about people like him is immense.
My first thought was that a disgruntled person killed them, one who'd partied with them before and knew the houses' layout ?
A revenge plan directed at one or more of the victims ?

Now with the arrest my mind goes more towards an incel-like loner who was able to present himself adequately in public but was seething beneath a calm exterior.

Although BK didn't look too calm in either traffic stop !
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Not trying to argue, but this is far from a kit plane or a single engine prop job. It's a very advanced turbine aircraft. The prop produces the air for the turbine. They don't have the speed of jet, but are very capable and trustworthy aircraft.
I'm joking!
I couldn't resist.

I know this plane travels at 200-230 mph. I know it's enclosed and flies at an altitude of 24,000 ft.
It is a somewhat slow speed for 2,000 plus miles in one day, but all is good.

My dad helped design and maintain similar types of small planes. (Small commuter and private planes)
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I wonder if any of the court proceedings will be available on the Idaho Judicial Branch Court Live Streams?
Idaho Judicial Cases of Interest
We have that option where I am, but it's audio only. I got to listen to some of Christopher Clements last trial. Audio wasn't the greatest, but better than nothing.
Thank you and hope you'll be listening for justice for Isa soon!
Not a lawyer, but I believe once unsealed the PCA is public record and they cannot withhold it. Gag order is on discussing the case outside the courtroom.
The release (or not) of the PCA is completely within the power of the judge only. She will decide. There might be a legal time limit for how long it can be withheld. But she would have the power to extend it.

Open to correction as IANAL. But this is how it worked in the Morphew case in CO when that AA/PCA was withheld from the public.
I think because he wanted new plates; he would have been worried about the car being caught by a license plate reader or camera, and was willing to bite the bullet and put that vehicle on their radar by being located near to the crime scene.

I’m convinced that’s how they initially found him.

I agree. WSU requires all students who live on campus to register their cars with parking enforcement and looks pretty serious about it.

The instant Moscow PD saw the Elantra on the three neighborhood cameras, they pulled up all the records for U of ID and WSU. This guy stood out in several ways - and I do believe they have video of him in the car, as well.

So he was on a list almost immediately. The DMV visit was another big red flag.
Yup. He’d have to use a first party. He’d make no money, but he’d enjoy the publicity. I don’t see a confession coming though, and I’m actually worried about suicide.
Yeah he gives me the vibes of the Cleveland guy who kept the girls hostage… commits suicide before any answers or Justice.
The plane is almost there! Yes, I've been watching too (retired flight attendant, although I flew commercial) ... this little plane has taken forever!
I'm betting it doesn't feel that way for the suspect on board, I'm sure he'd like it to take just a little bit longer

Seems he's managed to have a bit of a scenic tour, might well be his last opportunity. IMO
The release (or not) of the PCA is completely within the power of the judge only. She will decide. There might be a legal time limit for how long it can be withheld. But she would have the power to extend it.

Open to correction as IANAL. But this is how it worked in the Morphew case in CO when that AA/PCA was withheld from the public.

I think it may be different in Idaho, but will wait for a lawyer to weigh in. CO has gotten all weird about procedures that are typically normal (releasing the PCA). The defendant has a right to see it - but so do we, the public and especially the People of Idaho who are in charge of forming opinions about the job that LE and the DA are doing. They need that info.
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