ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 53

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I've stayed at about 30 KOAs since last fact, I'm staying at one now. All have bathhouses. Some KOAs require a pass to enter the campgrounds overnight...but most I've been to do not. Some of the bathhouses use locks in order to be accessed and you only get the combo upon check in. This is also true for non KOA campgrounds. This is why I've never allowed my teenage daughter to go to the bathhouse alone after dark.
Would KOA campgrounds be open in the wintertime?
Just a point about the door dash… it is possible that XK went from the sliding doors around the front of the house to collect then

He was walking past her door…
Just re-read it, think I picked up a post here wrong
"The male walked past D.M. as she stood in a "frozenshock phase." The male walked towards the back stding glass door. D.M. locked herself in her"
With food being delivered, it wouldn't be a stretch that the dog was in the immediate vicinity of the person with the food, maybe even barked for some of it?

The dog was "caught" barking at 4:17 on a camera 50 feet from XK's room. The police found the dog in a room on the third floor when they arrived. There is no reason to think the dog was barking for food at 4:17 with XM (the recepient of the food, per the affadvit) when a camera nearby is picking up whimpering, a thud, and the barking. The dog was barking because of what transpired between 4:04 when BK was fumbling with his car and 4:20, when he was leaving.
Because the timeline is so tight, I think DD and BK were in the area at the same time. I'd be curious to know the DD drivers route and if he/she noticed the white car driving around.... couldn't have been many drivers at that time of the morning.
There is one page redacted out of the PCA. I'm sure it holds evidence that they want to keep quiet to get a solid conviction. Is the public's purported "right to know" worth throwing away a conviction? Not in my book.
Any speculation or informed guessing as to what is on that one full page that was redacted?
Because the timeline is so tight, I think DD and BK were in the area at the same time. I'd be curious to know the DD drivers route and if he/she noticed the white car driving around.... couldn't have been many drivers at that time of the morning.
I would say we will find out later that the DD driver saw a white car in the area as they were arriving/leaving
There were 3 murders on my university campus during my freshman year. Did this change my sense of invincibility? Nope, because I was brought up with the strict doctrine that God would look after me. I'm quite serious. I had a divine co-pilot. As I learned more about crime that year (having taken a job as a crime scene photographer - briefly), my views slowly started to shift. Then, I was the victim of a significant theft (it was devastating! how could that happen!)

Still, I didn't change my habit of going out for late night solo walks and runs. A murder in my second year of university, near midnight, near a place that I frequented, did make SOME difference. But I persisted in my naiveté longer. Heck, on my first DAY of freshman year, I got in a car with a stranger - because he was a student! (A grad student!) When he turned away from the direction I asked him to go, I jumped out at a stop sign (thank goodness for the way roads had many stop signs on my campus). That changed my view about stranger rides.

The murder of yet another person in my junior year (off campus, but some place I frequently went) was the clencher in my progress toward safety as that same person had warned me that it was not a safe part of time and given me quite the parent-style lecture (she was a woman of about 50).

But still I kind of laughed at another grad student for going and getting a permit to carry mace, but after some reflection, decided to do so myself, probably due that one time that someone pulled a knife on someone else at a concert - it was the Allman Bros - and I was standing in between them as it went down, not knowing either of them; I will say that I first froze, then fled, abandoning the entire idea of getting something at the snack bar.

I went and found my pepper spray again, because of this case. I will do better with my students on these topics, this semester (and will be using this case in a couple of classes, so I do hope parents realize that their students are going to be "triggered" if they study psychology, criminology, anthropology, sociology, forensics or a number of other subjects, especially right after a crime like this one. Cultures vary by the kinds of crimes they have, that's for sure.

Moscow, ID has had murders (3 multiple homicides before this one, IIRC), suicides, at least one murder-suicide, and a death still under investigation, while WSU had a student take other students hostage (with a gun) in December. I hope these are used as an opportunity to help students actually BE safer, not just feel safer.
Blissfully unaware.

It's wonderful...yet it's not.

I have several scenarios in my life that in retrospect, should have ended badly. I got lucky. Most of us here probably have!
If Kaylee was in her own room to start, I'm thinking not playing, but the dog was barking and Kaylee was trying to calm him. And yes, left the room, closing the door behind her so Murphy wouldn't go all over the house, went to see what the noise was and walked into it.

Or if she was with Maddie to start, just the dog barking or jumping in a closed room due to agitation might be what was heard. JMO.

When D said she thought K was playing with the dog, I thought of my dog and what "play" means to her (it means attempting to kill one of her stuffed animals, growling like a maniac and tugging really hard at her toy, then shaking it to "death"). She tries very hard not to nip us while we're playing, but yeah, if my dog were capable of attacking an intruder (maybe she is, maybe not), she would sound just like she was "playing."

I am a little surprised by the fact that the DoorDash was at 4 am. That means that D would likely be accustomed to seeing/hearing a stranger round about the house in the middle of the night (although do people ever let DoorDash drivers inside?) It's also creepy amazing that BK didn't end up being seen by DoorDash guy (which it appears he wasn't).

Genetic genealogy is used to generate leads. It is not in and of itself evidence.

Using dad's DNA from the trash IS genetic genealogy, at its finest and purest.

In fact, I was awake in the night wondering where, exactly, we even heard about GEDMatch. Hmm. From MSN and CNN in my case (wrong about others things). I will believe they used GEDMatch when it's brought up at the prelim or other court proceeding.

Because getting parental trash and matching it (like a paternity test) to the offspring is the most common form of genetic genealogy. In the textbooks I use, the term "pedigree" is used to denote the actual genetic relationships that bind generation to generation (one's biological genealogy - which is often quite different from one's paper-based trail or even, what a person has been told).

New kinds of genetic genealogy obviously need to use GedMatch. What I don't remember is WHEN LE says they got that trash. In my memory, they followed him across the country, clearly knew where he was going by then, could have had agents at the house to grab trash while dad was out of the house, etc. It could even have happened sooner than that, given that apparently they knew about his car fairly early.

Oh, and where ever we heard (MSM) that the car belonged to the parents or the mother, that was wrong too.
Recalling how Maddie called out and got in some guy’s face at the food truck, it’s plausible that if he did meet her at her workplace and he exhibited the same creepy behavior as noted occurring in that bar in PA, toward her or X, she may have responded to him in a no nonsense way that set him on her trail. IMO
When did he start giving all 100’s on students papers? Just days before or after the massacre?
Do you have a link to support your statement that Maddie got in some guys face at the food truck? Thanks.
Seems very feasible he obsessed with the two roommates X& M while eating at the Mad Greek then followed them home or found them on SM/Instagram and stalked them to local bars then home late at night. His pings will spell out the story. Perhaps it started with stalking, escalated to peeping then B&E as practice then homicide.

Someone recently posted news reporter's twitter feed that the restaurant you mentioned had indicated they had never seen him in their establishment.
Just trying to navigate this house is crazy. I don't see how you would even know where anything or anyone was, let alone be in and out in less than 15 minutes, while killing 4 people!

IF Maddie was his target, she had a big M literally sitting in her bedroom window. No need to guess about where her room was located. Could’ve gone in for her and killed others as they interfered. MOO
Just an observation and opinion. If BK left the knife sheath on the bed, and it appears he did, that means he walked out of the victims' home with it in his hand, probably not even realizing it. He must have been in such a heightened state of euphoria or something. Could explain why he never saw someone standing in the bedroom doorway, who got a glimpse of him. Maybe he never realized the sheath was missing until he got in his vehicle. Unbeknownst to him, it could have come off his belt in a struggling scenario.
I made a post about this earlier, thinking that it might just mean he cleaned off / wrapped up all his stuff in a bundle fairly quickly inside or outside. It's really the only way I could see not noticing a missing sheath almost immediately after you are done with a large knife. It's sharp, and unwieldy, and you can't just throw it in your pocket. But if you were stripping off, and wrapping everything up, then maybe.

Or like, you say he just walks around outside, going to his car, or wherever, holding a knife... Seems strange, but this whole thing is strange.
I wonder if BK left people alive in the house, for "reasonable doubt". He can say someone must have found his knife sheath. Planted it by the victim, to set him up. He can also say he was in the area, for any number of reasons..
Recalling how Maddie called out and got in some guy’s face at the food truck, it’s plausible that if he did meet her at her workplace and he exhibited the same creepy behavior as noted occurring in that bar in PA, toward her or X, she may have responded to him in a no nonsense way that set him on her trail. IMO
When did he start giving all 100’s on students papers? Just days before or after the massacre?
Or she may have observed him somewhere being creepy to another female and stepped in. Whatever happened, happened shortly after BK got to WSU. I don't think BK counted on Ethan being there and I believe I read somewhere that Kaylee had just returned to show off her new vehicle. So I don't believe either one of them were the target.
Just a point about the door dash… it is possible that XK went from the sliding doors around the front of the house to collect then

He was walking past her door…
Per the affadavit

"D.M. said she opened her door for the third time after she heard the crying and saw a figure clad in black clothing and a mask that covered the person's mouth and nose walking TOWARDS her... the male walked past D.M. as she stood in a 'frozen shock phase. The male walked TOWARDS the back sliding door."

Is there something wrong with what I said, because it is completely supported by the affadavit?
Blissfully unaware.

It's wonderful...yet it's not.

I have several scenarios in my life that in retrospect, should have ended badly. I got lucky. Most of us here probably have!

I was lucky that murder #4 at my uni (sophomore year) involved someone my age and part of a religious group on campus and a regular church-goer. I was already rethinking what I knew about safety, but truthfully, her terrible death probably saved some other lives. I know that her death has helped many others, as her husband (a suspect at the time) is now one of our nation's foremost psychiatrists specializing in violent trauma, and in pediatric trauma. I think my own interest in crime as part of a professional study started in undergrad, as a result, as well.
This whole Door Dash delivery is making my head spin. Clearly X was awake during the murders. Explains defensive wounds. E we don’t know. I’m thinking he def killed K and M first. Came back down and found X either in the kitchen or living room area and she retreated to her room. This is just terrible. I’m so glad they caught this .
But he walked right past her.
The male walked past D.M. as she stood in a "frozenshock phase." The male walked towards the back sliding glass door.
So he came down the stairs and made a left into the kitchen to go out the slider. Is it possible she was to the right of the stairs and he was leaving in a hurry?
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