ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 54

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Was 21 August the same night that the police visited for a noise complaint and the door was answered by Kaylee in her gorgeous dress, with her (?drunk) friend? There's a post of all the roommates dressed up on Maddie's instagram around that time, as if they're going out or having a party that night...
No that body cam footage was on August 16th. You can find the video, I think I saw one from Inside Edition.
Alot of planning went into it. He was spotted 12 times near the house. He drove 9 miles in the middle of the night, he wore black and a mask and he carried his knife. He was able to get in and out without being stopped. He studied crime for years and the psychology of crime.

It was a very much planned out crime in my opinion.

Cathy Russon


Police traced the cell records to determine if Kohberger stalked the victims ahead of time. At least TWELVE occasions prior to Nov 13 his phone was in the area of the home. "All of these occasions, except for one, occurred in the late evening and early morning hours.
"Planned" and "carefully planned" are 2 different things.

The fact that he even staked out the house WITH his phone pinging 12x prior to the crime is poor planning.

All those years of psychology, forensics and criminology classes and the best that he could do was wear black, some sort of mask and bring a knife?

Did he actually think that no one was going to have camera footage of his white car at 4am on their street? His white car trying to park unsuccessfully and having to circle around? Did he even know who was in the house that night?
JMO - I think he thought he planned this carefully - in his mind he maybe thought he was actually perpetrating the “perfect” crime, BUT in reality he was sloppy with some pretty key points - video and cell phone tracking. I think the sheath was left on purpose - but maybe he thought he wiped and prints/dna away. Just my own opinion.
So true! My son is a genius and does not plan on attending a university! My brother on the other hand went to Columbia

Well, geniuses dropped out of universities to start businesses and even industries. (Lesser known one, Robert Wan from Tahiti, never attended college, and has an Educational Wing at GIA, California, named after him).
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Normally, a knife that large would be carried on a belt. So either BK did have the knife in a sheath attached to his belt or he carried in his hand when he entered the home. It was very dark outside so he could have held it next to his leg as he walked. Having it in his hand poses problems, though. It means when he went to use it, he'd have to use two hands instead of one to open the clasp to release the knife. That could be how he left it behind. An alternate theory is that he did have it on a belt and for some reason he undid his belt and the sheath slipped off when he did so. So that something else he left behind may have been biological.
If he was just carrying it in his hand, why the sheath? For the reason you state. That seems to imply he did not really think out his task and was not good at handling a knife, but the crime itself (with what we know now about timeline and number of victims) seems to me to be done quickly and proficiently. Those two things don't fit together for me. It may be it was just too dark for him to see it right there and he forgot about it, then walked out carrying the knife. If he had a bag or wrapped it up before leaving, I think he would have noticed the sheath missing.

I think the alternate theory would add even more time to the tight timeline and he would have noticed while walking out, no sheath to place the knife on his belt. Just writing that makes me think he had to have been carrying it with a sheath. JMO
This is something that bothers me. Why would he leave the sheath? It is not like it fell and was out of site under the bed or under the covers. It was right there on top next to the victim. Most people I know with knives either have their sheath on their belt or clipped to a pocket - but they always put the knife in the sheath when they are done. It is a habit, especially with a big knife. Just strange to me that he would carry his knife out without it. JMO

Maybe to look like he was being framed? Idk
Is anyone here into graphic/map illustration? I’m looking for someone who can help me create an animated map that shows the known locations of BK and all others in the affidavit throughout the day/night/morning after to see a timeline in visual form, if that makes sense.

Thanks in advance! And feel free to DM me if you have any questions. :)
This guy likely went cruising in and around UoI that August hunting for victims and their dwellings. I wonder what other locations and people he considered before settling on this one. LE likely has evidence of other patterns.
It’s been mentioned in some of these threads but I don’t think it was more then a rumor or falsely reported MSM bit as so many discussions have been

Another persistent rumor, that BK was posting on SMs dedicated to the case, seems unlikely to me. It would be interesting to know the opinion of his professor, but I suspect that BK had good writing skills. Usually it is hard to conceal. Just wanted to know people's guesses about his writing.
Ok, according to the PCA, the registration on BK's white car expired on November 30th, not on the 20th. I have seen many posts about Washington being one of (however many) states that has registration renewals due on the vehicle owner's birthday. So, does this mean the PCA has incorrect info in it?

Reference page 11 of PCA

Source: Probable cause affidavit in case of University of Idaho murders releasedScreenshot_20230105-225355_Drive.jpg
Where did you read that the earliest reported time was in August? I'm curious because I was only able to see that August was one of the times.

View attachment 393049

Source: Probable cause affidavit in case of University of Idaho murders released
Sorry if I was confusing. They didn't directly say it was the earliest, but August is the earliest time noted in the PCA. All the other references to him driving in the area are after August.
Did the 12 visits not start in June or am I confused?
The reference to June is only because that's when his records with that number start. There is no mention of him driving by in June. The cop who wrote the PCA was just being thorough and checking the entire lifetime of BK's account.
I think that's a good guess. The phrasing seems a little more natural. I'd think she would recognize E's voice, so it seems likely whoever was speaking was the killer. MOO
IMO, maybe not.
Maybe he didn't have a belt? He may have been wearing athletic pants. Imo.
Maybe his belt wasn’t on? Could it have broken in a struggle? This seems like something he thought about probably a lot. It doesn’t seem like he necessarily had a plan but maybe saw an opening. Did he have a change of clothes. I would think he would have blood in his car. Maybe not.
Ok, according to the PCA, the registration on BK's white car expired on November 30th, not on the 20th. I have seen many posts about Washington being one of (however many) states that has registration renewals due on the vehicle owner's birthday. So, does this mean the PCA has incorrect info in it?

Reference page 11 of PCA

Source: Probable cause affidavit in case of University of Idaho murders releasedView attachment 393056

I won't claim to be an expert. However, I have moved cars to 3 states in 4 years. I registered them the date I went to the department or transportations I registered them. They are due at that date the next year.
Maybe the 12 other visits to the house was him trying to make it seem like he was a regular in the area or had a friend nearby so enough ppl would maybe see his car then discount it as one they've seen before in the neighborhood and not be suspicious.
The cell data is based on towers. There are only 3 or 4 cell towers in Moscow. All it means it that his vehicle was in the vicinity of the tower which was closest to their home. He could have been staking out other homes in the general area. There were lots of students living in the area.
If the cell near me was pinged, it could have been up to 5,000 people, which is alot.
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