ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 54

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I doubt it. Sounds like he was out hunting for potential victims and the perfect house. He may have stalked them for a few days before the murders, watching them come in and out and observing them through the windows.

He wasn't seen in the area that night until after the surviving roommates returned around one, was he? I wonder if he arrived too late to see them come home and didn't realize they were there.
I think he may have had urges to kill and went into criminolgy to better understand himself and instead became more excited to kill. I think thats exactly what he was doing, looking for the right victim and if he had gotten away with it probably would have killed again and again till he was caught.
Great interview with Pennsylvania Officers of the Law: same basic question asked to the D.A. too -

" was the (killer) connected to other crimes and unsolved mysteries in the area ? " minute 15:58

Their voices / faces / eyes are a good tell - - - Happens again in the last 6 seconds of the interview
- -

were windows broken :
16:50 " force was used " in serving the arrest warrant

This is a great Press Conference! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Law Enforcement Nation Wide (Sleuths too :)
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After following the case and catching up on this very fast moving thread a few things occurred to me. First of all, this was brilliant police work. Bywithholding the information they did and slightly skewing some that was released they gave themselves the best chance at apprehending this monster and gathering evidence.
As for the crime, it’s horrific. Just horrific. I do lean most towards the theory as follows: MM was the target. Mostly because it would seem she was attacked first by the placement of the sheath, and that KG sustained different wounds per her father’s interview. IMO she probably sustained substantial defensive wounds both in trying to protect MM and herself.

I think that XK and EC were not part of his sick plan. The affidavit describes the officer as seeing XK as he approached the room and then EC. I believe he killed XK and then EC after encountering XK.

I also believe DM is extraordinarily lucky, because I don’t believe he saw her. I hope she can heal.

Returning to the scene of the crime? Classic behavior. As far as the redacted page in the affidavit, it clearly describes before and after the redacted stamp that is is an autopsy report provided by the Spokane CME dated 12/14/22.

At any rate, horrific crime. Brilliant police work. May God be with the survivors and their families, and the victims families. All JMO
I followed here early this morning and after reading about BK's murders, I needed to go, into my garden.
I managed to repot numerous orchids, using 5 bags of orchid potting mix, to try to clear my head.
Back here, still affected, but seeing all the kind thoughts for victim's relatives and friends, is so helpful.
We do help one another.

If outsiders are so affected, imagine the horrid affect this has on victim's families, friends etc.
I hope slowly their lives may improve from what they are now going through.
Their lives are forever affected by this tragedy.
That’s simply not true. I’m WA you must register your car within 30 days. He didn’t. Check previous posts for confirmation.
Don't know what you're talking about. What would happen if he didn't register his car? I only stated that I registered a card in 3 states, the date of registration was the date I registered them....

Buy the way, one state was Cal. They have a law that you register within 30 days. I took 6 months... so what, I registered them. If I was stopped, I had Colorado plates, and a Colorado drivers license.

BK had Penn plates, and probably a Penn drivers license.
Where does it state that all the other times were after August? From what I see, only 2 occasions, out of the 12 found, are listed in the PCA; the August 21st date and the November 13th date.

To find the first time his phone pinged near the King Rd house, you'd have to factor in when he moved to Pullman. Therefore, it'd be more accurate to say those 12 occasions were between [the date he took residency in Pullman] and the date of the murders. JMO
I think you're misunderstanding what I am saying. As I've said before, they never say August is the earliest. But the first specific incident they mentioned is August. So, when I say "the first reported" I'm not saying they said it is the first reported one. But it is the first specific one reported in the PCA. The only references to June are in reference to him opening the account and searching within that timeframe, so I think people saying he was there since June are misunderstanding what was actually written. I don't consider that anything they're reporting as happened.

It's certainly possible he drove by before that time in August, but I think they mentioned the one in August for a very specific reason within the context of a narrative outlining probable cause--it was the first time they could place him in that area. MOO
You don't need a license to buy a gun in PA. You do need a license to carry a concealed weapon but anyone can buy a gun.

He could have bought a gun in Pa and had a concealed carry permit and utilized that permit in Idaho (conceal carry reciprocity with Pa) but have had to abide by Washington state law concerning concealed carry while he was within Washington.
We can bet there will be some sick Bryan fans writing him and having a crush on him. Someone else is stealing the attention from him though. Actually on topic and directly related to the current news about the arrest.​

Preponderance of evidence is fine for civil trials. Criminal convictions require proof beyond a reasonable doubt and I'm just not convinced we're there yet. Bear in mind we haven't seen all of the prosecution's cards. But we haven't seen any of the defense's cards. As far as this witness, she will do far more for the establishment of timeline than identity. And so far there has been no attempt to provide a motive. But motive and direct evidence are not required to get a conviction, just proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Like I said, I'm just not convinced we're there yet. YMMV
I’m not entirely there yet either. I need a motive and/or an established connection between the victims and BK. If it was random why not eliminate all the occupants? And if it was targeted then how did he know which rooms to go to and which ones to bypass? He was in and out so had he been in that house before to already know who was shacked up where?! I need more info.

I can not tell you how many times I've carried on a conversation "in my sleep".
I've answered the phone in my sleep and carried on conversations, and went right back to sleep. A bunch of time's, I don't even remember it, until someone or something reminds me that it happened. I can see this happening in a party house, getting woke up by people speaking, or making noises, and go right back to sleep.
Yes, but the roommate said that she was “frozen in shock” as she saw him coming towards her down the hallway towards the rear entrance and pass her. She immediately closes and locks door.

And then what? Nothing? No call to 911 to report a masked intruder? No call to any of housemates to check and see what’s going on? No call to downstairs roommate?

She was clearly frightened from her description of events. Did she just go to sleep? No call/text to anyone?
I won't claim to be an expert. However, I have moved cars to 3 states in 4 years. I registered them the date I went to the department or transportations I registered them. They are due at that date the next year.
That is what I thought but I got so confused by reading posts saying otherwise, as I have never heard of that, not even when I lived in Spokane or Ceour D'Alene, but that was a long time ago too.

I'm not saying that a requirement of a vehicles registration due date doesn't exist, because it might. But, for this case, I knew I had read somewhere that BK's car's registration expired on the 30th. I just couldn't find it until a little while ago.

It's possible that I was bothered by this because BK having to renew his tags by his birthdate shot down my theory of him registering the car in WA, instead of re-registering it in PA, was part of his premeditated plan to avoid detection or getting caught, if the white car seen at the crime scene was traced back to him.

So, on that note, I think my brain has officially turned into oatmeal so I'm going to bid my farewell. See y'all tomorrow! :cool:
I’m not entirely there yet either. I need a motive and/or an established connection between the victims and BK. If it was random why not eliminate all the occupants? And if it was targeted then how did he know which rooms to go to and which ones to bypass? He was in and out so had he been in that house before to already know who was shacked up where?! I need more info.

Motives are not usually established in arrest warrants and we often dont hear about them till the trial.
Who knows, why is it so importand to people? Is anyone really believing that any of the victims couldve been saved? This is not a regular knife, this is a combat knife, meant to efficiently kill a person, bear, cut open cans, cut wire etc.
No i don’t think if things were done differently someone would have lived. It’s just perplexing. And no I’m not “mad at her”. I feel silly even typing that. I feel nothing but sorrow for this young lady, and I’m praying for her.

I think most are just curious. And I’m ashamed that i am, honestly. It’s sad we don’t live in a world where she could come right out and tell us what she was thinking and we’d all just accept it. I think most people truly just want to know what she was thinking and would be satisfied by that and want to give her a big fat hug and positive vibes and prayers. But there’s that other percentage who want to stone the poor kid :(
Everyone pray for Dylan if you pray. You know she’s going through hell right now.
Is anyone here into graphic/map illustration? I’m looking for someone who can help me create an animated map that shows the known locations of BK and all others in the affidavit throughout the day/night/morning after to see a timeline in visual form, if that makes sense.

Thanks in advance! And feel free to DM me if you have any questions. :)

If you look for Gray Hughes on Youtube, he has a video from today where he works his way through the affidavit and maps out all the locations from it.
I'd forgotten there was a shoe print at the scene!
Yeah interesting that LE added that into the pca without tying it back to him. Makes me wonder if they did so because they wanted the defense team to think they had additional evidence or that they had another possible means of putting him at the crime scene.
As far as the surviving roommate hearing Kaylee say 'there's someone here", couldn't that have been the door dash delivery guy?

I was also wondering about the roommate hearing the male voice saying 'it's going to be okay' or something to that effect. Did she actually understand the male voice to be a stranger or did she think it was Ethan? Maybe if Xena was crying and the male voice she heard was muffled enough to be non-distinct, she thought (at the time) Xena/Ethan were talking, arguing, whatever.
IMO, I give DM a lot of credit with what she came up with as far as being a witness. She had some pretty good recall after waking up and being in a sleepy induced fog. She did a great job.
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