ID - 4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 54

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A question I have not seen discussed yet - why did BK choose a knife vs a gun? And what does the answer tell us about him, potentially?
Was he eligible to purchase one in WA? Can you purchase one in ID with a PA or WA ID? I have no idea about gun laws. He would have had to get one on the black market so his name wasn't connected to it. But to me he wanted to emulate other stalker/murderers who used knives.
The previously posted photo of a K Bar knife and leather sheath like the one described in the affidavit has a nice sturdy loop for attaching it to your belt with virtually zero chance of it coming off….so why didn’t he attach it to his belt if he felt the need to bring it into the house?

Perhaps it’s because it would be difficult to conceal if he might have attracted the attention of any LE whether walking or driving away and getting pulled over. A knife or even an empty sheath attached to his person would’ve been impossible to explain away.
Maybe he didn't have a belt? He may have been wearing athletic pants. Imo.
Silly ask considering the topic, but UofW is not in Pullman. It's WSU that is in Pullman. UofW (more commonly referred to as UW pronounced you-dub) is in Seattle, far from Pullman. They are actually rival schools.
Is anyone here into graphic/map illustration? I’m looking for someone who can help me create an animated map that shows the known locations of BK and all others in the affidavit throughout the day/night/morning after to see a timeline in visual form, if that makes sense.

Thanks in advance! And feel free to DM me if you have any questions. :)
A former university professor of Bryan Kohberger said the accused killer was “one of my best students, ever” — and that the then-master’s candidate was one of only two students she has recommended to a Ph.D. program.

Michelle Bolger, 33, an associate professor at DeSales University in Pennsylvania, told the Daily Mail that Kohberger, who was arrested in the murders of four University of Idaho students, was a “great writer” and “brilliant student.”

“In my 10 years of teaching, I’ve only recommended two students to a Ph.D. program and he was one of them. He was one of my best students, ever.


Now, there are book smarts and street smarts. And even intelligent people can do idiotic things.
I thought to myself, she is really going to regret that statement and wish she hadnt made one at all.
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That's correct -- Note the door opens into the room with the hinges toward the sliding door and the door knob is toward the stairs. Cuomo of NewsNation had a nice 3D rendering of the house tonight --- so the only way she sees BK walking toward her is if the door is almost wide open and she is looking towards the stairs. It seems that BK had to see her. There's no way to open the door a little & peak and see his face etc.

From everything I've seen (the video walk through of the house), the door could have been opened up a small amount, enough to see out of the bedroom and look towards the living room or towards the stairs that lead to the third floor.

I think it's entirely possible that he didn't see her. It was 4 AM or so in the morning, assuming that it was fairly dark inside the house. Also, the affidavit doesn't say that DM saw him walk out the sliding door - it states that "The male walked past D.M. as she stood in a "frozen shock phase." The male walked towards the back sliding glass door."

I don't see why it's not reasonable that she peaked out her door, saw him walking towards her as he was coming from the direction of the living room and walked by her in the direction of the kitchen. MOO is that she peaked out that door and saw something she did not recognize or expect to see, stood frozen trying not to draw any attention or make any noise, and after he passed by her she then closed the door and locked herself inside.
I thought this LE written affidavit was excellent for the most part, but this section gave me a headache. I still don’t totally understand it, and surely it could have been worded more clearly.

What I think he tried to say is that immediately after the murders, BK went down this way (south), which was “consistent” with where he returned to later in the day when he went dark between 5:36 - 8:30pm in the area *somewhere near?* Johnson, ID.

But I didn’t see where he’d traveled that far east (i.e., Johnson, ID),“immediately following the suspected time the homicides occurred.” After the murders, his phone had pinged near Genessee and Uniontown, ID. (pp. 13-14 of affidavit).

Thats not in the same area he traveled to immediately following the murders, and I find it confusing. Johnson, ID looks a good distance away (~75 miles), and that’s just the last place he pinged before going dark for 3 hours.

There, isn’t that as clear as mud? :)
Phew, thanks for clearing all that up! Lol!

I’m reading it AGAIN, and am wondering if they are trying to say the time between 5:36 and 8:30 are “dead” - which is also what happened/“consistent” with what happened on the morning of the 13th when his phone went “dead” shortly after he left his home in Pullman?

After stopping to think entirely too hard again, I’m not sure that he explanation even makes a tiny bit of sense or is remotely close to what they meant.

I read a comment earlier that said something along the lines of “this is a police officer writing this, not an author.”

I guess regardless, they got the warrant signed off so at this point it really doesn’t matter. I should probably stop trying to figure it out before I bang my head on the wall.
Is anyone here into graphic/map illustration? I’m looking for someone who can help me create an animated map that shows the known locations of BK and all others in the affidavit throughout the day/night/morning after to see a timeline in visual form, if that makes sense.

Thanks in advance! And feel free to DM me if you have any questions. :)
There was a really cool 3d map of each room in, maybe 2 threads back.. you could klik on each room and zoom around the house?
My left brain is short circuited so I have zero skills in that direction..but somebody might remember or know how to create it.
…and I believe in her mind she did exactly what most all college kids sharing houses do on a regular basis - she tried to RATIONALIZE it. In her state of shock, there is also disbelief. A sense of “what did I really just see?” sort of thing.

I believe she told herself (after he had exited and she returned to her room) that he was an unwanted drunk guest and the other roommates must have made him leave. She never stated she saw a knife in his hand or blood, etc., or that she believed anything aside from the fact that there may have been a heated exchange (possibly elevated by alcohol) and a really bad argument/confrontation which ended with the unwanted guest leaving in a rage. That’s it. She went to sleep.

That’s what most people her age in the same exact situation would have done as well. There was no screaming or alarming red flags. We see them in hindsight as well. She never saw any as she was caught-up in the moment and there is nothing nefarious or suspect about her behavior. Once in her room she never heard any more noises or sounds. She figured everyone went to sleep. JMOO.
I'm sure not everything DM saw and recounted to LE is in that PCA. LE doesn't included everything, just enough to convince a judge of probably cause.

All I can think of DM's experience is she was, in her mind, prey and a predator was approaching. I real think it came down to her brain saying freeze, don't move, if you move, you die. It's just terrifying to think about. BK could well have seen her but not seen her, possibly because of his state of mind.

It sounds like, according to what we know from DM's accounting that we've been told, that she was woken around 4am to the noise from Kaylee and Maddie's murders. Shortly after noises from Xana's bedroom area. I think BK may have heard the Door Dash exchange activity and the in coming downstairs he saw Xana was up so went to that bedroom, maybe thinking, oh no did she hear me?

DM hears those murders and then the confrontation, her mind tells her, just don't move. It's so visceral.

Why doesn't her mind, after locking her door in probably choking fear and confusion, convince her to call 911? That is a question but I'm not going to judge because at her young age and not knowing her personality or history, it's impossible to know how her mind would cope in that situation.

That young woman is lucky and blessed to be alive. When BK is finally put on trial the public will know DM's full experience I'm sure. She'll mostly likely never let it go...ever </3
Here’s what really has my attention: how was he was already driving by their house in June when he didn’t move out there until August? Is it possible that he found their social media accounts while still living in PA (the girls’ IG’s are public), became obsessed, and chose a university for his Ph.D program that was specifically near them so he could stalk IRL instead of online? That sounds insane, but how else to explain that he was scoping out a random street in Idaho two months before his semester at WSU started?
Was seriously wondering this myself.
I've owned two doodle breeds. They DO shed, just not as much/in the same way as other dogs. They shed in puffs, like little tumbleweeds, so there's every possibility that BK could've gotten some Murphy hair on him.
Puffs! Little tumbleweeds! In such a grim thread, thank you for making me smile <3
…and I believe in her mind she did exactly what most all college kids sharing houses do on a regular basis - she tried to RATIONALIZE it. In her state of shock, there is also disbelief. A sense of “what did I really just see?” sort of thing.

I believe she told herself (after he had exited and she returned to her room) that he was an unwanted drunk guest and the other roommates must have made him leave. She never stated she saw a knife in his hand or blood, etc., or that she believed anything aside from the fact that there may have been a heated exchange (possibly elevated by alcohol) and a really bad argument/confrontation which ended with the unwanted guest leaving in a rage. That’s it. She went to sleep.

That’s what most people her age in the same exact situation would have done as well. There was no screaming or alarming red flags. We see them in hindsight as well. She never saw any as she was caught-up in the moment and there is nothing nefarious or suspect about her behavior. Once in her room she never heard any more noises or sounds. She figured everyone went to sleep. JMOO.
Hindsight bias! I learned all about it earlier after I saw a TikTok that mentioned that as the reason for DM’s actions! Really interesting!
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